Astral Physics Music and Meditation



These are the Instruments that Tat Plays to make his Music

Astral Physics Meditations, Processes, Lessons, Courses, Mantras, Chants, Decrees, and Music by Master Tat

Astral Physics School (founded January 10th 1975)
Founder by Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D. D.
The Church of Revelation (founded in July 7th 1976)
Founded by Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D. D. and Rev. Linda L. Harrison
Astral Physics School is the training arm of this 501 c 3 Non Profit Oganization
The Church of Revelation is the Service to Humanity arm of this 501 c 3 Non Profit Oganization.
Astral Physics School Audio Files MP3 by Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh DD aka 'Master Tat'
The following is Master Tat's Life's work and a Gift to Humanity. May the Holy Spirit filled Audio productions use sound to fill the Soul and Individual Spirit of the listener bring Light into their life.
May each Light filled Auras bless everywhere and everything as they live, more and have their Being in the LIGHT!

Age 77

This is the Daily Prayer This is the Daily Prayer that we say everyday. My Daily Prayer
This is our Opening Chant we sing before an Astral Physics Class
May our music bless your soul and enlighten your mind.

Blessings of Light, Life and Love Tat

We thank and bless you for your Love Donations

Astral Physics Meditations by Tat on Audio Files MP3
Rainbow Bridge Meditation 44 minutes --- This is the life changing Meditation that takes you through the Doorway into Light for Light Body Travel.
Rainbow Bridge Meditation 13 Minutes --- This Meditation is a quick movement through the 9 Rainbow Colors. This bridge is just to refresh you in the Colors.
Rainbow Bridge Meditation 6 minutes ----- Once over this Rainbow Bridge you can Meditate for 20 minutes to an hour in the inner silence.
Rainbow Bridge Meditation 5 Minutes ---- This Rainbow Bridge is a Noon Day quick refresher Rainbow Bridge Meditation
Healing Rainbow Bridge Meditatio -------- Each Color should be seen in a Chakra heaking that Center of Consciosness
Prana Rainbow Bridge Meditation ---------You should breathe through each Chakra seeing that area of consciousness becoming open and free
Solar Rainbow Bridge Meditation --------- This Rainbow Bridge Meditation attunes you to the light & power of our Sun Star. Feel the sun every time you are there
Esoteric Rainbow Bridge Meditation ------ These colors are on the ethric plane and attune the ethric power of your Chakras, your body and the ethric field
Astral Physics Student Rainbow Bridge Meditation -- These colors attune the Astral Physics Student to all the Powers learned in the Astral Physics Trainning
These are the decrees for each Archangel for each day of the week, Sun. thru Sat. Say them along with Master Tat to get his darsham. It is his inner light connection.
Archangel Michael Powers ------- Call to the Powers of the Great Archangels that are the messengers of God to you nowthat you are open & direct.
Archangel Jophiel Powers -------- Call to the Powers
Archangel Chamiel Powers ------- Call to the Powers
Archangel Gabriel Powers -------- Call to the Powers
Archangel Raphiel Powers -------- Call to the Powers
Archangel Uriel Powers ----------- Call to the Powers
Archangel Zedkiel Powers -------- Call to the Powers
Call to Ascended Masters Light --- Call to the Powers
On this Page
Rainbow Bridge Meditations
Yohey Vohey and other Meditations
God is Manifesting Meditation
Brow Lights Whriling about Body to Chakra Points Meditation
Radiating Light from Center of Head to the Body Meditation
Mandala to Meditate By Tat
Inner Dimensional Bells Meditation
Heart 52 beats Trance 40 beats ah Violet
Whirling Crystal Heart Meditation
Sun Crystal Meditation
Summer Retreat Meditation
Sons and Daughters Meditation
Simposium of Humanity Meditation
Refraction of the Crystal Meditation
Rainbow Bridge Meditation Red to White Light
Victory of the Soul Process
Touching Light Process
Rainbow Bridge for Mental Power Process
Process of Victory
Process for Light Trance States
Process for Blending Color and the Path to Enlightenment
Crystsl Flame Meditation Process
Clearing and Clensing the Body Process
Mysterious Meditation Process
Meditation on God is with you Process
Healing the Physical and going to Light process
Healing Meditation with Dynamic Tension process
Golden Mastery to Crystal Infinity Process
God Expressing as You Process
Echos of the Mind Meditation
Sun Crystal Meditation
Crystsl Flame Meditation
Whirling Crystal Heart Meditation
Rainbow Bridge for Mental PowerRefractions of the Crystal Meditation
It sounds like a Mysterious Voice Singing with Tat Meditation
These Meditations by Tat are from an earlier time on the Spiritual Mystic Path
Refraction of the Crystal Meditation
Mysterious Voice Singing with Tat Meditation
Rainbow Bridge for Mental Power Meditation
Meditation Om
Radiating Light from Center of Head to Body Meditation
Meditation on God is with You Process
Mysterious Meditation Process
Process forb lending color and the path to enlightenment
Rainbow Bridge Meditation Red to White Light
Refraction of the Crystal Meditation
Symposium of Humanity Meditation
Burning Negatives for Spiritual Powers
Echoes of the Mind
God Expressing as You
Golden Mastery to Crystal Infinity
Healing Meditation with Dynamic Tension
Healing the Physical and Going to Light Process
Heart Beat Trance Ah Violet Process
Summer Retreat Meditation
Sun Crystal Meditation
Touching Light Process
Victory of the Soul Process
As you do these songs, mantras, decrees and chants feel them in you as you. Continue
Om Guru To Muhktananda - Paramhansa Yogananda -Satchidananda - Sathya Sai Baba - Dali Lama - Sri Chinmoy - Sri Ravi Shankar - Pope John Paul

Soon We will have much more for you. Affermations, Prayers and Stories of Tat on the Path. Blessings of Light and May God guide, heal and protect you.

Om Sud Guru ------- for the Spiritual Teacher within the inner Light on the inner planes of consciousness.
Om Nahma Shivia
I Am One with the Father One with the Son One with the Spirit and One with the One.
Spiritos Christos
Tat Sings spontaniously as the channell of Light. From his heart to your heart. Tat recorded each song without hearing it or seeing it writing before hand.
Tat sings 'You Can Fly'
'There is a Miraicle inside of you'
'I Am Light'
'He's the Lord of Love and Light'
Sang in the 'Power of the Trinity'. These color rays light the three fold flame in the heart of each Chakra and upwards through all seven Transpersonal Chakras.
White Light
Golden Light
Indigo Light
Violet Light
Blue Light
Green Light
Yellow Light
Orange Light
Ruby Light
Specia Prayer for supporters
There is a Miraicle inside of you
Touching Light Process

Age 35 To Age 77

The following is the Audio perduction of each of the Board Meditations for each Astral Physics lesson. Write them down and stick each one up to see each day.
Board Meditation1st Month 1-1 -------- Each board Meditation is writen out in the 9 month Doorway into Light Course and it should be writen down for the
Board Meditation 1st Month 1-2 -------- physical body, said along with the audio for the mind and taken home and put up were it can be read doing the week;
Board Meditation 1st Month 1-3 -------- this for your spirit. Each board meditation has a principle in it for you to ponder. You are attuned to different teaching
Board Meditation 1st month 1-4 --------- from different ancient wisdoms and diferent teachers. The Astral Physics teachings, praciticies, disciplines and prayers
Board Meditation 2nd Month 2-1-------- are put together to take one streight up to the top of the mountain of God Consciousness,
Board Meditation 2nd Month2-2 -------- The sudent is going through nine plus initations. The student learns the be the Master of their Body, emotions,lower mind,
Board Meditation 2nd Month 2-3 ------- their invironmrntal consciousnes; moving from the outer to inner consciouness, in the first part of the nine month trainnig.
Board Meditation 2nd Month 2-4 ------- As the student progrees as they come to the second change were they move up into the higher mind, the individual spirit
Board Meditation 3rd Month 3-1 ------- { atamn}. The final change takes the student, now Master, to the the transendent triad. this triad is Cosmic consciouness,
Board Meditation 3rd Month 3-2 ------- Mastership in the master mind and transcendence into the mind and field of Light The student/ masters unfolding realizes
Board Meditation 3rd Month 3-3 ------- that the Ascended Masters of Light, Saints, Holy Beings, the Angelic Host, the Holy Spirit and God have come into their
Board Meditation 3rd Month 3-4 ------- life. They are universal citizen . This unfolding shows that they are becoming open, spread out from a folded position of
Board Meditation 4th Month 4-1 ------- themself. Having their True Self revealed and disclosing actions, emotions, thoughts and information. The Astral Physics
Board Meditation 4th Month 4-2 ------- Master is a master of information and they now see the sequence of events that are being revealed and disclosed in them,
Board Meditation 4th Month 4-3 ------- the world and humanity. Their future is filled with all posability for they live in the present and not the past.
Board Meditation 4th Month 4-4
Board Meditation 5th Month 5-1
Board Meditation 5th Month 5-2
Board Meditation 5th Month 5-3
Board Meditation 5th Month 5-4
Board Meditation 6th Month 6-1
Board Meditation 6th Month 6-2
Board Meditation 6th Month 6-3
Board Meditation 6th Month 6-4
Board Meditation 7th Month 7-1
Board Meditation 7th Month 7-2
Board Meditation 7th Month 7-3
Board Meditation 7th Month 7-4 ------- You are the Master within. your life is changing for the better.
Board Meditation 8th Month 8-1 ------- God, the Holy Spirit, the Great Angelic Host and the Ascended Masters of Light are wih you. I am with you.
Board Meditation 8th Month 8-2 ------- The Holy Spirit will bring back your memory of all you have learned in your life.
Board Meditation 8th Month 8-3 ------- From now on you will live as a member of the Cosmos in the Light of God.
Board Meditation 8th Month 8-4
Board Meditation 9th Month 9-1
Board Meditation f9th Month 9-2
Board Meditation 9th Month 9-3
Board Meditation 9th Month 9-4
You are doing great you are learning persistant determination. You are growing in Astral Physics.We are almost there. Continue to your Self-Mastery
As you do these songs, mantras, decrees and chants feel them in you as you. Continue
Om Guru To Muhktananda - Paramhansa Yogananda -Satchidananda - Sathya Sai Baba - Dali Lama - Sri Chinmoy - Sri Ravi Shankar - Pope John Paul
Soon We will have much more for you. Affermations, Prayers and Stories of Tat on the Path. Blessings of Light and May God guide, heal and protect you.
Om Sud Guru ------- for the Spiritual Teacher within the inner Light on the inner planes of consciousness.
Om Nahma Shivia
I Am One with the Father One with the Son One with the Spirit and One with the One.
Spiritos Christos
Tat Sings spontaniously as the channell of Light. From his heart to your heart. Tat recorded each song without hearing it or seeing it writing before hand.
Tat sings 'You Can Fly'
'There is a Miraicle inside of you'
'I Am Light'
'He's the Lord of Love and Light'
Sang in the 'Power of the Trinity'. These color rays light the three fold flame in the heart of each Chakra and upwards through all seven Transpersonal Chakras.
White Light
Golden Light
Indigo Light
Violet Light
Blue Light
Green Light
Yellow Light
Orange Light
Ruby Light
Specia Prayer for supporters
There is a Miraicle inside of you
Touching Light Process
Age 35 To Age 77


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Mailing Address:
Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D. D. or Church Of Revelation or APSCOR.COM
P.O. Box 808
Oxford, NY 13830
We welcome your Love Offering Donations. This is how we get our income for the Church of Revelation and Astral Physics School to do the Work of God and serve you with Daily Prayer. As well as along with your using the Church Of Revelation's Spiritual and Religious Services and using Astral Physics Teachings on this website, videos online and using our Products.
If you feel this material is a Spiritual Blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayers and finances for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world.
Expect a Miracle Today with Tat's Hair. By holding Tat's hair in your hand as a reminder that God has heard and has promised to answer your prayer and as a witness to others that you believe that God answers prayer in response to your request and the sacrifice of the Seed of Faith. NOTE: Tat's hair has the power of Tat's Crown and Center of Crown Chakras. Tat's Hair holds the Energy and Light of the Power of God and the Ascended Masters of Light who anointed Tat's head. The Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood did this with Transcendent Love, Life and Light of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit giving Tat the trice blessing of the Godhead. The Seven Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood did this in a circle of Light in Hawaii, in front of an alter in 1974. The anointing continues to this day and present time until Tat transcends to God in Light. The Blessing of Light will continue after Tat transcends to God in Light from the Light of the Holy Spirit of God to Tat's Hair until the end of time.
Send for Tat's hair it brings Blessings and answers the Prayere Send Love offering to P.O. Box 808 Oxford, NY 13830 or request Tat's hair at

Note: Donations to this Website or are tax deductible and a confirmation of receipt will be given upon request by mail or proof of deposit.

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Master Tat's Sons website. Smart Digital Television
Master Tat's and Aestherae's Daughter's website. My Daughter's web page from the past and my daughter home 2
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