Classes will soon be available on DVD and CD, taught
by Tat.
The 9 Month Course By the Month
Number of Classes: 36 classes once per week starting in September ending
May. Adjusted for holidays. ( 4 Lessons for 9 months )
Tat uses everything to help the spiritual student on the Spiritual Mystic Path to God Consciousness. There is reason and purpose to the spiritual science
Number of Classes: 24 (Note, only open to 9 mo. students)
Sundays only 3pm to 5 pm
Number of Classes: 10 - 3 hour lessons, once per week
Number of Classes: 13 - 3 hour lessons, once per week
Above is part of the Touch of Light training. Number of Classes: 5 evening 3 hr. lessons plus one day weekends
6 hour lesson and the next weekend 6 hour lesson.
All weekdays 3 hr. lessons in a row.
THM 1 - THM 2 - THM 3 - THM 4 - THM 5
THM 6 - THM 7 - THM 8 - THM 9 - THM 10
THM 5 qualifiers of sound the voice
There are 9 parts to these Astral Physics Teachings. This course is the 12 Astral Physics principles that are used for all of the Courses, classes, meditations, Processes and the Astral physics School Teaching since 1975. If you want to know all that Tat teaches from your should read are 12 principles in this 9 part course. Our suggestion is to study the principles because they takes advantage of the pattern in your subconscious mind when you went to school when you were young and from all you have learned so for on your spiritual Path . Tat uses everything to help the spiritual student on the Spiritual Mystic Path to God Consciousness. There is reason and purpose to the spiritual science that Master Tat uses.
The Power of the Spoken Word
This Course has been develope and given so you can learn about the power of your words you say, the thoughts you think and prayers you pray.
The Power of the Spoken Word part 1- 5 pages long
The Power of the Spoken Word part 2- 5pages long
The Power of the Spoken Word part 3- 5pages long
Meaning of Numbers Part 2
Meaning of Numbers Part 3
Everything in Creation has a number and a meaning.
Numerology is any belief in the divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding events. It has many systems and traditions and Numbers are assigned to letters of the alphabet as follows:
- 1 = a, j, s
- 2 = b, k, t,
- 3 = c, l, u,
- 4 = d, m, v,
- 5 = e, n, w,
- 6 = f, o, x,
- 7 = g, p, y,
- 8 = h, q, z,
- 9 = i, r,
Chanting your way to God Consciousness
This is a Course in reaching a God Conscious State going from your outer physical world to a transcendent State of going inwards and upwards out of the body to inter dimensional plains of consciousness beyond your Body and the world.
Chanting your way to God Consciousness Pt 1
Chanting your way to God Consciousness PT 2
Chanting your way o God Consciousness Part 3
Picture for part 3
I am a Teacher of Teachers, Healer of Healers
and a Minister to Ministers
Words of wisdom, truth and love.
By your practice and daily discipline you will rise like the Phoenix from the ashes of death, disease and suffering in your life.
Your Bad Karma will fall away or will no longer effect your life. Your can learn what not to do. As bad things come up replace them your the things you learn in your study, practice and discipline you are learning in Astral Physics. Use the Chants, Mantras, meditations, processes and spiritual teaching that give you Self-Mastery and God Consciousness,
You can not help others to overcome that which you have not overcome. The laws, principles and powers are, alike attracts alike, bird of a feather flock together, what goes around will come around. All these are other words for action/reaction.
Be faith filled knowing God is within you. Love and Respect yourself. It is not what go into you, it is what comes out of you; your images you create in your imagination, your ideas and beliefs, what you know and experience, your words and thoughts,your deeds and emotions and your actions that you do.
Be the best you can be. Live, move and have your being in God; be open and direct with God and God will be open and direct with you.
Be the best you can be. Life will reward you. God is with you as you. You can and will succeed.
I pray for you everyday. I believe in you and what you are doing. We are the power of two or more believe. May health, wealth and bliss with the abundance of all good thing flow in your life to you.
With all my heart and soul, Blessings of Love, Life and Light. God is with you as you. You will succeed.
Do not be lazy in chanting, studying, doing the practices, doing your spiritual disciplines, praying, reading and reciting sacred scriptures, do not neglect it! Remember that doing these Spiritual things it is a way of calming yourself and centering and receiving Light and Energy.
This art and power has been practiced from the beginning of spiritual and mystical disciplines by Enlightened Masters, Saints and Holy Beings; by leaders, teachers, perceivers and fully realized Spiritual Masters of Light. The great ones have always inspired others to practice these most great powers of the spoken word, spiritual discipline and ancient wisdoms. This power of light should be practiced everyday with unfailing regularity with the deepest of feelings and reverence. Reverential Submission, Earnest Enquiry and Service to the Spiritual Teacher and other kinds of Teachers is the way to Enlightenment and their Knowledge.
The power of one's inner light will increase with every daily practice. You are becoming radiant in the following; mental vigor, mental agility, power in the light, concentrated sustained attention, free will expression, self mastery, persistent determination, self confidence, freed will and a divine open and direct connection with God are some of the benefits of these practices of Astral Physics. The practice of chanting is far more uplifting than filling one's mind with futile thoughts, following worthless trains of thought or unnecessary mental and emotional activities. This power will grant is rewards for practice.
One should sit in a clean place, with fresh air circulating, in a comfortable posture and an open mind, ready to give and receive. One should be free of cares, sit without moving around or looking around with the chants in the right hand or propped up before one, and close enough to be easily read. Both eyes should be focused on the text and one's ears should be attuned to the sound of the voice. The powers of poise, balance, gazing, are being one pointed in the mind and your relaxed posture are gained when one practices in this manner. This is the power of concentration of a high order as one combines reciting, hearing and seeing. One will experience the Joy, Power and Light released by the chant.
One overcomes failure, anxieties and dreariness by chanting. The Light of God or whomever it is you believe, will shine forth; your heart will be filled with bliss, and you will feel love and contentment as you become more absorbed in the chants. You are gaining inner purity which is the basis of long lasting happiness that imparts, spiritual strength, purity of the mind, purity of emotions and a radiance of beauty within and in the outer world of your life.
At other times of the day the chants can be chanted silently within at all times, places and circumstances. The greatest power of chanting is repeating the chants aloud so you get the teaching by hearing and hearing the word of God. When one chants silently or in a quiet voice one is purifying oneself alone, but when one chants aloud one purifies all those, persons, places and things that are around them.
Focus your attention in each chakra locations in your physical body and in the Light centers [ 5 Chakras] beyond the body as you Study, do Practices, do Mantras and Chant with an open mind focused on God. With each Study, Practices you do , Mantras and Chant, from the bottom to the top of your body and beyond, concentrate Light moving in and up the body from each of those locations, sending light up to the Holy God Self, the Casual Body of Light. After a time you should feel the Light moving in and up to your Light Body.
You did not learn your A B C’s or 1 2 3’s by doing them once. Like any knowledge you repeated it over and over until it became clear in your mind and a part of your brain. You must create new neural pathways in your brain. That is why we study, practice and chant over and over again, practicing our spiritual subjects, instead of activating things like bad thoughts and thinking, bad emotions, bad actions over and over until you learn better.
You ether control your mind and emotions or they will control you. A neural pathway, neural tracts, connects one part of the nervous system with another and usually consists of bundles of elongated, myelin-insulated neurons, known collectively as white matter. Neural pathways serve to connect relatively distant areas of the brain or nervous system, compared to the local communication of grey matter.
Do not be lazy in chanting and reciting sacred scriptures, do not neglect it! Remember that chanting is a way of calming yourself and centering and receiving Light and Energy. This art and power has been practiced from the beginning of spiritual and mystical disciplines by Enlightened Masters, Saints and Holy Beings; by leaders, teachers, perceivers and fully realized Spiritual Masters of Light. The great ones have always inspired others to practice these most great powers of your mind, Soul and Spirit by the spoken word, doing spiirtual disciplines and practices.
These Power of Light should be practiced everyday with unfailing regularity with the deepest of feelings and reverence. Reverential Submission, Earnest Enquiry and Service to the Spiritual and other kinds of Teachers is the way to Enlightenment and the Knowledge.
The power of one's inner light will increase with every daily practice. You are becoming radiant in the following; mental vigor, mental agility, power in the light, concentrated sustained, free will expression, self mastery, persistent determination, self confidence, freed will and a divine open and direct connection with God are some of the benefits of this practice. The practice of chanting is far more uplifting than filling one's mind with futile thoughts, following worthless trains of thought or unnecessary mental and emotional activities. These powers will grant its rewards for the discipline and practice.
One should sit in a clean place, with fresh air circulating, in a comfortable posture and an open mind, ready to give and receive when reading, practicing. and studying. One should be free of cares, sit without moving around or looking around with the Astral Physics teaching in the right hand or propped up before one, and close enough to be easily read or hear . Both eyes should be focused on the text and one's ears should be attuned to the sound of the voice of the teacher or your own voice as you pray, chant, do mantras or read out loud.
The powers of poise, balance, gazing, are being one pointed in the mind and your relaxed posture are gained when one practices in this manner. This is the Power of Concentration of a high order as one combines reciting, hearing and seeing. One will experience the Joy, Power and Light released by what you are doing.
One overcomes failure, anxieties and dreariness by chanting. The Light of God or whomever it is you believe, will shine forth; your heart will be filled with bliss, and you will feel love and contentment as you become more absorbed in the chants. You are gaining inner purity which is the basis of long lasting happiness that imparts, spiritual strength, purity of the mind, purity of emotions and a radiance of beauty within and in the outer world of your life.
At other times of the day the mantras or chants can be chanted silently within at all times, in all places and in all circumstances. The greatest power of chanting is repeating the chants aloud so you get the teaching by hearing and hearing the word of God. When one chants silently or in a quiet voice one is purifying oneself alone, but when one chants aloud one purifies all those, places and things that are around them.
Begin Chanting focusing your attention in each chakra locations in your physical body and in the Light centers [Chakras] beyond the body as you Chant with an open mind focused on God. With each Chant, from the bottom to the top, concentrate Light moving in and up the body from that location, up to the Holy God Self, the Casual Body. After a time you should feel the Light moving in your Light Body
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You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life.
EMAILĀ mastertat@hotmail
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