This Logos is the students of Light connection, at the
Creative and abstract mind, with the Holy Spirit, the Christ,
the Father, the Masters of Light, the Saints, Holy Beings, Elohims,
Archangels, Cosmic Consciousness, Cosmic Beings, the Planetary
Deity, the Great Solar Logos, the Great Cosmic Logos, Center
Sun and Beyond the Beyond. The Astral Physics Logos has the Power
to tap into all levels of Spirit, Mind and Matter.
In the clear Crystalline Light of the God-self, flowing
on an ocean of Rose Light of Love, the Astral Physics Logos is
eternal; Emanating Yellow Gold Rays of Wisdom and radiating Blue
Rays of Truth. The Astral Physics Logos gives forth Violet Fire
and Indigo to Transmute and Unite to bring success in the World
and Beyond. With the Fire Orange of the Nine-pointed Star, the
Powers of Healing and Aspiration, Mastery of the Physical, which
fills the students of Light, now Masters, with honor and loyalty.
The ultra-translucent Violet Fire Rays and Infinity Strips gives
the Powers of Transmutation, Transmission and the ability of
Spiritual Mastery.
The Fire Orange outlines the Nine-pointed Star while the
inner star is filled with the Cosmic White Light of the Christ
Consciousness, expressing purity and perfection. The Christ Light,
Mind of Light, fills the Astral Physics student with Divine Unity
and Purification. All Ascending and Ascended Masters from every
time and every place have reached into or reached this state
of Being, atone with the Christ's White Cosmic Light; created
by the Father, sustained by the Christ, and Powered by the Holy
Spirit. This is the perceiver of the pure consciousness of the
God-Head, emanating from the Body of God. The four dots surrounding
the Golden Circle are Green and the Three Basic Rays - Red, Yellow
and Blue. The Rays are the atonement with the Christ Light, Cosmic
White Light and comes from this Cosmic Light as do all rays of
The Golden translucent circle gives to the student of Light,
Wisdom, Enlightenment, Liberation and Mental Mastery. The Black
and White of duality symbol gives to the students of Light, the
Mastery of Light, making them Masters of Light, for they now
are One with Mother-Father God. They now hold the Creative Powers
of assembling and disassembling, the ability of compassion and
mercy and the realization to rejoin with the One God, Seen and
Unseen; All that is, was and always will be; Everything and Nothing;
all Names and no Names; Manifest and Unmanifest and Beyond; the
Oneness, Knowingness,
Beingness of Perfection and Pure Consciousness.
Contemplation Meditation on this Spiritual Mystic Logos
will bring the Student-Masters of the New Age Light a Light Infinite
and Eternal to the awareness of the God-Self, Presence of the
I Am, the Teacher within, to the consciousness and awareness
of Eternal Enlightenment of Life. It gives the power over all
form and structure. This is the Eternal Witness of the Crystal
Eye, in the Center of all Creation that Sees all Creation and
Beyond Creation.
One should meditate 5 days and rest 2 days on each aspect
of the Logos, starting at the 6 week of the Astral Physics 'Doorway
into Light' Training. One can also Meditate 14 days and rest
2 on each aspect of the Astral Physics Logos, starting at Christmas
and ending 13 days before Christmas, ideally, fasting and staying
open for 13 days before the December Full Moon for full Realization
and Illumination.
The Golden Circle symbolizes the One God and the sphere
of all encompassing space and manifestation. It is the Omniscience,
the Cosmic Egg,the Universal Womb of all Beingness. Through Supreme
Knowledge of the Oneness of God and how all things are this Oneness,
we remove the limitations of the smaller circles of life, we
are becoming free within the all-pervading One Without a Second.
Meditation on the Golden Circle will attune one to the One and
how all things function in harmony through Wisdom. The One through
Meditation who breaks through this veil, realizes there are no
The ancient Symbol of Duality turned on it's side shows
the Mother-Father Aspects of the One God; the Manifest (white)
and the Unmanifest (black),the Light and Darkness; passive and
aggressive within; action and inaction; male & female. It
represents the duality of all things. These are the two powers
of consciousness that create and disassemble, the ability to
move Spirit into Matter and Matter into Spirit. Laying on it's
side it shows man putting Light in a higher position than Darkness.
In Reality, all things are One and exist within the One God.
This is the beginning of illusion, being separate. When one is
realized in the One there is no separation.
The all-seeing eye is the Omnipresence of God; seeing (experiencing)
all the infinite form & all which is unformed. This is the
Crystal Eye with the Light and The Divine Director of the Rainbow
Bridge of Light from Light into Darkness and Darkness into Light.
This is God realizing Pure Spirit and Manifest Form. This Crystal
Eye of consciousness perceives in all directions and in all Levels
of Being and all Dimensions.
Emerald Green: The Emerald Green is in the center of the
spectrum. Here the Material Aspect of Being, as well as the Spiritual
Aspect of Being, the harmony of nature are found. This is the
Essence of the Soul. Within this vibration is intuition and individualized
knowledge. It is the feeling nature of the Soul.
Sapphire Blue: Power and Protection; Divine Love; Peace;
Creative Power; Idea; Rhythm and Vibration; truth; the Harmony
of Spiritual Mastery within. Within this vibration, Clairaudio,
the inner voice and the seeds of the Spiritual Aspect are found.
Here we have the depth of spiritual feeling, Reality of the Infinitude
of Beingness. It is the Cornucopia Center, the Purity of Life
Diamond Yellow: Wisdom through Intellect; God's Divine
Experience; Clairthinking; Reason and Logic; the ability to understand
clearly. This power raises the Human Being above the animal and
develops talents systematically to a level of proficiency. In
the Diamond Yellow Sunshine Rays, we have the burning away of
evil thought.
Ruby Red: Love. The ever giving for the joy of giving without
thought of return or renumeration in the Now. This is the force
of vitality emanation through the Sons and Daughters of God.
The Healing of the physical garment by the increase of Life Energy.
Ruby Red is self-assertion and the function of I Am being the
primal expression of individuality. Here One is Master of the
physical. This is the Love, expression of the Christ for Humanity.
The Upper Triad: Contains the states of Beingness; atoneness;
all knowing; detachment; the God Desire; the Immaculate Conception;
Vision and Imagination; the Third Eye. The Will and Power of
God; the Higher Mental Body. The Upper Triad has all the throat
and head centers within it and also represents the flow of Cosmic
Forces and Powers into Human consciousness. At the top of the
Upper Triad we have Realization and Self Mastery, the Crown of
Humanity. At the bottom,Inner Peace and Creative Powers. It is
Spirit pointing to Matter.
The Lower Triad: The personality; physical, emotional,
lower mental bodies are here as well as instinctive mind, subconscious
mind and intellectual (thinking-reason and logic) mind. The majority
of awareness is focused toward the physical and material planes
until the reverse of polarity sends these energies to God. It
is attachment, Personal will and want, Matter pointed toward
Time and Eternity: The Lower and Higher Selves with the
Psyche; the Soul; the "Hour Glass of Awareness"; the
individual trinity of the Human. The Lower, Middle and the Higher
Selves entered upon the Path to Enlightenment through the merging
of One's whole being. This is the Astral Physics student freed
from the mass consciousness. The Soul: Hidden behind the Duality.
This is where the Higher and Lower triads overlap; the Eye of
the needle. Hidden from view the student of Light learns to go
past the Duality to see the unity of Self in the heart of their
own Spiritual Consciousness. Within is the three-fold flame.
The Three-fold Flame: This is the Mother-Father God with
the gift of Creative Power. The Three-fold Flame is for the development
of the Wisdom Power and Love. With these attributes of God Consciousness,
One raises the Soul to the Ascending Master's Consciousness.
When the incoming Light from Spirit shines through the Threefold
flame into the personality, One stands transcendent in the awareness
as a Son or Daughter of God.
The Holy Spirit descends into the Human and brings the
Gifts and Powers of God from the God-Head. Divine Wisdom, Divine
Truth and The Divine Love of God into the Plane of Matter, the
Mind and the Emotions. This is the power from the Mighty "I
Am" of Consciousness, the Word made manifest. Among the
Gifts of the Holy Spirit are Prophesy, Healing, Precognition,
Discerning of Spirit Speaking in Tongues, interpretation of Tongues,
Raising the dead, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, God-Wisdom, Word of
Knowledge, the right use of Inner Light, Clairaudio, Clairsensory,
Power of time and Space, Power over the Angelic and Elemental
Kingdoms, Power over Evil, Divine Grace, the Power of Universal
Mind, transcendental Beingness, Teleportation, Divine Intuition,
the ability to walk and talk with the Masters of Light; just
to name some of all the Supreme and Divine, Expressions. These
Powers are not to be confused with the Psychic Powers.
The Ascension of the Spirit of the Human:- minus the point.
The missing point is the Human incarnation, seeking to awaken
the unconscious awareness and to expand the unmanifested Self.
When the student finds the point tolife, then ascends in Humanity
becoming the at-one with the Soul of Humanity, gives up the individual
ego, then they will become the Universal Supreme Being, doing
the good for all. This is Rebirth and Ascension of the individualized
consciousness. The Blending of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit
of Humanity within you.
The five-pointed star pointing down. You align your spirit
with the Holy Spirit of God and from the Spiritual Body through
the fifth element, ethers. The Symbol of Involution gives the
power of synthesis through the combining of earth, water, fire,
air and ethers. In true alchemy, the six-pointed star gives perfect
balance of Higher and Lower selves. When the sixth unmanifested
point is found within, the Human returns on the evolutionary
Path to God.
The Symbol of Infinity: The moby strip. This symbol represents
the Past and Future merging into the Present. One is centered
within the Witness, seeing from the Here and Now. The Witness
sees the past and future. The Symbol of Infinity at the top of
the Logos is the present life; the life of Transcendence and
Ascension Powers. The ability to attune with the Soul of Humanity
and on to the Cosmic Soul and Spirit thus becoming One with the
One without a Second, God. The four Symbols of Infinity on the
right represent the four greatest lives of Power; the four Symbols
of Infinity on the left represent the your greatest lives of
Sensitivity. Nine is the number of completion and when the student
of Light finds the Spirit as One and frees the Self from pleasure
and pain, burning away the seeds of Karma (stuck attention),
using the Transcending and Ascension Powers, in the present life,
they then break free from the Wheel of Life and Death, becoming
the eternal Being Individualized. Thus, the Word (perfection)
made manifest; Eternally and Infinite.
The Four Rays represent the Lords of the Elementals: Through
the Elementals we are sustained on the third dimension for the
experience of form. Through the ever giving love and service
to Humanity, our bodies are maintained by the Elementals of earth,
water, fire and air. Automatic Mind of Matter responds to the
Divine Mind of Humankind. All consciousness is seeking perfection
and as we give love to the Elemental Kingdom, vast, wide and
expanding, we lift ourselves to the Light of Master Consciousness.
This is the Children of God, Master over the Earth and all on
it and in it.
The Infinity Strip at the Top of the Logos has Five Rays;
the ethers is the fifth ray. Here, the student of Light works
with the Angelic Kingdom and, through Alchemy, commands through
the perfect image of an individual at unit, the five lower bodies
of consciousness. From this point, as witness to the Manifest
Unmanifest, divinity directs the bringing of the Kingdom of Heaven
on Earth. The student of Light has found the teacher within,
the Divine Director of the Omniscience, Omnipresence, Omnipotence
and Omni Beingness; freed from the World of Appearances; attuned
to Reality; freed from direction of the senses and sensations;
Master of body, mind and soul; freed from death, disease and
suffering; attuned to Transmutation, Transformation, Transfiguration,
Ascension and Transcendence. Here the Student of Light, Master
unfolding, enters the Spiritual Kingdom; walks and talks (merges
and receives impressions) from and with the ELOHIM, Angelic Host,
Ascended Masters of Light, Saints and Holy Beings. One with the
Holy Spirit, with and open and direct contact with God.
The Nine-Pointed Star: The student here has a completion
of a circle and brings into being the end of limitation; attachment;
the control by the senses and sensation; the limited outer personality;
the scattered awareness; and the illusion of being separated.
The Master unfolding begins a new with the rebirth of Spiritual
Life in the Light and Energies of the Ascending and Ascended
Masters, the Saints and Holy Being consciousness, realization
of the God-Self, I Am Consciousness. The Nine Pointed Star gives
the Powers of Completion, Authority and Freedom.
The Astral Physics Logos: When complete The Astral Physics
Logos gives the Power of Instant Manifestation through the Omniscience,
Omnipotence and Omnipresence of God, the One without a Second.
All the before mentioned Powers are at Hand for the Spiritual
Mystic to use. These Powers are yours by your degree of Faith
in them and your ability to use them. They are your Spiritual