Second Ray - Golden Flame of Wisdom - Illumination - Love - Peace
1. MY BELOVED HOLY CHRIST SELF - "I AM" IN ME, I love and adore You! I summon forth the Golden Flame of Cosmic Christ Love and Illumination to enfold me this day. "I AM GOD'S ILLUMINATION AND WISDOM directing me in all I do. I listen, and I understand, and I bless everything I contact this day.
2. I now realize that ALIVE within my physical body is the HEALING FLAME that heals me of every imperfection. I now realize that ALIVE within my physical body is the INFINITE SUPPLYING POWER of every need and requirement. I now realize that ALIVE within my physical body is the ILLUMINATION of my outer consciousness. I now realize that ALIVE within my physical body is the INTELLIGENCE by which all form will yield me the Perfection that is within its own primal essence. I now realize that there is only ONE POWER - GOD WITHIN MY OWN HEART; and that POWER ACTS for me according to my faith in it. Therefore, my Holy Christ Self - "I AM" in me, COME FORTH and let Your Divine Plan be fulfilled.
3. BELOVED ASCENDED MASTER KUTHUMI, former Chohan of the Second Ray, who now, with Jesus, is World Teacher, says:
"Beloved hearts, DO NOT STRAIN to go somewhere to find the Presence of God. STAND SKILL and in the Peace of your own feeling world, OPEN YOUR EYES and realize the Majestic Power of God that is your heartbeat, and let that Nature of Divinity, blazing through your flesh in your own appointed place, bear witness to the conviction in your feeling world of the ALL-POWER of the Love and the Presence of God.
"Will you do one thing for Me? Every morning, thinking on the Nature of your Presence, the Power of your Presence, the Mastery of your Presence, contemplate It quietly for a moment; then will you please go further and TRY TO BE THAT PRESENCE for just HALF AN HOUR! This is what I ask of the life streams who desire to serve Us - and watch for the worm of spiritual pride that so often, in the center of the beautiful flower of your spirituality, would destroy its perfection."
4. BELOVED KUTHUMI, I love, bless, and thank you for your great service to me and to all mankind. Let Your Wisdom, Peace and Understanding Heart enfold me that I may always be able to understand my fellow man and give him the help that he requires most.
5. BELOVED ASCENDED MASTER LANTO now ** Chohan of the Second Ray, and formerly Host at the Rocky Mountain Retreat, says:
"In your new-found service, you often feel the ingratitude and indifference of mankind, and sometimes you weary of well-doing. So often, as We stand in your atmosphere, do We sense discouragement. Then you will please remember those of Us who have spent millions of years in such service; millions of years in loving and blessing and putting Our Faith and confidence in you? Realizing this, you will enjoy giving a balance back to Life by having the same confidence in, the same patience with and the same faith in your fellow man."
6. BELOVED LANTO, I love, bless, and thank You for Your service to our Earth for so long. Help us all to have the great REVERENCE FOR ALL LIFE which You have, and the Love that helps to set it free.
7. BELOVED JOPHIEL, Archangel of Illumination, says:
"My service to Life is in the teaching of the consciousness - enabling it to discover WITHIN ITSELF that which is the POWER of Light. In the Second Sphere, ideas become crystallized - they take on form. You receive an abstract idea for a new home; then your mind would say: "I would like a home of eight rooms with an acre of ground." If the idea pleases you, your feelings rush into it; you energize the form; and the pressure of your feelings gives it life and brings it into manifestation."
8. BELOVED JOPHIEL, I love and bless, and thank You for Your service to me and to all mankind. CHARGE me with Your feeling of the Power of God within my own heart to be Master of all the circumstances I meet by the Power of External Light and Love, and how to externalize the Divine Ideas from the Heart of God into outer form.
9. BELOVED CASSIOPEIA, Elohim of Wisdom says:
"The purpose of the Second Ray is the Perception and active, illumined contemplation of the God Plan and Design. After you have made the decision to DO the Will of God, next you must receive the Divine Idea, the direction as to HOW to manifest it. Therefore, the FIRST activity of the mental body, after making the decision to DO, is to become STILL! Within your heart is the Golden Flame of Illumination which will reveal Truth to you."
10. BELOVED CASSIOPEIA, I love, bless, and thank You for all You mean to our Earth and all mankind. Help me to follow through this Science of Precipitation and manifest each day some consciously externalized idea which I have received from the Heart of the Father. I thank you.