Seek that which is the Source of Mind Eternal for all things of Mind are its Oscillations. The Mind holds all things form when engaged in Mind in Form when the Self is engaged in Mind it knows not. Tonight we are going to talk about the 14 Levels of Mind. Today is November 27, 1979, I'm Reverend Harrison Roy Hesketh. We are at 1083 South Baratania Street. This Session is called Mental Control, the next four weeks; Mental Control, Aspects of Mind, Levels of Mind, Control of Mind. Emotions can not be controlled by anything but Mind. Mind cannot be controlled by anything but Knowledge. Mind cannot control itself, it must be Controlled. Tonight we are going to be talking about Mind and the Levels of Mind. The First Level of Mind we are going to be talking is called the Instinctive Mind. That's the Mind Level and the Electromagnetic Energies that you receive of Mind at the Base Chakra. The Base Chakra there at the Grossest part of Consciousness, this particular Level of Mind works in Animal Consciousness. It doesn't think for itself, it learns things by going through things. Repetition. If it sticks its finger in the Fire it instinctively knows not to stick its finger in the Fire again. A dog getting burnt once, will not go back and get burnt twice. Instinctive Mind now gives the Impression and the Impression is put in there by Emotional Consciousness, so the Emotional Consciousness Programs the Instinctive Mind. In the World that you are moving in is the World of the Least Amount of Security Feelings. When you are in the Instinctive Mind your Insecurities are always heightened in the Instinctive Mind. Uh, your Memory is quick in the Instinctive Mind. You have good timing in the Instinctive Mind. All these things happen because its a more Spontaneous Action. If you have ever thrown a cat up in the Air, you can watch it spontaneously turn in the Air to land on its Feet. An animal instinctively spontaneously gets into a Protective Position as soon as it is threatened. Well, you would act like the Animal Man if you were struck in your Instinctive Mind. If you pull too far out of the Instinctive Mind, you get to Abstract or some of the Higher Areas. If you start Ascending and not Expanding, so you have Three Centers Open and you start Ascending and go to the Heart Center, you might pull right out of the Instinctive Mind. You would lose your Memory, Hearing, not be able to See too well, because you haven't expanded, you have only Moved up. In old age, People start Pulling out of the Instinctive Mind, they start losing their Hair, they start losing their Taste, they start losing their Hearing and Feeling, all of these things, their Senses go. Because they pull out of the Instinctive Mind. The Instinctive Mind is Red. It's a Red Color, and it's a very Hot Level of Consciousness. It's very Hot, it moves very fast and it will move in Resistance to other things. The Instinctive Mind is Red, so it can burn its way through even contrary to its Environment, even contrary to the Body that is flowing through. It can even kill the Body, like someone instinctively moving the Wrong Way, like someone walking across the Plank in High Concentration. someone blows a Horn or something and that someone loses their Balance. Someone could Instinctively jump and that could be the end of the Body. So the Instinctive Mind must be Controlled and you must control the Reactions that come out of the Instinctive Mind. These are called Reactions or the Mind of Reaction, Instinctively react to certain things, and a Lot of People have Buttons to certain things and they Instinctively react to pushing the Buttons. You sing "God Bless America," they cry every time you say it, they will cry. Mention Mother's Day; good old tear ducts start working. Some people have that kind of Instinctive awareness, and off goes their Emotions, their Thoughts, this kind of Emotion will set all of these things off, if you allow them. Now there is no Happiness in the Instinctive Mind. It wants enough Shelter, it wants enough Clothing, it wants to take care Body Comfort and Body Protection. It seeks to Protect the Body but not always in the Body's best Interest, it must be controlled by a Conscious Level. Animals are not the first Creatures to have an Instinctive Mind. Flowers do not have Instinctive Mind, it has Astral and Physical Energies, only it doesn't have Instinctive Mind. It can feel pleasure and pain, it Loves the Flowers Love us, otherwise they would shrivel up and go away, for we Love these Beautiful Flowers, and we send Love to them. This is also a Protection in a Defensive way that it will instinctively take and go over someone else just to save itself. This Level of Mind will go over something else, to save itself, just like if there is a Fire, one animal might run over a bunch of other animals, just to get out of the way of the Fire, killing the other Animals. A lot of times when we yell Fire in a Theater, people go into that Red Instinctive Mind and they trample one another. One time there was this Big Soccer games in Brazil and they had 250,000 people there. The stands caught on Fire, 1500 people were trampled to death, over 1500 people were trampled to death by this crowd of people fell and they just kept stepping on them, and so they were trampled to death in getting out of there. Instinctive Mind, Red, makes them move fast regardless of anyone else consideration. Your only consideration is just to go from what is uncomfortable to a comfortable State. It wants to have Safety, it wants to have a comfortable state. It doesn't want to be threatened in any way. Instinctive Mind acts in that way. The next Level of Mind that we have now is call the Subconscious Mind. Now the Subconscious Mind is like a Computer, and it stores away everything, it stores away the Memory, even though the Instinctive Mind works right out of Memory. |