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Astarl Physics Music: Meditations, Chants, Decrees, Mantras and more to be added
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Power of Nine
Chanting your way to God Consciousness
Meaning of Numbers
Keywords: Ascension, Spiritual - potential, God Consciousness, Spiritual, Mystic, Religious, New Age, Esoteric, Ancient Wisdom, God, Meditation, Transmutation, Transformation, Light Mall, Astral Physics, Tat, Healing, Relationships, Enlightenment, Mental Control, Belief Management.
Description: Healing of the Physical, Emotional, Mental, Psyche, Creative, Spiritual and Universal Bodies. To bring the teachings of all Avatars, Masters, Saints and Holy Beings, since the Beginning of Time to the End of Creation, for the purpose of Mastery through the Holy Spirit and God Consciousness. Human, World and God Relationships; Enlightenment through Spiritual, Mystic, Psychic, Esoteric, New-Age, Yoga, Spiritual Science and Mystical Science. To aid in the development of Self Expression, Self Esteem, Self Talk, Self Awareness, Self Help, Self Discovery, Self Motivation, Self Actualization, Self Mastery, Self Consciousness, Self Management and Self Realization. Belief and Dominion over the Earth, Sea, Sky and all that is in them. To learn Human and Spiritual Development, New Thought, Empowerment, Recovery, Paranormal, Cognitive Science and Human potential. Astral Physics School presents our Daily Practice.
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TAT'S BOOKS for Public Release:
Astral Physics Handbook
Ultimate Posture
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top of page Blessings of Light We Thank You for your Donation of support. The Donations help with our overhead for the The Church of Revelation and Astral Physics School Click here to send an e mail to Master Tat top of page Donation: We are a 501 c 3 non profit Organization and we need your help.
Blessings of Light
We Thank You for your Donation of support. The Donations help with our overhead for the The Church of Revelation and Astral Physics School
Donation Information You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life. EMAILĀ MasterTat@hotmail.com CONTENT: of apscor.com Website apscor.com. | Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Astral Physic Home | Smart Digital Television
Donation Information You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life. EMAILĀ MasterTat@hotmail.com CONTENT: of apscor.com Website apscor.com. | Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Astral Physic Home |
Donation Information
You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life.
EMAILĀ MasterTat@hotmail.com
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