Sixth Ray - Gold and Ruby Flames of Peace - Healing - Grace -
1. BELOVED PRESENCE OF GOD - "I AM" in me, I love and adore You, Pour forth through me this day. Your Pink and Gold Flames to bless every cell of physical body and all the Powers of Nature that serve me so well. May all who touch the ;hem of my garment; feel Your Love, Your Peace, and Your Perfection, for "I AM" THE PRESENCE OF BLESSING; AND I BLESS EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING I CONTACT THIS DAY!
2. BELOVED JESUS, former Chohan of the Sixth Ray, and now serving with the Beloved Kuthumi as World Teacher, says:
"The demands upon the time, energy attention, and service of the chela who is engaged in a Spiritual Endeavor, form a great stumbling block to his individual progress unless he learns to consciously quiet the energies of his own world so that new strength, faith, and power may be supplied by his own "I AM" Presence and the Divine Beings who are so willing to assist him. I know this from MY own experience. During My Ministry, as today, the world and its people require so much assistance. There is a tendency to RUSH FORTH to serve without the necessary period of "re-fueling" at the Cosmic Fount. From some reference to My experiences, you will remember that I often went to the hills to pray". No chela can be of lasting service to the spiritual work at hand unless he understands the necessity of taking time - UNDIVIDED from the world (which you will always have with you) to enter the SILENCE and draw the necessary strength and sanctity from the Source of ALL GOOD. This he can then dispense in poise, dignity, and loving solicitude for his fellow man."
3. BELOVED JESUS, I love, bless, and thank You for all You mean to me and to all mankind. CHARGE me with time Ascended Jesus Christ Consciousness and Love, and the Power to do the things that You have done.
4. BELOVED ASCENDED LADY MASTER NADA, now Chohan of the Sixth Ray, says:
"Today you, too, are planting your roots deep within the Flame of your heart whence comes the nourishment - the very life-beat of your body; whence comes the healing of your flesh; whence comes the supply upon your tables and the very roofs above your heads. As your roots are anchored in God, seeking now eternal spiritual nourishment, so shall your flower be manifest to all men. That which a man does in secret is manifest to the world about him that all who run may read. Mankind will come to you bewildered and confused, with hope stirring in their hearts. Remember Me - NADA - and Love THEM FREE!"
5. BELOVED NADA, I love, bless, and thank you for Your Love which flows to me and to all mankind. Keep me sealed in the Power of Your PINK FLAME that heals, blesses, and sets free all I contact.
6. BELOVED URIEL, Archangel of Ministration, says:
"The Ministering Angel has to WILL Himself to serve ONE life stream. There is for everyone who belongs to the human race, every laggard from other systems, and every Guardian Spirit, a particular and specific Ministering Angel who volunteers to be that Protecting Presence in, though, and around that life stream for so long as he or she chooses to remain on the Earth or part of its evolution. That Being is often referred to as the Guardian Angel. How would you like to work with just ONE person for countless millions of years? Your Guardian Angel does not even attend a Retreat when it is active if the life stream He is guarding does not go! Think on that! That is a case of imprisonment through LOVE which has no parallel. The Ministering Angel is obligated by Law to follow each one around - at every opportunity sending a Light Ray into the consciousness with the thought that perhaps they will seek a little higher."
7. BELOVED URIEL, I love, bless and thank You and my MINISTERING ANGEL for Your selfless service to me through aeons of time. Help me to help my Angel keep me steadily on the Path of Purity, Harmony, and Happiness.
8. BELOVED TRANQUILITY, the Great Elohim of Peace, says:
"I AM" the ELOHIM OF MINISTRATION AND PEACE! You who have given your interest and your life to the activities of the Seventh Ray, represented by Our Beloved Ascended Master, Saint Germain, are slowly, but surely, emerging from the mire of human creation and limitation. We are build a great foundation of this World Movement; trying to make of each of you a mighty pillar of the Violet Fire. But I can tell you here and now that unless you hold UNINTERRUPTED PEACE as separate individuals and collective units - no matter how perfectly you build - you would have but ash in the end as long as there was still within the consciousness of any worker the disintegrating radiation of the 'Seven Mortal Sins" (lust and passion; anger, malice, hatred, fear, greed, gluttony, covetousness, lethargy and laziness, envy, pride and arrogance) and all their ramifications.
"Peace is not a negative quality. It is the MOST POSITIVE and most concentrated activity of Power. How much Power of control does it require for you to HOLD YOUR PEACE; to remain absolutely poised and Master of every situation REGARDLESS OF THE the midst of your immediate family, business associates, co-workers in this activity; and the world at large?"
9. BELOVED PRESENCE OF GOD - "I AM" in me and in all mankind, Beloved Jesus, Nada, Uriel, my own Ministering Angel, and Great Elohim of Peace, I love, bless and thank You in the name of all mankind for Your service to our Earth for so long. Blaze (3) Your Cosmic Flames of Love, Grace, Ministration, Healing and Peace into me and let them radiate through me to bless and help harmonize every part of life I contact.
GREAT ELOHIM OF PEACE, enfold all my constructive efforts in Your great Flame of Love and Peace. BLAZE YOUR FLAME OF PEACE (3) as of a thousand suns into the brain and feelings of every living thing on our Earth and everyone who will come here in the future - and hold it sustained until PEACE ON EARTH - GOOD WILL TO ALL LIFE is a living reality to be forever sustained and ever-expanding. We thank You.