Question:: Should the eyes be open or closed
during the exercises? Answer: The eyes should be open to get
the full exchange of the energy going. But if the eyes become
a problem, you can close them. Just look at one another, not
looking at that area of the body. You are supposed to sense feeling,
instead of looking in the Energy Exchange.
Question:: So is it optional? Answer: Yes,
it's optional, as long as one individual isn't trying to dominate
the other with their eyes. You see, it's a relaxed gaze into
each others eyes. It's not, "I'm going to give it to you,
Baby!" Grrruuuh, or anything like that. It is a nice exchange
of energy. It is love that is flowing. All aggressive or passive
acts should be transcended for the experience- a sharing of the
experience, observing it. It should be an observation of how
you are being stimulated.
Afternoon Session: This morning we brought
you the awareness of how to do the aligning exercises before
you ever get into the sexual experience. I am going to tell you
a beautiful ceremony.
This particular ceremony is a ritual done
at the Full Moon. It is done by the male and female for higher
attunement to subtle forces. The Full Moon is when the light
energies are coming into the earth's atmosphere at a very high
degree. Even though the Sun goes down, the moon is reflecting
the sun's light in the atmosphere, causing a Pranic movement.
There is a high vibrational energy when the Old Moon is Full.
(Illustration)* Here we have the Full Moon and it is shining
it's subtle forces on the planet as it goes around the earth.
For the ceremony, you need an area that
is set up with a blanket or rug or something to this effect in
which two people can sit on. You can also set some other things
on the rug. First of all, one end of this rug should be facing
North, the other end South and the other East and the other end
West. The rug or mat that you sit on should be set up in a North,
South, East and West manner. It is in line with the magnetic
energy. Before you sit down, there is a candle lit for each end
and placed outside of the Circle for each one of the Directions.
It is kind of nice to have these four candles going, and it is
best to have the kind of candle that is in a cup or inside of
a container rather than a stick candle. They should be lit like
this: One-Two-Three- Four, (draws them). They are lit in the
North, South, East and West. You are asking for the Powers for
your relationship to support you; the Powers of the North, the
Powers of the South, the Powers of the East and West of this
Planet to support you. What this is, is a magnetic alignment.
You are setting a magnetic alignment. The male sits in the northern
part, while the female sits in the southern part of the mat,
(this area that you have made Sacred). In the center of this
could be a little place for some cookies or some refreshment
cake and a pot of tea, and maybe a couple of little tea cups.
You could also have in the place of tea, two small glasses of
wine. This is to warm the body or to stimulate the body. Some
can warm the body with warm tea, others do it with drinking a
little wine. There should also be some sort of flowers between
the two individuals. It represents kind expression.
What you are doing, is both of you are
offering these flowers, and this food up to God. You are offering
the flowers in the way of bringing your love. The flower has
always been a token of love, and so the two of you are giving
it to God. You are making a connection with God, and so the energy
will be coming through the Full Moon cycle for you.
In this manner, you sit across from one
another with this tea and these flowers between you and you sit
approximately fifteen minutes looking and admiring each other.
You are thinking of all the nice things that you like about each
other. You are thinking, "Oh! What beautiful eyes she has,
what beautiful hair, teeth, what beautiful breasts she has, what
a nice shape she has, all of these things." She is thinking,
"Oh! What a nice chest he has, what nice eyes, what nice
hair he has, what a nice build he has" and so on. You are
looking back and forth, creating an atmosphere of mutual love
for one another. You are creating a vortex of love, bringing
in the highest love that you are seeking. This is to be done
at the time of the Full Moon because it has a lot of power at
that time. In fact, some people will forego all sexual relations
except for this one at the Full Moon cycle AND THEN THEY HAVE
THAT AND A LOT OF RELIGIONS HAVE THAT. I know that the Krishna's
will only copulate on the Full Moon cycle now. They teach that.
They have intercourse for the purpose of having children only
and they only do it on the Full Moon cycle.
The energy builds up and this energy of
mutual love will go into this food and flowers and in the fifteen
minutes, your tea can steep and it won't be too hot to drink.
You take the tea and drink it together. All this time you are
not saying anything to one another, you are just simply, exchanging
this energy and this love. It is a love exchange between the
two individuals. You are exchanging this love back and forth
and you are sending it back and forth. Then you consume the tea
and cake together and bring each other life force because the
exchange back and forth actually charges the food with life force
energy. You are exchanging this life force to give you strength
for your relationship and so you are strengthening your relationship
by sending love to one another. By consuming the food together,
you are strengthening your relationship on very subtle levels
as well, because this will go right into your body. After that,
there is another five minutes of just admiring one another, so
you have about twenty to twenty-five minutes involved before
you are ever touching one another.
It is important to have that rapport before
you touch one another and then at that point, the food is cleared
away and the flowers are presented to one of the directions.
If you want magnetic alignment, you offer the flowers to the
North and lay them at the Northern part of the mat. You then
do your Attuning Ritual which is lining the energy up for movement
in the body. First the man lays down and the woman touches him
on each one of his Chakra centers. The woman then lays down and
the man touches her on each one of her Chakra centers and they
join together. This joining is before they cause any movement.
They are supposed to join for ten minutes together without any
movement, just experiencing an exchange of energy through their
root Chakras. Then you start your Rainbow Bridge and together
go through it for the first ten minutes. Actually, one ritual
done in Tantric practice, you are joined together for thirty
minutes before you move, but here we are suggesting ten minutes
before there is any movement; that is joining together, and feeling
those energies.
A dynamic force builds up here and you
will find a different experience because of this force and exchange
at the root Chakra level. SO, YOU HAVE HERE (POINTS), LOOK AND
WILL FIND ANOTHER TWENTY minutes of ascension taking place because
you are practicing a thirty-two minute ascension up the Chakras.
You can practice your thirty-two minute experience, and all totaled,
this should be a one hour ceremony. You are in the act of love
for thirty-two minutes, you are raising your energies together.
First of all, when you first begin, you must feel the other person
physically and so you are getting in tune physically. The first
movement is physical and so you are aware of the physical body
of the other individual. You are aware of how they feel, touching
together and how they feel, joined together. So that is where
your consciousness is for the first four minutes.
The second one is emotions. Your emotions
must come together here; a love for one another. Start to feel
that love for one another, really feeling the sensation of the
experience that you are in, plus an exchange of love for one
another. This is for the thirty-two minutes, or you can cut this
in half and do it for two minutes each, it depends on the two
individuals, but the ideal is to take your time to control this
area. Don't try to speed up in any one of the areas. It should
all be balanced and it should all be equal.
The third one is the lower mental realm:
the thoughts. You should be holding the same thought; this is
God incarnated. You are making love. This is God experiencing
and you should be holding that: that is Mother God and you are
Father God. You are holding this at the highest aspect. Mother-Father
God is coming together here. That is the love and these two forces
will come together and blend within you; the two people and so
you are feeling and getting the sensations of the first joining.
Then you are feeling the sensations all through the body, over
the nervous system and the same mental thought. You are thinking
of that person in the Immaculate Conception or the Divine Ideal
Mate, the highest mate for you. You see you are holding that
together and they are already beating together because you have
already practiced the breathing together. You feel the pulsation
of energy between the hearts. You are not losing any of this
other consciousness, you keep adding to the consciousness. You
don't stop the physical awareness just to experience the emotional.
You are adding things as you go. It is all one consciousness,
but you are expanding it. First you are centered, then you are
expanding out, you see. First the physical is the center and
then you are expanding it out to the emotional. Then you are
expanding that out and your energy should start feeling like
it's expanding too. If the person starts pulling too much energy
out of the root Chakra, they will go dead in the root Chakra.
That is why you are supposed to keep the physical - physical,
the emotional-emotional, and the mental - mental and be aware
of seeing all of those. So at the heart here, you have an in
and out exchange of energy. You should feel your hearts beating
together and exchanging that energy right at the heart. You start
feeling soul energies, an electromagnetic charge, a tingling
that takes place right here at the heart.
At this point at the throat: Rhythm and
Vibration. You should both be at a perfect point of rhythm and
vibration when you get to this point. This is the rhythm and
vibration level. Here can be sound, a sound that you are making
together, Om, together to keep the rhythm. When you start feeling
the heart beat, you can start getting the sound together. Some
people don't do the sound out loud, they do it in their heads
together. They raise up this mental body by the time they get
to this level. You are raising up these mental and emotional
energies and you are experiencing together. This is an important
one here. (points) In the Imagination, both must keep the same
Image to be together. Some people go off on their fantasy trips.
They don't have the same Image as the other person, so this Image
is to hold the Image of the other person and see them perfect,
seeing their body perfect, seeing them emotionally perfect, seeing
them perfectly aligned mentally with you, perfect soulful alignment,
and perfect creative alignment. You are holding the immaculate
conception of perfect unity here, one with another, and what
you are doing is seeing the other person. You are not seeing
yourself. It is important to see the other person here. You are
giving to the other person, and if you are only holding your
own trip, then you are not giving to the other person. This is
what happens to a lot people: They don't hold the same visualization
together, so the images are two different images, SO THE IMAGE
WILL COME INTO MANIFESTATION. If they are thinking of someone
else or some other time, then they are taking that much energy
out of the relationship.
You want to have total energy with one
another, so the image is held together. This may be a particular
image that you are holding for the other individual: perfect
body, the perfect person, that is the perfect lover. You are
becoming one, your spirit and their spirit are merging (draws
on Board) here at the Brow. So you are seeing that, the Immaculate
Conception, the perfect love. You are seeing that. You are giving
to that other person that love. Remember, love has to be a giving
thing, and so they are seeing you as the perfect person and it
is important to hold this. If this isn't held and you are seeing
other images and putting them on that other person, you are actually
programming them in their nervous system.
You would be causing a separation instead
of a coming together. Many people who go off on some trip and
go to the Fourth of July or something like that, instead of seeing
the other person, or they are off seeing some other person, or
they are off doing something else. They are not there, their
vision is, "what am I going to do later", - you know,
it gets that ridiculous. The person isn't there at all. Their
visions are on something else. They are hearing themselves going
through emotional and physical things, but as far as thinking
and all the rest of it, they are off someplace else. It all has
to be right there in the present.
It is not what the past was or what you
want that person to be. It is seeing the perfect person now,
right now! There is no time or space here. You are seeing that
perfect person now, and you have your physical together, your
emotional together, your thoughts together and your hearts are
beating together.
Your souls are together. This is heart
and soul together here. Many people are afraid to open their
hearts and souls to other individuals, but their hearts must
be open. Then, an openness at the throat, that rhythm and vibration
and then here at the brow.
The next point is to come together as one
at the crown, and here is where you first create unity. Two individuals
become one individual. One and one make one, right here at the
crown. You are starting to feel that freedom of consciousness
together, that unity and you start taking that one up through
the Golden Ray, the Golden Flame and into the White Light. You
feel yourselves raising right up out of the body together. YOU
right out of the body here and you'll be joined here and you'll
just be joined together at that point. It is a final climax.
You are just joined together and you are holding each other very
close and the sense should be as one. You are one being and you
should feel this one being.
There is a meditation after you separate.
You should lay side by side in a meditation together. Let your
mind open, and just feel the bliss and the joy. Experience the
energy of this beautiful exchange. That is the ritual that you
do at the Full Moon or whenever you are going to join together.
At the end, you blow your candles out in reverse, take your food,
wash your dishes, put your flower on your Altar or a nice place
where you can both look at it. Every time you see a flower for
the next few days will stimulate your experience again and bring
you close together.
The flower is like a remembrance of the
beautiful experience that you had. Every time that you see a
flower, you'll feel love and it will bring love out and you will
feel that great experience. What will happen is that all the
Chakras will be stimulated again with more life and energy and
you will become more aware. You do this ritual to bring the root
Chakra together and to bring the emotions together; to bring
the mental together, etc., and what will happen, by the time
you get to this level in your imaginings, the energies of the
nervous system should be exchanging and you feel the exchange
like it becomes one nervous system in two people. You are getting
into Universal Shakti or Universal Energy AT THIS POINT HERE.
THE JOINING SHOULD START TO take place at the crown. You should
feel the merger of the nerve energy together and the whole body
should feel this exchange of nerve energy, one with another.
It may take you a month, or two months or three months to get
to that point of being able to raise it that far, so you can't
be impatient with your partner.
During the Grecian era, this energy had
been misused. After they learned it, well, they would go and
raise a person's Kundalini. They would just go up to someone
and start talking to them. Pretty soon, zip, that person would
be all stimulated and desire that other person. They would do
this for sense gratification instead of merging with God. Once
this technique is learned, you'll have to be very careful how
you react to other people because you will stimulate them very
quickly and run their Kundalini up, BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT YOU
Remember, you are going DEEP HERE, so it
is important to hold the very highest. Now, I know people who
get energy up to the crown and start projecting images on that
other person, taking them over saying, you are going to do this
for me and that for me . . .Don't do those things. Its been done
and I know it is still being done that the person, when they
get the male or female into a certain position where they are
into their act of sexual energies, start programming by whispering
things in their ear and things like that. If you are going to
whisper anything, say, "I Love you," and things like
that, "We are One." Feel the closeness of it, good
things, something to solidify this position, rather than taking
out of the experience. I'm sure you won't be at that point and
say, "I hate you," you know. But some people use it
that way and they get the person going. Then they inject a hate
thought and they don't even say it out loud because it will go
into the person's consciousness.
Whatever you are thinking, you think you
are trying to hide something from that other person. You know
what is going on and get that awareness of what is going on with
the other person. Well, they are going to get the awareness of
what is going on with you too. So at that point, you would be
threatening the other person's spirit. They are in their soul
a way to help open up your mate. Remember, you made a commitment
to this mate, to be with this person and so you should be practicing
with this person and fulfilling your commitment.
If both are not fulfilling their commitments,
then these two entities are going to separate. It is that simple.
If two people don't keep their commitments to one another, then
one will leave the other. So, it should be a total commitment
to go all the way Spiritually, in this Ultimate Posture. You
are working through these various stages of consciousness. Any
blocks, you are breaking up before you ever get into this experience.
So the whole act is bringing you more awareness too. It will
also raise you up to a much higher level. Maybe you don't have
these other centers open very far, it will help develop them.
So you have two energies that will come to another force that
will come to develop one of the Chakras and so you have that
coming together there. OK. Before I go any further, are there
any questions on the Full Moon Ceremony?
Question: Will you explain again from the
Brow to the Crown? Answer: HERE you are holding the Immaculate
Conception of one another and then you get to this POINT(points)
and you start feeling like you are one another. You are getting
that unity like you are me, I am you, we are one and you start
saying, "We are One, We are One," at this point. Then
you take that oneness right from the VIOLET THROUGH THE GOLD
AND INTO THE WHITE. You are going through the Chakras together,
together, (pointing to board) yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet,
gold and white. So, when you want to make love to your mate,
say, "Would you like to go over the Rainbow with me?"
That is a nice way. So you are actually raising this up.
As you are practicing the exchange of energy
between each one of the Chakras, you are also seeing each one
of the rainbow colors. You should stimulate the Chakras for one
another. You are seeing red together, you are seeing orange together
and you are seeing yellow together, etc. When you are standing
there making the exchange of energy of the Chakras, you are seeing
the colors. You are going through the rainbow. That is why I
have the colors on the board: You go right through the colors.
When you are making love, you are doing the same thing; going
right through the colors, step by step into the highest and you
will be able to feel the colors because they give you a different
awareness. Another thing that will happen is, when you are reading
somebody, you will be able to tell where they are coming from
because you will see their colors much more easily. So, it does
give awakening consciousness and it also correlates your consciousness
too. You will find that you will both become more and more correlated
and be able to handle situations. One other thing, when they
are laying down, the head is at the North end.
Question: About Insertion. Answer: They
are just joined together for the first ten minutes exchanging
energy at the root Chakra before they start the movement. This
is to build up the energy at the base Chakra before they run
the energies up the spine. In this thirty-two minutes, they are
making love and so he should be holding himself from going into
that climactic state. You know, some men, boom, boom! and in
a couple of minutes, its all done and the woman is saying, "Wait
a minute, I'm not fulfilled." This is for fulfillment. One
is supposed to be fulfilling the other, you see, and at the end
of thirty-two minutes, you should feel that release.
When you join together in the white light,
you should feel the climactic action as individuals, and you
should practice bringing the climax to that point of being in
unity. By programming unity, you get a power of merging and the
ability to merge with other people without the sexual experience
because you are learning how to bring the energies in merging.
You are learning how to merge with each Chakra, and how to give
and take energy.
The Touch of Light that we use for healing,
is also a stimulating energy. There is ONE OTHER POINT YOU TOUCH
BEFORE YOU START, (points and draws) right between the genitals
and the anus, the Inception Point. That area is stimulated and
brings about what is called the Primal Force Chakra. Usually,
this isn't taught, because in black magic this Chakra is used
to control people. It stimulates the Sub of the Instinctive Mind.
Things can be implanted into the Sub of the Instinctive Mind
that will make a person act instinctively in certain ways.
So, you are tuning the person up. When
you first do this, it is important that you get the movement.
(Demonstration of Touch of Light). You start by making passes
over the individual just to get familiar; you are entering their
aura and it won't be a shock to them.
Passes are made over all the parts of the
body without touching the person's body, and I always end with
an upward stroke. Start by stimulating the feet. I don't hold
them like I would do for a healing, I'm just stimulating to get
their energies going up. Then, stimulate the knees by a gentle
rub of the knees on each side - - RIGHT HERE ARE THE REPRODUCTIVE
ORGANS (points). Another point to stimulate is right here (points)
at the ankles. Stimulate these two points and then you touch
the individual ALONG ALL THESE POINTS. At first you start with
them on their back and you run the energy down the back and up
the front, just like the Conception Vessel (EXERCISE).
The first one is to start at the back,
down the spine and then take them back up to the head That is
how you stimulate energy. THAT GETS THE INDIVIDUAL STARTED AND
THEN TOUCHING THEM. Now, there is a triangle, like this (draws)
the breast here and the root Chakra there. There is a nerve in
the woman right at the top part of her genital organs. In the
man, it is right down at that Conception Point. That is his nerve,
or right on the end of his penis. This is a Triad Energy that
awakens the creative forces. For child birth, you are stimulating
this triangle too; the two breasts and the genital organs. YOU
touching the individual, touching their whole body before you
touch those centers, so they feel alive over their whole body.
You are doing this in love so their whole
body comes alive in energy. What you're actually doing is awakening
the individual, awakening all of these centers here, (points)
and giving them light in their heart, stomach and bladder. Everything
here is getting stimulated, getting light. So, sex is a very
healthy experience, the triangle is the stimulation.
At first, maybe you cannot hold the same
thought together, maybe you will have to hold your mind clear
together, or the thought could be 'I love you', and just say
'I Love you'. Do a Mantram of 'I Love You.' Mantram controls
this part of Mind, (points) so the Mind won't drift off on something
else. You want to direct it more to the other person. You want
to direct your physical body, your emotional body, your mental
body, and everything towards the other person. You are just giving
them everything.
You are giving your whole self to the other
person and then the self is all selves. The self is the self
and when you are with other individuals, you are all selves.
Its then all one, its just one. When you have realized that,
you have realized the energy. It is a great realization. You'll
have a lot of realizations, a lot about the other individual
and yourself. Anything that may be holding you up, will come
up and you'll be able to talk it over in a rational way, instead
of fighting and arguing, because this should be entered into
in love. Anytime you are having a sexual experience with another
individual, it should be entered into in total love, total love
for the other person because they are giving you something, they
are giving themselves to you, you see. The other person is loving
you because you are giving yourself to them. There should be
a beautiful, loving scene here and you two are coming together
in total love. See that happening. That is the Full Moon Ritual
The stimulation energy for the Chakras
is important coming down that spine and going up the front again
-- SEE HOW THEY GO INTO THE BODY. They aren't the same on the
spine as they are on bell here (points). WHEN YOU START LOOKING