
Channeled February 20, 1977
695. We have been discussing
up until now how to use the third eye and how to work with these
higher powers of consciousness as the Masters have worked with
those powers. They used a Law, the Law of Identification. Man
may attract any force in the universe by making himself a fit
receptacle for it, establishing connection with it and arranging
conditions so that its nature compels it to flow through him.
This is primarily an explanation of the Law of Identification.
696. The universe is filled
with different vibratory rates, coming from our grossest, densest,
material form into infinity by degree and planes of consciousness.
This basic substance that flows through the universe has different
applications. A lot of these applications were predetermined
by God when He created the universe. The great archangels were
sent forth from this one White Light Source from the Son of God,
or the White Light. The archangels represent the seven plus rays
coming from this One White Light Source.
697. The great Elohims of
consciousness created energy using these higher forces of Light.
The Masters of Light work upon these various rays of consciousness
that are delegated by the God- head or the One underlining power,
there is a power that controls and regulates the universe and
each individual can attune with these powers by the Law of Identification.
By his ability to align his energies with it.
698. In this short description,
one can attract any force in the universe by making himself a
fit receptacle for it and the Law of Identification means that
you as an individual can use these higher powers of VISUALIZED
PRAYER or imaging consciousness to start to align yourself with
this power. You must create within yourself the image of this
power and do all within your power to bring the knowledge and
the idea and the thinking and the emotional energy into balance
with this image.
699. There is one step higher
that must be considered when you are considering this image:
You must consider the source of the image that you use in VISUALIZED
PRAYER. The Source of your energies and the Source of your Light.
As Jesus learned in the schools of Egypt and other countries,
before he began his ministry of three years, he learned in the
-School of -Elixor, where one of the flames of the God-head was
anchored in the physical dimension at that time.
700. This great temple in
Egypt is now destroyed and had been by vandals that were unaware
of the powers that were in the temple. So the flames as all the
God-flames were, retracted into the etheric dimension from the
physical. Man can only bask in these rays when he goes into a
state of trance or into a conscious sleep state.
701. The Masters learned to
pull upon these particular energies to help unfold those inner
realms of consciousness, one being their VISUALIZED PRAYER by
imaging over and over again, they were able to bring into manifestation
in their outward world experience, a particular effect. Jesus
was able to identify with the Christ consciousness, being that
which God said would be the end product of man, a God being.
702. Man had many, many teachings
of the Christ before Jesus came to bring the teachings into physical
expression and apply it through his personality and through his
bodily structure as well as through his inner kingdoms. He continually
went into meditation in his life to re-align with this higher,
unconditioned God force, the great and Holy Spirit and the Father-
Mother God. The Father he used very strongly for this was the
unconditioned force.
703. The unconditioned, unmanifested
energies that God had laid aside for those beings who reached
God consciousness with this unconditioned energy. We see the
seven rays of energy coming from this one Light Source, these
are unconditioned but they have personality too. The personality
was given to them by the Masters. And by other beings who have
taken and attuned to that particular ray of energy.
704. To give you a for instance,
Master El Morya, the Master of Truth, had attuned himself to
the Blue Ray of energy and brought it into manifestation through
his outer personality, just as Jesus had brought the White Ray
through his personality by the mastery of the Golden- Ruby Ray.
The First Ray of power that comes from the sun, our Logos in
the sky, the first ray of Light that emanates from the sun is
the Blue Ray.
705. The Blue Ray is the power
of God and comes to us on Sunday and it is a Blue Crystal Ray
of Light that emanates first in the spectrum of Light. Scientists,
splitting the spectrum of Light can see this power of Light at
this higher vibration. Do not get this confused with the Rainbow
effect that is given in the atmosphere of our planet for the
spectrum varies depending upon the planet, sun, stars, lights,
and the outer body of consciousness that is in the universe and
what that body is vibrating at. The First Ray brought forth is
blue, of the Omnipotence. Truth and Creative Powers of El Morya
matter of the Blue Ray.
706. (1) Esoterically, when
you reach a state of evolution where you can penetrate consciousness
out of and through the veils of Maya* and Glamour* are those
discordant thought, forms and emotional energies that permeate
the earth's atmosphere for a mile and a half above the surface
of this planet. Beyond this realm, the atmosphere becomes finer
and finer until we penetrate out into space.
707. When man penetrates space
in his spiritual consciousness, and looks at the sun*, the sun
is no longer a yellow-orange ball of Light in the sky, but it
is blue, it is the first ray power when man reaches that state
of evolution. The second ray energy coming off the sun, and through
the universe and penetrating the earth's atmosphere is the Golden
Ray. It comes to us on Monday.
708. The Golden Ray of Light
is the second ray of power that emanates from the sun. This is
why we have the various rays of the day. This carries the Omniscience,
intellectual vibration or the intelligence of the great body,
the Logos, the sun. And the sun that we are talking about. is
just a doorway into a universe of Light. As we take and attune
to this Golden ray as did Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tsu, Dwal Khul,
the Masters that attuned to this ray and many many more.
709. They did this through
their creative imaging, their abilities to create an image that
would simulate this power, this energy. All of them meditated
very heavily upon this Light, as does the master of each ray
or rays. As the sun's rays come to us and penetrate the earth's
atmosphere, the third ray is the pink ray which comes on Tuesday.
710. *(l) Esoteric- that which
is not accessible except by initiation.
*(2) Maya- The entire phenomena of the physical world.
*(3) Glamour- the entire phenomena of the emotional world
of energy.
711. This pink ray is the
ray of love. Paul the Venetian, who reached his Ascension and
the ability to ascend on the planet Venus, saw humanity, which
is a body of consciousness, issued forth through this sun from
this great center Sun, this was the port hole into this universe
from the Great Center Sun to our sun.
712. This body of consciousness
of humanity sought expression and was given the planet earth
for its evolution and for its experiences as a platform of consciousness
to first realize its individuality and then to realize its oneness
with all of the universe. The first races of man that were able
to manifest on the planet were able to descend and take form
and pass through the cycles of consciousness.
713. There are seven, two-thousand
year cycles, that the consciousness was to move through, making
fourteen thousand years. The first two root races made it very
easily, because they had the power of God, they were ethericalized
beings with this platform called planet earth. You must understand
the planet was a shining ball of Light, not as it is today. The
atmosphere was in balance. Water that we now have captured in
polar caps was free and it was in the air of this planet and
it captured the light that came from the sun and reflected it.
714. There was no place on
earth that was dark at that time. It was a sphere of emanating
light. The light hitting the surface of the planet through its
atmosphere, was refracted through the water and it shined through
the whole of the earth's atmosphere, a glowing ball whether it
was facing the sun or not. Over the use of this energy and light
that came from the sun, over forty per cent of it was qualified
by humanity, by their feeling nature and was sent forth to do
work for God and then returned back to the sun.
715. The other sixty per cent
was given to that being to uplift their causal body of light
and give him freedom to move throughout the universe. All these
laws and abilities were well known to man at this time. Then
there were other systems in the universe that were seeking expression
and many had reached high states of evolution and some had even
reached the state of,being able to ascend again into those light
realms and individual conscious manifestation, with the
realization of their oneness, as God conscious Beings.
716. So as they reached that
point of evolution, and some of those beings had reached great
psychic energies, or soul power and sought to come to a new expression
that was having so much success which was earth, so those beings,
lagging behind their own civilizations, the laggards, came to
this planet. They started to corrupt the third root race here
in manifestation, here experiencing as an ethericalized force
operating through. materialized bodies of animal consciousness.
717. This was a field of energy
that was used to correlate the different vibrations of consciousness,
first the physical, then the emotional.and the mental and so
on to bring them all into one. During this time these laggards
started to influence man's consciousness and caused them to drop
in their awareness of being God conscious beings by imposing
thoughts that were not God-like on them. They, were saying, well,
if you are God, why should you worship someone else.
718. Well, this was the first
satanic force that arrived here on this planet.. They had not
made the Ascension, because they said they were God, they realized
this, but they wanted to be an individual God outside of the
all encompassing oneness, the Nameless One without a Second,
the ultimate reality in whom we all live and move and have our
being. This was one third of the forces of the universe that
went corrupt. This established upon this planet, the black magicians.
719. God, in His free will
choice that He gave to man, the free will to do as he pleased
and the knowledge to pull these various rays from the sun. Through
the corruption of those laggards, the planet became more and
more dense. The Light dimmed and the planet started losing its
brilliance in the universe and it was not as attractive as it
was before.
720. And finally after several
root races and beings that have not ascended, had come and hold
humanity from ascending in its race structure because humanity
was divided into seven races to manifest and experience and as
each race experienced the energy of that experience of each race
went back up into the body of humanity. Humanity at its highest
vibration, realizes all of its experience that it has had upon
the planet and within your very cellular structure of
your atomic light, the DNA molecule of the atom of your body,
you hold all of this knowledge of all experience that has ever
been made upon this planet, back to your issuing forth as an
individual conscious manifestation, as a spark of God from this
great center God head out for its experience.
721. So within you you hold
this consciousness. Jesus was able to reach that pure Light of
consciousness within him, through his imaging powers he pulled
upon that source of the Holy Spirit. He realized that he was
a Son of God, just as each being should realize that they are
the son or daughter of God. This means a child of Light, or that
conscious manifestation that takes place when the Mother-Father
God, cross-sect in their Light rays in the universe.
722. Right where you are sitting
is right where Mother- Father God come together. And this is
where they are loving one another in the universe and from that
love that is ever giving, you are a conscious manifestation of
a divine spark of light. Well, Jesus was able to reach that state
of consciousness or pure White Light by ascending through these
planes and directing his awareness upwards. He had come from
the Great Center Sun to help humanity just as many others had
come before and since that time.
723. Humanity being caught
in the darkness of its own discordant thoughts and erroneous
thinking; discordant emotions and erroneous emotions, the Maya
and the glamour. When one learns about this basic power of the
universe and first learns to cooperate through their own realization
that they are children of this oneness. Second by calling upon
the Great and Holy Spirit to descend within them, now, the Great
and Holy Spirit activates within the consciousness of the individual
such a high vibratory rate that it eliminates all the negative
impulses that can manifest around that being.
724. See, when we first came
here as ethericalized beings, we drew upon an unconditioned substance,
our "Over-Soul", the "God-Self", or the "Mighty
I Am Presence". We pulled upon this substance and it poured
its love and energy out to us in a nine foot shield of Light
around us and turned darkness into Light. That was our job upon
the planet, to turn the darkness into Light to correlate
the various levels of consciousness and to realize, first our
ideal creation and then our God conscious awareness.
725. As man lost his power,
now those with clairvoyant sight can see how aware the Being
is by the shaft of Light that is around them. This shaft of Light
was reduced to such an extent that it stands about 1/16 th of
an inch in those beings that do not realize their God conscious
awareness, as sons or daughters of God.
726. The force field of the
aura has been almost deactivated and in some Beings who become
so unruly upon the planet that this force is almost completely
withdrawn, they have no energies from the higher realm and they
finally fall to the lower or dissembling energies and they become
dissembled. By cooperating with the forces in the universe, you
are able to uplift your Light.
727. The next Ray coming from
this great sphere of Light on Wednesday is the White Ray of purity,
perfection and Ascension. This beautiful Light, Serapis Bey had
brought to us and anchored in his personality upon this planet
at the Temple of Luxor in Egypt. This is a very powerful, beautiful
energy, that purifies and is the Ascension Ray and the anchoring
of this flame was here upon the planet for humanity to draw upon
until it was corrupted in such a way that it had to be pulled
into the etheric realm.
728. The next Ray of Light
to descend upon the planet, was the Green Ray. The Green Ray
of Master Hilarion, also known as St. Paul, gives to us on Thursday,
It is Truth, Healing, Concentration, and Consecration in the
man's consciousness as he draws upon that particular Ray of Light.
729. On Friday, the Golden
Ruby Ray comes to us from the sun. You must imagine that on the
other side of the sun, through the heart of the sun, which is
a ball of crystal fire light, a whole universe of Light emanates
and within this universe can also be seen this great sphere of
Light. Man's awareness has been so in darkness that the way he
sees the universe is in an indigo now, but with the acceleration
of spiritual evolution, the universe will turn to Gold and he
will realize that it is a golden universe rather than an indigo
one he now perceives.
730. Just as some remnants
of earlier root races are still on the planet, the different
body structures, this is when we have different body structures.
Each root race developed a new body and other bodies were incorporations
of some of these prime bodies that were formed. Now all mixtures
of bodies were manifested on the physical to bring everything
back into a oneness.
731. On Friday when this Golden
Ruby Ray comes, this is the Ray of Jesus, it is the ray that
Jesus manifested, it is the Love-Wisdom Ray. It is the ray that
masters the physical universe. Jesus was master over the lower
kingdoms. Now some think that the four lower kingdoms are the
physical, emotional, mental, and soul realms they are in one
respect, but as manifested in nature they are the mineral, vegetable,
animal and human kingdoms. He had gained superiority over these
by reaching this higher consciousness down one hundred per cent
through his personality and through his conscious manifestation.
732. Jesus manifested to such
an extent, that when they crucified him, he was able to reanimate
that body, with this Light creating the image on the shroud,
move it through the etheric forms, he drew up the physical into
the etheric and appeared eighteen times throughout a forty day
period and on the last day and in the midst of a crowd of five
hundred people, which included his disciples and some of this
followers and relatives and he started to walk up the mountain
and as he started walking up the Mount of Olives, there he began
to draw more and more of this Light and in full view of all of
them, until it became so brilliant that they could no longer
look at him.
733. Jesus was the only master
on the planet that ascended and turned to this pure, brilliant
Light. The beings upon this planet, the angelic beings and the
master beings, are that brilliant Light and we have shields,
like we have sun glasses, shields us from the sun, well, we have
shields around us to keep us from seeing these other kingdoms,
as the shields or veils are cleared, man begins to see the Light.
First the auric light around other beings and then the spirit
life that is moving around him. He can see the disincarnated
beings that aren't in physical bodies. He can also see the spirit
or diva force that is operating in the various kingdoms, the
mineral, the vegetable, ect.
734. Jesus, reaching this
high state of consciousness was able to see these forces because
he had cleared his imagination and his visualizing. We must purify
our imagination to such, a degree that all of these rays penetrate
it and pull upon the White Light Ray to pull it in our imagination.
This is why we go through the Rainbow Bridge and into the Golden
Ball of Light which is our own Master Consciousness and which
manifests itself as a seven foot Golden Being of Light that many
can see when they reach a certain state of evolution.
735. This Golden Ball of Light
is then taken through a field that has no light in it, a long
black tunnel*, and into the pure White Light. The black field
is like a pass not for most beings because their own fears
and doubts and the seven deadly sins that they are operating
under keep them from seeing. The seven deadly sins are, pride,
covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth and these
hinded spiritual progress.
736. Jesus had been able to
take and accelerate his awareness to such a degree that he was
able to transcend or use the Ascension Light or the White Light
to pull him to a degree that he could see all of these forces
with his clear imagination or clairvoyant sight. He could see
the vampirizing that was going on by the disincarnated beings
and how they latched on to the physical bodies of those weaker
737. And these Beings that
were not in manifestation, but were disincarnated, that had drawn
the higher light, to keep experiencing through the earth plane,
and started to impose their thoughts and feelings through the
other beings. When he was able to cast them off, by seeing them,
when he started seeing them, his Light was so bright that they
had to leave where he was or become him. He would fill the individual
with this Light because he could transfer this Light from one
to another.
738. Every time you send love
to someone, you are sending them a Ray of Pink Light. Every time
you have faith in someone, you are giving them that Blue Ray.
Every time you impart wisdom to someone, you are giving that
Golden Light. Every time you impart poise, and balance and healing,
you impart that Green Light. When you administer to them you
are sending forth that Golden-Ruby Ray. You are transmuting in
their consciousness or giving them the ability to transform darkness
into Light. You are giving them the Violet Fire. And every time
you are enabling someone to ascend just as Jesus did, you are
giving the White Light.
739. Jesus had command over
all those fields of Light, the complete Rainbow, as being emanated
by the sun. So this power that controls and regulates the universe,
he learned to cooperate with it and so will you by your VISUALIZED
PRAYER and the purification of your lower subtle bodies. The
world and all it contains is formed of one basic substance, taught
for thousands of years, in the Yoga Sutras, the Pranic Force,
the vital force, the manna from Heaven, the life force energies,
that fills all of manifestation with consciousness.
740. The chair over there
has a consciousness to it. It is not the consciousness that man
uses, because it is not self conscious or self determining or
self controlled, but it is falling under the Nature and Cosmic
Laws. Man has ascended in consciousness that he can actually
put himself outside of these laws to such a degree that they
will work contrary to him and destroy himself if he does not
attune himself to them. He does not follow these Cosmic Laws
and it destroys his body, his emotional body his mental body,
his soul body, his body of ideas, and imagination by not attuning
to this basic substance.
741. Some call this basic
substance, the Great and Holy Spirit. Well, as you call upon
this basic substance, and learn to work more with it, you learn
to ascend in consciousness. This is not a new concept of the
basic substance of the universe, but whether it is time, Light,
space, or particles of creative energy, this basic substance
is the sustaining force to it, just as Christ is the basic substance
of the universe and you can draw upon it which is sometimes pulled
into manifestation through alignment in consciousness accidentally,
but most of the time it takes your conscious control to bring
yourself to this part of imagination.
742. Any time you make a mental
picture, you are making it in this basic substance. A mental
picture is an image you hold in your mind's eye. Say you
want to experience something, what you usually do is see yourself
experiencing. You sit and see yourself experiencing a particular
thing and pretty soon it comes into manifestation. Like a person
planning a trip, they see them self going by boat or by air if
they are going to the Mainland from Hawaii. They make the picture.
They see what they are going to do after they get there. They
have an idea of what they want to accomplish.
743. Maybe it is just to enjoy
the scenery and be free, but they make some kind of mental picture
that is issued forth from their consciousness. Now if they do
this weakly or feebly, they make the pictures, but they do not
take effect. But if they do it with strength and with power,
then these pictures come into manifestation. The man that holds
the picture of wanting to become a doctor soon becomes a doctor
and a dancer soon becomes a dancer by holding this image.
744. Jesus held the picture
of being the avatar and drew that spirit of Christ Light into
himself and by constantly relating to it and using the Law of
Identification to draw it into manifestation. When you are making
these pictures which are internalized, they go forth into form
or images into this basic substance and draw around them, those
needed vibrations to bring them into manifestation into the physical.
745. Jesus had his awareness
so open and so clear, that he could instantly change things,
he made food appear and water appear, he turned water into wine
using this picturing. St. Germain made many things appear and
disappear including himself by using this, so Jesus and many
of the other masters could make themselves appear and disappear
by control of this imaging process, by ethericalizing and then
coming back into the physical manifestation.
746. But most of us are so
set in our physical ways that we do not realize that we have
this great power and we are not clear enough to use it because
of out comfort zones that we hold onto in our imagination or
imaging consciousness. Or that part of consciousness that we
are satisfied with and we don't want to move away from. Jesus
was a free Being, he never said, what am I going to do tomorrow,
or what happened yesterday, he always talked in the present tense.
747. The Spiritual Masters
all knew that power of The Here and Now. And when using this
creative imagination and picturing in consciousness, you must
keep your awareness in The Here and Now and when you make that
picture you feel it in The Here and Now. There is no other time,
there is no space, there is only here and now. So make The picture
in your consciousness here and now. You accept it right here
and now.
748. If you want an automobile,
you feel and see yourself sitting in the seat of that automobile
here and now. Feel yourself putting your hand upon the wheel,
smelling the newness, hearing the motor run, radio playing and
giving it a color and a form, but being as universal as you can,
unless you want a specific type. If you just want an automobile,
what will happen is the first opportunity for one to come into
you universe, one will be coming in.
749. There was one lady in
one of our classes, who wanted an automobile and she used this
process, and it was just about a week later, her mother-in-law
gave her an automobile, but she didn't accept it. She didn't
want her mother-in-law to give her an automobile. She had asked
God for this automobile and she had imaged it and used all the
creative processes to bring it into manifestation and it came
through another route than what she thought it should come through
and she rejected it.
750. Many of us do this very
same thing. We ask for things with these pictures, we take and
say well, I'll accept it, but I won't accept it from this particular
source or that, and we start limiting our power to have that
particular experience or that in our life. Realize you don't
own any of this, you don't own the body you are in. It will go
back to the elemental forces that gave it to you and which are
sustaining it at this time. It is an animal body.
751. You are a spiritual being
using this animal, elemental, called the body elemental. It all
comes out of a mutation from the animal kingdom. The animal came
as a mutation out of the vegetable kingdom. And the vegetable
kingdom came as a mutation out of the mineral kingdom. Each state
of evolution is a mutate of the prior one.
752. When you make decisions
you mobilize energy and focus concentration. One must learn when
they are making these images that they must make a decision about
this energy, about this image. A lot of people say, "Well,
I'd like to have this or I'd like to have that, but they never
make a decision to accept it. They never make a decision to have
it right here and now. They don't accept it right away. They
put it off in some other time period.
753. You must make a decision
when you are creating those images in VISUALIZED PRAYER in your
mind's eye to accept it right now. Right now, this moment if
it would appear here and you would take possession of it, but
most people are not used to this power. But man had this power
upon the planet when he first came. During the first two root
races, they used this very easily, but look what happened, man
now caught in physical sense, says, oh, man has only been here
a while.
754. Ethericalized beings
didn't have bones as the physical body does, and man is predicating
all of history on what he sees in the physical universe and not
realizing what is happening and what has happened in the spiritual
universe except for a few Beings upon this planet man has lost
this power. There are still Beings demonstrating this power.

