Give to your Life, Purpose and make this Purpose your Goal. Then do all within your Being to eliminate the Irrelevant, other Points of View, Side Steps and Seek Oneness with God and the Masters on the Path. TAT Tonight's Lesson is the Board Lesson. The Process is Positive self-image and Goal Setting. The First Circle I put on the Board here, represents the Full Encompassing Vibrations of the Physical dealing with Food, Home, Clothing, these kinds of things, that deal with the Whole World of Form. The Second is the Emotional Focus that deals with Sensations, Habits, wants the Body of Desire comes into this area, when it is projected into this area from the Brow Chakra. The True Body of Desire comes from the Brow, but it comes into this Emotional State so Desires are stimulated there Emoting thoughts without Words, Sensations and Conditioned Reactions. The Third Level is the one that deals with Systems, it's called the Lower Mental Body, the things like Will Power, Thought, Calculation, Reason, Logic, Worries, Defensive Reaction, Worries, thinking things along the Line. Subdivisions of Thinking like Assumptions, Conclusions, Judgments, you know those things are good to use when you are in a Scientific Analysis of something. You do Analyze at that Level. Analysis of something is done from the Thinking Mind, that's where analysis is done. That doesn't mean you have to be in that area, you can be looking at that area and doing your Analysis. You can be involved in that area, doing your Analysis you see, you can be Witnessing it through an Analysis State or you can be involved in an Analysis State. The Fourth one here represents Environmental Consciousness and deals with Conscience. Now Conscience has in it those things that you have been experiencing all of your Life. You have the Impulse of that, beyond the Words and beyond the Feelings, what that means, what the Knowledge of that is. So this Environmental Realm also has to do with all of your Knowledge, all Knowledge you have gotten from this Lifetime, from all the Course, and all the Experiences you went through, all people you knew, all the jobs you went to, all the experiences you have had, you get the Knowledge from that. If you have put yourself into it, if you have felt in that but if you have been doing that by remote control, you don't have the knowledge of it. You'll find your self saying, "I remember going through that," but I don't really know that, and some people will sit in class and they will be detached, they are remote. Detached means being Superconscious and Observant, but remote means you are dulling it out. It just goes right through you. Someone says, "Oh yeah, I've heard that before," but you didn't assimilate and demonstrate it, so it didn't become Knowledge. When you exercise this Knowledge, you have gained, then you have Wisdom. Experienced Knowledge, is how you gain Wisdom. Experience what you know, everytime you experience what you know, you get the Wisdom of that. It becomes more powerful and that's how you get the Wisdom of knowing what you know to do. Then the Wisdom of your Soul comes through. The Soul realm deals with the Environment Consciousness. It deals with the inner Environment and the outer Environment. So the Soul is experiencing through this Level. The Soul is experiencing through this level here. All these things are experiencing, the Physical, the Emotional and the Mental are coming in your Soul, you are taking this on you see. When you are pulling yourself into Environmental Control, Environmental Control is when you are able to look both into the World, and look into yourself. You are at the point of Environmental Control. You are able to look out into the World, and look into yourself at the same Time. You are right at that Fine Edge between Higher and Lower Consciousness. The Inner and Outer, so that is when you have more control. Now this is more where you should come from, you know when they say, come from your Heart. This is coming from the Heart, speaking with Heart, you see. Now some places will tell you to speak with Emotion. Well, that's to get Personality or Personal Power, but to get Soul Power, really Magnetic Power, the Magnetic Power comes at this Level too. A very Powerful Magnetic Power to draw things to you from your Inner and Outer Environments. You see, you want to be able to draw the things that you want to experience for your Soul. This deals with your Intuition. The Intuition is the instant realization of what you know, you see. To instantly realize what you know. It's not having to think it over, or try to feel it, or select, or trying to find it someplace, going through the old files, or going through the Memory Banks. That's not Intuition. Intuition just comes right out of what you know, because there is nothing to stop it. You don't have any Filters, it just comes out, you see. So you attune Intuition, Intuition is a good Level of Consciousness, it's a High Level of Consciousness, it's a Positive Experience. Knowing comes here, the Power of Knowing. You know that you are going to have a Parking Space, right! That same Knowing can be Healing your Body. Know you are Healed, in that same way. Know that when you turn this Switch, something is going to happen. If your turn the Switch, the Light is going to go off. You know that if you turn the Switch the other way, the Light is going to go on. That kind of Knowing and that kind of Knowing can be applied to Knowing. You are going to have your rent, the security to eat, know that you are going to have the relationships that you want. Know that you are going to get the knowledge that you want and desire in your Life. You are seeking to draw to you and that Knowing is a Strong Magnetic Force and that's how you use the Magnetic Force by Knowing and Believing, Believing, Believing it. Now it's the part of you that takes advantage of the Systems, the Patterns and Forms, it's the part that get's the Benefit from that. The Soul is getting the benefit from that, and Deep within this soul. Deep within this Knowledge is everything you have ever Experienced. Sheath upon Sheath upon Sheath is everything you have experienced since God, created you. When you go deep into your Soul, you know the reason for your being here, where you have been and what you have been doing. It shows you that, all within there. You have the Knowiness of that here is Soul Feeling, Soul Feeling, surrounding and merging Awareness. The Ability to Surround or to Merge with here is the Power to Merge. When you are at this Level, you can Merge. You can Merge with the Outer, you can Merge with the Inner. You can Merge with someone elses Outer, or Someone elses Inner too, you see. But you don't have to react out of the Systems, or react out of the Patterns or react out of the Forms unless you will it. Well you feel you want to do that. When you feel, when you will, I will, I can. What is the Point here not something making me do this. It's something making me do this. It's because you are using your Power to come out in this. If these Fields are Corrupted in that, these Powers make trouble coming out or going in, it may be pulled out more. So he's looking out here and no always into it see, you feel like your Soul is confined. What happens when these areas take more Presidence and there is not the Free Flow of Energy, there, the Soul gets Bound in the Envelope of these other Sheaths of Consciousness. The next Level coming, deals with the 5th Circle which represents the Higher, Higher, Higher Mental Realm. This is the Higher Mental Realm, the Higher Mental Realm of Consciousness. Here is where Inner Peace starts to flow into the Being from this Higher Mental Body, Inspiation from the Higher Mental Body, see. Ideas from the Higher Mental Body, Creative Powers, your Talents. The Talents that you have pouring forth from this Higher Mental Body. Now if there is a Blockage in one of these Fields, it may not come all the way out , you see. You want to have it come out, so you have a clear field for it to come out. You want a Clear Mind for it to come out. You want a Clear Environment, you want a Clear in and out, you see, so it will flow smoothly. It doesn't come to the door waiting to come out and doesn't get past the Door, you see. You shouldn't be able to go two ways and sometimes the Door Slams on the Creative Power coming out because you Think you can't do it, or you Feel you can't do it. See, "Well," you say, "I don't think I can do that." There was a man on Television last night that could take a Sledge Hammer and go like this and tip it. Well, if you don't think that's difficult, it's like picking up Four Hundred Pounds per square inch. You see with that Levering and that, he just had his hand on the ground like this and he just went like this with the Sledge Hammer. I mean this thing is Long, and has all this weight on the end of it. Have you ever seen a Sledge Hammer? Well just try to do that with a regular hammer and see what happens. It took dynamic strength. You know he had one link here on his chest, he had metal here and metal here and he went 'Shu' and broke the one link chain. Uh Uh, the chain on his body, he jusy broke them because he had this Power from this Higher Energy come all the way out and act in the outer field. His Master taught him all these feats of strength was known as the Mighty Atom, you see. He taught them that there was a Light inside of you to do these things, and this guy would bite through chain and at the age of 81, was still biting through chain, bending big bars of Steel and stuff like that. He was still doing it at 81 years old and he was only 5'4" and 145 pounds, or something like that. He was in competition with Giants. He was the "Mighty Atom," and he had this Power of Centering Bomb. He always knew that there was One Power and he was always One, One, and One. You see, One of a Kind, you are one of a Kind! There is no other kind like you. You are an Individual Manifestation, One of a Kind, a Unique Individual. Don't try to compare yourself with any one else. You are incomparable. God is only One of a Kind, you are built in the Image; we are one of a Kind, you see the Reason. You are One Without a Second. When you are Him, you are One Without a Second. Your Mind is One Without a Second, your Emotions are One Without a Second when you are in that Level. So here Creative Power coming out, Sound, Rhythm and Vibration. Here is where the Cycles come from. See, down here we have forms here. We have Patterns here, we have Systems here. Here we have the Controlling Doorway, the Soul is the Doorway. Here we have Cycles. Now when we are seeing Cycles, the Cycles mean those things that always go on. Systems can change, but Cycles don't change that often. Those things go on and on and on. A Cycle is like the trip that the Earth takes around the Sun; that's a Cycle. Thge Earth turning on a Twenty-Four hour period, that's called a Cycle. Seasons are called Cycles, you see. When you learn the Universe Natural Cycles of Mind, Natural Cycles of Emotion, these Cycling Consciousnesses are different, Different than Patterns, different than Systems and different than Forms. So you get the idea from the Cycling Level of Consciousness. With that Rhythm and Vibration, your Creative Powers and Talents that you possess, come from this Level and the Higher Mental Level. If you were doing Poetry here, is what you would be doing, you would be taking Higher Abstract Energy of Cycling Energy through the Soul, and describing that in words that have Rhythm and Rhyme, you see. You'd be using those two Levels coming from your Soul, you see. That's how the Poet comes. He puts what he knows in Abstract, the Higher Mind is also Known as the Abstract Mind. The Abstract Mind. The Abstract Mind. This next Cycle that's inside of here, Boy! this is starting to look like eggs, instead of Circles. There is a Seven Fellow, he's Seven years old and spends four hours a day doing Circles, to get the Perfect Circle. This represents this Level here, represents your Super Consciousness. Now this Super Consciousness part here, never sleeps, it Witnesses, the dreams it Witnesses, unconsciousness. It Witnesses everything that is going on. it's called the Devine Witness, the Divine Director of all these other Planes, you see. Here is where you have Perception. This is where the Sensations come and are Recorded by the Senses. You come to the Super Conscious State. That's where you have Perception, where you are Perceiving, that's where you get the Insight from. Your Insight comes from your Super Conscious State. Visualization, Imagination comes from this State. If you are seeing a Vision, you are seeing it with the Eye of the Super Conscious, you see the Third Eye. The Third Eye, you see, means the Duality is now coming to One and you are Perceiving, see. So Perceptual Level comes at this Level here. Now in the Center of all this , this Circle here, this is Known as the God Circle. This is the God Self within. Now this God Self is when all other Levels are withdrawn into this Center. You are the God Self. When you withdraw all of your attention from these other realms, that's when you are in the God Self, not until then. You can only get in the God Self when you withdraw attention from all the other Realms, from all your Insights and Perceptions, all of your Ideas, all of your Knowledge, all of your Thoughts, all of your Feelings and all of your Actions. When you can withdraw attention from that and Focus it in this Center here. that's when you will have the Mystical Union. That's when you will have the Mystical Union. That's where the Mystical Union takes Place, because when you get to here, you see that this part of you is no less than God. There is no Boundry to this part, even though it's the deepest part within you, it doesn't have any form around it. This is the Deep Inner Void. Inner Self, this is the Still part of Consciousness. It's absolutely still in there. This is absolutely Silent in there. It's motionless, it's boundless, it is Oneness, it is Beingness. It is Motionless, it is Boundless, it's Boundless, it's Oneness, it's Beingness. From this Point when this is One and you have come all the way in to it. Now, this can look out from all of these other Realms. Once you have made this Union, you can look out from this Point and see all the other Realms. You can see them in respect to how all of these other realms fit with everybody elses other realms and all other realms, how you fit , what your Position of Beingness. What is your State of Evolution? All of these things will be coming. What is your Purpose for Being here? What is the purpose for your Being here. You will find out, when you get to this Point. You start looking out from this Point, it's like you are sitting, looking down into these other Bodies of Consciousness, you see. You are seeing each one of them and seeing if they are in Line or if they are moving down the Line. This part, when it's awakened becomes the Eternal Witness. It's known as the Eternal Witness. It Witnesses not only everything that's going on in you, but it also can Witness out, you see. What is going on with every thing else and this part of you is the same in you as it is in everyone else. This is where you are the same as everyone else, in the God Self. It's all of the other Veils taken off, the God Self then becomes Radiant. Now, when you first go in there, you go in like this. You go in like this , and maybe you get thrown back. Maybe into this area and you get thrown by the Paradox. Any of you go in to go a little more, each time you are getting a little better, a little better, a little better, being able to bring out and pretty soon you are getting. And everytime you are able to come out, everytime you are able to come out a little more and more and more. The more you come out, the more you cover your 365 degree experience, your all around experience. The more you come out of your experience the broader the Path gets. Now what are you coming in and out of this on. Well, you take this Bridge, well, when I'm through with the Red, I'm to lose the awareness of the Physical. So when I come out, what Level of the Physical are you coming out at? When you get to this point, you can come out at the Genius Level, if you would Like. You don't have to come out where you were, this is how you can raise and come out out at a Higher Level. So when you go into your Meditation, you should see yourself coming out at a Higher Level each Time than you were at when you went into the Meditation. You want more of God manifest in your Life, you see. The God Self you see, when you were exercising the God Self then you are exercising God. God is experiencing see. Some people never go here, so they keep all the experiences for them self, here you see, and they never get here to their True Self, the Real Self. They always give it to this Transitory Self out here, which keeps changing, but this Self never changes. This Inner Self never chnages. It's the same Today, Yesterday, and Always. This is the I AM before the World was. This right here is the I AM. You are saying, I AM, that's where you are taking yourself, to the God Self within. It's an experience that cannot be shared with someone that hasn't had it. It's an experience that's very recognizable to another person that's had it. You can understand what I just said, you can't always explain it. I know I just had this experience, but I can't quite explain it. But when you get somebody that's had the experience, there are certain references that you can both relate to. A Realized Being will talk from that State of Consciousness because he has been able to come all around this Circle, all around this Circle and is a Radiant Being, the Physical in everyway. He is a Radiant Being into his Emotions every way, and to the Mind everyway. Now he is not bound by his Individual Physical, he has the option of the Whole Physical. He is not bound by his Emotions, now he has the option of all Emotions. Isn't it nice if you knew someone that really has Divine Emotions; what if you were able to experience that. If you experience it, then it's yours, right. But if you can't come out of yourself to experience that and someone else, then you are only getting your own limited experience. You should be able to experience through everybody. Tonight we were having dinner. Now Aesteray doesn't eat any ice cream, doesn't eat any dairy products or meat or anything. But after the dinner she said, "Are we going to have some ice cream?" I said, "Are you going to eat ice cream?" What she meant was, she was going to enjoy it through me. That's what she does, she says, "Boy, that was really good". So she doesn't have to eat that, she gets all the things, just sits there merged with it. So I understand when she says. "We." Now to work with this state we do something called Post and Meditative Suggestion, and I'm going to just read here from this part of the Training. Meditative Suggestions, Visualizations and Unions can be supported by Programming the Subconscious Mind. Meditations and Suggestions, Meditations, Suggestions, Visualizations and Unions can be supported by reprogramming the Subconscious Mind. Is it Okay, you have to give the Okay to the Subconscious to let this other come through so you can have a Conscious Solid Experience. You don't want a Half Way Experience, none of this vague experiencing, you want a Solid Experience see, you want a Solid Experience of these Inner Realms. Not just something Floating around inside you that can't get out, something that can have some Tangible evidence, that it's Real you see. Not just something that you are touching with your Mind, you want to get something solid. This is how you get that now, Union, here it means like Union with Spirit, like you merge with Christ or you merge with God. This is the Union we are talking about, the ability to have Union. This Union can be aided by the reprogramming of the Subconscious Mind. During Meditation the Subconscious Mind is open and all past records of this and former Lives are available. So when you are going in Meditation the Past Records of this Life and all other Lives should open to you. Now open means you don't React out of them. You can see them detached and objectively detached and objectively you see. You don't have to React out of them. If you got hurt once, you don't have to go through that hurt again, you look at it. Why go through that again. Some people can be standing in a room washing dishes and that, and start crying. That means the Past Records came open and they reacted out of it, thinking it was now. That is not the Truth. When the Record is open to the present, then you are not operating out of what may happen Past or Future. You're in the Seeing Meditation now. Meditation is always in the Presence, it's not off in some time, it's in your Presence. It has to be, you can't Meditate in your past, you can't Meditate in the past yousee, because you are always in the now. So you can't go back and Meditate on the past or int the past. You can Meditate on it, you can look at it again and can react out of that if you don't stand in the Presence. I am Presence and so this kind of Suggestion we are seeking to keep these records open, that access to them. You can now use the Power of the Path and you have learned the Path, the Power of Attention, Concentration, Observation, Meditation, Superconscious. You can use that on a Single Focus within, on a Single Point within, all of that on One Point within. Now that's Power. Now if you have a Problem, you have all of your Power to overcome the Problem and whatever is Created is never greater than the Creator. God's Creation isn't Greater than Him, it's all within Him. No matter than if you do something that helps a Million People, it can never be Greater than you are. If it helped the Whole world, it couldn't be Greater than you are. If it helped the Whole Human Race, it couldn't be Greater than you are. You would have to have that in you in order to do that, you have to have it within you. Like this Singer becoming World Famous has that Vision within to be World Famous. It has to come within them, it has to be within them. So the Creator is within you always, and your Aura may be over the Whole Planet, but it still experiencing within you. Understand that, so the Creations are never Greater than the Creator. The Computer can never be Greater than Man, because Man Created the Computer you see. It took a man to create that and to say it's better than a man would be ridiculous, because that man even though you are not thinking in those Realms you have access through being Human and so you have access. End of Tape. What is the date? 24th already, my how Time flies when you are having fun. This is the 24th of January, 1984 and I'm Reverend Harrison Roy Hesketh. I"m from the Astral Physics School and tonight we are discussing the Lesson 1 - 3 the Fourth Month; this is the Fifteenth Encounter out of 36 Encounters. We are almost half-way through and tonight is Mental Control. We will be talking about the Science of the Spoken Word, Prayers, Mantras,Fiats, Visualized Prayers, the Call, Instant Manifestation, and Description of Goals on the Path. We are going to have a Sharing of this a little later, using the Science of the Spoken Word. The sharing from last week is the Higher, the Lower and the Middle Self. On the Board here we are going to be going through the different Levels here, of the Spoken Word. I want to talk a little about the Spoken Language before we begin to work. In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. Understand that Principle, it's in St. Johns Gospel, the first words there, the Word. When I was in India, I went to a conference in Bombay. There were Religious People there from different Religious Structures; Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, and the Islamic or Moslem Teachings. There were Scientists from different types of Science, there were Psychiatrists there and Psychologists there as well. They were all coming together and the Conference Name was Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science. Modern Science presented that the Beginning of Creation was the Big Bang, and the Buddhists and some of the Hindus said it was the OHM, the Sound created it, some said OM, some said Sound and the Christians said the Word. That means from a Still State of Absolute Beingness, form is Created by sounding a Word. It causes a movement and also it acts in the 1st Law of Manifestation. The First Law of Manifestation is Limitation, so it Limits it by the Form, by the Word. So God spoke the Word and that's where the Power came from, it's a God Power. It is your Godly Power and your Heritage to speak the Word. Words are Crystalized Thought and as you speak and as you speak the Word, you Crystalize your Thoughts. Well, when the Original Word was Spoken, it reflected in the Vibrations of the Filament or the Mind. Those two are Synonymous, Filament and Mind are Synonymous and in the Filament came the Light, in the Filament was the Word. So Bang, Om, Sound, Word, all sound the same and so at the end of the Conference, they said they were the same. They were looking at the same thing from different Points of View. It's the first time I ever heard agreement between Pyschology, Religion, Science, Ancient Science, Different Religions and Different Religious Structures. So to me, it was a great advancement, it was a great advancement. But I already knew that from study, I already knew that and it was a wonderful Confirmation as well. So there will be Times when you will learn things that you already knew, but you may have not used those words to describe them, because you have been looking at the samething but describing it differently than someone else has been describing it, but still looking at the same thing. So now this Word when it is Spoken, there is a Destructive Part and a Creative Part. There is also a Neutral, so you have a Creative, a Destructive, and a Neutral part to the Language or the Word. There are Words that can Destroy, there are Words that can Create, there are Words that just carry it on or do nothing or Neutral; and, if, but, maybe, try. All those are Neutral Words, they don't do anything. They suggest nothing, and so you will find in certain words, we seek to overcome, as we begin to Study the Science of the Spoken Word. Now this next week, you will become very Self Conscious of what you are saying. Be just like where you are centered last week, that is the Whole Idea of this type of Training. Last week the Suggestion of God Centered was given to you. Well, you are holding that Image now, for where you are at, and you are adjusting the Picture or you are distorting it or trying to Change it. See, but no matter how you try to change it or distort it, it doesn't make it any different, it is what it is. If we look at a Tree, we can call it anything we want to call it but it's still a Tree. A Rose as Shakespeare said, by any other name is still a Rose, you see, so it is what it is. So the Word is the Word and there are Destructive Words and there are Creative Words. So there is a Positive and a Negative side to the Language. What we ask you at this Point is do not Speak unless you Speak Positively. To use the Science of the Spoken Word in a Positive way and in this next week, bring yourself to these Positive Words. If you cannot say it Positively, it's better to keep still, because once it is said, you can never take it back. Realize this is going to be part of your Life, you are Crystalizing by what you say. Problem; so if you ask someone to reveal their Problems to you, you must Love them more than you Love yourself or you'll run away from them as soon as they start revealing your Problems. You say show me my Problems and as soon as you speak the Word, you Crystalize an Energy and if it's the wrong word that they don't want to accept, you're hitting a wall, you're causing a Negative Action, a non agreement. Love always agrees, Love always is agreeable. Love come from the Heart, it's agreeable, it always agrees. If you want to be mean, Honey, that's Okay, I still Love you. If you want to go out and work against me, that's Okay. I'll still Love you when you decide to come back. I'll still Love you, it doesn't make any difference. The Prodigal Son you see, the Story of the Prodigal Son. See, if you go out and you do Negative things, some people say, "How can you go through that?" Look what that person has done to you. Well, do you Love them or not? Love doesn't have a Transitory quality, Love is Eternal, you may have a had a counterfeit. I remember a woman that was in our class that we did "I Love you/ you Love me exercise," and she cried, she couldn't stand it, every time someone said they Loved her. She had an Alcholic Father from the age of Five. He would take and come in, in an Alcholic Condition and whip her and then he would hold her close after the beating and say, "I Love you, I Love you , I Love you." So her Program for Love was, Love hurts and so as soon as someone said I Love you, she hurt and continued to hurt, by that Sploke Word. He had Programmed a word into her. You have to be very careful. You are susceptible at times to be interpenetrated with words, when your Aura is open, you are susceptible to being hurt with words because you have given someone access to yourself. You have relaxed around them. That's one way the Aura is open. You are relaxed with them. Well, you should not take advantage of someone who is Relaxed with you by a Negative Word other wise it will be hard for them to trust you, even when you want to Relax in your Subconscious Mind, there is a Tension. You may be thinking, I want to relax, but you are knowing and still have in your Subconscious Mind the Hurt, see even though you are thinking something else. You have two things that are saying No to your Yes. Well for eight months and three lessons, this woman wore the same clothes every week to class. Maybe that was her class clothes, I don't know, they were always clean, she didn't smell or anything like that. I don't want to imply that she always had the same pair of pedal pushers, sweater and the same wig on. The last class she took, she came in and I didn't recognize her. I was wondering who she was. Her wig was off, her Aura had changed, her clothes had changed and she had become Feminine. She had held back her Feminity and Male and Female Relationships had been blocked. This woman was in her 40's or 50's at that point and all her Life she had been suffering from those words, those words. When you are having Sex, you Aura is open, when you are going to the bathroom, your aura is open, when you are eating your aura is open. When you are relaxed, when you are having (sensual or sexual?) energies. You know a lot of women say, "I just can't understand it, I just can't Love anybody but Him and I don't know why." When they were having Sex, he was saying, "No one else is going to make you happy but me, Honey. I'm the only one for you, Honey, you're the only one for me, Honey, that's it Honey. No one else will make you happy but me Honey. You know how it's beeb Honey." So, Honey got Programmed and now Honey isn't with this character and she can't find Love anyplace else, because in her Subconscious Mind, because under passion and emotion was programmed this Hook. It hooked the Subconscious Mind. A Business man takes another Business man to Lunch, and says, "I'm not hungary, you go ahead and eat, you go ahead and eat the food." It's being Programmed with the Vibrations of the Language or Words that the man is speaking to him. I'm telling you things, I don't want you to misuse these things, but I'm letting you know these things because they have been misused and you must be careful that you tell your Subconscious Mind that I am the Master of my most Subtlest Programming. Speak the Word to your Subconscious Mind, "I am the Master of my most Subtlest Programming. I wish you to make me Consciously aware of it." You'll clear your Autonomic Nervous System. You're calling it up out of the Subconscious Mind, so that you can handle it. Now don't get mad at the people that you might find have Programmed you in a Negative Way. You must Reverse the Polarity in order to release it, you must Love them, because you Loved them when you got it. Alike attracts Alike and the Love will release it, you'll Ground it. If you get Negative over something that was Positive once because that was the only one then and now it's not and you get Negative over it, you are saying, "I did the wrong thing then," and now you are Self Punishment, you are in the area of Self Punishment. So you'll start tripping yourself up. Say, don't let me feel good in certain situations because I was a bugger you see, and you'll get into another area. That could branch off into Punishing your self bring up everytime you ever made a mistake you see. If you make one mistake, everytime you make that mistake, well, they will all come rolling up, that's wonderful, that's exactly what you want because you are speaking the Power of the Spoken Word in a Positive Action and you say, "I Null and Void this, I no Longer need it, I'll let go and let God," or you can direct that Energy, because it has Energy, it has Force or Power in it. Energy, Force or Power depending on the Degree of its impression in the Subconscious Mind. When several Energies get together, they create a Force and you may have several things that are Forcing you to do something and if you knock out one of those, you can (out?) the Whole Team if you knock out one of them. All their Alike kind will fall. What's your worst Problem, solve that with Positive Speaking and you will find that all the rest will follow. It will be easier to handle every other Problem because you've taken the strongest one, the worst one, beat that one. Now others have beat it, so you are not alone you see. You have a lot of help, remember there are a lot of people praying for you, people in the World you don't even know, at this Point. So it's Positive Speech. Now by Positive Speech in order to ensure Positive Speech you must start creating Positive Desire, because it's through emoting or Movement of Energy from the Mind that the Speech comes out. So if you don't have a Positive Desire in there, then the Speech will be contaminated by the Desire even through you Speak Positively. You'll still inadvertently put in Negative Words. So you want Positive Desire and the next one is Positive Mental Attitude. See a Positive Mental Attitude, a Positive Emotional Attitude, Positive Speaking that will ensure the Movement of Energy to the Personality un . . . . . . . Words have Power. Affirmations bring Actualization, Affirmations bring Actualization, Affirmations bring Actualization. To affirm your Goal before you go to sleep at night, affirm your Goals. I affirm My Positive Dreams. There will be a Point where you'll control the Dreams before this course is over, you should be controlling your Dreams. It takes a Reprogramming of the Subconscious Mind by the Power of the Spoken Word. By Speaking it, you also hear yourself Speaking it and your very senses are helping to program it deeper into the Mind. It's not good enough just to think it, but when you are Speaking it, you should feel and think it at the same time you are speaking it. Feel Positive with the words. Have a Yes attitude in the Mind, a Win a Victory Attitude. The Personality wins the Spirit has Victory and be Victorious. Be Victorious, Claim your Victory so Affirmations can Claim Power for Actualization. You are fixing your Consciousness on your Immortal Soul, and what you say is what you are building around your Immortal Soul. Look at every word as a Stone that you are Building around and if they are Negative Words, they are Stoning you in. They are going on top of you and if they are Positive Words, they are lifting you, they are supporting you up. You are building up with Positive Words, rubbing stones you see. Start thinking of this, you are operating from this Immortal Soul. Now remember, you as Spiritual Being Immortal Soul are indestructible. The only thing you can do is put it in Bondage. You can restrict it, or put it in Bondage. You can't Destroy it. You can put things that hurt you when you try to come out from that Center of Immortality. You can put them in the way. Sharp Words or sharp Feelings will cause your Soul to withdraw, shrink back, Faint of Soul they call that, being Faint of Soul because you don't want to face certain words or feelings. Let them come out. Well, this Soul is indestructible and it is Holy, it's God experiencing and so realize that you are God experiencing. So you want a Clear Channel for God to come all the way out into Action in you. You want God Action, so that means you want a Clear Channel from the Spoken Perfect Word of God through His Holy Spirit, through the Christ Light, through your Mastership, through your Visualized Prayer into your Being. Now to talk about the Immortality and Indestrctiveness of your Holiness that is Pure and Divine always keep that in your Center, but innocent Pure Being come out. You are going to have to come out through your Mind from your God Center. There is a Point where you have to come out from your Spiritual Level from Mind and whatever you have stored in there. Now the Science of the Spoken Word, you can re-educate, reform, reform it. Don't let it be in the old Structure. You're reforming the Structure, there are ways of communicating with God, and the ways have different degrees of Intensity of Energy. The most Common Way is called Prayer. Prayer is where you are asking for Supplication. You are asking God for something. You are communicating with God, in Prayer, it doesn't necessarily mean you are going to get an answer from God. In Prayer, you mostly do not get an answer in the way of a Voice or something answering, there you get a Result Action in the World, that's where God, will give you the answer to the Prayer, in the World of Experience. We won't talk to you right there, as soon as you ask it, He does it. But sometimes we play what we call hide and go seek. God hid my Prayer someplace, now I've got to find it, you see. Where did He put it? Is it over here, is it over there, where did we put it? When you Pray you should Pray with expectation of Fulfillment, instant and immediate Fulfillment. Now here are the Levels that come into action in Prayer; you are activating a Physical form, an attitude, the attitude for some is to get on their knees to Pray where they put their feet, which is usually pulling Energy from the Earth upward. It's the same in the East or the West, the Feet Chakras are upward. A lot of people don't realize the very simplicity of the Energy Flow of the Feet Chakras being upward. Man is not taught how to Pray anymore, but I was taught when I was a child, to put my Hands together and to Kneel next to the Bed or to lay down and Pray. I was taught also to lay down and Pray, but in both cases, I was taught that my feet were up, or they were not touching the floor, you see. They were up to God, that He would fill my foundation. See, the Feet represent Support, the foundation, now my foundation is being supported by God and not the Earth. So it is a very Subtle movement, but it's a body attitude and most people are not taking a Body Attitude for Prayer. They are not Praying, Oh that looks silly to put your Hands together so you can Pray over your Food. It's not silly to God, you see, it may be silly to others but that's a Regenerating Power. So if you want to Regenerate your Energy, your Psychic Energy you put your Hands together. Some of them will do this one, you see, to bring it together. There is a Recycling of Energy in the Palms. Negatives are cancelled out, you are on your Knees, you have cancelled out your stature. You have put yourself Low before God, you have come in Reverent Submission. See, that's the first quality to earn Knowledge is called Reverent Submission. The Second quality is called Earnest Inquiry, it means to be earnest and inquire. Well, what's that for? Why does that go that way? If you don't understand something, ask! A child doesn't hesitate to ask, well, what is that for? Where does that go? What do you mean by that? We lose that Earnest Inquiry because we get mature and sophisticated or something you see. We lose it and so you have to have that openess of open Inquiry see, Reverent Submission, Earnest Inquiry and Service, the last one is a Service. What are you doing for God, don't ask what can you do for God? What can I do for You God? He may say, "Well, live a Good Life," for you. What is he going to tell you? Well, I've got these ten things, you've got to go out and collect them. It will take the Rest of Your Life, you've got to go all over the World. Give up - no what He is going to do? Mainly he wants your Love. That is the Greatest Service to Love God, you see. How much Love is needed on the Planet, right. Well, Love God. So Earnest Inquiry, and Service is important, coming in Reverent Submission, a body attitude, then an Emotional Movement. Not only are you looking for a Body Movement, but you must Speak with Emotions. Dear God, I want this Prayer. I've got to have this Prayer Please. Bring this to me, Thank you God. Boy, whar kind of energy is that, so it's that Power of Speaking with Emotions, to really get into it. That is a Movement of Energy when you are asking God for something in Prayer, put your Emotions into it! You put your Desire, that is what generates Emotions. Do you really Desire what you are Praying for? How much is it an all out Desire, a Partial Desire? You should ask for anything you are not able to accept now because God is present. Want it now. Get the Power now. You are ready to accept it as soon as you ask for it, because God is Present. You don't ask for it Later. Well, what are you going to do for it in Five years, 'till you get to Happiness, you see. I see, that's Okay, so you have to put your Desires into it and your Will, the Will Power, see. It goes to the Root Chakra, it goes to the Spleen Chakra, know it. Know that you are Receiving it! When you are Praying, be Willing to Receive it, Desire it, have that Body Action. Two or more Levels is the Monopoly of Consciousness. In the Physical we are Speaking it out. Put it into words, don't Pray in an Abstract Form, put it into Words. That's why we had certain people Pray, more Virgins, innocents, children in the Temples see, they wouldn't be contaminated with Earth Movements that have that be susceptible to Spiritual Movements. So the Physical aspect is very important in Prayer that also gives you a grounding because you become Physically aware. Where do you want your Prayer to come into being? You're Physically aware, your Soul, your Spiritual Soul is open. Now you have to reach a little bit if you take that Prayer to Faith. I know you have to reach if you take it to Faith, but you Pray, knowing. Now the next thing that you need to know about Prayer, this is the most common form of communication, but most people don't Pray unless they have some kind of Problem. You can have a Prayer for Praise, to Praise, to Pray to God with Praise. Your Prayer should have an Address to Power. Who are you Addressing? What Power are you Addressing? You have to have an Address. Our Father which art in Heaven. Okay, you've got an Address, you're Addressing it. Who are you Praying to and What are you asking? What's in Heavewn to manifest on Earth? Did you know the Higher Chakras are considered the Heavenly Fields. What your ideas are to manifest on Earth from the Heavens. See, from that Blue Realm of consciousness Manifesting. Now you have to have Substance in the Center. What is the Substance of the Prayer, and then a closing. Thank You, Thank You God, you see. You are Thanking on a closing. And Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this Day our Daily Bread Substance. Forgive us our Debts, as we Forgive our Debtors. Lead us not into Tempation, but Deliver us from Evil, for Thine is the Kingdom and the Power, and the Glory, for Ever. Who are you giving the Glory? Thank you God for answering my Prayer. The Power and the Glory, for you to See. That means there is nothing over it. You have Address the Power and there is Thanking and Praising God for agreeing to the Fulfillment of the Prayer. Amen. All men that for all men, anyone else that's asking for this Prayer, to all men. Amen. Them men whether they are Humans or Man Mans, see. This is one of the Lowest forms of Communication with God, Prayer. Now more Power than this is two other states here called the Mantra. The Mantra mainly works on the stabilization of Emotional Energies, because it reverses the Negative aspect of the Orange, as you are Vibrating out with the Mantra. It brings a Calming Motion to the Rhythms that maybe chaotic to the Experience, the Action not Smooth and Correct, not Stable and Balanced. See, Direction, Speed and Balance and so will by the Intensity of the Mantra gives the Direction, Speed and Balance. You have a Mystical Quality, because it is a Repitition of Programming into the Subconscious Mind. So you have to be careful what you are Programming in through your Mantra. It deals a lot with Environmental Energies and the Creative energies, the Feelings and the Thoughts of the Subconscious Area. It deals here with the Throat, the Naval and the Spleen, Emotion. Now in the Mantra, you don't have to be aware of the Physical Body. In the Prayer you should be aware of the Physical Body, because in the Mantra you are Programming for response later. You are putting in a Habit, a Spiritual Habit by what ever you are sounding in your Mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum. God is Manifesting in the Lotus Flower of my Heart. God is Manifesting in the Lotus Flower in my Heart. So in your Subconscious Mind you are saying, "It's Okay to be Clear and Understanding, Clear to know." See a Clarity you are Programming in a Power, a Basic Power, a Clarity, Diamond in a Lotus you see. So through that Mantra you are putting that into your Subconscious and saying I'm willing. You know it and you are getting the Principle of it. That's the Power of the Principle. That's why it goes to the Throat, the Principle or Power. You're not just Speaking with Empty Words because it won't Program the same way, see there is no knowing behind it. The Mantra won't have the same effect. Then there is the next step, Mantra is the Mystical Formula or an Invocation causing a Movement, invoking Movement. Word or Formula often in Sanskrit can be recited or sung for the Purpose of intensifying the Action of Spirit, for the Purpose of intensifying the Action of the Spirit of God in Man. To Intensify the Action of spirit. Mantras arn't Affirmations, they are Spiritually Orientated. They are to Activate the Subconscious Mind to create an Energy Movement, for intensifying the Action of the Spirit of God in man. To intensify the Action of the Spirit of God in Man. The over and over Intensifies, until you have a feeling of it, the over and over intensifies, until you have a feeling of it, you see. You see, you are feeling the vibrations of it you see. Feeling at the Emotional Level, vibrations at the Blue Level, you see, magnetizing it to you at the Heart Level, reaching out for it. The Mantra reaches out, it uses the Will Cemter, it reaches out with the Will and so those Levels, when you are Consciously Praying or working on those Levels. You should concentrate on those Chakras too, you see. You don't have to Visualize anything when you are taking a Mantra and you don't have to take any Physical Action, see what I'm saying. That's why the Center is in Action, we are showing you the Centers that are in Action, doing those type of Powers. In a Decree now, we are using the Yellow Power of Will. It says in the Bible, Decree a Thing and it shall be Established unto You. It doesn't say what thing. It says Decree a thing, and it shall be Established unto you what you are Decreeing. Decree is very Powerful, Decree for Prosperity. I Decree for Prosperity. You are Claiming it. Through the Decree you are taking command, through the Decree, you are activating your Human and Spiritual Command. By the Decree you are taking your Dominion. You are using your Decreeing Power. Have you done this? Have you put all the Levels in it. Have you put your emotions in it? Have you put your Will into it? Did you put your Knowledge? Did you know that when you were Decreeing it, you should know it, did you Believe it? You have to Beleive it too. You have to Beleive it, you have to be Willing, you have to have the Desire for the Decree, desire Willing to know it. Knowing fits in with your Environment you see. Environmental Energies, that means it fits in, it merges. That's the Green of the Heart, merging, Environmental Consciousness and so the Decreemust fit into your environment. You can't be Praying for something Altered to what you are in because that's what you are accepting if you are Living in a Certain Style and you are Praying for something else. You need to take steps to get away from that one to start moving towards the others you see. Move, let that kind of People go. Let that kind of Clothing go. Let that kind of Attitude go you see. If you are Decreeing something and you are doing a Mantra or Prayer and you are doing something contrary, what you are doing is building up a pressure, a frustration, a pressure of anxiety in your Consciousness. Anxiety means a fear of non-accomplishment of the Goal. Anxiety comes when you fear you are not going to be able to do it, and you can't see any way to do it, for the fear of it. I fear this is going to separate, I just know it. See, don't know that! Throw that out! I am the Way, I am the Light, the Father and I are One. These are Decrees, these are short Decrees. The Father and I are One. I Decree that! You see, there is no doubt in that. You are not saying the Father and I are one. You are not saying it that way to watch the Attitude in the way you are inflecting because that's the Emotional content of your Prayer or your Mantra or your Decree. How are you inflecting it? Does it sound like you are going to get it? When you say it, are you sounding a Positive Tone? Remember the Tone, the Sound of the Words, is the Emotional Language. Rememberwhen we studied that the Emotional Language is the sound of the Words. So when you are saying it, it's "Dear God," You and I are One! We are One or We are One! We are One! We are One! There is no doubt in it, it's a firm, solid statement. I'll tell you what happens when you make these Statements and you don't have all of your Bodies in Action. You are Decreeing a thing, but you haven't let go of those things in your Subconscious Mind, those things will say No. That's the point you need to Reverse Polarity and say, "Yes," it was before I now accept you re-educate your Subconscious Mind so the Decree has Power saying, "No," to your self in some way, re-educate your Subconscious Mind. don't go in trying to find out why you are saying, "No." Then you lose your Point if you go in Trying to find out why you are saying, "No." You lost the Power of the Prayer, you are not rummaging around. You have lost your Point. Did you ever start to do something and got sidetracked and find yourself doing something else? You were going to clean up the Kitchen and end up cleaning out your Closet, draws in your room instead. You got off track. You lost your Point. You see, if you get off track go in and lose your Point, why put your hands in Dirt? Your saying, "Here is the mud, I think I'll put my hand in there to see if it's dirty, Oh yeah, it is." Now what are you doing to everything you touch? Got dirt on it, see! So everything you touch will be contaminated by bringing that back, by solidity, giving it words, giving it form. You are speaking the Word when you do that. Mental Suggestion is your most Powerful Suggestion. Even Self Suggestion has to have a Mental Suggestion in it see, so you are Decreeing a thing. I AM THAT. So if something comes up say, "That is no longer valid Subconscious Mind. That doesn't exist now! I wish to change that." Be very Clear with it, give it a very clear, open and direct Command. don't say, "Oh Please Subconscious Mind, I don't want that any more. Oh you know, I'm trying to get rid of that oh, oh, oh." Guess what, it comes back as oh, oh, oh, I'm trying to get rid of it and that is taunting you. Do give to a Power to keep taunting you. You know the Negative Forces, you know where they attack you the most? On the Emotional Level because that scatters Energy. That is where they like to get you the most, is on the Emotional Level because that will scatter your Mind, your Actions, keep your Knowledge from coming in, keep your idreas from taking Action or keep your Heart from having Being. It will even go against your Will. Your Desires will make you go against your own Will if they scatter you and hurt your Desires. Get hold of something in the Desire Body and they Love to Play with and there are Negative Forces will come and they will keep taunting you with that, you see. You throw it out and they will keep holding it for awhile you know, you've got rid of it but you got it. You know how to get rid of it; you tell them to get lost! You tell them good bye. Get behind me. Get away from me. I've got free choice. Have you got a Free Choice? Are you going to take that free choice, be gone, be away from me, Command it. It's your Dominion to Command it. It's your Spiritual Dominion to Command it, otherwise those things will come around and keep bothering you, year after year after year. You will keep having the same problem you had when you were in High School and the same Nags will be around. There are Little Nagging Spirits, they will keep Nagging you and they can Nag you all your Life see and as you are going to the grave, they are Nagging you and holding you from Ascension you see. One Third of the Power is Negative and that's going to keep trying to get Life from you, because it can't get Life from the Godhead. They can't get Life from the Godhead, so they are going to take Life from those that have Life. That's how they get it, you pay attention. Attention is Energy, that's how they get Energy, you just give them Life. Say,"I'm not giving you anymore Life." Stop feeding them and they won't come around. Little kitty comes to the Door, you feed it, you've got a little kitty for a long time. Don't feed it and it will go someplace else to eat. If you don't feed the Negative, it has to go someplace else and eat, otherwise it dies out. It will die if it doesn't get something to eat. It can't get it from God. God has already cast them out, it can't have Eternal Life, you see. So what do you want to do, it wants to eat off of everybody else's Life, and it will start eating away at the Emotions, because they are Fat and Juicy. Emotions get nice and Fat and Juicy. "Oh, this Great Desire, Oh Wow," and something over here will start eating away at it. But you know what you did before. Remember, then it gets on your Emotions or it will get real Arr . . . Yeah, that's the way they Act. They will throw it right back at you. I got rid of those guys a long time ago. When they come around, I get a hold of them, you see. I have Power in my God Self because, I turn those Things to Light and send them to the God Self, send them right up the Shaft, Shoom, turn them to Light. Boy, they don't like to come around me, unless they are ready, unless they are ready to go to God. If they are ready to go to God, Come on! I'll take you there. Some of them want to go Back. |