Welcome to the Astral Physics School

Astral Physics School (founded January 10th 1975), and the Church of Revelation (founded in July 7th 1976) were founded by Rev. Harrison Roy Hesketh D. D. (Tat)

Astral Physics School is the training arm of this Non Profit Organization and the Church of Revelation is the Service to Humanity arm of this Non Profit Organization.

Astral Physics School has trained thousands of woman and man in Astral Physics ' Doorway into Light' Nine Month, 36 Lesson Course. Astral Physics School has developed A.P. Mastership 24 Lesson Course; A.P. Gifts and Powers 10 Lesson Course; A.P. Spiritual Dynamics 13 Lesson Course; A.P. Touch Of Light Healing 5 - 3 hour evenings and 2 - 6 hour Weekend Lessons Course; A.P. Channeling 5 month Course; Soul Mates and Twin Rays / Perfect Love [two weekend one day each] Course; Aura and Learning to 'See' Auras [two weekend one day each] Course and individual classes; States after Death, Path to Enlightenment, Self to the World and other evening Classes. Now in the 2002 we are preparing more new on line training in advanced Mystical Spiritual areas. See mastertat.com, churchofrevelation.com, cityoflight.org as well as astralphysicsschool.com. Coming soon One-God.tv, spiritualmystic.tv and apscor.tv.

Astral Physics School holds two all day weekend A.P. Intensives in various places. If you want information on this event or like to sponser an event you can contact us now by emailing us at (mastertat@hotmail.com)

The sponser or sponsors must provide financial support for Master Tat's transportation to and from the event, food and lodging as long as he is there as well as a Donation to the Church of Revelation for Master Tat's talk, circle readings or healing for the individuals that are participating in the Group . Each one is the group should give a donation which is split with the sponser/s. All private Inner Aura Readings or 'Touch of Light Healing' are to be paid by those who schedule the Reading or Healing. 1/3 of these funds are given to the sponser/s.

Astral Physics School has Summer and Winter two week A.P. Retreats in June and December and has done so since 1976. If you'd like to know more about these retreats, click here.

Astral Physics School trained the general public, Creatives, Ministers, Teachers, Healers and Spiritual Mystics since 1975.

The Astral Physics School has trained, for the Church of Revelation, one hundred and fifty five Ministers, Teachers and Healers, at large, now serving in countries around the world.

Astral Physics School became a 501 c3 Non Profit Organization in the United States of America July 7th 1976 and is also known as the Church of Revelation: Church of Revelation, Astral Physics School; Astral Physics School, COR; Church of Revelation, APS: APS COR; and operates its Headquarters in New York known as Astral Physics School, COR HQ NY. The International Headquarters is operated by Astral Physics School, COR HQ NY.

Astral Physics School, COR also became a registered Non Profit Organization in Hawaii July 1976 and became registered in California in 1982.

The Astral Physics School became a Non Profit Society in Bermuda in 1983. The Non Profit Society in Bermuda is known as Church of Revelation / The Golden Circle Bermuda.

The Astral Physics School became a Non Profit Society in Canada June 8th, 1989. The Non Profit Society in Canada is known as the Canadian Church of Revelation.

The Astral Physics School has taught classes and courses in Washington; Seattle, Benten, Renton, Puollup and at Spirit Lake Spiritual Retreat since 1979. San Francisco Bay Area; San Jose, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, Cupertino, Saratoga, and Hayward since 1980. Florida; Seminole and St.. Petersburg. New York; New York City and Brooklyn. Virginia; Richmond. India; Bombay. Canada; Vancouver, Burnaby, Westminster and Hope Valley in British Columbia and Montreal, Quebec. Bermuda; Pembroke and Hamilton. Jamaica, Kingston. Hawaii; Big Island (Hilo), Oahu (Honolulu), Maui, and other places.


If you feel this material is a spiritual blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayer for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world.

Donation Information

You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life.

EMAIL MasterTat@hotmail.com

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