Book Twenty Seven The Human Body 558. The Human Body is a Masterpiece created by God of the Seven Elements of Creation; Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ethers, Energy and Light. There are Seven Senses to perceive Creation attached to the Body by the Mind: Touch, Taste, Smell, Hearing, Sight, Perception and Consciousness. The Seven Senses relate to each element and receive stimuli from Creation. Touch is for the appreciation, consciousness and survival with the Earth's textures and temperatures. Taste is for the appreciation, consciousness and survival with the Water's chemicals and flavors. 559. Smell is for the appreciation, consciousness and survival with the Air's gases and odors. Hearing is for the appreciation, consciousness and survival with the Ether's noises and tones. Sight is for the appreciation, consciousness and survival with the Fire's luminosities and reflections. Perception is for the appreciation, consciousness and survival with the Energy's exertions and vibrations. Consciousness itself is for the appreciation, consciousness and survival with Life's Inward and Outward Awareness of Creation and God. You are the Master of the Elements, Senses, Energy and Light. 560. The Body itself is being made up of the Skeleton System of bones and ligaments. The Skeleton is a support structure; a bony framework supporting and protecting the soft part of the Body. The Infrastructure System has two hundred bones. The Spine and vertebral column have 26 bones, Cranium 8, Face 14, Hyoid bone, sternum and ribs 26, Upper extremities 64 and the lower extremities 62. The Muscle System is being made up of muscles, tendons and cartilages. Bones, cartilages, ligaments and skin connect to the muscles. The muscles of the Body vary extremely in size, form, strength and are made up of bundles of fiber of a red color. 561. The Circulatory System is being made up of the heart, blood, capillaries, arteries and veins. The heart is a muscle pump with four chambers for the blood circulation and is about 5 inches long, 3 1/2 inches wide and about 2 1/2 inches thick in an adult. In the Circulation System there is the right postnatal circulation and the left prenatal circulation. The blood is made in the bone marrow. The blood carries oxygen and food to the other tissues of the Body. The blood removes from the tissue carbon dioxide and waste products of metabolism. Blood is a red or scarlet color when it flows from the arteries. The blood is a dark red or purple color when it flows from the veins. The blood is made up of red and clear colored corpuscles that float in a fluid called plasma which is a light yellow color. 562. The Lymphatic System is being made up of lymphatic vessels, lymph glands and lymph nodes. The lymph glands and nodes are located throughout the body. The lymph nodes are located in the head and neck; around the ears, throat and mouth, below the eyes, next to the nose, under the armpits reaching into the shoulder and in the upper chest region. Other locations of the lymph nodes are inside the arms near the elbows, in the inner thigh where the main artery and veins come into the leg and next to the Urogenital Tract. A clear lymphatic fluid flows through the lymph system with the exception of the small intestines where the lymphatic fluid is a milk color. The Lymph Glands and Nodes range in size from the size of a hemp seed to the size of an almond and are pinkish gray in color. 563. The Respiratory System is being made up of sinuses around the eyes and nose, by the cheeks and in front of the ears. The Respiratory Tract is being made up of the nasal cavity and its passage, which contains the mouth, tongue, pharynx, epiglottis, esophagus, larynx, trachea and lungs. The lungs have in them arteries and veins that go to the heart. The Breathe is to inhale and emit air, hence to live, to take a breath. 564. The Triangularis sterni draws down the costal cartilages; it is an expiratory muscle. The Diaphragm is the principle muscle of inspiration. In the lungs the gases of the air enter the blood stream. In the Respiratory System are the physical and chemical processes by which tissues exchange gases with the medium in which they live. The Respiratory System is all the passages by which air is conducted to, and including, the parts of the lungs where an exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. 565. The Endocrine System is being made up of Ductless Glands. These glands are the Testis (male), the Ovaries (female), Pancreas, Adrenals, Thymus, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Pituitary and Pineal Body. Each of these ductless glands secretes specialized hormonal substances directly into the blood stream. The hormones are to set in motion or excite. The hormones are specific chemical products of a gland or an organ or of certain cells of an organ. The hormones are transported by the blood or other body fluids, having a specific regulatory effect upon cells remote from its organ. Hormones may be considered an excitatory autacoid. The Endocrine System maintains the chemical balance in the Body. 566. The Male Testes (testicles) are the male Gonad. The Testicles are one pair of male reproductive glands after sexual maturity they are the source of the spermatozoa. The Ovaries are one pair of glandular organs giving rise to ova. The Female Ovaries are the female Gonad. The ovum is a female germ cell, an egg cell which is capable of developing into a new member of the same species. The Human ovum is a large cell containing a large mass of cytoplasm and a large nucleus and is fertilized by the male spermatozoa. This Area is connected etherically with the Base or Root Chakra. 567. The Pancreas is a compound racemose gland, six to eight inches in length, lying transversely across the posterior wall of the abdomen. Its right extremity, the head, lies in contact with the duodenum: its left extremity, the tail, is in close proximity to the spleen. It secretes a limpid, colorless fluid that digests proteins, fat and carbohydrates. The secretion is conveyed to the duodenum by the pancreatic ducts. It supplies an important internal secretion, insulin, from the islets of the pancreas. This Area is connected etherically with the Spleen Chakra. 568. The Adrenal Gland is a small gland located immediately above the superior pole of each kidney (at the top of each Kidney). It consists of a medulla that produces epinephrine and norepinephrine, and a cortex that is the source of many steroidal hormones involved in electrolyte and fluid balance, or in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. This Gland excites One to action. This Area is connected etherically with the Navel Chakra. 569. The Thymus Gland is an organ situated in the anterior superior mediastinum. It continues to develop until the second year of life, afterward remains stationary until about the fourteenth year, and then undergoes fatty metamorphosis and atrophy. It consists of lobules largely composed of lymphatic tissue in which are found minute concentric bodies, the remnants of epithelial structures, or thymic corpuscles. This Area is connected etherically with the Heart Chakra. 570. The Thyroid Gland is lying in front of the trachea and consisting of two lateral lobes connected centrally by an isthmus. The organ is composed follicles lined by epithelium, producing a colloid material. The Parathyroid Gland is one of several (usually four) small endocrine glands which lie posterior to the capsule of the thyroid gland, or embedded in the gland, and near the superior and inferior thyroid arteries. The parathyrotropic hormone is the hypothetical adenohypophyseal hormone regulating the activity of the parathyroid glands. This Area is connected etherically with the Throat Chakra. 571. The Pituitary Gland (hypophysis) is a small round endocrine gland averaging about 0.5 Gm in weight, which lies in the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone and is attached by a stalk to the floor of the third ventricle of the brain. A classification of the mammalian hypophysis, based on embryogenesis, morphology, and functions, divides this gland into the adenohypophysis and the neurohypophysis. The NA classification divides the gland into an anterior lobe with tuberal and intermediate parts and a posterior lobe. This Area is connected etherically with the Brow Chakra. 572. The Pineal Gland (body) consists of a number of follicles, lined by epithelium, and connected together by ingrowths of connective tissue. The follicles contain a transparent viscid fluid and a quantity of sabuluos matter named acervulus cerebri, composed of phosphate and carbonate of lime, phosphate of magnesia and ammonia, with a little animal matter. The Pineal Body is a cone-shaped structure of a reddish Gray color attached to the roof of the third ventricle between the superior calculi. There are glands located throughout the body. This Area is connected etherically with the Crown Chakra. 573. The Chakras are the Psychic and Spiritual Centers situated in the Etheric Body which surrounds and permeates the Physical Body. The Bells of the Chakras are over nerve ganglia on the front of the Body, where their name implies, and their Roots are over the spine in the Back of the Body. The Chakras connect into the Nervous System through the Etheric to the spine as follows; the Root Chakra connects at the forth sacral coccygeal plexus at the base of the spine; the Spleen Chakra connects at the first lumbar vertebrae; the Navel Chakra connects at the eighth thoracic vertebrae. This is termed the Lower Centers. 574. The Upper Centers are connected to the Nervous System as follows; the Heart Chakra connects at the eight cervical vertebrae; the Throat Chakra connects at the third cervical vertebrae; the Brow Chakra connects at the first cervical vertebrae and the Crown Chakra connects in the upper cerebrum and ends in the pineal body. There are more gross and subtle Chakras located throughout the body. The Glands and Chakras that have been mentioned are important for Spiritual Growth on the Righteous Spiritual Path. 575. There are the Organs in the Body. One of which is the Ascending Colon is a portion of the colon that extends from the cecum to the hepatic flexure. The transverse colon is a portion of the colon between the hepatic flexure and the splenic flexure and connects the ascending and descending colons. The Descending Colon is a portion of the colon that extends from the splenic flexure to the sigmoid colon. The Sigmoid, which is an S shape and is a portion of the colon that extent from the descending colon to the rectum. The large and small intestines are the portion of the intestinal canal. The Colon and intestines are parts of the Digestive Tract. The stomach, gallbladder, liver and spleen are parts of the Abdominal Viscera located in the great cavity of the trunk proper. 576. The Nervous System is being made up of the brain, spinal cord and principle branches of the nerves called the plexuses. The seven primary parts of the Brain are the Frontal Lobe, Parietal Lobe, Occipital Lobe, Temporal Lobe, Limbic Lobe, the Corpus Callosum and the Fornix Optic Thalamus. The Brain is contained in the cranial cavity, consisting of the cerebrum, cerebellum, pons and medulla oblongata. The Nervous System is the entire nervous apparatus of the Body, including the brain, brainstem, spinal cord, cranial and peripheral nerves, and ganglions. The Nervous System is composed of a series of large centers of nerve material which is termed, altogether, the cerebrospinal centers and smaller centers called ganglia. Certain alterations of the peripheral closures of the nerves form the organs of the external senses. The Central part of the Nervous System is as mentioned above. 577. There is the Central and Autonomic components of the Nervous System. The Autonomic part of the Nervous System is an aggregation of ganglions, nerves and plexuses through the viscera, heart, blood vessels, smooth muscles and glands receive their motor innervation. The Autonomic is divided into the Sympathetic Nervous System and the Parasympathetic Nervous System. The Sympathetic Nervous System is the ganglionated sympathetic trunk, sympathetic plexuses and the associated preganglionic and postganglionic nerve fibers. The Parasympathetic Nervous System is consisting of preganglionic nerve fibers carried to certain cranial and sacral nerves, outlying ganglions and postganglionic fibers: in general, innervating the same structure and generally having a regulatory function opposite to that of the Sympathetic Nervous System. 578. There is also the Female and Male Urogenital Tracts. The female Urogenital Tract consists of mammary glands, kidneys, ureter, uretus, bladder, symphysis pubis, urethra, anus, rectum and vagina. The male Urogenital Tract consists of the kidneys, bladder, prostate, ureter, anus, rectum, testis, scrotum, ejaculatory duct, symphysis pubis, urethra and penis. There is the skin that is the organ that envelops the body, composed of the dermis and epidermis. The eye is the organ of vision which occupies the anterior part of the bony cavity which is formed by parts of the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, nasal, lachrymal, maxillary and palatal bones in the skull. 579. There are Teeth in the Mouth. A tooth is one of the calcified organs supported by an alveolar process and gingivae of both jaws. The Teeth serve to chew food, aid in speech and influence the contour of the facial features. Each tooth consists of mass of dentine surrounding a pulp chamber. The pulp chamber contains the dentine pulp with its nerves and vessels. The crown of the tooth is covered with enamel which also covers the root of the tooth. The nails on the fingers and toes are horny structures covering the tips of the fingers and toes. They consist of tightly integrated cells made of stratum corneum of the epidermis. The ear is the organ of hearing, consisting of the external part of the ears on each side of the head, the middle ear and the internal ear known as the labyrinth. 580. The Hair is a keratinized filament growing from the skin; a modified epidermal structure consisting of a shaft, which is the hair itself, exclusive of its sheaths, papilla and root. The arms are from the shoulders to the elbows and from the elbows to the wrist. The part of the arm from the elbow to the wrist is known as the forearm. The hands on the arms are the grasping organs of prehension composed of the carpus, metacarpus and phalanges. 581. The legs are for supporting the Body and for walking. The leg is the lower extremity from the hip to the knee and from the knee to the ankle, of which there are two on the human body. The feet are on the legs at the ankles. The foot is the terminal extremity of the leg. It consists of the tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges or toes. The head in the uppermost part of the body, containing the brain, the organ of sight eyes, smell nose, taste tongue, hearing ears and parts of the organs of speech. This is the Human Body you live in as a Spiritual Being. You control the Human Body with your Mind! If you feel this material is a spiritual blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayer for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world. You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life. EMAILĀ Astral Physic Home | Astral Physics Menu | Astral Physics Music | APS Links CONTENT: of this Website | | Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Feedback | Public Relations - Press Release - COR - A.P. Books Organization Biographical InformationHome Page | Products | Support | APS Links