Channeled December 26, 1976
157. Good evening Astral Physics
students. I send you my love, truth and wisdom. I see you all
in perfect health, perfect harmony and in beautiful Beingness
and see you all developing and bringing into your consciousness
those beautiful powers you're. May the blessings of light be
with you. This evening we will talk about light. What is light?
Light is everything you see and don't see. Light is manifested
and unmanifested. Light is your body, your emotions and mind.
Light is the substance that supplies energy. Light is everlasting.
Light is eternal. Light is momentary. Light is everything.Light
is nothing. Light is all that you see and all that you don't
see. Light is.
158. Light. The Masters of
Light. It is such a beautiful experience to work with such beautiful
Beings with such great love, who spend thousands of years to
guide humanity with Light, Spiritual Light. Light to fill your
Visualized Prayer. Light to form ideas. Light to supply banks
of knowledge in qualified vibrations of Light, Light to use as
an unconditioned substance from the Over Soul into the Soul,
into the subconscious mind illuminating the super conscious State
of Being. Light to be used and transformed by the personality.
Light to dispel the clouds of darkness.
159. Step into a dark room,
with no Light. You think the Light is not there for you do not
perceive the Light,but it is there. Light is at such a vibration
that you cannot perceive it, with your limited faculties. So
you say that it is dark, but there is no darkness. It is only
a grosser Light. The finest of Light sent from the center hub
of Light, the Center Sun, the Heart of God, the Heart of the
source of all Power. Heredities this Light out to you. It is
pure unconditioned Love, a givingness, an infinite patience,
an infinite understanding, an infinite knowing and you are an
expression of Light.
160. We have talked about
Light many times in the class and your concepts of Light have
been expanding since you have come in contact with Astral Physics.
For the Masters have shed Light into your lives in many was.
When you were standing in that dark room, if you were to have
turned on one ten watt bulb, look at the darkness being dispelled.
It would hide in the corners and in the cracks, it would hide
under and beneath things to be protected from being consumed
by the Light.
161. Put a 25 watt bulb in
that room and turn it on. The Light would be more penetrating
with less shadows, there would be less darkness for it had been
consumed by light. Put a 100 watt, 1,000 watt bulb in that remand
the emanations of Light would be so strong that no darkness could
penetrate. It would be all consuming. You are the power of ten
thousand suns manifested. You are the brilliant Light, so blinding
that no one can stand to look upon its brilliance.
162. You are that Light in
your most expanded, in your fullest expression. I am Light's
fullest expression, I am Light's deepest dimension, I am Light's
fullest intention, I love the Light, I live in the Light, I am
sustained by the Light, I bless the Light, I am Light, I am Light,
I am Light, I use this prayer to relate and merge into the Light.
163. We find that the first
step to Enlightenment is Attention. As you are on the Path to
Enlightenment, on the Path of Light, on the Path towards dispelling
all the dark corners of ignorance and unknowingness, you are
guided. You are guided by Light. You are guided by an expression
of vibrations of Light. You are guided by Light, fuller, more
broad than you now express, beyond your comprehension, beyond
your knowingness, you feel that it is an illusion. When you are
in Light, the physical dimension is illusion.
164. It depends on where you
put this attention. As you pay attention to something, as you
direct your consciousness, you focus on something. You create
a line of Light. It extracts from this grosser Light, a finer
Light to increase your lifestream and to magnetize to you that
which you are focusing upon. Think of Light. Start concentrating
upon Light. Seeing Light all around you, in you and through you.
165. Use your Golden Rays
of Wisdom to move you across the Rainbow Bridge, that translucent
Bridge of Light, that arcs the consciousness from this dimension
into the next and into the next and into the next on into infinity.
Light radiating from the brilliance of the Over Soul is so bright,
that if it were shown on the physical dimension, in this octave,
it would consume that which it was around like the shadow of
our room for it is an all consuming vibration.
166. Through your conscious
mind you shed Light and dispel darkness, the shadows of ignorance.
Through your use of Light, you send that energy out into physical
existence. Through Visualized Prayer, deeds, trusts, expressions,
truth, wisdom,and love all the higher attributes, all the higher
emotions, the higher physical actions, the true expression of
the higher Light, or you do the opposite.
167. Birds of a feather flock
together. Flock with L. See yourself moving in Light. Look around
you now to those who are near you and notice the subtle Light
that they are emanating, their auric vibration and all the different
colors of the spectrum. The infinite color spectrum, for everything
goes to infinity. It is hard to conceive, isn't it, at first
everything going to infinity, but everything returns to the Heart
of God, Light.
168. People are becoming more
and more aware of Light. Now they are photographing it with finer,
more delicate instruments, but for thousands of years, man has
been taught how to perceive this Light, in its most subtle forms,
in its most subtle spiritual forms as pure energy and as its
form as pure unconditioned Light.
169. The colors are called
the sufferings of Light, move your mind from darkness into Light.
Shine some Light on your Beingness. As I teach you Astral Physics,
I take that focus of Light that you call your consciousness,
and I direct it to various areas of itself. I send it there by
association,by having you focus your Light, but when you shine
your Light in, if there is any darkness, it casts a shadow. Free
yourself from all shadows. No longer be the man that chases his
shadow and every time he reaches forward, it jumps. As the man
reaches, he runs faster and faster and faster, but if he stops
and centers in the here and now and goes into the Light and then
moves and takes action through discrimination, towards that Light,
he will full his life with abundance, with truth, with wisdom
and love and happiness, with joy, with bliss, with the soul's
170. As you move deeper in
your meditations and you become aware of the Light, it presents
itself in various forms.It comes as symbols to the active type
of person. For you have qualified the Light by darkening some
of the patterns that you use in your consciousness. The darkening
of patterns is through ignorance. To be ignorant is not an evil
or bad thing. To be ignorant and not do anything about it would
be considered a less than favorable condition of consciousness.To
be ignorant and to shed Light upon that ignorance is the freeing
and knowing of the Self, the One perceiving the Light.
171. To take the brighter
Light of the Godself and shine it upon the shadows of personality,
is to bring into expression a lighted personality that shines
out, all around itself. The aura around the individual becomes
brighter, shimmering, a gleaming from their eyes, a shininess
of the skin. When someone gets ill, their Light dims. When they
are closer towards the source of Light, they become brighter.
Destructive forces are darkness. Creative forces are Light.
172. Where is your attention
of Light focused? Is it on past mistakes and negatives that you
have already gone through,that you cannot do anything about?
Are you shining your Light into a black hole of darkness that
is corrupt, misleading, ignorant and steals the Power of the
Presence and your true indenity which is Light ? The Light that
lights every Being in exsistance; Or are you adding to the Light
of the Path that you are on till you become one with Light and
there is no darkness.
173. If you are caught in
the past, you are still caught in darkness. If you look and move
toward the future, you are in such a blinding Light that you
cannot see. So only here in the subtle form of the Presence and
the gross form of the physical, emotional and mental bodies,
can you qualify that Light that is all pervading. We give the
Light many names, vibrations which are only qualifications of
the Light. Sound is a qualification of the Light, motion is a
qualification of the Light. color is a qualification of the Light
and Light is a qualification of the Light. The Light gives of
its self to all manifestations of Creation.
174. When your Brow Chakra
is open, you can see with the Inner Sight. When you don't have
your Soul Self manifested and pure you cannot see, for you are
in ignorance, you are in darkness, you are encasing your head
in Light lower than your perception. Behind you qualified, limited,
more limited than you, for you are in truth a brilliant beacon.
Let that beacon of Light that you are, shine those various colors
into your energy centers, Chakras and stimulate them.
175. Take every room of your
house, creative or intellectual work space and fill it with Pure
White Light. When you are working to transmute negativity, blaze
the Violet Fire of Light around you, in you and through you and
transmute those negativities.If you seek Wisdom, blaze the Golden
Flame of Wisdom. Each one of the Rainbow Rays of Light has a
very powerful application. You must first get used to bringing
in the Power by creating a Channel. So the more you do your Rainbow
Bridge, the more you create the channel between you and the higher
forms of Light that you need to shine expression into this physical
dimension. Again, the Light is. Through activity we make forms
in the Light.
176. Light. Put a Ring of
Light around all that you possess, White and Pure Crystal Fire
Light. The more you see it there, the more it is magnetized to
it, the purer it becomes. Soon you will see no negativity, you
will only see Light. The Light is consuming, all consuming. Let
your Higher Self, send your Light down, down, down, into your
physical from that higher source of Light of the Self. Let Light
shine out through your Physical Heart and the Heart Chakra.
177. Let me tell you now about
some others and give you some quotes about Light. This is from
the Divine Iliad: Man's sensing with his eyes, blinds him to
my dual thinking, for I but build illusions with my dual thinking,
for his sense seeing. Sense seeing binds man to sense forms and
things while my knowing opens doors of glory to the oppressed
threads of Light with which I weave all the ideas of man and
of mind into forms for many moving things. Mind seeing, disintegrates
into the farthest reaches of my universe of me, and sees all
forms as one. With his seeing eyes man sees life as matter energized,
but senses not that the energy of matter is the Light of my divided
thinking.With man's unseeing eyes of Spirit he knows the Light
of me, the Source and knows that he is bound in me as one and
I in him. Behold me thy God of Love inseparable as the Divine
178. Many place an image of
God before us, just as this Divine Iliad has said that God is
Light. I put no name on the Source of all Beingness, for the
Source has Trinity, Duality and it has Oneness. It has every
other expression all numbers onto infinity that you could possibly
know and sense, get the idea of or imagine, Light, not a wall
but reach out as far as your can onto infinity. Two streams of
Light that run within your body, the female and the male current,
one on either side of your spine carry a very subtle Light, the
Kundalani force is Light in and beyond the bodies. The universal
power within Kundalani force is a Light. So within your body
you have different vibratory rates of Light functioning. In your
physical body, in your etheric body, in your vibrational body,
in your astral body, in your light body, in the universe of Light,
in abstraction, in the universe beyond the crystal, Light ever
exists. It is ever being.
179. Christ said, I am the
Light, I am the Way, I am the Life, I am Light. We study, in
many ways, in Astral Physics, as we do Color, Light, Sound, and
Motion. We study Light as Truth, Wisdom, and Love. We study Light
as vibrations. We study Light as conscious manifestations of
Beingness. We study Light as color. We study Light as God expressing
in all things, manifest and unmanifest.
180. The Light of the Presence
is released through various Centers or Chakras focused in the
Body of Mankind. As you Decree, the Power of the Word, vibration,
flows forth from the Throat center. This Center should be visualized
as an emanating Electric Blue Ray. The Heart Center is animated
by three flames: Red, Yellow, and Blue. The point at the center
of the forehead is the focus of the All Seeing Eye of God, the
Third Eye. The Emerald Green and Golden radiance of the Teacher,
Master or the Holy Being of Christ or Pure White Light is at
the top of the head in the centers.
181. These are from the teachings
of aura reading and perception. We learned more of that, in our
advanced class on aura reading, that there are many ways of looking
at the aura besides the physical eye. There is the perception
of emotion and the perception of mind, perception of subconscious
and super conscious vibrations, all perceiving Light in one manifestation
or another.
182. You are the Light. You
are Light. For you shine around you a knowingness that all others
can see. Be within the third of humanity. Many people look upon
you as unique or different. Some, through ignorance, look upon
you as weird or abstract, but you have learned to look at all
things with an equal eye, knowing that Light is. We say that
God is Light. The Light of the World is the Christ.
183. Light. I love the Light.
I live in the Light. I am sustained by the Light. I walk around
with these words in my consciousness playing and I have been
able to move into realms beyond the physical dimension through
the understanding of the manifestation of the Light. There is
much to learn and even when we touch upon it we are not even
near the Ocean of Light. I have stood on the shore of Light and
seen it emanating out, out into a universe of darkness. I have
swum in the Sea of Light and have seen there Beings of Light
brighter than the Light they were in, qualifying and intensifying
and raising the vibration of that Light.
184.On one dimension, you
are one color of Light on another dimension, you are another
color of Light and on another dimension you are Life, whether
you are as clear as a crystal or as deluded as darkness, you
are Light. You can increase that Light by adding to it new Light.
Every time you let love flow out to another being, you are drawing
the Light of love to you. So what if you do not see it in the
physical eye, does that mean that your Soul must be blind to
it or your Spirit must be blind to the Light? No, it doesn't
mean that. You must open the eyes of your higher bodies to perceive
the Light of the higher dimensions. As you look out upon the
physical dimension, you cast a Light from the eyes. It reflects
upon that lesser light and creates an image that sends an impression
back into your consciousness, seemingly instantly, that you qualify
with shape and form.
185. Light can be defined
or diffused depending upon your angle of perception and the way
you are sending the Light from your Beingness. I hope you can
see the Light that I am shedding and see it in your heart. Light,
I cannot help but have a beautiful and blissful feeling within
whenever I come into contact with Light consciously.
186. The Creative Powers of
the Universe that emanate from the strongest source is given
to the earth beneath it in order that many may learn through
the alchemy of meditation to change the dust of the World, into
the destiny of Eternity.
187. The stars are your fortunes
as is the magnificent God flame within your heart, the miniature
sun in the pot at the end of the rainbow, the extension into
your world. The rainbow is the extension of Light into your world
in many ways. Where Light is, there God is. The dabbling of many
colors from the pure white Light, array itself in a kaleidoscope,
remembered by sayings as 'Jacob's ladder, Joseph's coat of many
colors' are only expressions to tell you about Light for truth
just as a seamless garment of the Christ consciousness as white
Light indeed. So is the embodiment of Joseph as he wore the coat
of many colors.
188. The many become one in
Christ. The Christ is a brightest emanation of vibration of Light
sent forth to illumine man. It is the pure love force. Out of
the Christ Light are the many colors drawn to create universal
perfection. So you can see that those that follow the Christ
Light are regenerations of that Light into the physical octave
and we find these regenerative abilities in reflections in meditation
on the relationships of the colors of the Rainbow Bridge of Light,
in its perfection knowing that the Blue Ray is a token of faith
and a promise of power and strength, of the earnestness of God,
of devotion in its true and highest sense. It flows out of a
vast luminous reservoir into the sea and into the sky, it is
a blessing from the source.
189. The Yellow Ray is a molding
of the Gold Ray and of White Ray as a golden radiance whose glimmering
imparts illumination. The consecration of right knowledge, the
service of right knowingness, the out shining of the Christ Mind
and the establishment of the Laws of Harmony between all people
and between God and all people.There is the Rays of the Sun sent
to the earth everyday.
190. Tha Red Ray is the Divine
Love shining forth at sunrise and sunset. There is a great power
in the knowingness of this Light you can create a Light cord
between you and another individual. There is a silver cord of
Light that connects your Spirit Body, your Soul Body, Mental
Body and your Astral Body with your Etherical Physical Body.
When you are out in your spirit travel, your awareness moves
over this silver cord and into your Spirit Body, and when more
and more attention units are transferred there, as the awareness
is heightened in vibration to perceive more Light.
191. As you travel in your
spirit travels and at first they seem like memories, they seem
like remembering and then as more and more Light is shed into
that area of consciousness and then as more and more attention
is paid there, as more focus is given to that experience, the
Light becomes stronger and the reality of that becomes stronger.
Anyone that thinks that they can switch the magic switch and
supersede eons of time is suffering from the illusions of darkness,
not seeing the Light.
192.If the full intensity
of the Center Sun would shine for one moment into your Beingness
for one moment you would be all consumed by it. As you descended
in the Light and became denser and denser, you qualified more
and more of that Light making it denser and denser, making it
less and less a broad expression and narrowing its outward shining
and that impulsing vibration that you are, now localized in an
individual manifestation, but realizing more of what you are,
you are moving back to that Son, that center hub of Light.
193. And as you gain control
over your various bodies, you gain control over those various
vibratory planes of Light. Knowing the physical dimension is
knowing just one dimension of Light, The emotions is only another
dimension of Light. Knowing the Mental Body is only another Body
of Light and no matter how high you go in your knowingness, and
in your Beingness, you are only just realizing the various dimensions
of Light until one day you become all consuming Light and this
is the destiny of man, to be all things and to be experiencing
all things, to be one with God or to be God like.
194. Christ, the anointed
of God, who said that he was the "Light" said, "Let
this mind shine in you which was also in me," who being
in the form of God was Light, through it, gave an outward expression
and felt himself equal with God that made himself of no reputation
and took upon himself the form of a servant and was made in the
likeness of men and being found in that fashion as a man, he
humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death
of the cross in order to bring the message of Light down into
this octave of beingness.
195. Many great Masters, Holy
Beings and Saints have come back into a lesser Light to give
guidance to those who are seeking a higher path. There are many
great Beings who pass through this dimension momentarily. You
may meet them once in a lifetime and then they shed the Light
in that moment that clears the darkness away from your Path that
you may proceed.
196. Know Light, know it in
all of its manifestations and all of its expressions. To know
Light is to know yourself. What are you seeking but your self
expression of your Beingness, Light. Love that Light, feel it,
know it, express it. See, it is a free flowing of Light, that
is a spark of Divine Essence and a self expression of God. You
will have the ability and the right and the privilege to use
Light in all of its manifestations. If you wish to develop the
power of the Soul, a spiritual power, you must shine Light of
that dimension through your beingness.
197. As you shine the Light
of the Third Eye, Brow Chakra, into the physical, dense octave
of Light, that brilliant Light dispels all the ignorance and
gives you great insights. It gives you the Light to see the Light
Aura, of individuals in its true manifestation and expressions.
Those individuals that believe that there are secrets in the
world are suffering from the illusions of shadows by overly gross
forms of consciousness, by darkness. There are many beings that
would try to take your Light, if they but knew how, but see,
the higher you get in consciousness, the brighter the Light and
the stronger you become, so the more power is given you. Light.
The more Light, the finer the Light. Power is either weak or
strong depending upon the intensity of the Light.
198. If you want to be intuitional
and talk from your bank of knowledge and not purely from memory,
you must look with the eyes of the Soul and out of that Light
Body and shine it into this physical octave. It will brighten
and soon all that around you will be an emanation of your Light.
Again activating the Law of Attraction and Repulsion, you send
forth the Ray that magnetizes to it, it's kind. If you send a
dark ray of depression into the ethers, it returns a like kind.
This is that glorious Light that you are becoming aware of. You
are becoming aware of a force so powerful that it can bring anything
into manifestation in your life that you ask for. It is so powerful
when you shed that Light into any corner, there is no darkness.
You can see true images of what true Beingness is.
199. There are many words
that qualify Light. There are billions and billions and a countless
number of expressions of Light. Man is so arrogant that he thinks
that he is the highest expression of that Light. Then he comes
to realize the truth of his Beingness and then he realizes the
brilliance of his Light. Sometimes this throws him deep into
darkness, the dark realms of despair, mistrust, of not knowing,
but if he takes for a moment upon himself, the higher Light,
his own Christ consciousness within, his own spark of love, his
own Godself within and shines it into the dark, through affirmation,
then he raises his vibratory rate of Light, and he moves his
awareness to a higher and finer Light. Light is everywhere and
nowhere. Light is, was and will always be. If you wish to be
God like, be like the Light. Seek the Light, know the Light and
know that you are the Light.
200. Just as it is in the
beginning when Light was separated from darkness and great monadic
wheels of Light permeated the Universe in chaotic vibrations,
they soon became harmonized and smooth vibrations in order to
sustain other vibrations of Light. As a portion of this Monadic
Light broke and the consciousness within it manifested and descended
into lower matter and into individuality as you are an Individual
Soul expressing, you are a spark of that Light's first urging.
When you are in your meditations, see yourself going deeper and
deeper within, but feel the Light getting lighter and lighter
all around you.
201. Take your Rainbow Bridge
to the White Light and then in octaves of intensity, increase
that White Light, more brilliant and more brilliant. Don't push
yourself beyond the realm of seeing clearly, but see the best
you can with the Astral and Spiritual Eyes and the Eye of the
Soul opened as channels down into the various dimensions. See
the Eye as a channel between one dimension and another, just
as you take in images of the physical dimension, take and turn
them into ideas and spiritual concepts. You are exchanging Light.
You are changing it from one vibratory rate to a finer or denser
rate. You reverse and move it in the other direction, then you
are changing the Light into a physical manifestation or your
Spirit into Matter, Matter into Spirit, back and forth as you
focus back and forth into Light.
202. In your personality,
when you shine the Light of the higher attributes that you wish
to manifest, that is what will manifest, for you are paying attention
there, you are focusing there. You are attention concentrating
by observing, then in a state of meditation, you bring that observation
and concentration into a focus that brings things into manifestation
in your physical life.
203. This is what you are
looking for, control. Control comes from knowledge for Knowledge
is Power. Power is Light. No matter what equation you take, you
can take it back to Light. No matter what form of vibration you
qualify, you bride it back to Light. You can take Light and bring
it into any lesser form and raise the vibratory rate of that.
The higher Self in an abundance vibration of Light from above
your head, Crown Chaka, sends forth from the heart, Heart Chakra
of it's substance into the heart of you, a three fold flame that
emanates the Christ Spirit and as you let that Christ Spirit
which is pure Love, which is pure Light, emanate from you, your
aura will increase.
204. As your aura increases,
your perception increases because you will understand all that
it touches. It takes in more and more thought strata as it expands.
It takes in more and more emotional strata as it expands. It
takes in more and more physical strata as it expands, so you
become more sensitive on the Path, more and more sensitive as
you move along so you must be more careful of the Light that
you are shedding, for your focus when it is concentrated creates
this intensity of Light. Create a broad beam of Light channeled
from the Infinite through all of your bodies into this physical
dimension and watch your life change, watch your Light shine.
205. I say a prayer, it is
a short one and I've said it for many, many months now and I
have seen the actions and reactions from it, "Oh God, guide
me, protect me, illuminate the lamp of my heart and make me a
brilliant star. Thou art the mighty and the all powerful".
I have asked for the illumination of my Gifts and Powers and
the illumination of my heart. I have asked for the clarity of
my Physical, Emotional and Mental Bodies and I have accepted
that Light from the higher even though it dispelled some of the
connections of ignorance of the lower forces, those of my personality
206. I will give you now a
tool to help you. Every body relaxed. Get into a comfortable
position and close your eyes for a moment. Now, that you are
relaxed and comfortable, feel yourself moving deep within your
consciousness and centering awareness, not even being aware of
those around you and there is only you now. Keep the awareness
of only you. You are the center of all things, there is nothing
around you for your Light is so bright that it is all consuming.
207. Now, in your right hand,
imagine a flaming sword. See this flaming sword as the Blue Flame
with a golden handle and you hold onto that golden handle. Now
you are forming in your consciousness on another level, a weapon
of Light. Don't let the word weapon frighten you for you need
to defend yourself against darkness and this is but a tool to
defend yourself on a higher level. Now, see that sword of Blue
Light, flaming in its emanations, strong in its vibratory rate,
emanating a blue translucent Light, vibratory high, like a Sapphire
Ray that is burning in a translucent flame.
208. Now in Your mental body,
if you consciously weild that sword around you it will cut away
negativity. True, you are using imagination, but is your finger
any less than your Physical Body, is your tongue any less than
your words, is your Light any less than your Self. Use this sword
for it is as solid as anything you see about you and it will
cut away negativity. Blaze it when you need it, return it to
the Source of Light when you don't and it will always be there.
The mystical teachings have taught us to use instruments like
this for thousands of years. Now I shall close:
209. Dear Heavenly Father
Mother God, through Christ's Holy and precious Spirit, we ask
that you send Forth the Light into all present. We demand
Light to manifest in their lives. We demand that they see the
Light through The Christ Spirit in us, we draw it to us. Let
our Light shine and may the Light of each and everyone of you
shine brightly and be a guiding force to all those who come into
contact with you. Om Tat Sat Om