We have been praying for you everyday since 1974. We ask God who should we pray for. The answer was and is 'everyone you meet, everyone you met and everyone you will meet'. So that is what I have been doing since 1974 and what we have done for you. We pray for God to answer your prayers and give you a long life with health, wealth, eternal bliss and the abudance of all good things so you have a good life and can help others. Claim your Blessings of Light. Please pray for us. For support and finances to continue our work for God and Humanity. Blessings of Light is so you can use it for whatever you are praying for and for whatever you need in life. We are a 501 c 3 non profit
Organization. We have 156 video tape and 4000 hour of audio tapes to be put on the new media like mp3's and such. We are adding mp3's every week now as of April 2014.We would like to publish our books and sale them on Amazon and in other ways. We were so intent on doing the work since1975 we did not do what we are now doing until now. A lot of teachers and groups are just now teaching what we have been teaching since 1974 to 1980; We taught nine 9 month AP courses, were doing our radio show and hosting others, speaking to groups and doing readings and healings, then we continued to do all that as we went on the road to spread the word of the Astral Physics Teachings that we are teaching on this website now. Please help us if you can with your talents, advise, prayers and financial support. I am 76 years old and want to get as much done before I ascend to your God and my God.Pay by Paypal
If you feel this material is a spiritual blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayer for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world.