Book Seven God Heals Instantly 113. God's Healing is instantaneous for God is always Present with us, in us as us. God does not inflict disease upon us, the Children of God. God created all things perfect and from the Original Creation and all the recreations we are forever in the conditions of Perfect Wealth, Health and Happiness. Yes, the perfect flow of Prosperity and perfect order of the Divine Arrangement of God is Present now. In Humanity's Original Creation there was only Perfection; there was no poverty, disease or unhappiness. Disease is an evil illusion that is being suggested by an Evil Deity and manipulated by Evil Spirits subtlety put upon the Smaller Creators, the Children of God. You are what you believe you are at the moment of your belief. 114. In Humanity's belief, the evil illusion becomes Reality. In true Reality there exist only the Clear Crystal Fire Light of God's Holy Spirit which is God's Reality. The Holy Light is the intense spiritual cleansing of the Trinity of Spirit, Mind and Body for the purpose of cultivating the pure Heart and positive Soul in every Human Being. The Evil Deity would have you believe through its agents, that there is no evil or that evil is greater than good. Be Good! 115. By keeping you ignorant of the Spiritual Side of Life and bound in the Body Mind concept it is easy for the evil Spirits to feed upon the Minds and Bodies of Humanity. The Evil Deity and these Evil Spirits can not and will not receive Life from the Godhead. They live in separation, darkness and fall short of God's Holy Light. They must feed on Life that is weaker. The Evil Deity and these Evil Spirits feed on the weaknesses and the illusions of the Children of Humanity and the Children of God. Believe in and surround yourself with the Holy Spirit and you will be safe! 116. Do you realize that you are always in the Divine Arrangement? You are constantly living in the Supreme Omniscience Power of God. The Supreme Power is being controlled by God's Great Wisdom, Great Truth and Great Love in the Creation of God's Infinite Power. You are constantly being Blessed with the Blessings of Light of God. This Blessing is God's wondrous Law of Perfection and Manifestation for the creatures of Creation. Divine Healing is being eternally embedded in and an intricate part of your Inner Self. The Inner Self has Dominion over the Trinity of Spirit, Mind and Body. 117. There is a Wondrous Way of Promoting the Instant Healing of God, the cleansing and strengthening of your Spirit, Mind and Flesh. It is the Creative Power of a Diamond Mind. The supreme Power is using the Spiritual Purification of the Clear Crystal Fire Light of God's Holy Spirit to return all to the Godhead. The Holy Spirit that has existed since and before the World was is the Manifestation of Supreme Power. It is the Holy Out Breath of God that spun the entire Creation into Being. Let the Holy Spirit shine into your Mind today and then your Mind will be a Diamond Mind. 118. Even though the receiver of Divine Healing be a skeptic or has a Mind that is not being well cultivated along the lines of the Spiritual Omniscient Power of God, One can be a receiver by being of a sincere heart and being sincerely obedient to God for One's healing. One can be a Receiver by following God's Law of receiving and giving. One can be a receiver when One receives and flows the Clear Crystal Fire Light of God's Holy Spirit into One's world of expression. All Ills and Disease can be Healed. More than that, you can be Healed and easily liberated from disease for the rest of your Life by maintaining your flow of Clear Crystal Fire Light and by following the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path to God Consciousness. 119. One
can be a Giver by sending the Clear Crystal Fire Light of God's
Holy Spirit to others in need. One can be a Giver by living the
Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path. The Clear Crystal Fire Light
of the Holy Spirit of God is the only genuine Healing Power of
and by God through all Healers. Be that Healer a Master, Saint,
Holy Being or just an awakened Child of God. You can be a Healer
for God! The Free Will Choice is yours to be what you desire
to be! The Free Will Choice is your Spiritual Heritage! 121. God's Great Wisdom, Truth and Love are God Expressing in you as you. Oh, how great is the Clear Crystal Fire Light of God! If you first receive the Clear Crystal Fire Light of God it is permissible for you to practice Mental and Physical Training, with a careful consideration of the two. By receiving the true Light of God, you are in the right state for success in Mental and Physical Training. There will be no blocks in Spirit to hinder the flow of Eternal Life, in the Clear Crystal Fire Light of the Holy Breath of Life. The Mind will be Healed and let the Light continue to the Physical Body for its Healing. 122. As
long as you are with Me, you will be a Witness to the words God
is Light, Life, Wisdom, Truth and Love. Maybe for the first time
in your Life, you will be able to Master the Glorious Way of
knowing Divine Wisdom, Divine Truth and Divine Love of God. Knowing
for the first time in your Life, the Righteous Spiritual Mystic
Path to God that is open and direct. For the first time in your
Life you will be conscious of being a Child of God and a Master
of Light unfolding. For the first time in your Life you will
have open and direct contact with God. For the first time in
your Life you will be a Radiant Beacon of God's truly Divine
Light for all the world to see. 124. As long as you are with Me, you will take your Dominion over the Earth, Sea, Sky and all that are in them. This is the Dominion as originally given to you by God. You will be the Master of cause and effect in your Life, by the Law of Divine Arrangement and God's Revealed Plan for your Life. You will know the Law of Originality, on which all the Religions, Sciences, Philosophies and Creative Arts were Founded and should be Founded anew. You will have contact with the Origin of all the Teachings through the open and direct Omniscient Power of God's Infinite Intelligence, that is by and of God. The things you need to know will come easily for you will be a realized Child of God. 125. As
long as you are with Me, you are being given God's Love and Compassion.
God will grant you freedom from eternal death, disease, suffering
and poverty. You will regenerate and renew your Spirit, Mind
and Body in the Presence of God. You will be reborn in the Clear
Crystal Fire Light Of God's Holy Spirit. The refreshing Breath
of the Eternal will breathe tranquillity upon your Soul and you
are being awakened all your days in the true Light of God's Holy
Presence. As long as you are with Me, you are being granted absolution
for all passed separations from God. God will make you a Gift
of the World for the expression of your Creative Power. You will
be a Positive Power for Good in Humanity and Creation as long
as you are with Me. 127. The Light within you will never vanish for Eternity. You are being awakened to your brothers and sisters in God, and will commune with them. You are no longer to be alone in the Darkness of Separation. You are to walk in the Light of God, that is shining upon you forever. Surround your Body, Mind, Soul Spirit, World and Affairs with the Pure White Light of God as long as you are with Me! Surround all of Creation with Clear Crystal Fire Light Of the Holy Spirit! 128. As long as you are with Me, you will be able to share with Humanity and the World of Creation, the ways and means to avoid the great waste of Love, Light and Life. You will remove every flaw of Character and will be the Light of the World and a Radiant Beacon of God to all Life. The Doors of Wisdom, Truth and Love will open to you, maybe for the first time, and reveal their secrets of Light to you. The Spiritual Beings, Beings of Light, Angels of Light and Masters of the Light, that have ascended to God, will come by day and by night to teach you the Ways of Righteousness. The Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path will open before you and you will live in the Presence of The Lord God. You will grow in the God Consciousness every day as long as you are with Me! 129. As long as you are with Me, your Destiny will be brighter and under your dominion, you will be a Master of Light unfolding. You will achieve a Pure and Enlightened State of Consciousness in your Mind, Soul and Spirit. You will know the way to overcome the Past and be the Master of the Future. You will know where your attention is being stuck and you will balance the positive, neutral and negative conditions of your existence from the Beginning of Time to the Present by freeing your bound attention. All Passed Records of your Life are being opened to you and you will have the Power to change them in the Present, so your Future will be filled with Wealth, Health and Happiness. God will reveal you in the Light of the First Creation before the World was and you will see all that you are, were or ever will be. Destiny, Discipline and Dominion will be your friends as long as you are with Me! 130. As long as you are with Me, it will be plain to see the ways of adversity, transitory teachings, deceptions and the misleading by others. You will know the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path that leads and attunes you to God, open and direct. You will be able to distinguish between Good, Evil and Neutral Paths of Life. You will be Master of Wisdom, Truth and Love that is the Threefold Flame that keeps you one with God, open and direct in thoughts, words and actions. The Threefold Flame of Gold, Blue and Red will live in your Heart, Mind and Spirit, to give you God's Power and Protection from all Evil Spirits and all Evil Deities. You will be the Master of Light over all Darkness and will change that Darkness into Light as long as you are with Me! 131. As long as you are with Me, you will realize that it takes personal effort and a realization of God with and in you, to overcome the imperfections of the Spiritual, Mental and Material Pathways. Without belief in God you will realize that self reliance is hopeless and filled with imperfections. You will realize that it takes the balance of the Three Worlds of the Spirit, Mind and Matter to be the Master of Light unfolding. You will realize that the Route of Manifestation is Spirit first over Mind and Mind over Creation in the Physical World. 132. As long as you are with Me, you will be Self Mastered and be the Master of your Manifestations and not controlled by others. The Root of Manifestation is from the Original Source, to Creation, to the Universe, to the Individual Spirit, to the Higher Mind, to the Soul. Manifestation then continues to the Personality through the Lower Mind of description and will, to the Emotions and desires, to the actions of the Physical Body, to others in the World and into your Affairs. Do not leave any steps out or you break the flow of Manifestation in your Life. When you break the flow from God, the Original Source, you get a lesser manifestation, sometimes no manifestation at all. Be complete as a Being without gaps in consciousness! 133. As long as you are with Me, you will know the Laws, Principles and Powers of God that control all Creations that are in Heaven, that is on Earth and that are in your Spirit, Mind, Emotions and Body. You will know that the Laws of the Three Worlds are interlocking and you cannot do anything in One World without affecting the other Worlds of God's expression. You are being filled with virtues and goodness for the rest of your days on Earth and in God when you consciously ascend into the Heavens at the end of this Lifetime. 134. As long as you are with Me, the Angels, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, Powers, Dominions, and Thrones of the Great Angelic Host will be with you, because you are a Child of God, Godman or Godwoman. The Ministry of the Angelic Host will be yours as long as you are with Me. You will realize the Wisdom of Silence, the Peace of Silence and the Love of Silence as long as you are with Me. You will have the Power of the Seer, Knower and Witness of Silence. I will be with you as long as you are with me! Praise God! 135. As long as you are with Me, you will be building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. You will build the Divine Civilization of Humanity and return Humanity to its Origin. The Origin of Oneness is with God the Creator of all that is, was or ever will be. Since the Beginning of Ancient Times this has been God's Plan of Perfection for the Human Race as a whole. God's Plan is that not one Soul is being lost, in the Past, Present or Future. God's Plan is to restore Humanity to the True Theocracy of God's open and direct contact and guidance. God's Plan is to be Realized and Recognized in all things, as all things and by all things in Creation! 136. The Self Government where God Guide us all, open and direct, in a way that will be apparent you and all Humanity in the Next Age. Just imagine, guidance by God and Self Government in each Individual Human Being. Such a thing is possible because it is every Human's Spiritual Heritage and the Wisdom, Truth and Love from the Beginning of Creation. The Pure Purpose of the Church of Revelation is to bring open and direct contact with God for all Humanity. The Church of Revelation's credo is, One God, One Humanity, One Life. God is Eternal, Humanity is Eternal and Life is Eternal. You will be Self Governed as long as you are with me! 137. As long as you are with Me, you are the true disciples of God and God's Holy Spirit. As long as you are with Me, you will not take these words written here in this Holy Book as the Writer's own creation. You will recognize, realize, assimilate and demonstrate the Holy Teachings as the Word of God's Holy Spirit. These Holy Teachings are being given to Humanity by God, through all the Ages. These Holy Teachings are being given by all the Great Center Figures of all Great Religions. These Holy Teachings are being given by all Spiritual Lineages from the Beginning of Time until the Present. These Holy Teachings are being given to you! 138. These Holy Teachings are the words given by all the Great Masters, Saints and Holy Beings from Time Immortal. Through discipline, belief and practices each will realize Instant Healing from God. By the sincere practice and belief, for the first time in the History of Humanity, true happiness is being realized in Humanity. We will not fall short of God by worshiping man, woman or things as in the Fallen Religions and as the Teachings of the Past have done. You will go to God open and direct as long as you are with Me! 139. As long as you are with Me, and follow the Righteous Mystic Spiritual Path of At One With God, you will, maybe for the first time, put your Trust and Faith directly in God. You will become deeper and more fully engrossed in God's Consciousness. When you keep disciplining your Mind with these Holy Words and Divine Teachings, that is Channeled and taught through me, you are being purified and forgiven. As a Master and not a victim of your Mind, you become the leading Masters of Light for the Next Age of Open and Direct Contact with God. 140. For the first time you will be God's chosen Child without effort. You are being chosen, because you make the choice. You make the choice as you face the Next Age of Heaven on Earth and the Divine Civilization of Humanity. You will know from now on that not making a choice, is a Free Will Choice as long as you are with me! You are to be the Master of your Body, Emotions, Mind, Creative Power, Individuality and Spirit as long as you are with me! You are being One With God as long as you are with me! 141. As long as you are with Me and you purify your Mind, Soul and Spiritual aspects, you will elevate your Spiritual Level of Consciousness. You will reform your Soul and abandon your self centered ego to advance to your true Self, an Individual as God expressing. You will become the Eternal Disciples of God with an open and direct contact with God. You will have Transmutation in your Body, Transformation of your Mind and Transfiguration of your Spirit. You will transcend into the Holy Spirit and you will be a Master, Saint and Holy Being in God and in the World. You will be as God consciously expressing in all perfection made manifest here and now. You will be you and merge with us as long as you are with Me! You will be One that has the Manifestation Powers of Wisdom, Truth and Love. You will walk the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path with Open and direct contact with God, as long as you are with Me! If you feel this material is a spiritual blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayer for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world. You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life. EMAILĀ Astral Physic Home | Astral Physics Menu | Astral Physics Music | APS Links CONTENT: of this Website | | Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Feedback | Public Relations - Press Release - COR - A.P. 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