Study each principle and consciously then put each principle into action in your life
I was and I am only seeking to do the will of the One God in whom we all Live, Move and have our Being and to help all Humanity on the Spiritual Mystic Path.
I am asking others to walk the Path with me. At first there were those that wanted me to walk a different Path. They said I should follow this Teacher or that Teacher, this Master or that Master, this Technique or that Technique, this System or that System; this God or that God. Some said to come this way and walk on the Dark Side and some said come this way and walk on the Path of Light. Some said to be unseen and some said to be seen, some said to be silence and some said to be heard.
I choose to be a God Man, to walk the Path of God, for God and as God expressing. I choose to be God guided and do the Will of God. The I ceased and the we began. God led me to the scriptures of the World by the Grace of the Holy Spirit of God. We saw that the Scripture was the word of God made Manifest and we devoted our whole life to God, to do the work of God on Earth. We studied all our waking hours and surrendered to God in all our Meditations, seeking the way and letting God guide. We were led to books, classes, practices, disciplines and Spiritual Teachers of both the Dark and Light sides. We found that many of the laws, Principles and Powers were the same, it was how they were used that made the difference.
We choose to do the work of God. We have come to the belief and knowledge that an individual has only the Powers and Gifts from God that the individual can recognize, realize, assimilate and demonstrate. Many have intellectual knowledge, but the truth is only experiential knowledge has power. Many try to lead beyond their own experience and many a fool follows. Some try to buy their way, some try to steal the way from others. We met dabblers, triers and liars. We met the misguided that were misguiding others.
We also met the true seekers of God, those that are demonstrating. We choose to walk with those that demonstrate the ways of God. I then Realized we consciousness.
There are those that do not want a Teacher. Those that want to walk alone. Those that hate any authority, any rules, any constant practices or disciplines; they are lonely, wanting and wasting time in their life. They are foolishly walking in darkness following false light. The basis of all sin is separation and the evil ones of darkness love the fools that stand alone and suffer. That is the food they eat because they cannot reach the Light of God, so they feed on others. Only the Fool has no Friends in the Light.
As we walked the Path we were shown the need for traveling light. To give away all that God gives us, is to flow with life. With God as the Teacher within and without, we began to share the Principles of Light. We began to demonstrate all the Powers. We met those who come to take and give nothing. We met those who come to give that they may take. We met those that sometimes give and sometimes take. We also met the true Seekers. We helped all that came, but we shared all with the true Seekers.
We follow the Light and found the Masters of Light, the Saints and Holy Beings. We are led to the Sons and Daughters of God and we now address you. You are God expressing. You are One with the ONE WITHOUT A SECOND, the One in whom we all Live, Move and Have our Being. There is nothing outside of or beyond God.
All Names and No Names are within the One God. All Religions, Mystery Schools, Spiritual Groups and all such Teachings and Training are in and of the One God. All Physical, Mental, Psychological and Spirit are in that One God. All is in God as God and is God Expressing, but God is Greater than all that is, was or ever will be, Seen and Unseen, Manifest and Unmanifested and is Greatly Beyond the Beyonds.
God is the Keeper of all Heavens, the Lord of all Lords and the Master of all Masters. God is all the Wisdom, Truth and Love. God is all the Purity and Perfection, Grace and Power, God is Almighty God, full of Mercy and Compassion. We and Astral Physics are with you now and forever and ever.
Through Thousands of years of experiences there is tried and proven ways to reach all stages of Initiation. The Pathways are like maps, that when followed lead the way to our final destination. When one follows the Spiritual Mystic Path, that One will reach the Goal.
There is no outside enforcement on the Path. It takes true persistent, inner voluntary acceptance and commitment. There is the trail of the past and the uncertainty of the future to face daily, hourly, and minute to minute without the Path to follow. The Path is different than the laws of God's Creation, but the Path always follows the Laws.
Only those who reach the Initiates state of consciousness will be able to truly comprehend the significance of the Spiritual Mystic Path. Only the Initiate consciousness can seek the practical and voluntary application of the steps of the Spiritual Mystic Path. After the Physical, Emotional and Mental Initiations can the deeper stages of the Path be revealed to the true Seekers of God with an open and direct contact?
Only at this time does the true Path open and begin for the Initiate. All is the probational Path to this point in the Practice. At the point of Adeptship can one put to uses the steps, rules and laws of the higher states of Initiation? Without a foundation of practice one would soon collapse on the Path or any true endeavor.
The greater success is only won by group effort. One must seek the group application, group meaning and group light. The secret or hidden powers must be understood, the secret or hidden meaning must be unveiled and the secret or hidden awareness must be reached. If everything was as it seemed to appear then it would be simple to follow and one would not need others to show the way.
The truth is all things are not exactly what they appear to be or mean. You may be looking from one point of view and not see there is another point of view sometimes on a different or higher level. If things were that simple then there would be no need for Tat to be giving hints as to the underlining significance and ideas on the Spiritual Path or the Spiritual Mystic Path of God Consciousness. But they are not always so simple.
If there were no need for Sons of God, Daughters of God, Masters, Saints, Holy Beings, Ministers, Teachers and Healers to be on Earth then God would not have sent them to the Earth and to Humanity.
Humanity has fallen from its bright nature of when it could see the light that gives open and direct contact with God. The mass of Humanity cannot speak the heavenly language. The truth is One can only perceive from the level of consciousness that is awakened in that One. When I was a child, I thought and spoke as a child. As an Adult I thought as an Adult. Now as a Spiritual Being I am aware of and can speak the Heavenly Language of Light.
The first three Initiations are Path of the Probationary Path. On the Probationary Path the individual is taught to focus and concentrate the will upon the changing of the emotional and psychological reconstructions. There is a complete reorganizing of the entire psyche and emotional life. As a result the past, as it is seen from the lower self, is destroyed and a more objective and detached point of view takes its place. At this point one is moving over the Rainbow Bridge to the Higher Self whose will is more in line with God's Will.
At the point of higher Will One is on the Path of Conscious Return and Ascension in this life and after this life on Earth. One is now becoming aware, not only of their Physical Body, but all the Physical Plane as their Greater Physical Body of Creation, which is the Material Body of God. One is becoming expanded from the limited emotional expression to the infinite Joy and Bliss of God.
One is breaking through the veil of individual Mind to the Infinite Intelligence of God in the Mind of Light. All Wisdom, Truth and Love is opening and expanding within the Initiate's Heart. The Creative Power of the Universe is revealed within and throughout the Consciousness of the Initiate. The Individual Conscious Manifestation of God appears to the Initiate and the Initiate walks and talks with the occupants of the Heavenly Fields of Light.
Masters of Light, Ascending and Ascended, Great Saints, Holy Beings, the Great Angelic Host and Cosmic Beings all are now Brothers and Sisters that the Initiate is consciously aware of as the association of higher Souls and Beings in the family of God. The Initiate converses in an open and direct consciousness with all Great Beings of the Universe and Creation as a Whole. Astral Physics will lead you there.
One of the secrets of the higher Initiations lies in the training of free will power. No purification, self-discipline or other methods of acceleration of the Wisdom, Truth and Love that worked in the past are valuable now. The power lies in Revelation and the Will of God. With reflective study and an esoteric understanding the way to the font of Crystal Clear Clairvoyance is found.
The Path of the Spiritual Mystic is the Path of the modern disciple {one who practices Disciplines} through Revelation. The new civilization and culture of the World brings a new World order with powerful insights into Human and Spiritual Heritage. Many Humans from all Countries are now walking the Spiritual Mystic Path, but are still asleep to it. Soon they will awaken because it is the way to God open and direct that is in their hearts. The Human and Spiritual Heritage are the Gifts and Powers of God revealed to each Human Being in an open and direct contact with God.
As the Individualized Spirit of God, in each Human Heart, shines forth, it quickly burns away the distorted reflection of individual will, with the Clear Crystal Fire Light.
There are Initiates on different Rays, Steps and Ways within the group dynamics, but the Path to God is One. There are steps to guide each on the Path.
Following are some of the steps that each must take to the higher Initiations. Only those that are on the Path and have come through the first three steps understand the universal language written in the following pages.
Within the transitional flame of the fire of One's Mind and in the Clear Crystal Fire Light of the individual's inner consciousness, one must see the group of followers. As each walks through the Fire of Life the personality's ground work is done and the light of objectivity shines forth. All this seems cold to the little ego, but is warmth to the Higher Self because of the group love that permits energetic heat to radiate outwards. The door of separation closes behind the group and the Spiritual Mystic Path opens before them. The wholeness of the brothers and sisters of God moves onward out of the fire and into the fields of detachment and on towards a new bond in God.
In the Wholeness of the Astral Physics Group Dynamics the Teachings gain power as the acceptance as a Group is not broken by those who fall back into separate practices. Even if you could, you would not add to the three great demands of God, Wisdom, Truth and Love. All moves as one forward on the Path. In the Wholeness is the secret of One's individual success on the Path of Light. Now each lets there be memory without reflections. In the Unity of the Astral Physics Group Dynamics all must work with the content of the Teachings. This way lays success. This way lies with the Individuals who are merging with the Supreme Consciousness and are now merging with the Power of the Astral Physics Group. Together we stand united in the Great Light of God's Holy Spirit.
With the balance of polarity all move forward. With the momentum of the Astral Physics Group all are accelerated, even those that just have arrived. The past of separation closes behind. The Astral Physics Group Dynamics with one voice makes the Calls for Invocation from the depth of the Clear Crystal Fire Light at the Heart of the Astral Physics Group. The Invocations evoke the responsibility to keep to the Goal of the Path. As each One that is united and each new One that comes join in One Sound and One Light, all moves towards the Goal. The emptiness and uncontrolled emotions are left behind and the Clear Crystal Fire Light of God is known.
Let the personality composed of an etheric garment, the sum total of emotional state and the small portion of the mind die down and let all lesser things return to the vast reservoir of Life. This is done by constant evocation of the Will. There must be a dissolving of separate personalities and a realization of the Collective Entity of the Group of Souls on an inward, upward move in consciousness. This does not mean that an Individual loses their identity; it means the Individual gains the Power of the Astral Physics Group Dynamics. All must come to realize that the Group Entity has form, substance, Soul, purpose and reason for being.
The Trinity of the Godhead, of Outpouring, Sustaining and Transcending is perceived in the Unity of the Astral Physics Group of Divine Leaders and Followers shine so brilliantly that the light of separate Souls seem dim and it blots out the vision of form for the higher reality. The Eternal and Infinite Cosmic Whole is the perception of the Astral Physics Group Dynamics. All in the Astral Physics Group merge into the Wholeness and no longer fall into the illusion of separation.
Together we live in Light and walk the Spiritual Mystic Path. This is the Spiritual Path that embraces all other Spiritual, Mystic, Religious and Esoteric Paths. We are the One and only One that embraces all of God's People and Creation without exception. The building of the Rainbow Bridge, Initiation and Spiritual Life see the New Revelation, One God, One Humanity, and One Life.
In the One Life the Astral Physics Group knows that nothing can touch or take that Life. Let each in the Group Dynamics bask in the Sacred Flame of the One God, One Humanity, and One Life as a vivid, blazing, and flooding forth of Wisdom, Truth and Love. Let each step of the Path nourish the next and let all in the Group know that up until now all was still bound in Time and Space. No Time and no Space holds the Astral Physics Group now. The Astral Physics Group Cosmic Consciousness in Pure Eternal Existence is moving onward.
For the Aspirants; for those who would walk the Master's Path, let them turn full attention to enunciating the Sounds of the Master as an echo. Let them no longer sound the Voice that is bound by Matter. Let them no longer talk in the shallow language of the Masses.
For those that are Disciples and Initiates; Let the Life and Light of the Group shine forth, let there be an evocation of the Word to evoke a response within the Ministers of Ministers, the Teacher of Teachers, the Master of Masters and the Healer of Healers. They are recalling within themselves that these are the men and women that have passed the lesser Stages of Initiation on the Path and obtained Mastery. Also remember they did not stop there and move on to the Greater Counsel of Hidden Powers. In that Highest Secret Place, where the Master Ascends, once they reach the Mastery of balanced in carrying out the Will of God. Let each continue in the Light that carries on the Will of God.
To the Aspirant; know that when the Disciple reached the portal of the Seventh State beyond the Lower Seven, that the Greater must merge into the lesser and the Two Circles become as one.
To those who are Disciples and Initiates; Let the Astral Physics Group Dynamics find within the depth of its being the understanding that the Seven Individual Composites carry out the Will of God in Unity. Let the Revelation of Wisdom, Truth and Love be bound in all actions. Let the Nine and the Seven merge into the Three that are balanced in the Two, in the actions of the One.
Let the Laws, Principles and Powers be the way to manifestation. This is accomplished with one breath and one rhythm of the Astral Physics Group Dynamics as a whole. Know that even though there are many in the Group, the Goal is still Oneness, that which is beyond number. It is the same as Past, Present and Future as they are one. Understanding the Strict and the Firm, the Love and Joyful and the Transcending and Freedom are all actions of that beyond number.
Those that are in the Astral Physics Group knows there are no separations; they are One with the One. Light is the source of Color, at the Point of Light there is no Color, only Light. Being free from emotional entanglements with Matter, the conditioner of the Astral Plane is the goal the practitioner must obtain. Now to enter the Unmanifested, that hides all differences and still realizes Pure Being, for only in the Pure State can one enter without becoming more of what One is.
This State the Mind cannot enter or comprehend, for in there is no beginning and there is no end. Let the Group keep clear objectivity. When in this consciousness, in this State, be bound to the One who's Light appeared from the first, that opened the door to the Spiritual Mystic Path. Know that this is the Heart of the Light where appears in Meditation Tattenaiananda, the bestower of the Gifts of the Freedom in the Light. Know that this is only a Name for a focus for God who is the only giver of Life and Light.
All up till now are the veils of Creation that Tat, the Spiritual Mystic unveiled. To the Astral Physics Group is given the power to widen all the openings in the veils so the Light shines in and through them. The Voice of the Silence leads the Astral Physics Group onward, for now they are the Sound. The Spiritual Mystic Master reveals the meaning of the Out Breath of Creation. Now those who attained Illumination hear the first Sound.
In the Gold white and Crystal Light in the Heart of all Being, Tattenaiananda stands in the counsel of God. The Doorway into Light is always open to those who have practiced until they see Tattenaiananda, Tat's God Conscious Ascended Being. Now as One the Astral Physics Group of students he or she controls mind and emotional entanglement with Matter, knowing all Creative Power is within the Group Dynamics of Astral Physics.
The Diamond in the Lotus that is in the threefold flame of the Godhead is now moved by the Astral Physics Group Dynamics. Let them now sound the Word that carries out the Will of God and the task at hand. The Astral Physics Group Dynamics must now be destroyed that was created at the midway of the Path. In the Unity of Attunement of the Master's Path the Astral Physics Group Dynamics now carries the work for those who will come after. In the work of the great transference the Group Dynamics reach a new and higher Center of Response in the Unity of the Attainment. It is the Power of the First out Pouring.
The Creative Principle, that through the Will of the Astral Physics Group Dynamics has come to the point for the merging of Casual Bodies into the Unitified Field of God Consciousness. The Light within each Casual Body has increased its vibration, vitality and form for a Quantum Leap in Light and Consciousness. The Pure White Light Consciousness has done the Work and the Word. It is finished, reverberates within the Crystal Fire Light. Of ourselves we are nothing, in God all is possible.
In the Group Soul and Spirit lies the Power all are seeking; of the Life more Abundant, in the Power of Universality, now stands the Astral Physics Group Dynamics on its upward Path. The Eye of God is now open for the Master and those beyond, to see into all Creation, from the point of the Crystal Sea. In the Field of Salvation, Realization and Illumination is the control of the Subjective and Objective Planes in Creation. Above the Aura of the Group is the Diamond that they seek. The Hierarchy of the World guides the Group of Servers of the World and Servers of Humanity.
Only when the Initiates, at the Master level, see clearly the Spiritual Mystic Path, but for all others it is a Mystery to be unveiled by the Brilliant Light within them. Let all who would reveal the Mystery, demonstrate the higher meaning of the merit they have gained, from the lessons in the Teachings. The Law of Radiation, the Power of Magnetics, the comprehension of Transmutation, Transformation and Transfiguration and the Name within the White Stone are the Goal of the Astral Physics Group Dynamics at its higher Center. The principle of Synthesis with unity and fusion establish in the Astral Physics Teachings in the Trinity of the Godhead where the Will of God is known. Transmutation disappears and Transformation leads to Transfiguration. The first Word of God is at the Center of the Group of students you are in and all proclaim God as the Highest in All as All.
To the Aspirant;
First learn to have an empty cup that all you hear fits in. Second seek to experience by daily application what you are learning by direct experience. Look around you and see how others do the Work of God. Put into application, as soon as possible, all the Astral Physics Teachings, Because if you wait to do it later it will be overwhalming and you will get out of sequence with others. This my be not true because there are always other starting or farther ago then some other student. The only thing is you will be witha different group.
To the Disciples and Initiates;
At your perceptional level of knowing be patient with your new Brothers and Sisters on the Path, until they see the Wisdom in you. Let Truth be your expression in Reality. Through the Grace of God's Love in you reveal the Astral Physics Teachings to the entire World. Through your effort in the Group all keeps the Hierarchy contact. Through your practice you hold the awareness that is constant and unbroken for Humans. Live the responsibility of the measure of God's Light that you have been given, for the Good of Humanity.
Contribute a share of the wealth, health, happiness and abundance of all good things from your Gifts and Powers, so humanity may survive. Hold the Vision strong and seek creative methods to bring it into being. Constantly project, through the Group Dynamics of Astral Physics, the Manifestation of the Goal on the Physical Plane. Do all you can to destroy illusion and separation. Everywhere you see the fallen Light, resurrect it by holding God's prefect Image for all Creations.
To the Aspirant;
No one walks alone, to do so is illusion and delusion. We all have a part to play in God's Creation. Do all you can to move through the fifteen steps. God is with you all the way. Come as One, with an open Mind, ready to receive and give, accepting all things, with duty to the Teacher, working as a co-Creator, expressing Wisdom, Truth and Love unconditioned, in the awareness of the Here and Now and with a firm eye on God the goal.
To the Disciples and Initiates;
Move in the way you have chosen, keeping it pure within you. Know that it is essential to the Group for each to hold the burning ground of Initiation. Learn to use the balance of Creative and Destructive Power constructively. Work with those of the Higher Planes and be confirmed by Masters so the Masses cannot bind you. Have a tangible Creative Project to contribute to all Humanity for the greater good of all other who are on the Path. Lack laziness, gain self-control; remove all obstacles, gain desire; cultivate Loving relationship, destroy violent emotional reaction; lack revenge and hate, gain forgiveness and understanding; merge with the Soul of purity, gain God
Consciousness and Live in the Presence, gain unity and compassion. With all these things accomplished Renounce and Transcend to Transcendental Consciousness in the Holy Spirit and work with the aspects of Life and Light. Now all is one, you have the Victory and the Freedom forever won in the Presence of God, open and direct. You are now a Light worthy to be followed.
We have just given the Fifteen Steps of Group Attunement for Initiation into the Open and Direct Contact with God. This is the way to the Mystical Union and Mystical Marriage on the Spiritual Mystic Path.
Spiritual Initiation - Milestones to Enlightenment - The journey to enlightenment is one governed by Initiation. This is a fact often overlooked by those who yearn for Spiritual growth. In the Esoteric Tradition, the study of Spiritual Initiation is a cornerstone of inquiry. To understand it is to grasp the requirements for walking the Path with greater comprehension and assurance. Often people hold the view that enlightenment is a state of consciousness suggesting Spiritual perfection, and freedom from further incarnational life.
From one perspective this is true. Enlightenment can be viewed as a final consummation. Unfortunately, when strictly holding to this definition, there is the tendency to forget that Spiritual evolution is gradual. As such, it is valid to view enlightenment as an incremental process as well.
Over countless lives, the Soul is progressively learning how to express itself in the outer world. Each incarnation sees the Soul gain a measure of added effectiveness in this regard. And, with each step forward, the Soul is able to radiate more of its inherent light into the outer world. Herein is given another understanding of enlightenment. For when consciousness expands, so too does the individual’s capacity to radiate the Soul’s light. The Soul’s radiation “enlightens”, or brings light to life. It is therefore true to say that enlightenment is incremental as well as terminal.
In Astral Physics we will examine the nature of Spiritual Initiation as a function of enlightenment. Discussion will be offered regarding each of the five Initiations, their challenges and implications. Though this presentation is an overview only, it will nonetheless provide the reader with a deeper appreciation of the Spiritual Path, and the milestones of achievement that point the way.
To understand Initiation, we must first consider the nature of the Soul’s incarnational predicament. When incarnate, it is enwrapped in three layers of substance loosely referred to as the mental, emotional and physical bodies. These bodies are really vehicles that the Soul seeks to utilize in order to interact with the outer world. In their sum total, they represent the personality (lower self).
Yet, for most of the Soul’s long incarnational history, the personality has had the upper hand in defining one’s behavior. All Spiritually inclined people know this oh too well. Though we sense the Soul within, the demands of the lower self will often take precedence over its agenda. The reason for this is that the three vehicles of the personality have not yet been mastered by the Soul. From one perspective it can be said that the Soul’s evolution is based upon its gradual ability to Master these vehicles.
Eventually the Soul will demonstrate its control over the unbridled appetites of the physical body. This then is followed by its demonstration of authority over the ungoverned passions of the emotional nature. Finally, the Soul must eventually gain the upper hand over the independent tendencies of the mind itself. These three steps represent the major milestones of development for the Soul, and are the markers related to the first three Initiations. They are the transitions most relevant to disciples today, particularly the first and second Initiations.
When speaking of Initiation, the reader would do well to avoid thinking of it as a physical event. Initiation is not something experienced by the outer personality. Rather, it is the Soul, on its own level, that is Initiated. Each Initiation indicates that the Soul has gained dominion over some aspect of the lower nature. The process of gaining such Mastery is really the basis for all Spiritual disciplines. Inherent within our lower nature is found a variety of distortions and impurities. This is true whether considering the mental, emotional or physical bodies. Such contamination is due to the misuse of these vehicles over countless incarnations.
Yet, when one is Spiritually disciplining his/her life, purification of the personality is the gradual byproduct of this effort. Slowly the Soul inspires the personality to work toward cleansing itself. Only when these instruments are stainless will the Soul have full Mastery over the personality. And, it is the Spiritual disciplines implemented in one’s life that make it possible for progress toward this end. Even so, the process of Mastery is exceedingly slow, requiring many incarnations of effort. This is an important idea to keep in mind. There are many who claim that most (if not all) of the Initiations can be taken in a single life. Though emotionally appealing, this notion is extremely misleading.
Each of the Initiations represents a major achievement in the long history of the Soul’s journey through many incarnations. When an individual goes through an Initiation, such an event is rare indeed. It has been said that there are no Spiritual shortcuts in cosmos. This idea is very true, for Soul evolution requires much inner labor, and many incarnations for full Mastery to be achieved. Below is a brief discussion of each of the five major Initiations.
First Initiation – The Birth of the Christ Comsciousmess within the Heart
The first Initiation occurs when the light of the Soul becomes robustly expressed through the heart Chakra. The nature of selfless love (Christ Principle) is then the pivotal force guiding one’s life, as well as a desire to uplift humanity. In addition, this Initiation indicates that the Soul has gained relative Mastery over the appetites of the physical body. As such, the cravings of the body no longer hold control over consciousness. A new and higher understanding of sexuality also begins to govern life.
This realization is based on an understanding that human sexuality is an outer symbol of the vertical intimacy existing between the Soul and personality. At this stage of Spiritual development, the Soul is a recognized fact within, and can be accessed with relative ease. This Initiation marks initial entrance into the fifth kingdom in nature, the Kingdom of Souls.
Second Initiation - The Baptism
The second Initiation is said to be one of the most difficult and painful. Fundamentally, it represents the triumph of the Soul over the emotional nature of the personality. When this Initiation is taken, the individual has demonstrated that the Self is no longer victimized by the tides of emotion and feeling states. Mastery over emotion is not here to be interpreted as repression. Rather, it represents one’s ability to rise above emotion, while still honoring it. This is accomplished through the use of the illumined mind.
It is the mind, in its capacity to observe emotion, which makes it possible for this Initiation to take place. When the mind is operating this way, the individual can free him/herself from the “slavery of ideas” and from fanatical reactions to truth. As such, a balanced perspective and the expressionof emotional temperance are both prerequisites for taking this Initiation. It is therefore not surprising that these disciples provide truly uplifting and powerful service in the betterment of humanity.
Though speculation only, an example of a disciple of this status, is Marie Curie, who was the discoverer of radium. In the Esoteric Teaching we are given to understand that it takes between five and seven incarnations to travel from the first Initiation to the second. Not surprising, the bulk of today’s Spiritual community are 1st degree Initiates who are slowly working their way toward the second Initiation.
Third Initiation – The Transfiguration
At the third Initiation, the personality is fully transfigured by the light of the Soul. By this is meant that the entire personality (lower self) is bathed in the radiance of the Spirit, and is now a complete and willing servant on its behalf. Most important is the fact that the mind is now governed by the indwelling Soul. No longer does the mind wander, or unintentionally shift from one thing to another. Instead, the Soul is the directing agent of thought. As such, mental illusion gives way as the Soul guides and dominates the mental body. At this stage, the Law of Sacrifice dominates the life. This represents a willingness to sacrifice all personality desires in support of divine Will as sensed though the Soul.
Because this Initiation indicates the complete fusion of Soul and personality, the Soul has Mastery over every aspect of the lower self. In today’s world there are relatively few third degree Initiates, though their uplifting influence is profound. The third degree Initiate is said to be a “world disciple”. Implicit in this title is the notion that his/her influence in the world will have global ramifications. A likely example of a third degree Initiate is Abraham Lincoln or Ludwig van Beethoven.
Fourth Initiation - The Renunciation
This Initiation is by far the most difficult. Yet, it also indicates a transition into realms of indescribable joy when the challenges have been surmounted. This difficulty stems from the fact that it is the Soul itself that must be transcended. When this occurs, the disciple is able to fully see an aspect of him/her lying beyond the Soul. It is the highest self that is visioning the monad. This is a most difficult task, for it demands that s/he renounce everything that was thought to be the eternal Self within. In short, it is a renunciation of the Soul itself that is here required. In the Esoteric Tradition, the Soul is understood as an intermediary between the monad (pure Spirit) and the personality.
The fourth Initiation is the stage when this intermediary is no longer necessary, and must be forfeited in order to make possible continued ascent. Such a relinquishment is deeply painful, for the Soul has been the guiding light for many incarnations, and was believed to be the eternal Self. Yet, at this Initiation the disciple is faced with the stark realization that Soul consciousness is not the end, but only a means to the end. It should also be noted that a fourth degree Initiate is one who has been liberated from all previously generated karma, and that the need for further incarnation is no longer mandated. This Initiation is best revealed in the life of Jesus, and is sometimes called the Crucifixion Initiation.
Fifth Initiation – The Revelation
In many ways, this is considered the consummating Initiation, relatively speaking. When taken, the Initiate becomes a Master of Wisdom or Lord of Compassion. This stage represents perfection and liberation. In truth, it is a refinement of the transformation that occurred at the fourth Initiation. Here, the Master becomes a Masterpiece, so to speak. In addition, at the moment of Initiation, s/he is afforded a profound revelation. This revelation relates to the various Spiritual Paths that are now open before him/her.
They define the directions possible for continued Spiritual development. In the ancient literature there are said to be seven of these Paths, sometimes called the Higher Way of Evolution. Only one of them involves continued service upon our globe, the Path of Earth Service. Admittedly, the choice of which Path to follow is not yet granted the Master, for that does not occur until the Sixth Initiation. Nonetheless, this understanding, coupled with one’s sense of inner destiny, insures that the correct Path will eventually be chosen. Speculatively speaking, an example of such a person is Sri Krishna.
From these brief descriptions it can be seen that Initiation is an important aspect of Spiritual evolution. Each Initiation marks a moment of triumph, in that it indicates that the Soul has achieved greater control over an aspect of the personality through which it is trying to express itself. This is particularly true when considering the first three Initiations, for they more directly related to the interactions of Soul and personality. Initiation is truly a point of achievement, but it is also indicative of a new beginning.
With the expansion of wisdom that it confers, Initiation also broadens one’s capacity to serve. By this is meant that the Rite of Initiation is ever accompanied by a new and heightened sense of responsibility. Verily, Initiation opens one up to an expansion within, and the reflection of this heightened state of consciousness is expanded outer service to others. Such is the nature of Initiation as a force of upliftment in the world.
Visions and Spiritual Initiation?
Teachers perform Spiritual Initiations in many Spiritual Traditions. The means of giving or receiving Spiritual Initiation takes many forms.
Initiations my happen through ritual, touch, glance, through lectures, chants, speaking with a teacher, a class, or through sitting in meditation by oneself using a mantra or chant given by a teacher for the purpose of actualizing an Initiation, or through sitting in the presence of a Spiritual teacher who guides a meditation. Sometimes the most powerful of our Initiations occur when we are alone.
Some people experience Spiritual Initiation as seeing a vision that includes the quality of seeing light or forms or symbols or other realms of existence. Seeing Light or having a vision is not the whole of a Spiritual Initiation, however.
True Spiritual Initiation causes a profound shift in one's perceptions and awareness of what is. Seeing is only a part of Initiation; seeing may be a beginning, but seeing something is not the whole.
We see only in part.
Thus St. Paul said:
1 Corinthians 13:11-13 11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child; I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Seeing something does not produce a profound understanding of God, rather, seeing is a beginning - Initiation means beginning. The word itself, Initiate means to begin. Initiations are beginnings. True knowledge may only be realized by the Soul. The knowledge of what we experience Spiritually unfolds through Spiritual practice.
This picture by Carravaggio depicts St. Paul having an experience of the Light of Christ on the road to Damascus. It was an experience of the Light of Christ that changed his life. As his Spiritual journey continued, he began to teach of the Love of Christ and God.
Initiation is the door opened and then there is the unending unfoldment, continuing and ongoing. The unfolding of an Initiation takes place on many levels: mental and emotional, intuitional and yes, through the physical and Spiritual senses. The senses are the doorway to the Spiritual senses, thus, in many cases the Spiritual teacher will bless the body.
Following an Initiation is the aspect of Assimilation. Assimilation takes place over time.
Initiation begins as an inspired moment. Following, according to one's focus, a profound shift occurs in one's awareness. The inspiration is the cause of the shift and is a product of the Holy Spirit which resides in each one of us.
The Presence of the Holy Spirit and its movement are the actual defining factor in any Enlightenment experience, in this sense meaning, that in true Initiation, one experiences a real Spiritual transformation at all levels through the intuitive and mental faculties -- as in -- "when a fish climbs out of the water it is no longer a fish". And then, even after, what we can conceive of as Full Initiation, well, there is always more. Initiation is the beginning and then there is the unfoldment of the Fullness of the Initiation through experience and Assimilation.
For example, Ascension might be becoming fully light and then there is another level.... and still another... and another... we are eternal... and then there are dimensions... on and on... so in any discussion of Initiations, our perception and ability to discuss them, can only be limited to our ability to perceive of the particular Spiritual event.
My Buddhist friend tells me, the Buddhists define many more than the following, but in the Western Tradition we confine ourselves to actualizing what are called in some Western Traditions, the Major Initiations: The Awakening (we celebrate this with a Baptism of Light), Illumination, Self-Realization, God Realization.
These Initiations are very similar to those discussed by Evelyn Underhill in Mysticism, in Cosmic Consciousness by Richard Maurice Bucke, in The Portable Jungby Carl G. Jung, Joseph Campbell (Editor), R. F. C. Hull (Translator), in The Varieties of Religious Experience by William JamesWilliam, by The Buddhists in KalaChakra Tantra: Rite of Initiation, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Jeffrey Hopkins and written about by so many others.
To share these experiences more fully than below I think, would get in the way of those who may experience these significant Spiritual events a little differently, for each of us perceives God and Creation a little differently, so I will choose my words as carefully as I can and I will try to speak only in generalities.
Generally, most people experience some Spiritual variation of the following in terms of describing sequence, although some go through all of it at once or so rapidly that there is apparently no means of determining a sequence. What I am describing is not the whole fullness of what may experience personally and with others, but only some ... inklings. And of course these are intellectual descriptions, so the following may be somewhat lacking in terms of exactly defining the actual inspirational experiences.
Initiations can only be hinted at in words.
The Student
Root Chakra
The Path begins as one gets physical control
Just presented were the two life Paths and now we will give the various stages of the Path.
On the Path, we first become a student, an aspirant, seeking the way. We clear our consciousness to see our way. We stumble and walk our Path as it appears to twist and turn. As we learn discrimination and discipline, our Path becomes straighter, until we see the ray of light that leads us. We see the unconditional Wisdom, Truth and Love of our way. We leave the animal in us to find the human.
Upon finding the human, we recognize our God-Self and seek union with it. One perceives the spaces in the Path and takes the steps and there are many, towards the higher dimensions and planes of consciousness. Hindered by the past and in uncertainty about our future, the aspirant learns to center the energies in the present, the eternal here and now.
One perceives a clearing, wide and swift way; while others perceives dusty narrow and slow winding ways. One sees many temptations, dangerous crossings, distortions and unbelievable delays.
Faith has been tested over and over again and the aspirant has quickened into hope and hope shows the way to faith. The aspirant realizes the differences of the self and the other human beings, for the aspirant is seeking the security of the eternal things and their life, while seeing others tripping in transitory things and an unsettled life. The aspirant finds the self within and realizes the games of the personality, the outer ego.
The aspirant begins to pierce the veil of illusion and delusion perceiving the ultimate frontiers of the greater reality of life. On the Path, the individual learns discipline and becomes a disciple performing all acts in the awareness of the God-Self within, to bring forth the Christ Consciousness, the child of God within with religious overtones, to free awareness from the objects of the senses and outer stimuli. To know God walks the Path with you.
The Disciple
Spline Chakra
One gets emotional control
The disciplines of the disciple create a rhythm that leads those inwards deeper and deeper and deeper within. The scattered attention units of awareness are focused by concentration and through the witness consciousness of observation. The disciple in meditation, corrects conditioned and defensive reaction by freeing their stuck attention and they learn to live in the attitude of meditation; a relaxed, calm, objective state of awareness.
They seek the guru, the Spiritual teacher and through reverence, submission, earnest inquiry and service to the teacher' the seeker seeks shelter in the guru's Wisdom, Truth and Love. All of their actions are directed and disciplined into the expansion of the Holy God-self, the mighty I Am Presence in action. The disciple begins to realize his or her individuality as a conscious aware manifestation of God, a creating, knowing, thinking, and emotional cell in the oneness of universal mind.
The disciple observes the Wisdom, Truth and Love of the Spiritual teacher to transcend the normal physical focus of consciousness, to realize the higher self and to seek ways to merge the higher self with the personality.
The disciple becomes a witness to the aspects of life and through the merging of the higher and lower self, lives their idea, the vision of the best that is within them. The discipleship is a mere, never-ending pursuit to merge with the Masters, saints and Holy beings ideal qualities. The disciple sees these as the qualities and attributes of the God-Self within.
Even the highest Spiritual beings are disciples of the greater wisdom, truth, and love of the Masters of light, the saints and Holy beings. The Masters, saints and Holy beings go to the Holy Spirit of God and through the Holy Spirit they all reach the God head. They then have open and direct contact with God. The greater heavens and expressions of the one without a second, now is apparent everywhere in the infinite.
The disciples constantly reach inward and upward to the highest self-awareness and self-control. The disciple then consciously becomes keener on the Path, stabilizing on the spirals of existence in the eternal moment of the here and now. Disciple means the one who practices the discipline.
The disciple is, through service to the teacher consciously, to literally practice to become one with the guru or Spiritual teacher's greatest qualities as an equal. Then with their help they seek a greater Spiritual Teacher, an Ascended Master, Saint or Holy Being. A disciple becomes a Soul seeker of the higher beliefs becoming dominant within and without. You are disciplined by the daily practice; like other great Masters, saints and Holy beings that represent the way you seek or Master to go in life to be fulfilled.
The Initiate
Navel Chakra
One gets mental control
Through the disciplines of discipleship, the third stage of Initiation is reached. (See chapter on Initiation for more detail.) Electrifying Initiationship brings response vital to the whole self. When the higher self-moves our being and it is present in our personality, one moves into the energy of Initiate consciousness. Spirit rules and a sense of synthesis appear within the being.
This new sense of wholeness extends beyond the narrow boundaries of our individual consciousness, beyond the psychic, beyond the ,
The Initiate becomes totally involved in the self-identity, personality and the environmental consciousness. The Initiate learns one and one are three and the one without a second is the universal pattern of the trinity.
The Initiate sees the trinity manifested everywhere through all dimensions, planes, phases and cycles. The Initiate blends into the system of cycles at the highest vibration to reach the trinity of the Christ awareness and incorporates the three-fold flame of the heart with the vibrational rates of the physical brain, thus expanding consciousness to the conscious expression of the child of God, the Holy Christ self with true insight into the trinity of the personality of the God-Self within.
Physical Initiate: the Initiate first realizes to literally incorporate this new awareness of the divine self. The Christ Spirit, is brought into the electro - magnetic patterns of the brain; thus expressing this new awareness to the outer and inner stimuli. The psychic, Soul awareness, becomes the receptacle of the Holy Spirit, his or her greatest Spiritual Beingness. The monadic lights appear on the filament of the mind registering within the physical element of one, his or her own consciousness. The awareness of the oneness of the physical plane appears in the consciousness as absolute beyond a doubt.
The flash of awareness is realized when the Initiate obtains control, the majority control, over his or her physical being and no longer accepts separation as reality. A state of knowing sees all physical beings related, tied together in the one universal physical Beingness. At this point they see them-selves as a citizen of humanity in the world. Control of one's physical environment takes place. The Initiate controls his or her surroundings. The Initiate is no longer the reactions of instinctive impulses, but now responds with the adaptability of consciousness turning Darkness into Light.
Emotional Initiate: the Initiate finds in the second phase of Initiation that the emotional freedom is obtained when the feelings of the child of God, Christ Spirit, in Christ Consciousness, are projected through their emotional body. Thus make one emotion; and make that emotion unconditioned love. One obtains the majority control over the emotional consciousness allowing the dynamic energy of the Spirit to vivify the heart center, to expand over the planet and into all creation expressing the divine love of the God-self.
The loving concern of the God-Self through the Christ Spirit of the divine self-unfolds and enfolds all humanity; man, woman, child, every place, situation, and thing upon the earth in that eternal ever-giving love and the bondage of personal love is dissolved. Separation fades into the omnipresence love of God and the everlasting love of life expounds as the radiance within and without the Initiate.
Mental Initiation: at the third phase of Initiation, the Initiate experiences the presence of the one as being a child of God and the Christ Spirit in the mental body as the will of God expressing the love of the God-Self outwardly, formulating God in action. The Initiate has gained majority control of the mental body, the control of their inner and outer energies coming into manifestation. Using this power of God mind control, the Initiate commands external formulation of world events; wielding a magical power; consciously commanding the elementals and ethers upon the earth.
The Initiate seeks not to accumulate worldly abundance, but to store up energies in the way of money, possessions, etc. And arrange this energy flow to build and maintain the control of God's plan of perfection. The Initiate is no longer seeking personal control, but seeking to consciously control this flow to bring forth the child of God, Christ Spirit and Holy God-Self in all humanity for the uplifting of humanity as a whole.
The Adept
Heart Chakra
One gets the power of the Soul
The Adept gains the majority control over his monadic being. The word, love and action of God are now reflected through the Initiate's outer and inner personality and the divine individual blooms into the Soul expression, free from vices of the animal consciousness and now the positive virtues of the true Soul's awareness become prominent. This is the stage of the Adept. The lower energies of the being are merged into the higher self. Thus, the uplifting of awareness from the animal consciousness, transcending instinct, emotions and intellect; now ranging into the vibrations way above self-seeking passions and nature of the animal man.
The concern of the ego personality of the little limited self is transcended and the bodily emotions and mind are dedicated to the welfare of the group. The Adept is centered and lives and knows the group consciousness. The Adept has mastered the animal nature and has achieved total freedom. The Adept is truly saved in the salvation of the redeemed energies of the lower self. The God-Self reigns in the consciousness of the child of God, the Christ Spirit. The Soul is merged completely with the body, fusing into one unit of consciousness; the fourth stage of Initiation is reached.
The illumined, enlightened essence of the Adept is yourself and all selves and is the structure of true human nature. The aura shines like a brilliant star. The Adept is an intuitive being, living centered in the heart center, the home of the original Soul. We now know and the knowing of our pure consciousness shines in the form of that transcendental Beingness. Freedom from the will of action, no more stuck attention or bound energy. Harmony reigns over all the Adept's earthly affairs. The Adept lives in the joyous awareness of the Soul, with the balance and freedom from death, disease and suffering of the ego centered awareness of the little self, no longer enslaved in the Physical, Emotional and Mental bodies.
The Adept is no longer swayed by these bodies, but stands poised and balanced, confident and able. The Adept lives in the awareness of the spiral, one now has the adaptability to ascend over the three dimensional planes. The Adept controls the objective and subjective inwardly and outwardly in any given person, place or thing. The Adept is a pure Soul with pure love, reason and consciousness and countless other synonyms expressing qualities not quantity. The Adept is a white magician, can appear and disappear at will. The Adept can exercise all of the psychic powers that we are aware of on earth. The Adept is self-conscious awareness. At this stage of Adeptship, one becomes a Master. I am with you always; in the power of the presence within and without.
The Master
Throat Chakra
One gets the power of the Creator and the Higher Mind
The now Master moves to the Throat Chakra in the fifth stage of Initiation and through dynamic electricity, the five lower kingdoms fall gracefully under his or her dominion. The Master joins the Spiritual kingdom, maintaining the adaptability of the focus of the lower kingdoms. The Master is the head of the Spiritual groups of disciples, surrounding and sounding the tones as him or herself. The disciples are linked to the Master through the bonds of love, past, present and future. The disciples follow the Teachings and works on the same ray as the Master. The Master displays the ray of the Holy Spirit, Christ Self reflected from the God-Self. The Master knows and fulfills the work of God acting as a channel of Wisdom, Truth and Love.
The Master has learned by winning the battle of consciousness, ascending above the limitations of the little self, in outward appearance. The Master grows daily in power and awareness through Wisdom, Truth and Love. The Master knows his or her words have power and lives in the awareness of this divine gift of the Spirit. Living by intuition and clairvoyance, the Master directs the energies to guide his or her students, disciples and Initiates to the higher realities. The Master lives and moves and has his being in the awareness of the Father-Mother-God. The Master has learned to Master his or her consciousness.
The Master having learned the play of consciousness guides his or her groups of Souls on the Path. The Master understands and works closely with other Masters, ascending and ascended. All senses of separation are overcome by the Master and he stands as an example of unity, with all life and all forms of consciousness around him. The knowledge of synergic mind and universal mind is available to the Master, and the Master reads freely the Akashi records. The Master knows and has knowledge of the five lower kingdoms and they expand in the Master's consciousness, and the Master sees that truly there are no secrets in the universe. Through meditation, the knowledge obtained is contemplated to be wisely used and applied in service. The Master is guided by his or her Spiritual teachers within the Holy God-self.
The Master is given certain words of power that give him dominion over the elementals, devas, the ethers, and the groups below him or her on the Path. The Master works with the creative powers of the Holy Spirit, working with the seven creative principles of creation. The Master can attune to all the dimensions within to expand consciousness of that dimension through meditation. The Master displays the powers mentioned and many hidden powers, merely reflecting the Master within all. Each and every human is a Master awakening to the true Spiritual nature of God in every one. As one learns to tap the inner being, the inner consciousness, the Master consciousness awakens through the meditation of the God-self.
The Master of Masters
Brow Chakra
One gets the supernatural powers of the Individual Spirit
The Master of Masters, the divine director of pure consciousness, is reached as the Master is initiated into the sixth stage, into the Brow Chakra. This is the first stage of Godhood, an extension of the Mother Father God. The son of God stands safe in the Spiritual kingdom. The Master of Masters provides and presides over the Masters, Adepts, Initiates and disciples who are on the same ray as him or her. The Master of Masters is a self-realized monad, and realizes the units of his or her divine Beingness in his or her own monadic family.
The Master of Masters works directly on the inner planes and the Spiritual universes with members of his or her monadic family. By his or her nature the Master of Masters demonstrates the purest form of Wisdom, Truth and Love, unconditioned and absolute. The love of God radiates through the entire being of the Master of Masters. The Master of Masters represents the hierarchy of the ascended Masters of light, all saints and Holy beings.
The Master of Masters of this high office is concerned with the inner light development of Masters, Saints and Holy Beings. Each of the Master of Masters has a ray or rays that are magnetized and cause to spread out over the land surface of the planet earth, through humanity, the elementals, the angelic host and the Spirits of nature.
The Master of Masters has a radiant body of light that can be produced at will. Just to be in the aura of the Master of Masters is a blessing of light that bestows the gifts of God and Spiritual powers.
The Master of Masters is part of the ascended plane of light while still being in the body on earth. The Master of Masters walks and talks with other Masters of light, ascending and ascended. Other names for the Master of Masters are; minister of ministers, teacher of teachers and healer of healers.
The Master of Masters has access to all the retreats and cities in light that circle the globe of the earth. The Master of Masters has power over all principalities in or on the planetary body. The Master of Masters now rules by inspiration and reverence for God.
Spiritual Master
Crown Chakra
One gets the universal and Cosmic power at the crown
The Spiritual Master, beyond the Master of Masters is a being that has reached the crown Chakra, the seventh stage of Initiation. The Spiritual Master represents Shamballa the crown of the planetary existence and the Spiritual Master has the ability to see the etheric form of Christ, the angelic host, the Masters of light and other Spiritual beings. The Spiritual Master is in union with the primal fountain-head into which clairvoyant sight reaches.
The Spiritual Master represents the Christ, pure white light that has intertwined the past, present and the future in the eternal now, to reach God realization. The Spiritual Master can also represent Krisna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, or any other head of a great world religion, Spiritual Teaching, mystical training or esoteric tradition that was given by God to the human race; any God man or God woman from the beginning of time to the present.
The Spiritual Master embraces the planetary Logo; the Spirit of the earth its self, the eternal witness, the silent watchers and the countless other titles for the whole Beingness of the one, the duality of Mother- Father God and the trinity of the three fold flame of God.
The Spiritual Master has open and direct consciousness of God; he or she walks with God and takes with God. There is no more separation from God. The Spiritual Master has dominion over the earth, the sea and the sky and all that is in them. He or she is the manifestation of God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master
Center of the Crown
The Spiritual Mystic Master is one who accepts God and shapes his or her life accordingly. A person who acts on the assumption there is a divine sovereign guiding principle that whispers warnings from the heart when one stays from discipline and practice or infringed on, Spiritual Mystic power and science, wealth, prosperity, means of living, meaning and purpose.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is free when he breaks of being enslaved by desire, lust, greed, inordinate desire for the things of the sensory world such as riches, prosperity, honor, status, fame, children, attachment to all things of the false, temporary, impure, secular, material and sensory world.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is free when he breaks of being bound by yearning, lustful passion, limited love, attachment to a particular individual.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is free when he breaks of being attacked by the demon of the desire to possess something.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is free when he breaks of being unchecked by getting or harboring diseases of all kinds or the mind hankering for it.
The Spiritual Mystic Master who has renounce everything, giving up all desire, is unmoved, unaffected by any temptation of touch, taste, smell, sound, and other attractions of the senses.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is fully immersed in desire, deed, design and discipline to merge with and fully be one with the Godhead in open and direct contact.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is the power of transfiguration to change the Spirit that transfigures the Spirit body of individualization. The Spirit body is exalting, glorifying and Spiritually being changed in the Spiritual Mystic Master. This is being done so as to bring the Spiritual Mystic Master Spirit into the light of God's Omnipotence, Omnificence and Omnibeingness. The final change of the individualized Spirit is transcending to the transcendental plane of composite Omnibeingness in God and expanding into the God Consciousness of being beyond.
The Spiritual Mystic Master uses the power of transmutation is to alter the form, the appearance and the nature of the physical world, particularly the human body for the Spiritual Mystic Master. This is being done so that the body is being converted to the point of receiving the light of God open and direct in the Omnipresence.
The Spiritual Mystic Master uses the power of transmutation which results from sustained co-operative effort over several years of development, in collaboration with the Spirit of God. In the first stage subliminal control is maintained. In the second stage the incarnate Spirit controls the body. In the third stage the consciousness of the being makes excursion into the Spirit world and holds intercourse with the Spirit of God. Spiritual Master at the crown Chakra gets the universal and Cosmic power. The Spiritual Master, beyond the Master of Masters is a being that has reached the crown Chakra, the seventh stage of Initiation.
The Spiritual Master represents Shamballa the crown of the planetary existence and the Spiritual Master has the ability to see the etheric form of Christ, the angelic host, the Masters of light and other Spiritual beings. The Spiritual Master is in union with the primal fountain head into which clairvoyant sight reaches. The Spiritual Master represents the Christ, pure white light that has intertwined the past, present and the future in the eternal now, to reach God realization.
The Spiritual Master can also represent Krisna, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, or any other head of a great world religion, Spiritual Teaching, mystical training or esoteric tradition that was given by God to the human race; any God man or God woman from the beginning of time to the present.
The Spiritual Master embraces the planetary Logo; the Spirit of the earth its self, the eternal witness, the silent watchers and the countless other titles for the whole Beingness of the one, the duality of Mother- Father God and the trinity of the three fold flame of God.
The Spiritual Master has open and direct consciousness of God; he or she walks with God and takes with God. There is no more separation from God. The Spiritual Master has dominion over the earth, the sea and the sky and all that is in them. He or she is the manifestation of God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master center of the crown. One is in the center of the crown, a mystic Spiritual Master the Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with the Omnibeingness of God, in all things as all things. The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with and can channel the Omniscient, having infinite awareness, understanding and insight, the wisdom of God everywhere. The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with the omnipotent, having virtually unlimited power, authority, influence everywhere and is the truth of one God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with the Omnipresent. In all places at all times, presence and existent everywhere, the love of God everywhere unconditioned. The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with the omnificent, unlimited in creative power everywhere. The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with omnidirectional, receiving or sending radiations equally well in all directions.The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with omnificent, unlimited creative power everywhere. The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with Omnifarious, having great diversity everywhere of God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master has reached Spirithood in the conversion of light and can produce a visible light body, gold, white or crystal in appearance. When one has made the conversion of light to Spirit into matter, the esoteric sight, hearing, feeling, extrasensory perception and super consciousness appear in the firmament of the mind. The Spiritual Mystic Master sees the etheric images of the Christ, Masters, saints and Holy beings of God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master reaches into the primal fountainhead into which clairvoyant sight reaches and Initiates human beings with strength, wisdom and power.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is awaken to the super conscious power from within and lets the powers flow into the world. The Spiritual Mystic Master doesn’t keep the gifts of God bound within for those on the Spiritual Path any longer.
The Spiritual Mystic Master bestows Shakti, a transmission of Spiritual light directly into the physical body of those on the Spiritual Path, to quicken them in Spiritual gifts and creative powers.The Spiritual Mystic Master bestows the gifts of God and liberated bliss within all the humans on the Spiritual Path, regardless of race, practices, and way of life or religion.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is connected to and merging into the universal Soul that controls destiny. Higher quality for expression, expressing life movement and activity of the Individual Self, all of which can be requalified by the mind in the Self that is one with God. The Spiritual Mystic Master that is in the universal Soul of all is awakened and knows good and evil. The Spiritual Mystic Master in the Over-Soul, God-Self or I Am Presence is awakened and knows the darkness and light.
The Spiritual Mystic Master loves all Souls and maintains a high quality of experiences, controlling life’s movements from the Spiritual side of life rather than the material side of life, from within and without.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is conscious of being born in the breath of life issued forth at the beginning of creation by the great out breathe as the Holy Spirit of God. The Spirit of God is the animating and vital principle of God that gives life to the Soul of creation, the human beings and all creatures therein creation. The Spiritual Mystic Master is atoned to that Spirit Soul.
The Spiritual Mystic Master's Individual Spirits a supernatural being, a supernatural incorporeal rational being that can become invisible at will and has the power of producing a light body a will.
The Spiritual Mystic Master cherish the human body, human emotions and the human mind as Spiritual instruments, in every meaning of these words, to carry out the divine plan of God in the divine arrangement of creation.
The Spiritual Mystic Master uses the body, emotions and mind as means to achieve, perform and further their part of the divine plan in creation.
The Spiritual Mystic Master can use the body, emotions and mind as a musical instrument for singing, chanting reciting mantras and singing scriptures and praying to God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master uses the body, emotions and mind as electric / magnetic and mechanical devices for their fight or flight and navigation of Spirit through creation.
The Spiritual Mystic Master uses the body, emotions and mind to instrument color, light, sound and motion to give depth, consciousness, vibration and action to life as God expressing.
The Spiritual Mystic Master cherishes your body, emotions, mind and Spirit that you may be well in the oneness of God. The Spiritual Mystic Master is infinite individuality, fulfillment, Omniscient, omnipotent, Omnipresent, omnificent and appears as a Master, minister, teacher, healer, Creator and savior in human form.
The Spiritual Mystic Master acquires a dedicated life and Spiritual maturity to be a channel for God in their Spirit, Soul, mind, emotions and body. The Spiritual Mystic Master is not binding anyone or anything; they are setting them and it free.
The Spiritual Mystic Master finds the power of God within and at hand. They know the power of God is instantaneous seeing God as Omnibeing. God has no limit by time, space and circumstance.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is at one with God. The Spiritual Mystic Master sees the unlimited power flowing through you. The Spiritual Mystic Master stands in the unification of God's power of the Unified Field of Creation.
The Spiritual Mystic Master reaches the unified field of God Consciousness and they are in the state of unification there is no different between the inner and outer consciousness. There is no difference in seeing in and of the Spiritual, mental and physical worlds of experience and existence. The Spiritual Mystic Master has become one in the coherent whole of creation.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is at the final act of open and direct consciousness by process and result of being unified in God after the final step to the mystical union with God and God's creation.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is truly conscious of being God expressing. The Spiritual Mystic Master displays the cohesion, which is reached by spiritually and by systematically holding together, firmly, the parts of the one God and becoming unified in the laws, principle and powers of God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is a particle of molecular attraction in the one body of God that unites all throughout creation. As above so below is the power of the Spiritual Mystic Master. The life stream of
The Spiritual Mystic Master has attained the Spiritual maturity and it shall be more beautiful and exquisite in its body, mind and Spirit as the years go by.
The Spiritual Mystic Master started by practicing the power of unification in the body, emotions and mind with God. Taking each level of being, one by one and practicing the power of unification until the Spiritual Mystic Master gained the lesser law of harmony in life. The Spiritual Mystic Master practices the powers taught by all the Spiritual Masters he meets on the Path of life.
The power of transformation is a formula in the mind that transforms the mental body of the Spiritual Mystic Master. The Spiritual Mystic Master changes the mind in its configuration so it can be an expression of God's mind of enlightenment in accordance with the infinite intelligence of God's Omniscience power. The Spiritual Mystic Master embraces the Planetary Deity, the Solar Logo, and the Cosmic Logo and is at one with the Universal Beingness. The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with the Omnibeingness of God, in all things as all things.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with and can channel the Omniscient, having infinite awareness, understanding and insight, the wisdom of God everywhere. The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with the omnipotent, having virtually unlimited power, authority, influence everywhere the truth of God. The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with the Omnipresent. In all places at all times, presence and existent everywhere, the love of God everywhere unconditioned.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with the omnificent, unlimited in creative power everywhere. The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with omnidirectional, receiving or sending radiations equally well in all directions. The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with omnificent, unlimited creative power everywhere. The Spiritual Mystic Master is in contact with Omnifarious, having great diversity everywhere of God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master has reached Spirithood in the conversion of light and can produce a visible light body, gold, white or crystal in appearance. When one has made the conversion of light to Spirit into matter, the esoteric sight, hearing, feeling, extrasensory perception and super consciousness appear in the firmament of the mind.
The Spiritual Mystic Master sees the etheric images of the Christ, Masters, saints and Holy beings of God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master reaches into the primal fountainhead into which clairvoyant sight reaches and Initiates human beings with strength, wisdom and power.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is awaken to the super conscious power from within and lets the powers flow into the world.
The Spiritual Mystic Master does not keep the gifts of God bound within for those on the Spiritual Path any longer. The Spiritual Mystic Master bestows Shakti, a transmission of Spiritual light directly into the physical body of those on the Spiritual Path, to quicken them in Spiritual gifts and creative powers.
The Spiritual Mystic Master bestows the gifts of God and liberates bliss within all the humans on the Spiritual Path, regardless of race, practices, and way of life or religion.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is connected to and merging into the universal Soul that controls destiny. Higher quality for expression, expressing life's movement and activity of the Individual Self, all of which can be requalified by the mind in the self at one with God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master that is in the universal Soul of all is awakened and knows good and evil.
The Spiritual Mystic Master in the OverSoul, Godself or I Am Presence is awakened and knows the darkness and light.
The Spiritual Mystic Master loves all Souls and maintains a high quality of experiences, controlling life’s movements from the Spiritual side of life rather than the material side of life, from within and without.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is conscious of being born in the breath of life issued forth at the beginning of creation by the great out breathe as the Holy Spirit of God. The Spirit of God is the animating and vital principle of God that gives life to the Soul of creation, the human beings and all creatures therein creation. The Spiritual Mystic Master is atoning to that Spirit Soul.
The Spiritual Mystic Master's Individual Spirits a supernatural being, a supernatural incorporeal rational being that can become invisible at will and has the power of producing a light body a will.
The Spiritual Mystic Master cherish the human body, human emotions and the human mind as Spiritual instruments, in every meaning of these words, to carry out the divine plan of God in the divine arrangement of creation.
The Spiritual Mystic Master uses the body, emotions and mind as means to achieve, perform and further their part of the divine plan in creation.
The Spiritual Mystic Master can use the body, emotions and mind as a musical instrument for singing, chanting reciting mantras and singing scriptures and praying to God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master uses the body, emotions and mind as electric / magnetic mechanical devices for their fight or flight and navigation of Spirit through creation.
The Spiritual Mystic Master uses the body, emotions and mind to instrument color, light, sound and motion to give depth, consciousness, vibration and action to life as God expressing.
The Spiritual Mystic Master cherishes your body, emotions, mind and Spirit that you may be well in the oneness of God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is infinite individuality, fulfillment, Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omnificent and appears as a Master, Minister, Teacher, Healer, Creator and Savior in human form.
The Spiritual Mystic Master acquires a dedicated life and Spiritual maturity to be a channel for God in their Spirit, Soul, mind, emotions and body
the Spiritual Mystic Master is not binding anyone or anything; they are setting them and it free.
The Spiritual Mystic Master finds the power of God within and at hand. They know the power of God is instantaneous seeing God as Omnibeing. God has no limit by time, space and circumstance.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is at one with God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master sees the unlimited power flowing through you.
The Spiritual Mystic Master stands in the unification of God's power of the unified field of creation.
The Spiritual Mystic Master reaches the unified field of God Consciousness and they are in the state of unification there is no different between the inner and outer consciousness. There is no difference in seeing in and of the Spiritual, mental and physical worlds of experience and existence.
The Spiritual Mystic Master has become one in the coherent whole of creation.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is at the final act of open and direct consciousness by process and result of being unified in God after the final step to the mystical union with God and God's creation. The Spiritual Mystic Master is truly conscious of being God expressing
The Spiritual Mystic Master displays cohesion which is reached by Spiritually and systematically holding together firmly the parts of the one God and becoming unified in the laws, principle and powers of God.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is a particle of molecular attraction in the one body of God that unites all throughout creation. As above so below is the power of the Spiritual Mystic Master.
The Lifestream of the Spiritual Mystic Master has attained the Spiritual maturity and it shall be more beautiful and exquisite in its body, mind and Spirit as the years go by.
The Spiritual Mystic Master started by practicing the power of unification in the body, emotions and mind with God. Taking each level of being, one by one and practicing the power of unification until the Spiritual Mystic Master gained the lesser law of harmony in life.
The Spiritual Mystic Master practice powers learned with all the Spiritual Masters you meet on your Path of life.
The Spiritual Mystic Master changes the mind in its configuration so it can be an expression of God's mind of enlightenment in accordance with the infinite intelligence of God's Omniscience power.
The Spiritual Mystic Master is the power of transfiguration to change the Spirit that transfigures the Spirit body of individualization. The Spirit body is exalting, glorifying and Spiritually being changed in the Spiritual Mystic Master. This is being done so as to bring the Spiritual Mystic Master Spirit into the light of God's omnipotence Omnibeingness, omnificence and Omnibeingness. The final change of the individualized Spirit is transcending to the transcendental plane of composite in God and expanding into the God Consciousness of being beyond.
The Spiritual Mystic Master embraces the Planetary Deity, the Solar Logo, and the Cosmic Logo and is at one with the Universal Beingness.
The Planetary Deity
Second Transpersonal Chakra
Astral Physics call this the Christ Consciousness or White Light Chakra which is 6 inches above the head, Some are teaching this as the first Transpersonal Chakra called The Soul Star Chakra.
Transcendence that can change the Planet Earth & all that is on it and in it.
St. John tells us 'in the beginning was the Word' (Logo) and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning and through him all things came to be, not one thing had its being but through him. All that came to be had life in him and that life was the light of men, a light that shined in the dark, a light that darkness could not overpower. This is the Christ that Jesus manifested.
The Planetary Deity is the planet's Spirit over-Soul and the one that can merge with the Planetary Deity is called a Planetary Deity. The entity, respectively representing the synthesis of light in its largest and smallest, the most solid, most liquid, the most colorful, the most colorless state manifested upon and within the planetary body. The Planetary Deity represents the seven creative principles, the Elohim. All seven are presiding Spirits of the Golden Brotherhood, Great White Brotherhood and the crystal Spirithood on earth.
The Golden Brotherhood is those Beings that have passed through the human experience and developed, having reached the Spiritual Mastery on our planet. The Great White Brotherhood is those beings that have passed through the human experience and developed, reaching atonement with God through the Holy Spirit, on our planet. The crystal Spirithood are those beings that have passed through the human experience and developed, having reached Godhood by being God expressing and being animated by the Holy Spirit, on our planet.
These three Brotherhoods manifest in the seven realms of the planet as man, manifested in the human body, which is as a whole physical, emotional, mental, intuitive Soul Beingness, Spiritual monadic and God-Self divine, which is simply a Spirit being.
The Logo The Third Transpersonal Chakra twelve inches above the head.
Some call this Chakra the middle of the top three Transpersonal Chakras Cosmic Being that can travel in the light and Spirit The planetary aspect of the Logo.
The Planetary Deity represents the personality of God, personal to our planet. The Planetary Logo gives life to all that is on the planet earth. The elements are the physical substance that the Planetary Logo uses to bring about all the varied forms of life on the planet. The planetary Logo also has Etheric, Astral, manas and Spiritual substance in its atmosphere to sustain the elemental, animal, fowl, fish, insect, human, angelic and Spiritual life expressing on the planet earth. The planetary Logo are truly a mother to us all by providing all life here with a solid body to express God in. The Planetary Deity embraces the Solar system aspect of the Logo.
The Solar aspect of the Logo
Some call this the third Transpersonal Chakra the ‘The Grand Portal’ Astral Physics calls this the Forth Transpersonal Chakra since 1976. Astral Physics calls this the ‘I Am Presence’
The Solar Logo is divided into the threefold spectrum of divine existence and rules as another being over the Planetary Deity. The Solar Logo contains sheer electro-magnetic energies, electricity and vital force energy.
The Solar Logo is directly responsible for the existence, the physical and the Spiritual manifestations of the planetary spheres within its radiation. The Great Solar Logo acts as a center hub of light on all dimensions, to maintain and align. It maintains and aligns the planetary Souls and Spirits. This Solar Logo is truly God - like and a Father and Mother of the hierarchy and the Great White Brotherhood.
Everything in this system, manifested and unmanifested depends on the inner son and the outer sun, the dual aspects of the greatest Logo. The Solar Logo is vast and has a wealth of consciousness and life supporting light and power for all forms in it's radiation. Nothing could exist without this God given manifestation of light and energy, and unmanifestation substance of the Great Solar Logo.
The Great Solar Logo is God's creative principle in action in our Solar system. The Solar Logo is the Creator of the visible world that we use as Spiritual beings, providing the very substances of the physical body we inhabit. The Solar Logo was before all existence and lives within all evolution from the beginning, truly the light of the world.
The Cosmic Aspect of the Logo
This is the Fifth Transpersonal Chakra in Outer Space. Astral Physics calls this the Cosmic Logo since 1976
The Cosmic aspect of the Logo is the radiation of light in our stellar or inter-galactic milky way. Billions of stars (suns) an uncounted number of planets and their satellites and fields of light and energy give body to the Cosmic Logo.
The cosmos is filled with harmonious systematic field of mass that is held together by the electro-magnetic field, love of God, and the cosmos operates by the laws of creation, wisdom of God. The Cosmic rays, a stream of atomic nuclei of heterogeneous extremely penetrating character enter the earth's atmosphere from outer space at the speed approaching light and bombard the earth's atmosphere creating energy and light while retaining some of the Cosmic power within the rays.
This is the food of our light bodies, just as the colors are the food of the Soul. On the electro- magnetic field of light, the Cosmic rays, within the Cosmic Logo, one can travel in the light body and Spirit to the stars and their planets. This Great Cosmic Beingness radiates life to all the bodies of consciousness within it's structure. From the beginning humanity has sung praises of the God aspect of our Solar system. One can point in any direction and it is infinite, this is the vastness of the body of the most great universal Logo in which all Cosmic power exist.
The Universal Being
This is the Sixth Transpersonal Chakra that is in the Inner Dimensional Universes. This is the oneness and wholeness of all in all as all. Astral Physics has taught this state of God, the one without a second since 1976. This has been in the Astral Physics Handbook since 1976
The Universal Beingness in its three aspects, {Creator, Sustainer and Transcender}; support the Cosmic Logo, the Solar Logo and the planetary Logo. The Cosmic Logo is the Spirit of the Nameless One. The Solar Logo is the Soul of the Nameless One and the Planetary Logo is the body of the universe. Thus, the Cosmic Law which states from the one is the three; the Spirit, the Soul and the Body.
The nameless one rules the Spirit and all creation. The Spirit rules the Soul and the Soul rules the body and all three are ruled by the greater God self. This Great Cosmic Being in its universal form represent the Great Center Sun of the Nameless One, the one parent of us all.
The nameless one of all universes, all dimensions and planes of God expression, from the smallest and largest manifested and unmanifested. The Nameless One of the infinite, absolute, beyond the beyonds and the paramaha.
I Am that I Am!
There is one more state of consciousness called the great beyond where aka tat reverend bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D.; then called Harrison Hesketh, they are the Seven Transpersonal Chakra with God Conscious Awareness at the final level. The fifteenth level of the all-encompassing is above all Transpersonal Chakras
Harrison Roy Hesketh was taken to this state of consciousness in April 1974 and has this revelation he became ordained in 1974 after this experience of being shown by God in a rainbow bridge meditation all the states before this. Harrison Roy Hesketh was told by God to teach this to humanity. Over the next nine months he was taken by the Holy Spirit through these state of Initiation and shown what he later taught in Astral Physics course called ‘the doorway into light’
Astral Physics has taught this state of consciousness since 1975 it was then he wrote the Astral Physics Handbook in1975 after that he founded the Astral Physics School first 1975 formed the Church of Revelation in 1976 The School and Church became a nonprofit 503c organization in1976 Reverend Harrison Roy Hesketh was ordained by seven ministers of his church for the Church of Revelation in 1977
Reverend Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D. of Astral Physics School was told to release the Teachings he got, in 1974, to humanity. He is now doing that on the internet and to past and now students around the world.
Simply put, this state of conscious awareness is that which is before God anointed the creation with light.
No human can understand this state of that which is beyond all that is was and ever will be. Some would say this is beyond God as name, no name and beyond name; all in all as all, manifest and unmanifested of the absolute, inscrutable, incomprehensible, enigmatic, indecipherable, impenetrable, obscure, esoteric, mysterious, mystifying, deeply profound, seen and unseen, all Gods and no God, finite and infinite and beyond the great beyond. How can one describe the indescribable beyond before the word was spoken? God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. After anointed the creation with light everything that is was or ever will be is that light. You me and ‘everything’ that is way Tat says blessings of light and i am light.
This is what Astral Physics calls this the one without a second that created form in light through all duality that is all creation. That is what Astral Physics calls Mother/Father God, the one parent of us all. The father called the unmanifested and the mother called the manifest. The mother that sees what she holds and what is within her womb. She sees what is going back and forth in the “life and death cycles’ or moving forward to greater and greater manifestations of light and energy. Mother God knows the experiences of all creations, coming back to the Godhead, before the world was.
Now there is a Sea of Glass like crystal that goes beyond to infinity and in the midst of the throne of God and round about the throne of God, there is the unfathomable.
Beyond were this is in what we all move, live and have our being in. The Beyond the Great Beyond. Beyond the filament of all, were the Word was spoken from. Were God said “Let there be Light” this is before science that tells us of the “big bang” no chant for one who is in a mystical union with God. You may be given the ability to travel back or forth through time and space. Blessings of light!
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