Welcome to the Church
of Revelation
In the Church of Revelation, we believe
in One God, One Humanity and One Eternal Life.
THE CHURCH : All the Peoples of the World that is, was and
ever will be that believe in God make up the Church Of Revelation
that we serve. It does not matter of what Race, Kindred, Nation,
Tongue, Religion, People or Practice. All God's people belong
to God. We believe in and embrace all Religious, Spiritual, Esoteric
and Mystical Lineages that God has revealed to the People of the
World, from the most Ancient Times to the Present. The Church
of Revelation is the Body of God in Human flesh and One Spirit.
The Church of Revelation is not bound in buildings, temples, cathedrals,
chapels, ashrams, synagogues or any other type of structure. 'When
Humans meet in these places, then they are churches or other names
for the worship and teachings of God, for God and by and through
God's Holy Spirit.
This does not mean we do not need to maintain a place of worship.
On the contrary, we need a place secure for the people to worship
and learn. This is why we have buildings and property. These places,
when consecrated, are HOLY GROUND. When people worship and learn
together they create an atmosphere, a Light Vortex or an Aura
as it were. The Light Vortex gets stronger and more magnetic as
it grows. It is important to have a body of people that have similar
beliefs to gather together for Spiritual purposes. This is why
we have members of the Local Light Focus for the Church of Revelation.
All the Word of God, given to all peoples of all times, is your
Spiritual heritage of every Human Being on the Earth and in the
future. Belonging to God gives each Human access to the "Kingdom
of God" and all the Gifts of Spirit.
The One God we talk about is, was and ever will be, All in All
as All; Seen and Unseen; Manifest and Unmanifest; the same One
of all Races, Peoples Kindred; Nations, Tongues, and of all Time
and beyond; God is all Names and no Name. God is Omnibeing, Omnipresent,
Omnipotent and Omniscient; there is nothing smaller or larger;
without Beginning or End. God is the One Parent of all Creation
and dissolution. The One God is the goal of all Holy People from
the Beginning of Time to the Present. God is the Creator, Sustainer
and Holy Spirit. All Religions, Worship, Ritual, Ceremony, Spiritual,
Esoteric and Mystic practices are to One God in whom all life
moves, lives and has their being. There is nothing opposite or
can oppose Almighty God. God is the final authority over all things.
God and His creations cannot be destroyed.
When the majority of the people of the World have a God Realization
of One Humanity, then will we see ourselves as we really are,
all brothers and sisters of the One Parent of us all, God. By
having the belief of One Humanity and One God as our Parent, we
obtain an Open and Direct connection to the collective consciousness
of God and all Humanity. This is your Human Heritage from all
times and peoples.
Only in One God do we have Eternal Life and the Illusion of Death
has ended. This is the Gift of God through God's Holy Spirit,
the Eternal Breath of Life.
God gave of Self to all Creation and experiences Creation through
Creation. God created all things for God's Pleasure. In the Beginning
of Life you were in God, you are still in God and always will
be in God. God exists and you exist. God is without beginning
or end and you are without beginning or end. At the end of your
earthly life you return to God. God is with all things eternally
and you are eternal. Nothing of God can be destroyed.
Rev. BishopHarrison Roy Hesketh is a Doctor of
Divinity and is the President and Founder of the Church of Revelation.
The Church was formed in 1976, officially, in the month of July
on the 7th day. The Church of Revelation was formed out of obedience
to God. In January of 1975 on the 20th day, Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy
Hesketh, D.D. started the Astral Physics School. Through many
Spiritual Initiations and Revelations of Realization and Illumination
came into the Presence of God in 1974. Nothing on earth can prove
this and nothing in heaven can deny this Wisdom, Truth and Love.
Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D.'s Spiritual name is Tattenaiananda and
he is called Tat by his students and Master by his Spiritual Charges.
After having studied and put into practice the God led and Holy
Spirit filled teachings, it was revealed to Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy
Hesketh, D.D. and in obedience to God, the direct cognition of
One God, One Humanity and One Life was established in him as a
Revelation. Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh, D.D. took the name of Tattenaiananda
as his God Consciousness and his students began to call him Tat
in 1977. Tat realized he was a "son of God" and that
we are all God's children. This makes him no better or worse than
all of God's Creations. The Work of God has and is guided by God's
Holy Spirit in the Church of Revelation in all the Ordained Ministers.
The Church of Revelation began in 1976 with one Light Center,
called the Ascending Rainbow Bridge of Light Center and one Minister.
In 1979 in Seattle,Charter name Master's Light. This Center was
followed by Rev. Sunomi Groslin, of Vancouver B.C. , Canada, in
1980 with the third Light Center, Charter name The Crystal Eye,
taking the Church to the International scope.
The Church of Revelation then opened in 1983 three more Focuses
in California. One in Hayward, California, no longer operating
since 1986, one in the San Jose Area, now called the Diamond Heart,
operated by Rev. Christine Lang in Los Gatos and one Light Center
in Santa Cruz, called Santa Vida, no longer operating since 1986.
In 1984, the seventh Light Center, called The Golden Circle, was
established in Prembrook East, Bermuda by Rev. Dagma William,
a native of Bermuda and since 1986 is in Hamilton, Bermuda operated
by Rev. Richardson.
The Church of Revelation has ministers in many countries: the
U.S.A., Canada, Bermuda, China and Israel from of March 1984.
The Church of Revelation / Astral Physics School teachings was
also taken to China in 1979 by Professor Chong; in 1980 to England
by Revs. Eric and Eileen Kane; in 1981 to Australia by Rev. Kitty
Denenfield; in 1982 to Argentina by Maria Adela De Plante; in
1984 to Sweden by Lena Kristine Tuulse; in 1984 the teachings
were sent to India and in 1990 to Japan. In 1989 the International
Headquarters for The Church of Revelation / Astral Physics School
was moved to Keaau, Hawaii on the Big Island of Hawaii. This is
where Rev,. Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D. 'Tat' resides. Plans for
a Spiritual Retreat and Training Center is under way in 1992 on
the Big Island of Hawaii. The School work with many other Spiritual,
Mystic, Religious and New Age organizations.
The goal of the Church of Revelation is to form and work with
2000 Light Focuses by the year 2000. The Church of Revelation
is going to build a City of Light of God for Seven Million People,
breaking ground in the year 2000. From the City of Light the Church
plans to network light with all of God's People throughout the
Following is a ritual for accepting a Member
in the Body of Spirit of the Church of Revelation .
What we are doing in this Ceremony is joining together in God
and for God, that we may be stronger spiritually, that the Group
Spirit my stand against the darkness of evil doers and evil things.
To join together to learn Group Spirit, Group Dynamics and to
grow in the Human Spirit that all may have their Spiritual Heritage.
We must guard against the extremes of pushing for quantity or
of neglect, until the united strength of spiritual association
is lost in the informal relationship. Where spiritual standards
of eligibility are maintained, a simple procedure is necessary.
The irreducible minimum will require evidence of regeneration
as to the Church's Beliefs, acceptances of One God, One Humanity
and One Life. The Member is agreeing to uphold the By-laws of
The Church of Revelation. The President and Board of Directors
of the local Light Center or Focus will constitute an authorized
body to accept applicants for membership. All new members should
be registered with the Parent Body of the Church of Revelation
International Headquarter within 30 days after acceptance and
initiation of this Ritual.
All applicants ashould be interviewed before the Ritual Ceremony,
if they have any questions, by the President or Board of Directors
or the committee appointed for such purposes. The interview should
be pleasant and informal.
We accept all persons that believe in God, no matter what race
or other religious practice they have or have had. The new members
may be received at any regular Wednesday or Sunday Service or
Ritual Ceremony
I now SAY ALOAD , your name or the names of those that have come
to Join with us: (Names of new Members are said aload) will
you please come forward in your body, mind and spirit and take
your place in front of the ONE GOD and Congregation of the peoples
of the planet, as a focus for God.
SAY aload - What shall I render unto God for all God's benefits
to me? I will take up the cup of spiritual strength and call upon
the power of God. I will pay my vows unto God now in the presence
of all people that are with me on the planet. "Whosoever
confesses GOD before men, them will the Members of The Church
of Revelation confess also before God." We of the Church
of Revelation stand in the Presence of God with each Member.
Do you accept One God, One Humanity and One Life? Do you now accept
to stand together with us as one body in God? Do you vow to support
the By-laws and Beliefs of the Church of Revelation?
We, the members of the Church of Revelation, do solemnly covenant
together with God and with one another that we may have increased
spiritual strength and protection. We all agree to be kind and
loving to each other, to put away from us all bitterness, anger,
wrath, hate, envy, clamor and all manners of evil speaking. We
will be tender hearted and forgiving to one another even as God
loves us and forgives us, even as Great Masters of Light demonstrated,
even as demonstrated by all Spiritual Masters, Saints and Holy
Beings. We who are single or heads of families will observe the
worship of God and Self Mastery. We will attend services as providence
permits as well as other spiritual functions and services. We
will stand together in God. We will give aid as the Lord God prepares
us to the whole Human Family. We will pray for Governments, Educational
facilities, Businesses and Religions to be God directed for the
good of all Humanity and the preservation of the planet Earth.
God is our helper as we do covenant with God. We rejoice in this
expression of your desire to unite yourself with us in this divine
relationship. Because you have witnessed a good confession of
faith, you are already one with all of God's people in all generations.
By uniting with the Church of Revelation you enjoy all of its
sacred privileges, power and spiritual heritage and bear its responsibilities.
It is your sacred obligation to witness before everyone needing
its messages, to pray for its success, to give for its support,
to attend the services and strengthen its ministry. In love and
in labor, in truth and God's word, in wisdom that enriches the
soul, pray for it to prosper and that the Ministers, Teachers
and Healers are encouraged of God. Always walk in God and see God in each other, to hold us all up to God.
Beloved of God, in receiving this person or these wonderful people
of God into our Body of Spirit, we do enter into a solemn covenant
and obligation. Let them never find occasion to be ashamed of
any of us, nor disappointed by our life's actions, feelings or
words. May they ever find this Home of God a place of spiritual
enrichment, encouragement and refuge. We should always be ready
to receive them as brothers and sisters of the One parent, God.
We should seek to assist them when troubles and burdens harass
them and share the Love of God as did Christ, the Masters of Light
and the Spiritual Masters, Saints and Holy Beings. To share with
them the deepest meaning of life in their hour of need. All that
the Word of God has revealed in the Scriptures of the World; all
that has led them to find among God's people, should be found
in us. We shall, by the Grace of God, in receiving them into our
midst, pledge to them in like kind as we have required them to
pledge all that is consistent to a Godly Life. May we ever commune
in Wisdom, Truth and Love that we may release our joy in God fully.
NOW- Let us have a moment of Silent Prayer that God's Spirit may
join us in links of Love, Light and Spirit.
(Pause in the silence at least two minutes.)
We thank you God and we praise you God and
we love you God.
Blessings of Light. Amen and Amen, Om Tat Sat Om.
At the end of the Ceremony each new member
should receive a Church of Revelation Certificate as a token of
belonging. All the people of the church welcome the new members
with a hug of Light or a handshake from the Minister present to
relate to them a welcoming at the end of the service.
Tat as an inner and inter planes Master of Light now invokes the
ministry of Angels, Masters, Saint and Holy Beings of both the
inner and outer Planes of Life and Light. Tat calls now at this
moment for the power and protection of God over this our newest
member / members.
Stand for a few minutes is the Presnce of
our Prayer
BLESSING OF LIGHT and Congradulations. Contact us within 30 Days
In the dedication of children, the parent is setting into motion
in the subconscious mind and in their heart an action showing
their children their love for them and their love for God. By
this action of dedication, the parent is demonstrating their faith
in God to protect, guide, and illumine their child. It tells us
in God's Word, "Hear, God's people: The Lord our God is one
God; and thou shall love the Lord Thy God with all thy might.
And these words which I command thee this day, shall be in thine
heart; and thou shall teach them diligently unto thy children,
and shalt talk of God and the ways of God when thou sittest in
thine house and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest
down and when thou risest up."
Godly inspired parents, in presenting your child to God, you enter
into a sincere and solemn relationship with God in a covenant
that God will keep to a thousand generations. Throughout the ages,
Godly parents of every people and worship have presented their
children to God in dedication. You are following your spiritual
Each Parents Vow
NOW Believing that this child is a gift from God, and that God
holds you accountable for your child, do you now with an open
heart, sincerely and solemnly agree that it is your purpose to
dedicate (child's name____________________) to God and for God's purpose? Will
you teach them to pray, meditate and go within and instruct them
to be faithful to God and the teachings of God? Will you do your
best to demonstrate and teach your child (children) to lead a
holy life? Will you introduce your child (children) to Godly people
and a house of worship so they know where to go for inspiration
and upliftment?
TAT TO THE CHILD: (Tat reachout in spirit now to "Lay On
Hands" By Touching The Child On The Top Of The Head and the
parent Says:) (Child's Name________), I now dedicate you to the
One God in whom all live and move and have their Being. I invoke
the Holy Spirit of God to guide you, protect you and illumine
your Soul. May your young life be nurtured and mature under the
constant influence of the Holy Spirit.
May God early make known the spiritual Presence of God and reveal
to you, your talents and abilites and your greatest service to
God and your fellow man.
Dear God, the one parent of us all, we ask that this child/children
be protected against death, disease and suffering. Keep them from
temptations of the flesh and give them the strength of Spirit.
Break them loose from the sins and transgressions of previous
generations. Let them know YOU GOD, Christ and ALL the Spiritual
Masters. Guide them through their parents and directly in their
heart, in a way they can know and understand, to do Thy will and
Thy desire.
Take pleasure in these children and give them your joy and life
forever and ever. We accept this done now. and forever sustained
in the Presence of God. Love and Light Tat.
Donation Information
You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life.
EMAILĀ MasterTat@hotmail.com
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