Third Ray - Pink Flame of God's Pure - Divine Love and Adoration

1. BELOVED PRESENCE OF GOD -"I AM" IN Me, I love and adore YOU! Oh, great and Mighty Flame within my own heart, I send forth my continuous Love and Adoration to You and the Great God of the universe and His Messengers. I send my love to all Life everywhere. I bless all life I contact this day in thought, feeling, word or act. I do not criticize, condemn, nor judge this day! I FORBEAR my thought or word, to let my life go forth with less than God's blessing. "I AM" SEALED IN GOD'S PINK FLAME OF LOVE; "I AM" THE COMFORTING PRESENCE TO ALL LIFE EVERYWHERE!

2. BELOVED PAUL, THE VENETIAN, former Chohan of the Third Ray, and now the Maha Chohan, says:

"Come with Me today away from the cares of the outer self, Enter with Me into that Chamber WITHIN YOUR OWN HEART, The Secret Place of The Most High, and while standing there contemplating the Three-fold Flame which is the garment of your own beautiful Christ Self, just relax in the Love of the Presence of God. As your adoration flows to that Presence, remember that your body is the Temple - within which is the Immortal Flame of Eternal Life within which is the Christ Self made in the image and likeness of the Eternal, awaiting your adoration, your love, and your devotion.

"To the very few who even ask It for assistance, It says: "My Beloved ALL THIS YOU ASK I CAN BE - ALL THIS AND MORE!" Beloved ones, when your adoration becomes the CONSTANT activity of your innermost self, this Christ Self will grow - will expand. You will not need words to proclaim it. The LIGHT expanding from the ever-increasing Presence, which will respond to your life poured into it, will stand as a radiant and blazing aura about you that ALL WHO RUN MAY READ!"

3. BELOVED PAUL, THE VENETIAN, I love, BLESS and thank You for all You have done for me and for all mankind. Teach me to be the GENTLE man (the GENTLE woman) and to be endowed with Your Gifts of Tolerance, Tact, Diplomacy, Forbearance, and the ABILITY TO GET ALONG WITH MY FELLOW MAN!

4. BELOVED LADY MASTER ROWENA, Chohan of the Third Ray, says: "To become centered within the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame within your heart assures the individual FREEDOM from all that is less than Christ Perfection.

"That is why it is so very important for the chelas under Our direction to practice this exercise daily, for the more one uses an activity, the more proficient that individual becomes. It is, or should be, the goal of everyone under the personal supervision of the Ascended Masters of Wisdom and Cosmic Beings to attain the Spiritual Status of the Christ in action at all times - allowing that glorious Being to be the Directing Intelligence in all your actions.

"It is of the utmost importance that the chelas avail themselves of the radiation and blessings of the Third Ray by contemplation of its activity of Pure Divine Love and the Balance contained within it. To become the Christ in action in the world of form is to render intelligent assistance in cooperation with your Spiritual Advisors following the directives of the Holy Christ Self to bring Illumination in your own beings and worlds, and to be radiating centers of PURE DIVINE LOVE for the evolutions of this Earth.

"Oh, dear friends, I assure you that once you have truly experienced the Christ Way of Living, all else fades into insignificance and you become ONE with US who are ONE with Life in all its manifestations - remembering always that to attune one's self with the ONENESS of all is to become identified with the Perfection which exists in all manifestation, for all existence contains within it the active Principle of the Father-Mother God!"

5. BELOVED LADY MASTER ROWENA, I love, bless and thank You for all You mean to me and to all mankind everywhere. Help me to keep my attention centered upon the Holy Christ Self anchored within my heart that I may truly out picture It's great Perfection in everything I do, think, say or feel in all activities of my world and my affairs.

6. BELOVED ARCHANGEL Chamuel, Archangel of Adoration, says:

"The Adoration Flame is practical!" It is one of the most practical activities that can be generated within the heart, soul and spirit of the bound because it is an actual treatment of the feelings as well as of the mind, and an actual THERAPY TO THE FLESH! True Adoration to God has within it no self-seeking. It is an absolute relaxation basking in the goodness of God and loving Him for Himself; or loving any great God-being who represents some special service to life.

"I challenge any individual in depression, any individual in pain, any individual in chains of any kind to use the FLAME of ADORATION that is the true nature, of their being. If, in using that, they do not see and feel FREEDOM, then the Sun and the planets themselves will no longer move on their appointed courses."

7. BELOVED Chamuel, I love, bless, and thank You for Your blessed assistance to me and to all mankind. Blaze Your PINK FLAME OF ADORATION through every cell of my body and cause Perfection to expand until it fills my being and world. Blaze Your PINK FLAME OF ADORATION through my finances and my supply of money, and cause it to expand into my financial freedom. Blaze Your PINK FLAME OF ADORATION through my feelings that they may expand the LOVE OF GOD until it becomes a contagion to all the life I contact. Keep me sealed in a Pillar of the Pink Flame of Love, Adoration, Comfort, and Perfection.


"I bring to you, individually, the fullness of the PINK FLAME AND RAY. I bring It as a melting, dissolving, spiritual alchemy to remove those resentments and pressures of energy within your feeling worlds - deeply embedded within your memories. These pressures are caused by the records of many unhappy experiences of the past which have formed wounds and scars within your etheric (memory) bodies. These wounds and scars burst open upon the slightest provocation - spewing forth again the poison of past enmities, past feuds, and past misunderstandings.

"Man knows not what he carries around with him, buried deeply within that realm which science calls the SUB-CONSCIOUS MIND; that realm in which there are atrophied the memories of EVERY EXPERIENCE IN EVERY EMBODIMENT from the first day that the life stream 'fell from Grace' up to the present moment. The Divine Plan brings together again and again certain life streams - each one of whom carries these memories of past enmities between them - the DIVINE PLAN presenting, over and over again, new opportunities to MAKE THINGS RIGHT.

"RIGHT NOW, if there is any life stream in this Earth Life with whom you are not in complete accord, CONSCIOUSLY DRAW THE IMAGE OF THAT PERSON BEFORE YOUR MIND'S EYE and let Me give you the pressure of MY FELLING of unconditional, loving forgiveness toward that one. If you will accept this, it will cut you free from the recoil of the energies of those past mistakes."

9. IN THE NAME OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD WHICH "I AM", I call to You, Beloved Paul, Lady Rowena, Chamuel, and Orion, and every Great Being and Power of Light who works on the Third Ray and with God's Pink Flame of Love, to BLAZE (3) GOD'S PINK FLAME OF LOVE AND ADORATION as of a thousand suns into every part of my being and world, my loved ones, and every person, place, condition and thing; the Elemental Kingdom, birds, four-footed creatures, and every living thing upon our Earth RIGHT NOW, and hold it there until all imprisoned life is set free by GOD'S PINK FLAME OF LOVE.

I thank You!

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