Sunday - First Ray
Blue and Crystal Flames of Faith, Strength, Power, and Protection, Will of God


First Ray - Blue And Crystal - Flames of Strength - Power - Protection - Will of God

1. BELOVED PRESENCE OF GOD - "I AM" WITHIN MY HEART, I love and adore You! I summon You forth to blaze the Crystal and Blue Flames through me and see that God's Will is made manifest in all I do this day. I now realize that within my own heartbeat is God's Divine Plan for me and also the way and means of bringing it into outer manifestation. I now enter the SILENCE and LISTEN; and I know the perfect thing to do. As I hold my attention upon the Divine Plan, I bring it into form.

2. "I AM" - the FAITH in the ALL-POWER OF GOD IN ME to direct me, protect me, illumine me, heal me, supply me, sustain me and do whatever I require to have done.

3. BELOVED ASCENDED MASTER MORYA, Great Chohan of the first Ray, says:

"Measure well the vision that comes to you from any part of life. That which raises; that which unifies; that which frees; that which turns the consciousness back to God is GOOD! That is the WILL of GOD! You need no occult measure; you need to external advisor; that Life that beats your heart knows that which is constructive; that which is relief and release from bondage - THAT IS OF GOD!"

4. BELOVED MORYA, I love, bless, and thank You for Your service to me and to all mankind. Enfold me now in the Blue Flame of Your Love and let me feel Your Strength and Power to receive the God Ideas and bring them into outer manifestation for the blessing of my fellow man! Help me to say to my Beloved God Presence: "Not my will but Thine be done!" Help me to feel and understand Your Illumined obedience to that Will; Your Spiritual Humility before the Love of God; and your respect for God and His Representatives and the Presence of God within each human heart!

5. THE GREAT ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - Archangel of Protection and Defender of the Faith, says:

"Through the Light of My heart and your heart, do We create for you through this appearance world NOW a Pathway of Love, Peace, Comfort, Opulence, Illumination and Well-being-physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Will you FEEL the Light of your heart creating this Path before you as you leave your room each morning and WALK IN THE WAY OF THE ANGELS through the day in the same security as though you passed through one of the Rays which have been made a permanent pathway through the substance of the Earth by the Masters?"

6. BELOVED ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, I love, bless and thank You for Your mighty service to me, all mankind, and our Earth for so long. Send your Ascended Angels of Protection to enfold me and my loved ones and all constructive people on the Earth, CUT US FREE from the thoughts and feelings that are not God's Immaculate Concept for us. We thank You.


"Are you content with what you are-what you manifest today? Are you content with half a loaf when you could have a full one? Are you content to live in limitations and bodies of decay? It is what you WILL that you manifest! Oh, beloved students of Light, upon your forehead blazes the Flame of Hercules. Remember each morning and acknowledge It before you proceed into the activities of the outer world and WILL to become that which God intends.

"Remembering Hercules as you move forward, please do not accept such limitations in your individual selves when you know that IT ONLY REQUIRES the exercise of the WILL within you to draw forth ALL THAT YOU REQUIRE!"

8. BELOVED HERCULES, I love, bless and thank You for Your great service to our Earth and all upon it. Charge each one of my bodies - physical, etheric, mental and emotional - with the STRENGTH OF HERCULES and the Power of Your Love that gives me Invincible Protection at all times.

9. IN THE NAME OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD WHICH "I AM"; in the Name of Hercules; I WILL TO BE GOD-FREE in my mind, feelings, body, finances, world and affairs. I WILL TO BE GOD-MASTER! I WILL TO BE GOD INCARNATE!

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