Personal Karma. Karma simply means, stuck attention. It simply means you are placing your attention on and you keep your attention on, is the Base from which you are going to respond to. If you keep thinking over and over about something in your Life, then everything you are going to relate to that, you see. The first one is Personal Karma, it has to do with your Personal Relationships. It has to do with your jobs. It has to do with your Personal Life, so everything that you pay attention to and you identify with, creates a circular motion. Whatever you put out comes back. Whatever you put out comes back, see. Some people say that in terms of what goes around, comes around. So the first One is Personal Karma. So whatever you identify with yourself as being on a personal wherever, you are identifying with is what you look. What kind of clothes you wear? That type of thing, who you are as a person. See, that's creating a certain Type of Karma because we are identifying with that. A person says, "I am such and such and such. I am beautiful and I am part of this Group, See." You say, "I am not so beautiful, I identify more with this group." Well, you keep identifying with that, well people keep wondering. Well, how come I keep having these same things happening to me over and over and over again. Well the reason you keep having the same thing over and over and over is because you keep identifying with it over and over and over again. That identity, that process of identification is called Karma. Karma isn't something out at the edge of the Planet, sort of thing, that's going to come and grab you, that sort of thing. You are creating that Karma on a Personal Level by identification with something. Have you ever seen someone who had a poor self image, though they were real ugly, they didn't take care of themselves? Maybe their hair was real shaggy, they were real raggedly, they kept their car, their house a mess, because inside they felt like they didn't like themselves too well. Then all of a sudden, they started working on themselves. They started feeling better about themselves. They changed the way they felt, they started dressing differently, looking differently, pretty soon they had a bunch of different friends. Their house was clean, their car was clean. At work they do a better job, because they have a better self image. They are creating Karma, just simply means the result of what goes out comes back where your attention is on. It's a Magnetic Attraction, it's a Principle. Alike attracts alike you see. Alike attracts alike, whatever you put your attention on is going to come back in some way. You see, at that Level, so the first one is Personal Karma, the Second one is Family Karma. You have come into this life choosing your family, some people go, Huh. You agreed to come in, in this space and this time. (I would never have chosen this Family, if I had something to say about that) You agreed to come in this Space and Time for a certain purpose, for Learning certain things, because all of us have certain things that we are here to learn. So you choose the Time and Place and of course you have beings that help you in that situation do certain things. People are not always aware, suddenly they get on the Path and they start paying more attention to that. Some People are not consciously paying more attention to what they are supposed to Learn, but as you get more and more aware of your own being on the Path, you'll get a greater and greater Clarity of who you are and what you are doing this time around. And the things that has to do with Karma too, especially on the Personal Level is the Group of People you are with, each one you are with because, God gave every Being, free will Choice. That's the one thing that we have that the animals , rocks and trees don't have, is Free Will Choice. So god says , "Here, take all this and experience all this and you are the Chooser of this." You are the one that you're the one that decides what's going to happen, how are you going to experience this, who are you going to experience it with, what is going to happen, in your Life. How are you going to respond to this? So, by your Will, the exercising of your will, you know you are even using your will to go to God. You are saying, "I will put my attention on God." Okay, so you are using your Will at this Level, even to go to God or to a Higher State, and of course, later on there comes a Time when you give up your will and you say,"Okay God, you guide me, my Will is Your Will." But it starts out on the Path, it says, "My will is to go in this direction." To get myself these daily habit Patterns, Conditions and Actions, I have been bound in to go to Higher States of awareness to become closer to God. So you use your Will you see, Will creates Karma too, because you say, "Ah I'm going to do this whatever that was you. You put your attention out, it's going to come back; alike attracts alike, so the second one is your Family Karma. Family Karma simply means you have chosen a group of people to come here and experience with. You are having that type of relationship with Aunts, Uncles, Brothers, Sisters and Cousins, that type of thing and realize that you have, not just this Family, but you have a Large Family of people too. You have your Family Consciousness. It gets to a Point of Realizing too, that you have this Family, but you don't have to be bound by what your Family does, what their Beliefs are, you see, these that had to do directly with your Family. It's like the Young Man that says, "Okay, I'm going to be a Green Grocer because my Father was a Green Grocer." Well, you don't have to be that if you are that, it's because you are that you decide to do that. But to Transcend the Karma in that area is to realize that you are not bound by the Family, you have that Family experience and group but you are not bound by the Family, and what they did, what they think and what experiences are, and things like that. Many have Number Three as the Race Karma and this has to do with Transcending what race you happen to be in. If you are White, Black, Oriental, Indian, whatever race you are in, you see Human Beings put Labels on these things. It's great to be this and not so great to be that and so on, you see. So they play these Games with each other, that somehow the color of somebody's skin makes some sort of Big Difference. Well, God didn't create anybody different than anybody else. It doesn't matter whether you are Black, White, Purple, Green or Orange, if someone sticks you with a pin, everybody is going to say, "Ouch," you see. It's a point of realizing that you are not bound by your Race of People you see. It doesn't mean that you can't do something good because you are you, not of a certain Race of People you know, they say all the Oriental People do this so well. Black People do this so well and White People do this so well. So there gets to be these Big Egos in the Race. Completely from Ego that we come from these things, because from God. God doesn't look at anybody any differently than anybody else. Nobody is any better than anybody else or any worse than anybody else. You just are and isn't it just wonderful that, "for crying out loud," that we all don't look alike. How would you like to have a whole World of People just like you? Oh boy, wouldn't that be terrible. It certainly wouldn't be as much fun in all these wonderful people, different sizes, shapes and colors, like and dislike to contend with. So the Third One is to Transcend Race Consciousness. Okay and realize that each Group of People has wonderful qualities about them to share with each other and to use for growth for each other and for the entire Planet you see. Be not bound in thinking that you are not something, because you are in a certain race. Fourth is Social and here we go again of thinking, because you are in a certain Social Consciousness, that you are better or worse than anyone else. Well, I haven't met anyone in any Social Level yet, who is better or worse than anyone else. Everybody has got their problems, whether they are Rich or Poor, whether from this Country, everybody has to live on a day to day basis, handle things as they come up. Everyone still needs to do this and that, wear clothes, so no matter what Social Consciousness you're in, you still have the same things everybody else has to deal with. Now, the only thing here the hang up here, is the people in these different Social Awareness get caught up some how in the awareness that somehow they are somehow they are bound by that. My Mom was Poor, my Dad was Poor, every body was poor, you see or I grew up in a very . . Family, you know. If you have got the Consciousness, if you have got Wealthy Consciousness, you are going to have a Wealth of Friends, a wealth of lots of different things. A Wealth of Experiences and lots of kinds of Wealth besides Money. If you have Poorness Consciousness, you are never going to have quite enough. I don't have enough Love. I don't have enough Food. I don't have . . . . What the Social you see, you come in at a certain Social Awareness, your Parents, your Family, your in a certain Social Awareness. It might have been Middle Class, it might have been Poor, it might have been Rich, what ever it was, you came in with that. But you don't have to contend with that Consciousness you know, you don't have to be bound in that Consciousness How do you think people who came from the Poorest, Poorest Families that can be anywhere in the World, all of a sudden after they have grown up in that Environment, people would say they would never amount to anything. Look at that, what kind of life is that? All of a sudden, this Being becomes a Millionaire. They have a great idea for something and they have the ability to bring it into Manifestation and they become Wealthy. You have the ability to make friends at this Level, to have a Wealth of friends, see. You don't have to be bound up in all of that Social Awareness see, we are beyond that. The next one is the Environmental, that on the Five, this has to do with the Town you grew up in, the Surroundings see, in your environment. There is a Theory that Psychologists have, and its what decides what the Environment decides makes what the Individual becomes. See, whatever the outer Environment is, that's what is binding you, to have a good Environment growing up, a lot of different kinds of experiences with different kinds of friends. You'll be much better off, if you have this kind of friends, that's only True if you believe that. I was in that and the only reason its True is again, Alike attracts Alike and you keep putting your attention on that. That's what you will keep experiencing because that's where you are paying attention. You are Paying attention to that, and you are stuck on that image of your Environmental image. Then you're the on that's drawing those things back to you and keeping you in that situation. You can have a home any where you want. 6. Country 7. Human |