Saturday - Seventh Ray
Violet Fire of Mercy, Compassion, Invocation, Transmutation, and
Each day of the week is devoted to the outpouring of the Elohim, Archangels and Chohans of one of the Seven Rays of Light which surround the Causal Body of each individual.
This booklet is to co-ordinate the daily meditation of the entire student body. It carries the words of the Ascended Beings and decrees suitable for each day. It has purposely been made small enough to be carried in the chela's handbag or pocket. It is beautiful and encouraging to know that all over the world, the blessed chelas are using the same exact text, thus co-oerdinating the world prayer force in blessing to God and His Divine Messengers - as well as the dear Earth and Her evolutions.
We do decree that you will love it and enjoy participation in this world - wide meditation - knowing that other good peoples are also engaged in this service.
- Thomas Printz, Editor
If you feel this material is a spiritual blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayer for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world.
You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life.
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