At the end of the Astral Physics, Church Of Revelation and Master Tat Websites all rolled into one is the explanation for the Mystic Cross of Saint John which is above with the Astral Physics Logo and the Holy Spirit flying to your heart. Love Tat

This is long version of the Menu for Astral Physics Individual Files on this website. This is only a

Astral Physics Website small part of what is on thie website:

These Files can be accessed by clicking on the white links on this Page. Astral Physics is a Teaching to end all Teachings.

Master Tat Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D had a God Conscious Revelation in April of 1974. He was told to put together what he was shown in the Vision Over the Next several years Tat put together most of what you see in the following Links. Tat founded the Astral Physics School 1975 and Tat and (Rebecca) Rev. Linda L, Harrison founded the Church of Revelation in 1976.

Founders of the Church of Revelation in July 1976.


Founder Rev Harrison Roy Hesketh aka Tat CO founder Rev. Linda L. Harrison

Master Tat's Home Page

City of Light Menu


Ritual for Abundance

You can get a Rainbow Reading from Tat ---Tat's one half hour or one hour Readings

-Check it out information on this Link

Inner Aura Reading from Tat


NEW RELEASES of a lot of new mp3 audio productions

New Releases

APS Menus #1 & # 2 are 2 shorter Menus to use

APS Menu.#1

APS Menu # 2

Astral Physics Teachings part 1

Astral Physics Teachings part 2

Astral Physics Teachings part 3

Astral Physics Teachings part 4

Astral Physics Teachings part 5

Astral Physics Teachings part 6

Astral Physics Teachings part 7

Astral Physics Teachings part 8

Astral Physics Teachings part 9 pt1

Astral Physics Teachings part 9 pt2

The Path has bumps in it read to find out.

Dark Night of the Soul and Spirit

This tell what subject are on the website

Content of Website

Joining COR and Dedication of Children

Meaning of Numbers part 1

Meaning of Numbers part 2

Meaning of Numbers part 3

The training lessons for 'Doorway into Light

9 Month Doorway into Light Course

Astral Physics Music by Tat

This is what Tat did to get on the PATH

How did Tat get close to God ?

Read the 29 Laws and then live them

29 Spiritual Laws for Success


Attunements are Medicine

Attunements to the Golden Stairs

These daily buttons take you to the Astral Physics Handbook

Sunday || Monday || Tuesday || Wednesday || Thursday ||Friday || Saturday

These following attunement Raising keep you on this page

Attunements for Sunday

Attunements for Monday

Attunements for Tuesday

Attunements for Wednesday

Attunements for Thursday

Attunements for Friday

Attunements for Saturday

Attunements to the Gold Light

Astral Physics Courses
Astral Physics Written Chants to Read

These two audio mp3s are the Power

to lead you from darkness into Light.

Rainbow Bridge Meditation 44 minutes

This is the Opening Chant we used before every AP Class

36 Chants Index on Audio so you can chant along.

These Meditations by Tat

are from earlier on the Spiritual Path

Sun Crystal Meditation

Crystal Flame Meditation

Whirling Crystal Heart Meditation

Refraction of the Crystal Meditation

Mysterious Voice Singing with Tat Meditation

Rainbow Bridge for Mental Power Meditation

Meditation Om

Radiating Light from Center of Head to Body Meditation

Meditation on God is with You Process

Mysterious Meditation Process

Process forb lending color and the path to enlightenment

Rainbow Bridge Meditation Red to White Light

Refraction of the Crystal Meditation

Symposium of Humanity Meditation

Burning Negatives for Spiritual Powers

Echoes of the Mind

God Expressing as You

Golden Mastery to Crystal Infinity

Healing Meditation with Dynamic Tension

Healing the Physical and Going to Light Process

Heart Beat Trance Ah Violet Process

Summer Retreat Meditation

Sun Crystal Meditation

Touching Light Process

Victory of the Soul Process

Yohey and other Meditation Process

If you or Someone Wants A Copy of Our Books Please Buy It From Us.

Daily Practice and Masters Path


How to use the Third Eye


Touch of Light Healing


A Holy Book of the Church of Revelation on Wisdom, Truth, Love
and Clarity with prophecy for the New Millennium


Sex on the Path

Center of Response

The Control and Self Mastery

of Consciousness

Silver and Gold 1

The Powers of the Passive and

Aggressive Paths

Silver and Gold 2

Frequencies and Vibrations,

Energy and Light

Silver and Gold 3

Path of Enlightenment

About the Author of these books

This is Master Tat's Daughter 'Andrea Angelica's' Book called 'Wilber the Worm' for Children. Andrea was twelve years old when she wrote 'Wilber the Worm'

Show it to your children.

Her website that she designed when she was 11 to 12 years old. You will love it.

Intergalactic Planet

Blessing to all. I am honored to bring you my daughter Andrea's website. Andrea is a prodigy of the first rank and highest order. We knew she was very special from the day Andrea was born. As we video taped Andrea's birth we saw her hands were glowing blue and Andrea's eyes were clear and conscious from the very moment of Andrea's birth. We knew from the first moment Andrea use an extraordinary Creative Being sent to us by God.

Andrea begin swimming when she was 3 months and at three months Andrea took her first step. Andrea started to talk at 9 months, at 1yr Andrea could say her ABC's and count to a hundred and point out colors and shapes. Andrea started to write at 2 1/2 years, Andrea's first word was LOVE and Andrea started using a computer then. At 5 years Andrea began channeling music by playing maria from west side story with both hands without ever having a lessen or playing the piano before, and started at the same time writing music. At six years Andrea had clairvoyance, precognition and could see on many levels of consciousness. Andrea has mystical powers, extraordinary hearing, sensitively and understanding far beyond her years. Andrea is also an adept website designer starting with this site and has just completed Astral Physics School's website. Please contact her if you are interested in her working on a website design.

We are honored and grateful to God for all her gifts and talent. Andrea Angelica Hesketh is the most talented and tender hearted and gifted child I have ever met. Andrea is a artist, musician, story writer, poet, song writer and composer, playwright, singer, actor, webmaster and an all around brilliant person. We present this child prodigy's website. I am honored to present Andrea to the world and know she will have a great life here on earth. Blessing of Light and enjoy Andrea's website.

Her Dad and mother thanks you. comments mastertat@hotmail



By ' Bliss' Andrea Angelica Hesketh


Wilber the Worm

WORDS BY ROSE 'age 12yrs' - STORY IDEA BY TAT 'ageless'

Released May 2000


Chapter One: The Five Senses

Chapter Two: Digestion

Chapter Three: Circle Of Life

Chapter Four: The Other Worm

Chapter Five: Everything Has A Family and a Group

Chapter Six: The Beginning Of The Long Journey

Chapter Seven: The Lady Bug

Chapter Eight: The Wise Owl; The Long Journey

Chapters 1-8.html - Chapters 9-17.html - Chapters 17to24.html - Chapters 25to32.html



The inner aura is what the person has gone through in this life and is a doorway to their higher, transcendent and spiritual consciousness. The inner aura is very study and does not change very quickly unless the person is working on themselves in some manner.

The right side of the inner aura deals with the outer world and the left side of the inner aura deal with what is within the person,

The upper part of the aura deals with higher, transcendent and spiritual consciousness; the middle of the aura deals with the soul and the bottom of the aura deals with the personality.

When the aura is in bands that go from top to bottom and bottom to top and that is a person that is organized.

A person on a 'path', with expanding circles around the body is someone that is working on themselves in an organized way through disciplines and practices.

A messed up person's aura is covered with blotches of colors and is disorganized. They just don't have it together in their life.

Form the center of the hue of color to darker shades of color is personal. The center of the hue of color to a lighter shade is going from the soul to the spiritual side of life.

The thickness of the bands or circles tells how much the person has in that area of consciousness. The aura goes up the chakra as the colors come through the nervous system and the Chakras are wheels or Disk of light that have many different movements in them. The 15 Chakras *seven in the body one part in and part out of the body and seven center of light above the body.

Note* the body has more than seven chakras in it, there is 12 major chakras and 21 subtle chakras and 24 psychic chakras and a 334 tiny chakras all over the body that only a few teachers know all these chakras because you can heal or kill through a lot of these chakras. Master Tat has studied them all.

THE OUTER AURA IS CHANGING TO WHAT THE PERSON IS DOING. What comes out to the outer aura depends of the action, emotion and mental movement from the person and the outer aura can change very quickly of slowly depending on the person's reaction and reflection from what is around them.

Gray colors in different parts of the inner or outer aura can show sickness of trouble on or in that part of the aura.

Well I could go on all day and tell you much more but come and get and inner aura reading from Spiritual Mystic Master Tat.

You may have had your outer Aura read But Master Tat can Read your Inner Aura and he can do it over the Phone, by email or anywhere you are. Master Tat first reads the colors and tells you what they mean and then you can ask him question on any subject; Personal, about your health, about money, your mate are they faithful or are you going to get another mate, your business, the past, present or future, if you want a cruse or block removed, or what ever you want to ask. Master Tat has Read over twenty one thousand Auras; in person and over radio and Television.

Get an Inner Aura Reading from Tat

Tat's Mission Statement

The Church of Revelation index Next

Church of Revelation

Organization Bio info

We have many things for sale @ fund raising



Cancantico a la llama violeta

Espanol Victoria Cosmica

Más Traducciones al Español


Tat Chants the Baha'i Prayers Book

Tat chanted these Bahai Prayers every day for three years.


These are the Daily Attunements

Bridge to Freedom 7 Daily Practices

The AP Logo came to Tat in a vision

of 18 part that ended as the Astral Physics Logo

The 18 symbols of the Astral Physics Logo

'Fund Raising' How we sale art and things to raise funds check it out.

Tat how did you get close to God ?

These are A.P. Lessons from the 70's and 80's

Healing Rules pt 1

Healing Rules pt 2

Healing Rules pt 3

Conscious, Sub-Conscious to Super-Conscious

Transcending the Vale of Time

By Rev. Cy Hedeman of the Church of Revelation

I Am Light.

'Path to Light'

Loves class pt. 1

Love class pt2

Mind is Light

You Can Do Anything

Unconditioned Love Meditation

Church Service 'Looking at your Consciousness"

Rev. Cy Hedeman Minister of the Church of Revelation and Teacher for Astral Physics School is one of the Great Teacher and Minister that Master Tat has taught. Along with Rev. (Rebecca) Linda L. Harrison has attended hundreds of Astral Physics Classes over the years. They the both took Astral Physics 9 month Course 'Doorway into Light' Numerous times. They along with several other Teachers/Ministers coming 3 to 6 times a week to the 9 month course as will as the other Astral Physics classes and training. Rev. Cy Hedeman was the vice president for a while and was a close friend of Master Tat. Rev Linda L. Harrison was the Cofounder of the Church of Revelation and Secretary for over 15 years. You will be enlightened by these wonderful teacher in the class we have on this website.


Rev. (Rebecca) Linda L. Harrison

Ckasses by Rev. (Rebecca) Linda L. Harrison

Information on the Church of Revelation and Astral Physics

The Cross for the Church of Revelation at the top of the Menu is described as follows:

The Mystic Cross of Saint John is to be focused over the spine of the Physical/Etheric Body. The two diagonal lines on the Staff of Oneness mean & quot; Not my Will and Not my Desire' but your Will and your Desire God. These two line cancel the Navel and Spleen Chakras. The Lower Mind and Lower Emotions

The long horizontal line on the Staff of Oneness is at the Throat Chakra of the Higher Mind and it means the expanding the Powers and Gifts of the Higher Creative Abstract Mind of Truth, Ideals and Tranquility. Here we have Medium-ship Ascended Masters of light, the Angelic Host, the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost.

The short horizontal line on the Staff of Oneness is at the Brow Chakra of the Super-conscious Mind and Individual Spirit Body {Atman}and it means expanding the Spiritual and Mystic Powers of the Third Eye, and Insight, Imagination, Perception and Conscious Awareness of God Consciousness and Spirituality.

These are the four lines across the vertical staff of Oneness and the spiritual energy and light in nervous system in the spinal column of the Body that leads from transcendence to the earth and from the earth to the return to transcendence and God after this Life.

The two open ends of the staff of Oneness and the opening in the middle of the staff of Oneness mean, At the bottom of the Staff of Oneness, means to be open in the world of appearances. In the middle of the Staff of Oneness, with an open Heart. At the top of the staff, open to God. This is the Mystic Cross of Saint John of the Cross. It is the Cross for the Church of Revelation and our Mystic Order of Mystic Cross of Saint John..

The Holy Spirit is from God and the Holy Ghost is from Christ of any of The Masters that reached the Ascendent or Transcendence to or into the Light Realms. It was the Holy Ghost of Saint John of the Cross that gave us the Mystic Cross and its meaning in 1976 when we founded Church of Revelation.

The Astral Physics Logo has 18 symbols in it. In the Astral Physics 9 month 'Doorway into Light Course' we take a symbol a week and visualize it to train our power in the Third Eye (Brow Chakra). There are 36 lessons plus Graduation in the Astral Physics 9 month 'Doorway into Light Course' .

After taking the Astral Physics 9 month 'Doorway into Light Course' one can become a Minister for the Church of Revelation at the Rose Ray Ministry. This level of the Ministry is call the Love Ray Ministry where the Minister is to pray for Love in Humanity everyday. Orange Ray or what is known as the Social Minister and above can do all the services of a minister; like marriages, baptisms, funerals, special blessings on homes, businesses and people etc. plus other special services.

Blessings of Light.

Rainbow Bridge Meditations

Yohey Vohey and other Meditations

God is Manifesting Meditation

Brow Lights Whriling about Body to Chakra Points Meditation

Radiating Light from Center of Head to the Body Meditation

Mandala to Meditate By Tat

Inner Dimensional Bells Meditation

Heart 52 beats Trance 40 beats ah Violet

Whirling Crystal Heart Meditation

Sun Crystal Meditation

Summer Retreat Meditation

Sons and Daughters Meditation

Simposium of Humanity Meditation

Refraction of the Crystal Meditation

Rainbow Bridge Meditation Red to White Light


Victory of the Soul Process

Touching Light Process

Rainbow Bridge for Mental Power Process

Process of Victory

Process for Light Trance States

Process for Blending Color and the Path to Enlightenment

Crystsl Flame Meditation Process

Clearing and Clensing the Body Process

Mysterious Meditation Process

Meditation on God is with you Process

Healing the Physical and going to Light process

Healing Meditation with Dynamic Tension process

Golden Mastery to Crystal Infinity Process

God Expressing as You Process

Echos of the Mind Meditation

Sun Crystal Meditation

Crystsl Flame Meditation

Whirling Crystal Heart Meditation

Rainbow Bridge for Mental PowerRefractions of the Crystal Meditation

It sounds like a Mysterious Voice Singing with Tat Meditation


Astral Physics Teachings

Color Level Meanings

12 Levels of Consciousness pt1

24 Healing Rules

Crystal Healing and Jewels

Group Chanting Crystal Lgiht talk on Mind

Conscious and Subcnscious to Super-Conscious 21 minutes

Healing Rules pt1 37 minutes Healing Rules pt2 41 minutes Healing Rules pt3 42 minutes

For Teachers, Healers and Ministers Teachings

Class 1 56 minutes Class 2 29 minutes Class 3 56 minutes Class 4 33 minutes

Class 5 27 minutes Class 6 27 minutes Class 7 26 minutes Class 8 28 minutes

Class 9 28 minutes Class 10 28 minutes Class 11 28 minutes


First is given a discription of what is taught in the class and then the MINISTER, TEACHER AND HEALER Class title.

Given are the Different Rainbow Rays of Light and the eletromagnetic spectrum. Tat tell how the Light of the outer changes on the inner realms.

MASTER CLASS Different Ray Levels of Rainbow Healing

In this class Master Tat teaches how to invoke Asistance for different levels of Consciousnees, Masters and Light

MASTER CLASS Proceiving the Asistance from above

This class starts with chanting to Create the vortex and then Master Tat gives the information of creating Vortexes of Consciousness and Light

MASTER CLASS Channeling Light and Creating Vortexes

Taught the important of control the vortexes you create. Shared are the experiences of the students that created Vortexes. Attuning the Darshan in the Vortex.

MASTER CLASS Channeling Light and Vortex Control

A class on color, Light, Sound and Breath.Starts with some Bahai Prayers. you are taught of the Out Breath that contains the Color, Light, Sound and Motion

MASTER CLASS Color, Light, Sound and Breath

How color affect location and Tempeture effect the aura and how color and tempeture effects body or a location, like a home or city. Reaching the level of Love

MASTER CLASS Different Energy with different tempetures.

When you feel color it is an attunement. Overcoming power, sex and money and how you are control or are controleed by them. Helping other,

MASTER CLASS Feeling Color for 5hrs.

MASTER CLASS Getting Suport

MASTER CLASS high conscious Atomic and electronic structures

MASTER CLASS Merging with objectivity

MASTER CLASS one light you are light

MASTER CLASS overcoming pain don't do it again

MASTER CLASS Te bridge of consciousness Forgiving

MASTER CLASS the different kinds of magic

MASTER CLASS The mind back and forth

MASTER CLASS the mind never sleeps

MASTER CLASS time consciousness

MASTER CLASS Time cycle singing and talking at the same time

MASTER CLASS Time Timeless

MASTER CLASS walking in peace

MASTER CLASS you can do it

Reaching for your Spiritual Guide

Points covered in this Class 1. Rainbow Spectrum of 10 colors in the Rainbow. 2. The Electromagnetic Spectrum. 3. The Nadam the inner sound 4. Each color has a sound and Tat plays them on the Harmonium 5. Chakra colors up the spine. 6. God is everything. 7. There are senses on all dimensions. 8. the 5 senses and the elements. 9. Memories guide. 10. Habits Guide. 11. the Sub Conscious Mind. 12. The Intellectual Mind. 13. Experience and knowledge is a guide. 14. The first level of Spiritual Guidance is the Higher Mind. 15. Seeing and vision with the 3rd eye are Spiritual Guides. 16. Where you get Spiritual Guidance. 17. Universal Powers from the collective consciousness of humanity. 18. Spiritual Guidance comes from the Infinite Spirit. 19. God is the guidance in all things. 20 The ones that have done it are your guides.

This Class starts with chants chanting. Then the 20 points are given. Reaching your Spiritual Guide is Samadhi. Samadhi is achieved when the Anahat Nadem the unstuck sound, can be heard. Hatha Yoga is to hear this soundless sound, which is the OM, the dissolution of all sound and the music of the spheres.

To do this the student must first perfect the ability to listen. The fruit of Meditation practice is the ability to listen, to be receptive enough to perceive the subtlest sounds emanating from within each of us. Each person has their sound or inner Nadem. Sound is the essence of all energy. The first vibration, the Nadem, was unstuck, meaning that it occurred at the time when there were no things to strike against each other to make a sound.

In Samadhi you reach your Spiritual Guide. The Rainbow Bridge Meditation takes you to Samadhi. The Anahata Nadem is Om or Aum sounded ouer with the voice and inwards with the Mind while concerntrating on the Heart Chakra.

Master Tat uses subtle sounds and chants in the back round as he teaches you.

Classes By Rev. Cy Hedeman of Astral Physics School

Church Service Looking at your Consciousness

Symbles of the Christian cross

Loves Part 1

Love Part 2

The Mind is Light

The Path to Light

You can do anything

The Rainbow Bridge Meditation

Unconditioed Love Meditation

Unconditioed Love

I Am Light


Radio Show

The Crytal Fire Light Hour radio program. Tat share how to get on the spiritual path and discloses many of the Astral Physics teachings in these radio program in 1975 1nd 1976.He talk about God every program.He told how the teachings and meditation changed the physical body, mind and spirit. In this program Tat shared his being abd experiences of the Spiritual path.He talked about the religions on this program also. Tat ask people to call in and share about God with his listeners.Tat tells about the full moon ceremony and how people got healed. He ends the program with a rbb med.for 12 minutes.

This is a Radio Show on KNDI radio in Honolulu in 1976. We did the Rainbow Bridge over the air and talked about God.

Radio Show the Crystal Fire Light Hour

1. KNDI Radio Crystal Fire Light Hour continued below

The First Rainbow Bridge Mediation on the Radio in the world 1975

2. KNDI Radio the Crystal Fire Light Hour



Radio series, Tat had first the Crystal Fire Light Hour Radio progam. Tat then was the first to put on the Radio The Rainbow bridge Mediattion sat noon Monday thru Friday at noon for fifteen minutes on KNDI in Honolulu Hawaii. The second radio show was put in at on the same KNDI radio called Focus in Light, it was also an hour long and it was a callin show. It run at a different time doing the week that the Crystal fire Light hour was on.Tat had all three going on that covered the Islands of Hawaii.

This sevice relate how you except your self as a Child of the Living God

Church Service a talk on the Sons and Daughters of God pt1

The end of this Church Service


Tat sing the Methysical Meditations


You experience Cosmic Consciousness --28 MIN

You Fly into the Crystsl Flame in Spirit --30 MIN

You gain the Diamond in the Lotus of the Heart -- 13 MIN

Attunement to your Gifts and Powers -- 24 MIN

Feeling and Healing Viola Sounds By one of our Ministers -- 9 MIN



Spiritual Dynamics Course

Spiritual Dynamic Meditation


Tat and ministers and students do intrical chanting on a Friday nite for 3 hours. These two mp3's do some of those 3 hours. You can chant along and get the energy and power by doing it with us.

Ascension Flame with the Astral Physics Voices1

Ascension Flame with the Astral Physics Voices 2

Tat and others do intrical chanting acompanied by a concert violist, a jazz keyboard player and minister that got together on a Friday night. They had never been together before and they channeled the following that night. Some of the following was cut from the evening of chanting from the intrical chanting Poi Amakua. These two words come from the Hawaiian language. Poi is a Hawaiian word for the primary Polynesian stle food made from the underground plant stem or corm of the plant (known in Hawaiian as kalo). It is a traditional part of Native Hawaiian cuisine.

Poi is produced by mashing the cooked corm (baked or steamed) until it is a highly viscous fluid. Water is added during mashing and again just before eating to achieve the desired consistency, which can range from liquid to dough-like (poi can be known as "one-finger", "two-finger" or "three-finger" poi, alluding to how many fingers are required to scoop it up in order to eat it, which depends on the consistency.

Amakua is often spelled aumakua) is a family god, often a deified ancestor is the spirit of the person that dwells between the eyes behing the forhead.

Poi Amakua


Call to the Rainbow Rays

Call to the Sud Guru the Teacher Within

Diamond in the Lotus13 minutes

Tat Chants Pure White Light that Blazes in

Tat Chant the Mystical Chant Shiva

Intrical Chanting Calling the Masters

This chant of Tat was done over a five years doing each chanting each year at about the same time.

Tat Chant with himself all these years1975,76,77,78,79.mp3




The Rainbow Spectrum 1

Gifts and Powers 2


Acupuncture - (from Latin, 'acus' (needle) + 'punctura' (to puncture) is the stimulation of specific acupuncture points along the skin of the body involving various methods such as penetration by thin needles or the plication of heat, pressure, or laser light.[,
Acupressure - Used for thousands of years in China, acupressure plies the same principles as acupuncture to promote relaxation and wellness and to treat disease,
Aromathery - is a form of alternative medicine that uses plant materials and aromatic plant oils, including essential oils, and other aromatic compounds,

Astrology - consists of several systems of divination based on the premise that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. Many cultures have attached importance to astronomical events, and the Indians, Chinese, andMayans developed elaborate systems for predicting terrestrial events from celestial observations. In the West, astrology most often consists of a system of horoscopes purporting to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future events in their life based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial objects at the time of their birth.,

Ayurvedic Medicine - medicine is a system of Hindu traditional medicine,
Alchemy - is an influential philosophical tradition whose practitioners have, from antiquity, claimed it to be the precursor to profound powers , Chakra Balancing, Channeling, Dowsing, Ear Candling, Energy Work,

Feng Shui - was widely used to orient buildings—often spiritually significant structures such as tombs, but also dwellings and other structures,

Hand Writing Analysis - Grhology is the study of handwriting. As a theory or practice for inferring a person's character, disposition, and attitudes from their handwriting, grhology is generally considered pseudoscience. The term is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to >forensic document examination.,

Hypnosis is a psychological state with physiological attributes superficially resembling sleep and marked by an individual's level of awareness other than the ordinary conscious state. Another description of the phenomenon is that of an altered mental state, while another links it to imaginative role-enactment. A person under hypnosis is said to have heightened focus and concentration with the ability to concentrate intensely on a specific thought or memory, while blocking out sources of distraction

Hypnothery - is a form of psychothery used to create subconscious change in a patient in the form of new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors

Intuitive Reader - uses a digital comics adtation of James Joyce’s Ulysses as a gateway to comprehension, exploration, and explication of the great novel. Using a patent-pending digital screen structure, the comic provides an organizing principle for other kinds of content (including and especially various learning resources) by layering that content behind each page of the comic

Iridology - (also known as iridodiagnosis or iridiagnosis) is an alternative medicine technique whose proponents claim that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient's systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts, which divide the iris into zones that correspond to specific parts of the human body. Iridologists see the eyes as "windows" into the body's state of health

Lomilomi - is the word used today to mean "massage therist" or "Hawaiian massage." In the Hawaiian language, the word used traditionally, called lomi, means "to knead, to rub, or soothe; to work in and out, as the paws of a contented cat

Mediumship,  - is the practice of certain people known as mediums—to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and other human being, Numerology, Nutrition, Palm Reading, Past Life Regression

Psychometry - also known as token-object reading, or psychoscopy, is a form of extra-sensory perception characterized by the claimed ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object. Supporters assert that an object may have an energy field that transfers knowledge regarding that object's history.

Psychic - A psychic is a person who professes an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception (ESP), or is said by others to have such abilities. It is also used to describe theatrical performers who use techniques such as prestidigitation, cold reading, and hot reading to produce the pearance of such abilities. It can also denote an ability of the mind to influence the world physically and to the telekinetic powers,

Reflexology - or zone thery, is an alternative medicine involving the physical act of plying pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion

Reiki - is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Janese Buddhist >Mikao Usui, which has since been adted by various teachers of varying traditions. It uses a technique commonly called palm healing or hands-on-healing as a form of alternative medicine and is sometimes classified as oriental medicine by some professional medical bodies

Rolfing - is an alternative medical treatment marketed by the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration (RISI).The Institute states that Rolfing is a "holistic system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education that organize(s) the whole body in Rolfing is essentially identical to Structural Integration, whereby a forceful technique is used in an attempt to reposition tissues under the skin.

Shiatsu Thery - in Janese means "finger pressure"; it is a type of alternative medicine consisting of finger and palm pressure, stretches, and other massage techniques. Shiatsu practitioners believe in a purported type of vital energy called that flows through the body, and that their manual manipulations can help to unblock it and so help the body heal itself

Sound Thery - Music thery is the use of interventions to accomplish individual goals within a thereutic relationship by a professional who has completed an proved music thery program. Music thery is an allied health profession and one of the expressive theries, consisting of a process in which a music therist uses music and all of its facets—physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual—to help clients improve their health

Tai Chi - T'ai chi ch'uan or tàijíquán, often shortened to t'ai chi, taiji or tai chi in English usage, is an internal Chinese martial art practised for both its defense training and its health benefits. It is also typically practised for a variety of other personal reasons: its hard and soft martial art technique, demonstration competitions, and longevity

Tarot Cards - first known as trionfi and later as tarocchi, tarock, and others) is a pack of playing cards (most commonly numbering 78), used from the mid-15th century in various parts of to play a group of card games such as Italian tarocchini and French tarot. From the late 18th century until the present time the tarot has also found use by mystics and occultists in efforts at or as a m of mental and spiritual pathways

Tea Leaf Reading - (also known as tasseomancy or tassology) is a divination or method that interprets patterns leaves, coffee grounds, or wine sediments. The terms derive from the French word tasse cup, which in turn derives from the cognate Arabic word tassa, and the -grh (writing), -logy (study of), and -mancy (divination)

Thereutic Touch - (commonly shortened to "TT"), known by some as Non-Contact Thereutic Touch (NCTT), is an energy thery which practitioners claim promotes healing and reduces pain and anxiety. Thereutic Touch is a registered trademark in Canada for the structured and standardized healing practice performed by practitioners trained to be sensitive to the receiver's energy field that surrounds the body; touching is required

Laying On Of Hands - is a religious ritual that accompanies certain religious practices, which are found throughout the world in varying forms. In Christian churches, this practice is used as both a symbolic and formal method of invoking the Holy Spirit primarily during btisms and confirmations, >healing services blessings, and ordination of priests ,ministers, deacons, and other church officers, along with a variety of other church sacraments and holy ceremonies

Radionics is the idea that disease can be diagnosed and treated with a kind of energy similar to radio waves. The concept behind radionics originated in the early 1900s with Albert Abrams (1864–1924), who became a millionaire by leasing Radionics machines which he designed himself.  Radionics contradicts some principles of >physics and biology and so is commonly considered pseudoscience.  

From this study and practice of the above Tat developed the 'Touch of Light Healing' technique and did over eight thousands of these healing sessions in the 30 years he was at home in his center and on the tour. People wer healed of all kinds of disease from the blind, deaf, cancer, heart trouble, backs problems, oragans, physical, emtional and mental diseases. It was the Christ, buddha, krisna, healing channels, the Holy Spirit and God that did the healing. Tat was only the channel they used to do the healing.

Healing Rules 3-1

Healing Rules 3-2

Healing Rules 3-3

Science of the Spoken Word 4-1

Science of the Spoken Word 4-2\

Center of Responce 5-1

Center of Responce 5-2

Center of Responce q&a 5-3

Color Awareness 6-1

Color Awareness 6-2

Advanced Color Awareness 7

Chakras 8-1

Chakras Energy Centers 8-2

Spiritual Guidence 9-1

Spiritual Guidence 9-2

Spiritaul Guides 9-3

Spiritual Powers 10

Gifts and Powers Meditation

Thank you from Tat for taking Gifts and Powers

Radio Show

The Crytal Fire Light Hour radio program. Tat share how to get on the spiritual path and discloses many of the Astral Physics teachings in these radio program in 1975 1nd 1976.He talk about God every program.He told how the teachings and meditation changed the physical body, mind and spirit. In this program Tat shared his being abd experiences of the Spiritual path.He talked about the religions on this program also. Tat ask people to call in and share about God with his listeners.Tat tells about the full moon ceremony and how people got healed. He ends the program with a rbb med.for 12 minutes.

This is a Radio Show on KNDI radio in Honolulu in 1976. We did the Rainbow Bridge over the air and talked about God.

Radio Show the Crystal Fire Light Hour

1. KNDI Radio Crystal Fire Light Hour continued below

The First Rainbow Bridge Mediation on the Radio in the world 1975

2. KNDI Radio the Crystal Fire Light Hour

The Crystal Fire Light Hour radio program. Tat share how to get on the spiritual path and discloses many of the Astral Physics teachings in these radio program in 1975 1nd 1976.He talk about God every program. He told how the teachings and meditation changed the physical body, mind and spirit. In this program Tat shared his being abd experiences of the Spiritual path.He talked about the religions on this program also. Tat ask people to call in and share about God with his listeners.Tat tells about the full moon ceremony and how people got healed. He ends the program with a rbb med.for 12 minutes.
This is a Radio Show on KNDI radio in Honolulu in 1976. We did the Rainbow Bridge over the air and talked about God.

INTERVIEWS and Tat READING AURAS Over The Radio (By 'Remote Viewing' - Clairvoyance over the air)


State of Hawaii

Tat's Radio Show on KNDI Radio Honolulu, Hawaii

This is the first time the Rainbow Bridge Meditation was broadcast over the radio in the World in 1975.

KNDI Radio Crystal Fire Light Hour a Mediation first 1975

KNDI Radio with a guest 'Call in Show' 1976

KNDI Radio Crystal Fire Light Hour on Creative Imagenation 1977

Tat is ibterviewed and then reads the inner aura over the radio. No other reader is able to do this. Astral Physics Teachings leads you to this power and many more spiritual mystic powers.

B.C. Canada

CJOR VANCOUVER BC with Peter Weinbach

State of Washington

KISW SEATTLE Michael Luciano




State of California

KEST in SanFrancisco with Jessica

KKUP 91.5 FM with Eric Mystic

KGO talk radio SF Bay Area



KOME withTex Swan


Radio Interviews & Reading Auras over the Radio

Tat can read the Auras of the outer, inner and casual body of an individual any where in the world. A first in the world. Everyone else reads the outer Aura.

This is in 1975. the first times that the

Tat did the Rainbow Bridge Meditation

and it was given over the Radio in Honolulu Hawaii for the World

KNDI Radio # 1 The Crysta Fire Light Hour

KNDI Radio #2 Show Crystal Fire Light Hour

Radio Interviews on the 21 year Tour of the United States and the World


The Beginning of Astral Physics

Spiritual Dynamics Classes

Spiritual Dynamics Complete Course

Spiritual Dynamic Red Ray 1-1 55 minutes

Spiritual Dynamic Red Ray 1-2 45 minutes

Spiritual Dynamic Meditation 48 minutes

Gifts and Powers Course

Gifts and Powers Complete Course

Gifts andp Powers Meditation


Tstamonies about Astral Physics Teaching

Prayer to Mother Father God


The Nine major Religions Tat studied and practiced. Judaism,Christianity, Hinduism,Tibetan Buddhism, Buddhism, Baha'i, Confucianism, Shinto and Taoism.
Other Esotheric, Religious, Mystic and Spiritual Teachings and Organizations Tat studied:
Theosophy, Shaivism, Shaktism, Bhakti Yoga, Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Jnana yoga, Kundalini yoga, Siddha Yoga, Hindu mysticism, Rosicrucian, Ceremonial magic, Spiritualizism, New Thought, Confucianism, Occult, White Magic, Alchemy, Esotericism , Mysticism, Sufi, Wicca, Zoroastrianism, Gnostic, Christian Science, Religious Science, Unitarian Universalism, Universal Life Church, Seventh-day Adventist Church, Unity Church, Unification Church, Eastern Orthodox, Lutheranism, Methodism, Roman Catholic Church, Universal Church of the Master, Jainism, Shinto, Sikhism, Zen, Basic Buddhism, Science of Mind, Ghost Dance, Hopi Mythology, Native American Church, Huna, Hawaiian Mythology, Ancient Wisdoms, Egyptian Religion, Norse Religion, Roman Polytheism, Kabbalah, Witchcraft, Scientology, Parsychology, Spiritualism, Different kinds of Psychology, Personology, Industrial and Organizational psychology, plied Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Epigenetics in Psychology, Child Psychology, Behavior Psychology, Psychopathology.
PSYCHICS: Edgar Cayce, Nostradamus, Joan of Arc, Alice Bailey, Madame Blavatsky, Annie Besant, Charles Webster Leadbeater.

Astral Physics Teachings to Read.


The teachings of Astral Physics teaches a potent step-by-step method of self-mastery designed to t the awesome potential within you. With clarity and simplicity, in a series of procedures proven effective in seminars and classes we have taught throughout the world since 1974 to the present.

Astral Physics Courses

Astral Physics 9 month Doorway into Light Course

A Talk on How Astral Physics Started

A Class on Cosmic Consciousness

A Class on the Rainbow Bridge and Mantra

A Class on Mental Control

A Class on Meditation of Abundance and to glimps God

A Class on the Astral Physics Logo

Astral Pyhsics Logo pt2

Conscious and Sub Conscious to the Super-Consciousness Mind

Using Meditation to fix Problems

Explaning the Meditation3

On How You Come back from Meditation and in What Color and what does the color mean.

What do student say about Astral Physics Teaching

Prayer to Mother Father God

Astral Physics Teachings to Read.

Students Only

Astral Physics Reading Room

eLibrary World Education


A process is a spiritual mind treatment. We use a Light Trance state to do thiese processes. It is different than doing a regular meditation. I use this technique tomove the student faster on the Path. Tat has a bag of sipiritual tools to aid his students, teachers and ministers as well as other on the Spiritual Path.

Tat uses color, light, sound and movement in the meditative processes in his class, lessons and course for attunement to the the different levels of consciousness. The processes are to set the Astral Physics Teachings for the advanment of the student on the Spiritual Mystic Path to Self-Mastery and God Consciousness.You are attune to the thought forms of the Masters of Light, the Saints and Holy Beings as will as the Great Angelic Host, the Holy Spirit and to God. Tat always leaves a time in each meditation, or process for you to obsurb the meditation, class or process by playing his music filled with the secret powers and sounds that activate your body, mind and spirit.

Light Trance States. For you are given the posture to set or lay in for light trance states. You go through the colors. You tell your body to go to sleep as you stay awake in consciousness within. After you go over the bridge your emotions and mind must stay still while you are in a witness state. You are mading a rainbow matrix by practicing the Rainbow Bridge Meditation you are then ready for the Light Trance state. Tat goes over different trance state techniques. You can use this process for reading, healing and many other things.Relax and listen to this class on light trance states.

A Class on how to do Light Trance States

For the development of Creatice Powers

Burning Negatives for the gaining of Spiritual Powers

Read Mysterious Meditation Process explained in this audio production. It explains this process Mysterious meditation process---we go over the reg rainbow Bridge then the Gold Ray then into the White Light and then back to a Golden Flame. We then go to Pure Clear White Fire Light to then be cleared in the Crystal Fire Light. We move to Clear Seeing. You then get sub limenal instrutions. Tat chants the sound hue. You do a visualization as you want to be Physically, mentally and spiritually. This takes you to 10 minutes into the meditation process taking you to a golden white structure. From then on you are visualizing the way and what you want to be. Your are doing the visualization for 8 and one half minutes. Doing that time Tat plays different sound to invoke color for manifesting your vision. In the crystal you are making your vision that is manifesting the vision you just created.Tat invokes the powers of the Masters of Light for the helping you manifest your vision.We thank the Mother / Father God for giving blessings to your vision.You are to feel the vision conplete now. Then you put a shield around you to protect you and your vision. Now listen to the:

Mysterious Meditation Process

Touching Light process
You are taken through the color and activating the spine from the sex organ at the root chakra to the transcendent states of consciousness merging physical body consciousness with the color light states of consciousness. This is to become aware of an open and direct contact with God at the end of the process. At the end you set for a silent meditation.Tat use sound vibration in this process for attunement.This is also a healing process. Each time you do this process you go deeper within and closer to God. Relax now and do this process that Tat leads you throught step by step.

Teaches how to Touch Light Consciousness

Victory of the Soul Process

You go deep within your soul in this process. You sence your soul in a very special way. You start in the color of green with orange. You use emotional power to raise your soul and soul powers.Tat uses chants to inplant power and teachings and the connection to teachers of the ancient wisdom, truth and love. GOD IS MANIFESTING IN THIS PROCESS. You have a victory in your soul each time you do this process.

How to lift and clean the Soul


Radio series, Tat had first the Crystal Fire Light Hour Radio progam. Tat then was the first to put on the Radio The Rainbow bridge Mediattion sat noon Monday thru Friday at noon for fifteen minutes on KNDI in Honolulu Hawaii. The second radio show was put in at on the same KNDI radio called Focus in Light, it was also an hour long and it was a callin show. It run at a different time doing the week that the Crystal fire Light hour was on.Tat had all three going on that covered the Islands of Hawaii.

This sevice relate how you except your self as a Child of the Living God

Church Service a talk on the Sons and Daughters of God pt1

The end of this Church Service


Tat sing the Methysical Meditations


You experience Cosmic Consciousness --28 MIN

You Fly into the Crystsl Flame in Spirit --30 MIN

You gain the Diamond in the Lotus of the Heart -- 13 MIN

Attunement to your Gifts and Powers -- 24 MIN

Feeling and Healing Viola Sounds By one of our Ministers -- 9 MIN



Spiritual Dynamics Course

Spiritual Dynamic Meditation


Tat and ministers and students do intrical chanting on a Friday nite for 3 hours. These two mp3's do some of those 3 hours. You can chant along and get the energy and power by doing it with us.

Ascension Flame with the Astral Physics Voices1

Ascension Flame with the Astral Physics Voices 2

Tat and others do intrical chanting acompanied by a concert violist, a jazz keyboard player and minister that got together on a Friday night. They had never been together before and they channeled the following that night. Some of the following was cut from the evening of chanting from the intrical chanting Poi Amakua. These two words come from the Hawaiian language. Poi is a Hawaiian word for the primary Polynesian stle food made from the underground plant stem or corm of the plant (known in Hawaiian as kalo). It is a traditional part of Native Hawaiian cuisine.

Poi is produced by mashing the cooked corm (baked or steamed) until it is a highly viscous fluid. Water is added during mashing and again just before eating to achieve the desired consistency, which can range from liquid to dough-like (poi can be known as "one-finger", "two-finger" or "three-finger" poi, alluding to how many fingers are required to scoop it up in order to eat it, which depends on the consistency.

Amakua is often spelled aumakua) is a family god, often a deified ancestor is the spirit of the person that dwells between the eyes behing the forhead.

Poi Amakua


Call to the Rainbow Rays

Call to the Sud Guru the Teacher Within

Diamond in the Lotus13 minutes

Tat Chants Pure White Light that Blazes in

Tat Chant the Mystical Chant Shiva

Intrical Chanting Calling the Masters

This chant of Tat was done over a five years doing each chanting each year at about the same time.

Tat Chant with himself all these years1975,76,77,78,79.mp3




The Rainbow Spectrum 1

Gifts and Powers 2


Acupuncture - (from Latin, 'acus' (needle) + 'punctura' (to puncture) is the stimulation of specific acupuncture points along the skin of the body involving various methods such as penetration by thin needles or the plication of heat, pressure, or laser light.[,
Acupressure - Used for thousands of years in China, acupressure plies the same principles as acupuncture to promote relaxation and wellness and to treat disease,
Aromathery - is a form of alternative medicine that uses plant materials and aromatic plant oils, including essential oils, and other aromatic compounds,

Astrology - consists of several systems of divination based on the premise that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. Many cultures have attached importance to astronomical events, and the Indians, Chinese, andMayans developed elaborate systems for predicting terrestrial events from celestial observations. In the West, astrology most often consists of a system of horoscopes purporting to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future events in their life based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial objects at the time of their birth.,

Ayurvedic Medicine - medicine is a system of Hindu traditional medicine,
Alchemy - is an influential philosophical tradition whose practitioners have, from antiquity, claimed it to be the precursor to profound powers , Chakra Balancing, Channeling, Dowsing, Ear Candling, Energy Work,

Feng Shui - was widely used to orient buildings—often spiritually significant structures such as tombs, but also dwellings and other structures,

Hand Writing Analysis - Grhology is the study of handwriting. As a theory or practice for inferring a person's character, disposition, and attitudes from their handwriting, grhology is generally considered pseudoscience. The term is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to >forensic document examination.,

Hypnosis is a psychological state with physiological attributes superficially resembling sleep and marked by an individual's level of awareness other than the ordinary conscious state. Another description of the phenomenon is that of an altered mental state, while another links it to imaginative role-enactment. A person under hypnosis is said to have heightened focus and concentration with the ability to concentrate intensely on a specific thought or memory, while blocking out sources of distraction

Hypnothery - is a form of psychothery used to create subconscious change in a patient in the form of new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors

Intuitive Reader - uses a digital comics adtation of James Joyce’s Ulysses as a gateway to comprehension, exploration, and explication of the great novel. Using a patent-pending digital screen structure, the comic provides an organizing principle for other kinds of content (including and especially various learning resources) by layering that content behind each page of the comic

Iridology - (also known as iridodiagnosis or iridiagnosis) is an alternative medicine technique whose proponents claim that patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris can be examined to determine information about a patient's systemic health. Practitioners match their observations to iris charts, which divide the iris into zones that correspond to specific parts of the human body. Iridologists see the eyes as "windows" into the body's state of health

Lomilomi - is the word used today to mean "massage therist" or "Hawaiian massage." In the Hawaiian language, the word used traditionally, called lomi, means "to knead, to rub, or soothe; to work in and out, as the paws of a contented cat

Mediumship,  - is the practice of certain people known as mediums—to purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and other human being, Numerology, Nutrition, Palm Reading, Past Life Regression

Psychometry - also known as token-object reading, or psychoscopy, is a form of extra-sensory perception characterized by the claimed ability to make relevant associations from an object of unknown history by making physical contact with that object. Supporters assert that an object may have an energy field that transfers knowledge regarding that object's history.

Psychic - A psychic is a person who professes an ability to perceive information hidden from the normal senses through extrasensory perception (ESP), or is said by others to have such abilities. It is also used to describe theatrical performers who use techniques such as prestidigitation, cold reading, and hot reading to produce the pearance of such abilities. It can also denote an ability of the mind to influence the world physically and to the telekinetic powers,

Reflexology - or zone thery, is an alternative medicine involving the physical act of plying pressure to the feet, hands, or ears with specific thumb, finger, and hand techniques without the use of oil or lotion

Reiki - is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Janese Buddhist >Mikao Usui, which has since been adted by various teachers of varying traditions. It uses a technique commonly called palm healing or hands-on-healing as a form of alternative medicine and is sometimes classified as oriental medicine by some professional medical bodies

Rolfing - is an alternative medical treatment marketed by the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration (RISI).The Institute states that Rolfing is a "holistic system of soft tissue manipulation and movement education that organize(s) the whole body in Rolfing is essentially identical to Structural Integration, whereby a forceful technique is used in an attempt to reposition tissues under the skin.

Shiatsu Thery - in Janese means "finger pressure"; it is a type of alternative medicine consisting of finger and palm pressure, stretches, and other massage techniques. Shiatsu practitioners believe in a purported type of vital energy called that flows through the body, and that their manual manipulations can help to unblock it and so help the body heal itself

Sound Thery - Music thery is the use of interventions to accomplish individual goals within a thereutic relationship by a professional who has completed an proved music thery program. Music thery is an allied health profession and one of the expressive theries, consisting of a process in which a music therist uses music and all of its facets—physical, emotional, mental, social, aesthetic, and spiritual—to help clients improve their health

Tai Chi - T'ai chi ch'uan or tàijíquán, often shortened to t'ai chi, taiji or tai chi in English usage, is an internal Chinese martial art practised for both its defense training and its health benefits. It is also typically practised for a variety of other personal reasons: its hard and soft martial art technique, demonstration competitions, and longevity

Tarot Cards - first known as trionfi and later as tarocchi, tarock, and others) is a pack of playing cards (most commonly numbering 78), used from the mid-15th century in various parts of to play a group of card games such as Italian tarocchini and French tarot. From the late 18th century until the present time the tarot has also found use by mystics and occultists in efforts at or as a m of mental and spiritual pathways

Tea Leaf Reading - (also known as tasseomancy or tassology) is a divination or method that interprets patterns leaves, coffee grounds, or wine sediments. The terms derive from the French word tasse cup, which in turn derives from the cognate Arabic word tassa, and the -grh (writing), -logy (study of), and -mancy (divination)

Thereutic Touch - (commonly shortened to "TT"), known by some as Non-Contact Thereutic Touch (NCTT), is an energy thery which practitioners claim promotes healing and reduces pain and anxiety. Thereutic Touch is a registered trademark in Canada for the structured and standardized healing practice performed by practitioners trained to be sensitive to the receiver's energy field that surrounds the body; touching is required

Laying On Of Hands - is a religious ritual that accompanies certain religious practices, which are found throughout the world in varying forms. In Christian churches, this practice is used as both a symbolic and formal method of invoking the Holy Spirit primarily during btisms and confirmations, >healing services blessings, and ordination of priests ,ministers, deacons, and other church officers, along with a variety of other church sacraments and holy ceremonies

Radionics is the idea that disease can be diagnosed and treated with a kind of energy similar to radio waves. The concept behind radionics originated in the early 1900s with Albert Abrams (1864–1924), who became a millionaire by leasing Radionics machines which he designed himself.  Radionics contradicts some principles of >physics and biology and so is commonly considered pseudoscience.  

From this study and practice of the above Tat developed the 'Touch of Light Healing' technique and did over eight thousands of these healing sessions in the 30 years he was at home in his center and on the tour. People wer healed of all kinds of disease from the blind, deaf, cancer, heart trouble, backs problems, oragans, physical, emtional and mental diseases. It was the Christ, buddha, krisna, healing channels, the Holy Spirit and God that did the healing. Tat was only the channel they used to do the healing.

Healing Rules 3-1

Healing Rules 3-2

Healing Rules 3-3

Science of the Spoken Word 4-1

Science of the Spoken Word 4-2\

Center of Responce 5-1

Center of Responce 5-2

Center of Responce q&a 5-3

Color Awareness 6-1

Color Awareness 6-2

Advanced Color Awareness 7

Chakras 8-1

Chakras Energy Centers 8-2

Spiritual Guidence 9-1

Spiritual Guidence 9-2

Spiritaul Guides 9-3

Spiritual Powers 10

Gifts and Powers Meditation

Thank you from Tat for taking Gifts and Powers


Over The Radio

State of Hawaii

Tat's Radio Show on KNDI Radio Honolulu, Hawaii

This is the first time the Rainbow Bridge Meditation was broadcast over the radio in the World in 1975.

KNDI Radio Crystal Fire Light Hour a Mediation first 1975

KNDI Radio with a guest 'Call in Show' 1976

KNDI Radio Crystal Fire Light Hour on Creative Imagenation 1977

Tat is ibterviewed and then reads the inner aura over the radio. No other reader is able to do this. Astral Physics Teachings leads you to this power and many more spiritual mystic powers.

B.C. Canada

CJOR VANCOUVER BC with Peter Weinbach

State of Washington

KISW SEATTLE Michael Luciano




State of California

KEST in SanFrancisco with Jessica

KKUP 91.5 FM with Eric Mystic

KGO talk radio SF Bay Area



KOME withTex Swan

Only Teachers, Healers and Ministers Training Course

If you are a Teacher, Healer or Minister feel free to take these lessons. Only go to this THM Training Classes if you are a Teacher, Healer or Minister because you may open areas of consciousness you can not handle. Ministers, Teachers and Healers Only


First is given a discription of what is taught in the class and then the MINISTER, TEACHER AND HEALER Class Titles.

Given are the Different Rainbow Rays of Light and the eletromagnetic spectrum. Tat tell how the Light of the outer changes on the inner realms.

MASTER CLASS Different Ray Levels of Rainbow Healing

In this class Master Tat teaches how to invoke Asistance for different levels of Consciousnees, Masters and Light

MASTER CLASS Proceiving the Asistance from above

This class starts with chanting to Create the vortex and then Master Tat gives the information of creating Vortexes of Consciousness and Light

MASTER CLASS Channeling Light and Creating Vortexes

Taught the important of control the vortexes you create. Shared are the experiences of the students that created Vortexes. Attuning the Darshan in the Vortex.

MASTER CLASS Channeling Light and Vortex Control

A class on color, Light, Sound and Breath.Starts with some Bahai Prayers. you are taught of the Out Breath that contains the Color, Light, Sound and Motion

MASTER CLASS Color, Light, Sound and Breath

How color affect location and Tempeture effect the aura and how color and tempeture effects body or a location, like a home or city. Reaching the level of Love

MASTER CLASS Different Energy with different tempetures.

When you feel color it is an attunement. Overcoming power, sex and money and how you are control or are controleed by them. Helping other,

MASTER CLASS Feeling Color for 5hrs.

MASTER CLASS Getting Suport

MASTER CLASS High Conscious Atomic and Electronic Structures

MASTER CLASS Merging with Objectivity

MASTER CLASS One Light You Are Light

MASTER CLASS Overcoming Pain don't do it again

MASTER CLASS The Bridge of Consciousness Forgiving

MASTER CLASS The different kinds of Magic

MASTER CLASS The Mind Back and Forth

MASTER CLASS The Mind Never Sleeps

MASTER CLASS Time Consciousness

MASTER CLASS Time Cycle Singing and Talking at the Same Time

MASTER CLASS Time Timeless

MASTER CLASS Walking in Peace



Master Class 1976 Ascension

Master Class Different Ray Levels

Master Class Assistance

Master Class By any Name

Master Class Channeling Light and Creating Vortexes

Master Class Channeling Light and Vortex Control

Master Class Color, Light, Sound and Breath

Master Class Different energy at different temperatures

Master Class Feeling Color in a 5 hours Ritual

Master Class Getting Support

Master Class Higher Conscious Atomic and Electronic Structures

Master Class Merging with Objectivity

Master Class One Light you are light

Master Class Overcoming Pain don't do it again

Master Class The Bridge of Consciousness Forgiving

Master Class The different kinds of Magic

Master Class The Mind back and forth

Master Class The Mind never sleeps

Master Class Time Consciousness

Master Class Time Cycle singing and talking at the same time

Master Class Time Timeless

Master Class Walking in Peace

Master Class You Can Do It


From Rev. Aestherae Hesketh Tat's Wife Aestherae's Church Home
Master Tat's Son's Website Tat's Sons website.Smart Digital Television
Master Tat's & Aestherae's Daughter's website. My Daughter's webpage and my daughter home 2
A book that Tat's daughter 'Andrea Angelica a gifted writer' wrote for children when she was twelve years old. Please read it for your Children. wilber1-8.html wilber9-16.html wilber17to24.html -wilber25to32.html


If you feel this material is a spiritual blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayer for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world. If you feel this material is a spiritual blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayer for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world.

Donation Information

You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life.


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Smart Digital Television

Master Tat's and Aestherae's Daughter's website.

My Daughter's webpage from the past and my daughter home 2

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