Book Twenty Five Holy Life 517. One is being a Holy Child of God living in God's Wisdom when One becomes closer to God by decreasing the distance in One's Consciousness, Perception and Self, in the Space of the Universe, World and Home. One is being a Holy Child of God living in God's Truth when One becomes closer to God by decreasing the distance in One's Imagination, Identity and Individuality. One is being a Holy Child of God in One's Talents, Creative Powers, Ideas and Beliefs. One is being a Holy Child of God living in God's Love when One becomes closer to God by decreasing the distance in One's Environment, Knowledge, Understanding and Soul. One is being a Holy Child of God living in God's Love when One becomes closer to God in One's Goals, Thoughts, Thinking and Mind. 518. One is being a Holy Child of God living in God's Love when One becomes closer to God by decreasing the distance in One's Desires, Deeds, Needs and Emotions. One is being a Holy Child of God living in God's Love when One becomes closer to God in One's Actions, Senses, Memory and Body. One is being a Holy Child of God living in God's Presence, Now and forever more, when One becomes closer to God by decreasing the distance and becomes more Spiritually Awakened to God's Great Love; that is overflowing in Creation. One is seeing God's Love, when they close the gap, that functions both in Heaven and on Earth equally. One is living a Holy Life when One does these things! 519. The experience in the Holy Spirit of God, which is the Clear Crystal Fire Light, is the Diamond Heart of God's Love. Eternal Life comes when One is in communion with the Infinite Intelligence of God's Mind of Golden White Light. The Omniscience is God's Wisdom in the Crystal Golden Light. The Omnipotence is God's Truth in the Crystal Blue Light. The Omnipresence is God's Love in the Crystal Red Light. One should meditate in this Trinity to close the gap between Oneself and God. The meditation suggested here is best being accomplished in a Holy Place free from the World of Disturbances and the World of Appearances. 520. A Holy Place is one that is being consecrated and sanctified for God and One to meet. The Holy Place can be a Building, Grounds, Home or just in Nature, like sitting under a Mango Tree, amongst some Beautiful Flowers or by a Secluded Waterfall. A Holy Place is a focus on Earth and a Point of Contact with God. It is easier to focus One's Emotions and Mind with the Omnibeingness of God in a Holy Place designated for the Purpose of making personal contact open and direct! Find your Holy Place and go there regularly! 521. When One is in the Heart of God, God's Great Compassion, Great Mercy and Great Strictness combine as one. All separation and loneliness are being overcome in At One With God. One's anger and fears disappear in the Presence of God. When the Child of God reaches, through meditation, the Great Oneness of God and receive the Joys of God, One should bring that Joy back into the World to give, express and share with all persons, places and things. When One is in the Mind of God, Realization, Wisdom and Dominion combine as one. All ignorance, lack of courage and misunderstanding disappear in God's Enlightenment. 522. When the Child of God reaches, through contemplation, the Infinite Intelligence of God and receives Enlightenment of God, One should bring that enthusiasm out into the World and give, express and share it with all people, places and things. When the Child of God reaches, through super consciousness, the Heaven of God's Holiness, then the Individual, the Masters, Saints and Holy Beings with God combine as one. All Light, Power and Glory of God now are flowing in the True Self to share with all Creation. You are the Self behind the mask of the Personality, Mind and Spirit. It is the Self that experiences all things without becoming them. The Self is always free in God Consciousness! The Self is God expressing! 523. It is through God's Great Love and Great Wisdom that the Laws, Principles and Powers are being combined. God is the Great Creator of all that is, was or ever will be and the Child of God is in Life, Light and is Incarnate for re-creation, as God expressing. There is nothing new from the Beginning of Creation. The Awakened Child of God is to create anew, through imagination, with all that is, was and ever will be in the basic elements of Creation. The Child of God is a Smaller Creator, that restores, refreshes and returns to health the people, places and things of God's Creation. 524.
The Child of God is a caretaker of the World, Mind and Spirit
of God's Creation. The Child of God is being built in the Image
of God. The imagination of the Child of God is being used for
the giving of New Life and refreshing all things that God Gives.
As the Smaller Creator localized you have all the Powers of Creation
and its manifestations to use in your re-creation on Earth and
beyond. God is giving you Free Will to express your Self! Do
not let the limited be greater than the limitless! Never give
up on yourself! 526. Both are being made by selection, but needs are the selections of a Child of God, fulfilled by God's abundance for every Child of God. Wants are from Emotional Desires of the Little Ego and are being selected for self-centered, selfish and self-fulfilling desires of the personality. True Desire comes from the Heart of the Child of God and is Hope. Hope leads the Child of God to dignity, respect, expectation, trust, reliance, belief, fulfillment, inspiration and solution. Hope brings to the Child of God fulfillment by God's Desire and Will in God's Divine Arrangement. Accept the fulfillment of your every need now! 527. A Child of God is being called a genuine Human Being when Enlightenment, Truthfulness and Service flow out of it to all the World as a river of Clear Crystal Fire Light of the Holy Spirit. Even though One has accumulated a self ego and covered its Soul and True Self in darkness, One can take Hope. For whether or not One is conscious and believes. it is being wrapped in God. God wraps them in the Wisdom, Truth and Great Love for them in the Presence. When One is in a lowly state, the One, Child of God, should turn to God. 528. One should Pray, 'Dear God, please let my Heart Love You for I have realized and repent of my separation from you.' Such a Prayer opens the Heart of God to the Child of God. As the Divine Millennium of the Divine Civilization is being anticipated by the Child of God, the Wisdom, Truth and Love from God will intensify. In the Next Age millennium God is in and with Humanity's Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit. All separation is being overcome as you practice the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path to God, open and direct! 529. The Child of God still truly Loves God although the Love for God may seem a Dream in this lowly world of separation and appearances. The Child of God loves its Children and Loved Ones as God loves. This Writer knows the Love of God that was being in the Beginning of Creation and is forever more. The Writer Tat loves Humanity, Creation and all things in Creation as God loves. What a Blessing of God to be in the Wisdom, Truth and Love of God for all the Children of God that are already awakened. 530. What a Blessing of God to be in the Wisdom, Truth and Love of God for all the Children of God that have not been awakened yet. Let each One of us make a Pledge and a Vow to spread the Wisdom, Truth and Love that God has given to each Child of God. Let each one of us do our Part in the Divine Arrangement and the Divine Plan of God. Let each one of us share our Spiritual Heritage with all Humanity. Let each one of us break down the distance and separation from one another in God and close the gaps of Darkness with the Light of Love! 531. The Child of God, that grows in the Presence of God, becoming a Godman or Godwoman, should never care how onlookers look at them. Remember we are expressing and spreading the Wisdom, Truth and Love of God. Each One that expresses and spreads the Wisdom, Truth and Love of God is a step-down transformer of the Light of God. The Light is being transformed from the Holy Spirit Breath of Life to All Creation and is being qualified by the Great Angelic Host to the Universe, Stars and Planets. 532. The Light is further being transformed by the Masters of Light and the Children of God. The Light from God is manifesting in each Child of God, each Godman and Godwoman, as Spirit, Mind and Body of Flesh. This is the Great Law of Transformation of Light. Each Level of Transformation has the Law of Duality which is Negative and Positive. The Child of God takes the Center Path of Clear Crystal Fire Light taking command over the Darkness and the Light, the Positive and Negative. Walk the middle way which is straight! 533. The Law of Dominion is irrevocable by the Child of God. Darkness can hide Dominion. Evil Deities and Evil Spirits can steal Dominion from the consciousness of Humanity. The practice of the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path of openness and directness to God will bring it back to the Power of Light in conscious Dominion for the Child of God. The Law and Power of Dominion are being re-established as the Divine Civilization awakens in the Next Age. 534. The Divine Civilization is being the Embodiment of the Holy Spirit of God and there is nothing higher, save God. Live every moment in the Love of God. God is descending to the Earth and the Divine Era is being manifested more fully when we live in Love. The Love between a man and a woman may end as a Dream upon awakening. The Love between God and Humanity is unconditioned Love. The Love of a Child of God is Everlasting. You are Love! If you feel this material is a spiritual blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayer for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world. You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life. EMAILĀ Astral Physic Home | Astral Physics Menu | Astral Physics Music | APS Links CONTENT: of this Website | | Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Feedback | Public Relations - Press Release - COR - A.P. Books Organization Biographical InformationHome Page | Products | Support | APS Links