Book Six
Seeing the Unseen
95. Those
who do not believe in the unseen are truly hypocrites, for they
ignore the Emotions, Mind, Soul and Spirit, which are unseen
by the Physical Eyes. Those that believe in the unseen side of
Life are surely finding the Path to Enlightenment. The unseen
Worlds are the true entities of the Spiritual Eye. The Infinite
Light of Gods Spirit is the true Light of Eternal Life. The Infinite
Light of God's Spirit is also the Absolute and Limitless Power
of God. Just ask yourself if you can see the World of Unseen
Power. You shall have an immediate answer as to whether or not
people are being saved by the True Light of God. The Holy Humans
of God have Prayed and opened the Path to your Salvation. Some
have given their lives for you that you may be free. All you
need to do is except the Gift of Light to be Enlightened to the
Wisdom, Truth and Love of God for you.
96. You,
the Child of God is not venereal (sexually indulgent and filled
with sexual desire) as Gods treasure since the Beginning before
the World was and in the Ancient Times of Humanity. You are far
greater than that; you are the Light God expressing. The Great
Masters as Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed have all
said, in essence, that we are God expressing. Each Great Being
lived out the Message of the Light of Wholeness to all Humanity.
The Evil Ones will tell you of separations and not Wholeness.
The Evil Ones are misleading many by creating separate Wisdom,
Truth, Love and Realities. The whole of Creation is God and I
am God expressing is your real Identity. I am God expressing
as part of the One God on the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path
of God, with open and direct contact and being At One With God.
97. Your
True Self contains, since the Beginning of Creation, the Divided
Soul of God. We are the Spiritual Form of the Children of God,
which created us, by God, for God and of God. There is nothing
outside or beyond God. You realize this Truth because you are
God's Child. God is the One Parent of us all in whom all Creation
moves, lives and has Being. Although the Spiritual Form is unseen
by the Physical Eyes, is not God's Form your True Self, can it
come from another place? Is One not now, vividly alive? Get in
tune with God. Be At One With God. This will save you now and
forever. You are a vital part of the Divine Arrangement and Plan
of God for Creation.
98. Now
is the time of God when you should understand that the At One
With God based upon the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path, is the
fastest and safest Spiritual Path to God. This Way is different
from the obsolete Ways of the Past Religions for God. As given
by Masters, it is indeed the shortest Path. This Path gives the
Spiritual Heritage of Wealth, Health and Happiness, both in Heaven
and on Earth. Close your Physical and Mental Eyes and open your
Spiritual Eye now.
99. Be
a Witness to the Wisdom, Truth and Love of God, to all Humanity.
Do not let another day go by, without being in the Living Presence
of God. Make this day your Spiritual Birthday as being reborn
in the Presence and Power of God. Mark this day as the first
day of the rest of your Life. Celebrate this day every Year of
your Life as your Spiritual Birthday and you are reborn in the
One Parent of us all, God. As you accept you are being filled
with the Light of God. Feel it? Feel it!
100. The
Old Times and Ways have passed. The New Era of the Divine Civilization
and the opening of the Spiritual Eye, that sees all Worlds, has
come. Proclaim it to all the World of Humanity. The time of logical
comprehension has passed. It is the time of open and direct perception.
It is the time of No Time for Humanity to close the gap between
God and Humanity. It is the time of No Time for Humanity to close
the gap between Nature and Humanity in order to become one with
them now. In the Expanding Consciousness of your Spirit there
is no need for separation. God is Presence and you have arrived
in the Presence. Sing it out loud and clear to all the World!
Live it, be it and demonstrate it to all the World. Be in the
vanguard of the Next Age of the Divine Civilization of Humanity
with open and direct contact with God. In the Presence you have
the Power to be what you want to be.
101. The
time of Transitory Science is at an end because it has taken
the one step into the realm of Mystical Spiritual Science. It
shall progress into the Divine Omniscience. This is the time
when Humanity will advance from the Primary Stage of Evolution
into an Age of Mystical Spiritual Science where the secrets of
Light are being reviewed and revealed. This is the Mystical Science
of the most Infinitesimal Mental particle and the most Infinitesimal
Spiritual particle. The Science that breaks the bondage of Time
and Space to leap beyond the physical limited laws. It is the
dawn of the Next Age of open and direct contact for the Spiritual
Civilization of Humanity. Do not be left behind with the Mass
of Non Believers still bound in the Third Dimension. We can now
go to Dimensions beyond the Stars.
102. Come
and kneel before the One God of all that is, was or ever will
be. Then and only then will the clouds of delusion and illusion
vanish from you. Clouds will vanish from your Mind, Soul and
Spirit. The Mind, Soul and Spirit were originally Crystal Clear
Light, bright, pure and obedient to God. Your Light will shine
forth as it did in the Beginning of Creation. As revealed by
the Great Masters of Light, the Era of Darkness is at an end.
The ejection and return from and to the Presence of God is being
told in other words by all the Great Masters from all the Religious
and Spiritual organizations from the Beginning.
103. The
Age of Night, when salvation is being given only by the dim Lights
of the Rainbow Light, Gold Light and White Light, is about to
end. The Next Age of God is open and direct contact. The Light
that guides is the Clear Crystal Fire Light of the Positive Presence
of the Spiritual Power of God. The Clear Crystal Light has started
to appear in this World. It is the Holy Millennium with the true
Spiritual Path and the Spiritual Civilization of Humanity in
which perfect and correct Order is being maintained. Come to
the Clear Crystal Light of the Holy Spirit!
104. The
Clear Crystal Fire Light of the Holy Spirit of God is shining
from the Heavens. It is the Infinite Light of the Creator, open
and direct, with instant manifestation from Mother Father God.
Mother Father God is the Master of Creation, Cultivation and
Growth of all Spiritual Existence and Manifestation. Mother Father
God is the Master of the eternal Golden Spiritual Light and the
Pure White Light. When you believe and practice, you will feel
and see the evidence of such Lights flowing through all the whole
Worlds of Spirit, Mind and Flesh. As you Love Mother Father God
the Clear Crystal Light of pure Perception is filling you with
Everlasting Life. You are forever!
105. Be
ready to receive God's Grace and Light. With devotional practice
of the Righteous Mystical Spiritual Path, day by day, your Spiritual
Form will revive its Self as God the Creator. Your Mind, Soul
and Spirit will shine brilliantly and you are being liberated
from Death, Disease, Suffering and Poverty. You will be able
to eliminate all conflict and live in Wisdom, Truth and Love
with Harmony. Isn't it easy for God to restore the Children of
Light in their home, place of work and their world of affairs,
to their original state in God, as God expressing? Never forget
the New World Order is being established in the Next Age of Open
and Direct Contact.
106. We
say to the young people of the World. God awaits your Minds,
Souls and Spirits to grow in purity and perfection. The time
is now for you to come openly and directly to God. We are also
saying this to the matured people and those who are becoming
Ageless in Eternal Life. God is yearning for you to increase
your abilities to guide others with tact and diplomacy as your
Minds, Souls and Spirits become increasingly pure and perfect.
Stop and be silent and hear the Voice of God calling you now.
With your very eyes you will witness miracles and salvation for
you and others through successive miracles manifesting daily.
107. Offer
a Prayer so that you may be allowed to guide one more person
to Gods Holy Light and that Spiritual Wisdom, Divine Truth and
Everlasting Love. Pray that the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path
may shine in you and to the World. Dedicate yourself to serving
God as a radiant beacon of Light. Be open and direct with this
Prayer kept firmly in your Mind. Precious is the actualization
of new and true Love for all Humanity. This is a wonderful way
to purify your Spirit and elevate yourself on the Spiritual Level
of Consciousness and Life. Discard your selfish ego-centered
love and then you are being elevated to Happiness, Joy and Bliss
that will never collapse again.
108. Come
quickly, for God is calling and asking for Billions of Gods Children
to serve, in order to accomplish God's Divine Plan. God is calling
to return all Humanity to that Original State of God Power before
the First Out Breath of Creation. You are Gods Child. There are
no Mothers, Fathers, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins or Grand this or
that. We are all of the First Family of God. God who is the One
Parent of us all, Mother Father. However, you will only realize
and be worthy of being the true Child of God when you resolutely
start working for your God given Mission. The God-given Mission
can only be revealed to you by God when you are being open and
direct with God.
109. There
is nothing to regret in offering Service to God. Look about you
into the World and see the separation of Civilization and how
it has come to the turning point in every aspect. It is time
to turn completely around, towards God and to the innermost spiritual
thoughts of Light. You will receive Blessings of Light. You have
come through Spirit, Mind and Matter. Only by persistent determination
can you reach that Glorious Light that awaits you to purify and
uplift your Mind, Soul and Spirit. You will increase in experienced
knowledge in your heart when you are being based in Love and
Truth sincerely. One is the destiny of all!
Practice the Righteous Spiritual
Mystic Path Day by Day, Month by Month, Year by Year until you
are truly Ascended and Free. Master the Oneness of mind, word
and deed under the Wisdom, Truth, Love and maintain a firm unity
among the Children of God. Let the Church of Revelation lift
you in the Three Essences of the Body, Mind and Spirit, centered
in God, who is in the Holy founder of the Church of Revelation.
Establish this Church as your C.O.R., because you are the precious
pioneers for the Divine Era of the Righteous Spiritual Mystic
Path of the Great God of Oneness. God is all that is, was and
ever will be. You are the living Child of God in the Presence.
You are, were and ever will be God expressing.
111. Proclaim
the true Civilization of all Humanity, the Spiritual Civilization
with an open and direct contact with God. Even though the fruits
of this Age look good on the outside, they are decaying on the
inside and will soon fall away, sooner or later. These seeds
we plant in you now will mature by using the nutrients of the
Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path to God, open and direct. You
will finally become the true fruit of God. You shall be the seed
people for the Coming Holy Next Age for a Millennium. You shall
become the true and Eternal Life of God expressing forever.
112. Although
the Greatness of God is unseen by the Physical Eyes, God is the
Eternal and Solemn Existence of Powerful Light, I AM THAT I AM.
Humbly offer gratitude for Gods protection and guidance from
morning to noon and at night. Receive the Clear Crystal Fire
Light and radiate the Light of God in all you do. The time of
Heaven on Earth has come. Immediately participate in the Holy
Work of changing Humanity into the Divine and Spiritually oriented
Human Beings. Be resolute in the drastic reforming of all Human
Beings. Sing out the proclamation of the coming into openness
and directness with God far and wide. Be as a Sounding Bell Ringing
out the Wisdom, Truth and Love for God. We shall be forever One
in Everlasting Life!