Book Twenty Three The Time is Ended, Now is the Time 480. The time is ended for religious followers that work for their own benefit and the benefit of their separate Denominations. The time is ended when one Group of People war on another Group of People in the Name of God, what hypocrites. The ti me is ended when one Human Being says to another 'My God is greater than your God.' The time has ended for saying, 'My Religion is better than your Religion and We have the only Way and your Way is false.' 481. Measure this kind of statement against the Wisdom, Truth and Love of God and the Scripture of the World and see if they are the same. There is only One God and now is the time of the Divine Era in which At One With God is the Truth for the Children of God. Now is the time for all Religions of the World to unite in the One God that is truly the one Parent of us all. It is hypocritical to do otherwise and against all the Great Religions and Spiritual Teachings of the World. You know and God knows the Wisdom, Truth and Love of this statement! 482. The time is ended when Medical Science exists for the Medical Business and those who try to control the medical business for their own profit. The time is ended when Medical Business separates God from humanity, and plays God and take God's Glory as theirs. The time has ended when only the select few Human Beings get the benefits of medicine at the expense of other Human brothers and sisters. This practice leaves some Humans in dyer need to the point of Death, forgotten and abandoned. 483. Now is the time of the Divine Era when the true Medical Science establishes a condition of non disease for all Humanity by the Grace of God and in God's Presence. Now is the time for Medicine and Religion to combine their efforts in the Service to all Humanity not just a few rich Nations. Now is the time for all the Nations of the World to unite in a combined effort with God to relieve the Illnesses of the Body, Emotion and Mind of every Human Being. There are Countries that have the Technology to save millions of Humans. If the Nations fail to use their Technology to save Humans they will come under the forceful retribution of the Baptism of Fire of the Holy Spirit. Why should some Humans benefit from the suffering of other Human Beings? Let us overcome the greed of a few for the benefit of the many! 484. The time is ended when Business and Industries exist for the sole purpose of making money at the expense of enslaving the many in low wages for the few to make high profits. Where is the Wisdom, Truth and Love of God in Business and Industry? Where is the effort and ideal of technology to supply Humanity with Heaven on Earth? Now is the time for the businesses and industries of the World to create a fair market for all the Nations of the World. Now is the time for all Human Beings to be paid a fair wage for their labor. Now is the time to eliminate the unfair profit taken in Business and Industry. Now is the time to take crime out of Business and Industry. 485. Now is the time for all the people of the World to have the basic needs of Life fulfilled, because the Earth is abundant with food, clothing and shelter. There is enough of the necessities of life for all Humanity to live in dignity. In the Divine Civilization of Humanity, Humanity will enjoy right distribution of the Earth's abundance and all Human Beings will have their basic needs fulfilled. The abundance is being given by God that all Human Beings may survive, live long and prosper. Humanity has the Power of right distribution now. It seems that some of Humanity can always afford war, but can not seem to come to help our less fortunate Children of God in the World. 486. The time is ended for an obsolete World's outlook that protects Traditions, Sects and Religious Denominations as the primary purpose. Now is the time of the Divine Era to work for the establishment of the true Theocracy of the One God for all Human Beings Past, Present and Future. Now is the time for each Child of God to do its part in the Divine Plan of God for Humanity by excelling to the best that is in them, God expressing. Now is the time for each one of us to work for Freedom, Equality and Abundance of all Good Things for each Human Being. Now is the time of the Divine Era of Unity in God, in that the primary mission is the salvation of all the people of the World. 487. Now is the time for the awakened Child of God to rise up with his or her brothers and sisters in God. Now is the time to participate and be accomplished in God's Divine Arrangement and its Goals of Wealth, Health and Happiness for all Human Beings on the Planet. Now is the time of the ending of the Third Dimension and its Laws of limitation that has caused the Ills of Humanity mentioned in this Holy Book. Now is the time to realize that God needs no defense. Now is the time for all of God's Children to take their Spiritual and Human Heritage and progress to the Divine Civilization of Humanity on Earth. All of God's people are all of God's people! 488. The time is ended for man-made theories, causes and distinctive doctrines, which are other words for biased ideas. The time is ended for the manner or behavior characteristics of a person to come from an abnormal state or condition. Such acts result from an excess of a specified thing or that which is being marked as resemblance to such a person or thing. The time is ended where the adherence to a system, theory, doctrine, cult or a class of principle characteristics or particular feature of traits is the focus of Humanity. Now is the time to see all Humans as equal and overcome prejudiced points of views! 489. Now is the time when Heaven on Earth is being established in the Divine Era of the Children of God. Now is the time for the Divine Civilization of Humanity, open and direct with God, free from theories, causes and distinctive doctrines. Now is the time of the opening of the Mind of Humanity where the Knowledge of the Ages is accessible to every Human Being. Now is the time of the networks of Knowledge to supply information to every Human Being! The release of Knowledge gives the opportunity of Wisdom to every Human Being! 490. The time is ended when One engages and absorbs Oneself in any sort of profession that does not contribute to the whole of Humanity and the Divine Plan of God. Such a One shall have no other recourse, in the Next Age, but to perish. One will perish unless One is At One With God and tuned into the purpose of completing the True Theocracy where each Human Being is being taught Self-government esoterically and exoterically, by open and direct contact with God. Now is the time for all Humanity to be in the Divine Era of a great reconstruction. 491. The time is now for each Human Being to participate in the Great Reconstruction of the New World Order. In the Divine Era of reconstruction there is the practice of strictly functioning for the purpose of accomplishing the Goal of the Divine Plan of God in Humanity and God's Divine Arrangement. Only God can reveal the Divine Plan when the monopoly of consciousness is being established in Humanity. You can aid in the establishment of the New World Order by Praying to God for your part in the Divine Plan of God. 492. The time is ended when the performances of the Creative Arts, Liberal Arts, Graphic Arts and Crafts are for the purpose of feeding the Egos of separate Personalities. The time has ended for performances that are corrupt and egos are putting forth, in their performances and crafts, evil as an agent of darkness and Evil Spirits. The time is ended for performances for the sake of money, that mislead the Children of God into the Dark Places of the Body, Emotions, Mind, Soul, Creative Mind, Imagination and Spirit. Now is the time for having the power and quality of creating, producing and expressing One's skill in performance of the Arts and Crafts. 493. Now is the time to acquire by experience, study or observation, the Divine Arts in God's Presence of God's Creation. Now is the time to give inspiration to the Children of God through all Creative Channels. Now is the time to give Divine performance, inspired by God. This is the normal way of performing the Arts and Crafts in the Next Age of the Divine Civilization of God with Humanity. In the Next Age Humanity will be with God consciously and Creative Power will be completely open to all Human Beings. 494. The time is ended for Governments that do not represent all the people, not just the minority or the majority, but all the people. The time is ended where Governments are self seeking, self serving, selfish and rule by death, disease and suffering of their people. The time is ended where Governments rule by threat, intimidation and cruel acts over and on their people. The time is ended where Governments hide Wisdom, Truth and Love from the people. The time is ended where Governments do not care for and share with each Citizen of the World, every Child of God, all Humanity. The time is ended where only the chosen few are being rewarded and given special treatment. The time has ended for Governments that are being formed of and for one race of human beings. 495. Now is the time for a World Government that represents all of Humanity. Now is the time when Governments are being in God, being inspired by God and in open and direct contact with God. Now is the time when each Human Being has the Human right to go anywhere in the World or stay anywhere in the World. The time of foreigners is over. Now is the time for Humanity to realize all Humans are World Citizens. In the Next Age Humanity will realize that they are Citizens of the Universe not just planet Earth. Now is the time when God will appear in such a way that all can see, know and realize they are the Spiritual Citizens of Heaven on Earth and Beyond. Each individual is being realized in God in the Next Age and there will be no secrets from the Children of God. 496. The time is ended where Humanity can afford the results of separation of Nations, Races and People, for the World Community is at hand. Now is the time for all things among the Nations, Races and Peoples of the World to be open and direct with one another. Now is the time for the Government to be World-Wide, as well as for the individual Nations of the World. Now is the time of an effective United Nations that represents all of Humanity and the Divine Arrangement of God, not just some Nations that have military might or the Nations that choose to join. 497. Now is the time that Humanity has the ability to rewrite Human History in the Clear Crystal Fire Light of God's Holy Spirit. Now is the time to correct Human History in the Light of the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path of openness and directness, At One With God and in the Presence of God. Others have only heralded the Next Age. Humanity now has a chance to live the Next Age of the Divine Civilization. You can begin by looking at the good you have done and do good from now on! 498. The time is ended of families that consist of Souls impressed with impurities holding back the members of the family that have pure Souls. The time is ended when a family, which is the basic unit of Humanity, forgets its young, destroys its young. The time has ended where the darkness of evil actions has corrupted the Child of God in the womb of its Mother. Now is the time for families to take responsibility and lead the Children of the World in the Ways of Righteousness for God's sake. Now is the time for the members of the family to put aside their differences and live in unity. If you feel this material is a spiritual blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayer for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world. You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life. EMAILĀ Astral Physic Home | Astral Physics Menu | Astral Physics Music | APS Links CONTENT: of this Website | | Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Feedback | Public Relations - Press Release - COR - A.P. Books Organization Biographical InformationHome Page | Products | Support | APS Links