Fifth Ray - Green Flame of Truth - Healing - Consecration - Concentration

1. Dearly Beloved Presence of God "I AM" in me, I consecrate my life this day to the Service of God - GOOD - to let only Perfection take thought in my brain; that my feelings will remain calm and loving, kindly, helpful, and happy; my eyes to see Perfection; my ears to hear Perfection; my lips to speak only Perfection; my hands to bless and heal; my feet to be messengers of Good; my body strong and willing to be a helpful instrument to carry God's Perfection everywhere.

2. BELOVED HILARION, Chohan of the Fifth Ray, says:

"If an individual seeking Godliness, Health, Happiness, and Supply, could first understand the power of sustained attention, and then, through self-conscious endeavor, wrest the attention away from the many pulls of the appearance world, and anchor that attention on the PRESENCE of GOD, God's Presence would flow through him on the return currents as the fullness of all could desire. The Ascended Master Saint Germain has said repeatedly: "Where your attention is there you are; what your attention is upon - that you BECOME!" Radiation and God's Love and Mercy flow through the Universe, and man is entirely unaware of it. This outpouring of God's Forgiveness affects the just and unjust alike, but the LEVER for the man who desires to move forward in self-conscious action lies in the controlled power of his attention!"

3. BELOVED HILARION, I love, bless and thank You for Your help to me and to all mankind. CHARGE me with Your Love and Understanding of the EXACTNESS of the Cosmic Law and the feeling of Consecrated Service to God and man. CHARGE me with YOUR MOMENTUM of presenting the TRUTH to mankind so that all who hear will accept it. I thank You!

4. BELOVED RAPHAEL, Archangel of Healing and Consecration, says:

"Consecrate yourselves daily! IF Your eyes behold iniquity, you know where "I AM" and just silently say: "Father, forgive me for the transgression of Your Law of Love; and Beloved Raphael, consecrate my eyes to see only perfection!" If you listen to gossip or discord; if your hands are impatient in gesture and you release anger; if your lips and tongue use sharp words, say: "Father, forgive me for the misuse of Your energy!" What if you do have to repeat it? Paderewski did not become a master musician in one day! The only life streams who are in extreme danger are those who do not wish to pick themselves up, dust off their knees, and try again. I will re-consecrate any member of your vehicles twenty-four times an hour if You will ask Me, and you require it! I do not mind - IT IS MY REASON FOR BEING!"

5. BELOVED RAPHAEL, I love, bless and thank You for all that You have done for me and for all mankind. Seal us in Your Flame of Consecration and Perfection, and help me to be conscious ONLY of PERFECTION. I THINK PERFECTION! I FEEL PERFECTION! I SEE PERFECTION! I HEAR PERFECTION! I SPEAK PERFECTION! "I AM" and I MANIFEST ONLY PERFECTION THIS DAY!

6. BELOVED VISTA (Cyclopea), Elohim of Concentration, Music, and the ALL-Seeing Eye of God to our Earth, says:

"What can be accomplished on Earth even in mundane activities of your daily living without CONCENTRATION? If there is not Concentration, there is only mediocrity; only the bare surface is scratched. Those who determine to rise above the masses take one facet of living and masterfully develop - deciding within themselves to excel along at least one line of expression. According to the CONCENTRATION OF THOSE ENERGIES is their developement - is their mastery - is their efficacy.

"It is Law - actual scientific Law - that what you begin CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED when it is an agreement with God's Plan of Perfection - whether it be healing, precipitation, financial freedom, eternal youth, or the restoration of a limb, IT CAN BE DONE, but the 'stick-to-it-iveness' of My Ray is required to produce these results!"

7. BELOVED VISTA, I love, bless and thank You for Your great service to our Earth. Charge me with Your Power of CONCENTRATION and to become Master here and now. I thank You!