You have your root Chakra right at the
base of the spine here (points). You have the spleen Chakra just
above the belt line. You have the will center just below the
shoulder blades. You have the heart Chakra right between the
shoulder blades, right below the neck up here (points). You have
the next Chakra right at the back of the neck, and then the others
are within the brain: The Pineal and Pituitary glands right in
the brain (points). That is where the energies are going in those
two. So you are actually working with this energy, raising it
up with the Breathing Techniques and the Act itself, you are
doing the same thing. You are bringing up these energies, down
the spine and up the front. It is important to practice that,
standing together, exchanging energy in each one of the Chakras.
This exchange should be done without words,
but with colors. That way it brings you into a balance with each
other. If you want to know whether you are holding the same color,
get a color, hold the color and look at the color. Use a color
wheel with the basic colors right in the center of the hue. That
is at the soul level, right at the center of the hue, so you
are holding the same color awareness. If one is holding the color
a little darker than the other, there may not be as much of a
merger. There will be a little conflict in merger because the
brighter light doesn't want to be dimmed out.
O.K., what we are going to do now for five
minutes is our Breath Exercise. What I want you to do is find
a comfortable position where you can sit. We are going to do
this first breath together which is bringing it down the spine
and up the front. I want you to close your eyes for this. When
you breathe in, it page # goes down the spine and then breathe
out, it goes up the front. So, just start breathing in that manner.
The exercise that we are doing now is to visualize that there
is a Spiritual Being sitting in front of you and this Spiritual
Being is neither male nor female, but just a Spiritual Being.
It is pure light and energy and what this Spiritual Being is,
is an aspect of God. He is giving you pure energy to balance
out these Chakras.
This energy when it goes back and forth,
when I say, 'release', I want you to feel wherever it has been
going back and forth to shoot up your spine, right up to the
Godself. Then I'll say "go to the spleen," and imagine
now the Orange and then when I say, "Release," you
feel it going into that Chakra, into the spine and shooting right
up the spine and up to the Godself.
Now, as you are doing this, you know, you
must have a purpose. My purpose was for Illumination, and I wanted
to realize a deeper awareness of God, and I wanted to realize
deeper consciousness. You should have a purpose why this energy
is going to the Godself. You should be thinking of a high purpose
in Consciousness. So just sit there for a moment and imagine
a beautiful Spiritual Being there, that is just love, pure love.
That Spirit Being loves you, loves you so much, wants to see
you elevated in consciousness. Your purpose can be for greater
talent, for greater spiritual awareness, to be merged with God,
more knowledge, more health, whatever you want to ask God for
in this way, you are using this energy.
Now, whenever you think of some kind of
force, there is a Spirit that comes, negative forces can come
if you think negatively, positive forces can come through positive
thinking. Just close your eyes now and just think of a high Spiritual
Being that you can see right in front of you, just sitting there
wanting to exchange with you. In the case of a man, it can be
a very beautiful Spiritual Being, or Woman, it doesn't matter.
It is the same Spiritual Being out there. Now you can start exchanging
Red Energy back and forth, from your root Chakra to their root
Chakra, just feel the energy, back and forth, stimulating your
root Chakra, going through the bell of the root Chakra, all the
way into the spine, all the way back out the bell and into the
Being, back and forth in a continuous movement. Feel while you
are doing this that your reproductive organs are being regenerated.
Feel like they are being stimulated, like they are being given
power and health and that health is spreading down your legs
and into all of your reproductive organs, your anus, all of that
area. Feel like all of that healing is going into that area as
you are exchanging. Now feel it going in and, "Release,"
feel it going right up the spine, shooting right up the spine.
Now, relax and go to the Spleen Chakra and feel like orange is
going back and forth between you and the other individual. Energy
is coming in and going out, it is just like a cleansing. Feel
this nice cleansing all the way to the spine, in and out of the
body, through the Chakra, in through the Chakra, through the
bell into the root of the Chakra and out into that Spiritual
Being and start concentrating. When you are breathing in, the
energy is coming into that Chakra and when you are breathing
out, the energy is going out and you can just know that this
is going on. You don't have to concentrate on it, you just concentrate
on the color to know that that energy, every time you are breathing,
is going in that manner. Feel emotional healing, like a pure
emotional healing is going on, like this Entity is giving you
pure emotion. You are merging at a divine level here, getting
an emotional healing. Perfect emotion, the emotion of love is
coming in at a very high. Oh, how wonderful to have love flowing
back and forth. Feel the Energy going in now, in through the
bell and into the spine and up the spine, up to the Godself.
Radiate it up, feel it going up, up, up, beautiful.
Now, concentrate on the navel Chakra. Feel
that energy flowing back and forth, back and forth between your
navel Chakra and the beautiful Being. This beautiful Angel out
there giving you this lovely energy, feel it! Oh, it's clearing
your thoughts, it's burning away all negative thoughts, all worries
are leaving your mind, all kinds of negative energy that you
ever had is now being neutralized. You feel you are having a
beautiful clearing and calming of your thinking mind. Every breath
in, takes it in; every breath out, sends it out. It is going
in and going out; the divine intercourse of mental awareness,
just an exchange of Pure Energy there. This Being doesn't have
any thoughts or feelings, just pure energy. It has a pureness
of emotions, a pureness of mind, so, you are seeing the very
O.K., feel it going in and out, now in,
into the spine, below the shoulder blades, feel it there. Now
up the spine, feel it going up, up to the Godself. Feel it going
up, send that energy up.
Now, at the Heart, feel the energies moving
in and out of the heart, clearing your knowledge, balancing your
knowledge, your soul. Feel your soul balancing. Then feel your
intuitional awareness coming on. Feel your ignorance being burnt
away. Feel your soul being balanced and whole. Feel love coming
into the soul, in on the in-breath and out on the out-Breath;
going back and forth. Feel that beautiful experience of energy.
Your knowledge is being balanced. You have perfect knowledge,
perfect soul energy, feel it going in, right there between the
shoulder blades. Feel the energy now, down the other side, now
up. Feel it shooting up the spine, up to the Godself. Feel that
energy shooting upwards, reaching all the way down The base of
the spine and all the way up, feel it going all the way up, reaching
down to right above the belt, all the way up right between the
shoulder blades. O.K., feel that energy now, flowing up.
Now, come back and feel the energy at the
throat. Feel a beautiful ray of energy flowing back and forth
in the throat area. It is clearing your ideas, giving you inner
peace, giving you a rhythm and vibration. Your creative powers
are being cleared, your hidden potentials are coming up to pure
consciousness. You feel that flow back and forth with this beautiful
Being. Feel the love that Being is sending through that creative
Chakra as you are breathing in and out. Feel the beauty and love;
sense beauty. This is the Chakra that senses beauty, so feel
your beauty, feel how beautiful you are as you are doing this.
Feel how it is increasing that beauty in you, (perfect face,
perfect body), you are beautiful. Perfect emotions, you are beautiful.
Perfect thinking, beautiful. Perfect soul, beautiful, perfect
creative powers, beautiful. Take it in right at the back of the
neck up to the Godself. Feel it going up. Feel it drawing energies
from the spine up through it, drawing up, going up, up, up, beautiful.
Now, at the brow, bring yourself to the
brow. Keep your head straight, straight at the brow. Feel that
energy. Exchange it back and forth there at the brow, clearing
your imagination, clearing your visualization, clearing insights
and perceptions. Feel forgiveness as the Indigo flows back and
forth at the brow. Feel forgiveness for everything that has ever
happened in the past, everything that you have ever made a mistake
for, everything, it is all forgiven. Feel yourself forgiving
everybody else, forgiving your inner and outer worlds. Feel a
unity of these two worlds coming together, your inner and outer
worlds as this energy goes back and forth, right in through the
brow, right behind the eyes about an inch back, right in the
center of your head. Feel it going right into the Pineal gland.
Feel that Energy going in there.
Now, feel it going in and up through the
top of your head. Feel it shooting up there, and as it is shooting
up there, it is drawing energy from the base of the spine all
the way up, right up through that Pituitary Gland, going right
up. Now, concentrate right in the crown, the top of your head.
Feel that energy coming into the top of your head, right into
that Pineal Gland, right there just back of the middle brain,
right in the center, a little in the back of the middle of the
brain. Feel that energy going in there, and feel like you are
storing up cosmic energy. With every breath that you breathe
in, you are building up cosmic energy. With every out-breath,
you are leaving old negative energies and mundane consciousness
behind, getting cosmic awareness. Feel that energy going in there.
Feel it going up and down, in and out, in that Chakra. Now, feel
it in there; feel it in the center of your head; feel it shooting
up, up to the Godself. Feel it shooting straight up through the
top of your head, beautiful. Now, feel a blanket of energy coming
around your whole body, just a nice warm beautiful blanket of
energy, pure white energy, engulfing your whole body and feel
your body relaxing. No thoughts, no feelings, just a nice healing,
purifying the whole body. Feel that purification, good. Now,
just relax yourself. (Harmonium Plays).
Now, close your eyes for a moment, thank
this beautiful Being. Say, "Oh, thank you for your service
to myself and all mankind, in the name of Jesus Christ and the
Ascended Masters of Light, in the name of God and I thank you
for the exchange, blessings," and let the energy go.
Now, what we are going to do is share what
we experienced in this exercise.
TAT: How did you do?