Church of Revelation and Astral Physics School Takes all Religions and Spiritual Teachings.
Study each principle and consciously then put each principle into action in your life
THE ASTRAL PHYSICS TEACHINGS PART 7 Astral Physics Doorway into Light Course description– 18 Pages
We Now Have The 9 Month Astral Physics Course On The Web For All Humanity.
You Can Take The Course Now by sending the following donation and information.
If you are going to take the Doorway into Light 9 month course you must let us know so we can put you on the list of students, put you on our special prayer list, send you a Rainbow Angel, activate your gaurdean Angel and send the Ascended Masters of Light all to assist you on the inner planes. If you do not let us know you will be at the mercy of the Dark Force and they will attack you and try to make you lost any light you gain. Essentially you will be alone. We are here to see you become the self-master of your life and for you to get all your God given Gifts, Powers and free will.
SEND your Donations for each lesson to:
Church of Revelation or Astral Physics School
P.O.Box 808
Oxford, New York 13830
If you have taken the 9 month 'Doorway into Light' Course from Tat in Hawaii then you can take it again for whatever Donation you want to Give from $1.00 to whatever you want to.
Special notice: Send at least $33.00 per month for those that are students (must show student card) or if you are a seniors, including those on Social Security, retires or the poor (making $12000.00 or less per year). Your can pay a one time payment of $275.00. Opening Chant, Astral Physics Handbook and the Rainbow Bridge Meditation free.
For all others: Send by the Month to $88.00 per Month
You can Pay every 3 Months $222.00
You can Pay for the whole 9 Month 'Doorway into Light' $700.00
Plus a Donation for: The Astral Physics Handbook which is on line. The Opening Chant and the Rainbow Bridge Meditation. $100.00
We will give you a receipt from your donations that are tax Deductible. We are a 503c nonprofit Organization. You could just take this teaching for us but that would bring you bad karma. We work hard on putting all the teachings of Astral Physics School and we believe that we are worthy of our labor just as you are. If you need a scholarship just ask us.
Please do the right thing in the name of God. Blessings of Light. You know what you can afford to change your life. You can just take this Course away of the web but that would bring you bad karma or results.
If you need a solar ship just let us know and we will work it out with you. We believe the teachings are more important than the teacher because the teachings will go on for time and for all humanity. We know God's Holy Spirit will guide you and we are sending a Rainbow Angel and the Ascended Masters of Light to help. We call on your Guardian Angel to help you and we are here for you. Our e-mail is mail to: Snail Mail Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D. or Church of Revelation P O Box 808 Oxford, New York 13830
Astral Physics School
9 month Course Doorway into Light
Each approximately a three hour lesson has four parts. They are as follows.
Part 1 The Opening Chant that attunes you to a universal field the all the Great religious, spiritual and mystic masters have known.
Part 2 The Board Meditations will bring you to know powers in your mind that all Great Spiritual Masters knew. Now they are yours.
Part 3 Each lesson is about 45 minutes to and an hour long. Each lesson is going to take you to changes in your life. You are becoming free from death, disease and suffering.
Part 4 The Rainbow Bridge Meditation. This is the preparation for Transcendence, Light Body Travel, excepting your spiritual Gifts and Powers, meeting the Ascended Masters of Light, getting your Spirit Guide and becoming God Conscious. Through repetition you go deeper within each time you go over the Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
You will go through 3 mental changes.
The First change that you will go from the outer consciousness to the inner consciousness in the first three months. Your personality is bound in all the programing of the past from parents, friends and the world at large. The ego does not want to let go of the world of appearances. Some will want to quit but those that go on will become self-mastered. This is in the two and one half to three months period.
The Second change in going from you lower mind caught in personality to your higher mind and true self within. You are the master of your life. This is the second challenge to your ego that is caught up in the mind that is caught up with material world and glamour, the emotions caught up is false beauty. You will be the master over the outer world because you are learning about your true nature and learning to be the real you. Some want to quit at the five and a half to six month period. The mind will not let you go so you can go where you want to go, be what you want to be or see what you want to see. You are breaking the hold of the little ego personality and becoming the Master of your life.
The Third change happens in the eight month. That is the final change that takes place and you become self-mastered, with self-respect, self-confidence and self-awareness. In the ninth month you win the battle over the lower and higher mind to transcend into your true self, in a mind of freedom and victory. You are the Master of the outer and inner worlds. You have learned to be a true Spiritual Master over all the God has given you. You’re free to be all you can be. You have gain great free will, an extended attention span, the ability to stay focus in your creative, soul, mental, emotional and physical actions and powers. Your have learned spiritual weapons to defeat darkness and spiritual tool to use to let those thing come that give will you, health, wealth and happiness and the abundance of all good things. These things have always been yours but wrong actions, emotion and a mind that takes control has kept them from you. Either you control you mind or the mind will control you.
Do not try to rush these lessons. They need time to take place. Remember that it took you going through a lot of stuff to get where you are now. You learned the most powerful power when you were in your mother’s womb. It started with a sperm and an egg and grows from that and keeps growing outside the womb till you were about eighteen to twenty one. Your brain takes that long to develop. One thing you have is me to help you.
In nine months you are to be reborn into a Universal Citizen: the full realization of human potential on Earth and a traveler throughout the Cosmos in your Light Body. You will meet Masters of Light and become God Conscious. We are entering the next age of the Golden Age of information on the World Wide Web, the Supernatural Life that very few humans experience and your Spiritual Life with Abilities, Talents, Gifts and Powers. The human race is advancing at an increasingly rate of growth. You can be ready for the change in this life and after you leave this world, to your unfoldment as a God Conscious Human. You will be ahead of your time and a head of the mass of human consciousness. I am a Spiritual Scientist and have learned to use extraordinary gifts and powers you can learn and use. I am a Spiritual Mystic Master and have been on the Spiritual Path since 1974. I have traveled to nine countries, taught tens of thousands of people in person, on the radio and television. I have books you can read on the web at, on Facebook where you can learn more about me on Tumblr at with 70 post and and with 23 posts and still growing. We found Astral Physics School in 1975 and the Church of Revelation in 1976.
Each lesson is to start with the Opening Chant. Second: you are to listen to the Broad Meditation and write it down and put it somewhere you can read it doing the week. Third: you should listen to the lesson and study it for a week. In this way you are building neural pathways in your brain by studying the lesson for a week. Forth: you should do the Rainbow Bridge Meditation. 44.10 long at the end of every lesson. This is the most important part of the Astral Physics Experience to the and through the Doorway into Light...
The Opening Chant should be done at thebeginning of every lesson. This is an important part for your attunement to the collective consciousness of the spiritual Light. It has the powers of all great Religions, Spiritual and Mystic Teachings. Every part of the 'Doorway into Light' Teachings has is different power. Do not just take it apart if you really want to change your life to be the Master of your life, The Wisdom, Truth and Love can and will work if you are honest to God and faithful to your teacher and guide. We worked long and hard to do this for you. Now it is up to you. Follow instructions and all will go well.
God Bless You, with great Love, Light, Life and Respect
Aka Master Tat - Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D.
This is the Astral Physics 'Doorway into Light' outline.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 1-1
The blazing fire turns to ashes. The fire of Knowledge turns
All Karma's into ashes. BLAVATSKY
APS 9Mo Doorway into Light 1-1
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 1-2
The Light of the body is the eye
If, therefore, thine eye be single,
The whole body shall be filled with Light. BIBLE
APS 9 Doorway into Light 1-2
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 1-3
Allowing the God-Self, the Ideal Being seed to grow inside of you is all that is important. Your business is to listen to the God-Self within yourself. That is why meditation is so important. You connect with your own being and create from that point. In the listening silence you can receive your inner direction. Expect you’re God-Self to guide you and He will. TAT
APS 9 Doorway into Light 1-3
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 1-4
To succeed in life we must be enthusiastic! Get excited about what you are doing. Perhaps, at first, you may have to pretend enthusiasm, tell yourself...'This is wonderful! I am bound to succeed!" Soon you will find that what started out as artificial is now real. Start acting enthusiastically and you will be enthusiastic!!! TAT
APS 9 Doorway into Light 1-4
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 2-1
Him the Eye does not see, nor can the tongue express, nor does the mind comprehend. Him we do not know, nor are we able to teach. He is different from the known and different is He from the unknown. BLAVATSKY
APS 9 Doorway into Light 2-1
APS 9MoTrain2-1 Home Work
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 2-2
Pure mind is God, the creative, and pure mind is absolutely pure. Oscillations of the mind are its impurities. Even meditation is an expression of impurity. It is like the expression of a wish for realization. All the same, it is a wish. When mind is absolutely pure, it is no more mind. It merges to be the Self. The delusion is ended, enlightenment has come. This realization is not the vision of something different, but is seeing everything differently! MUKTANANDA
APS 9 Doorway into Light 2-2
APS 9 Doorway into Light 2-2 Home Work
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 2-3
A true seeker is one who will come to their own liberation only when they have fulfilled their duties towards their own relationships and to their generation in which they are living. Unless one has practiced Universal Love sufficiently for long, one cannot expand oneself to contain the cause and essence of all the Universal, the Masters, or the Truth. TAT
APS 9 Doorway into Light 2-3
APS 9 Doorway into Light 2-3 Home Work
Ascended Masters of Light
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 2-4
If one ponders on objects of the senses there springs attraction; from attraction grows desire; desire flames to fierce passion; passion breeds recklessness; then memory.... all betrayal ... let’s noble purpose go and saps the mind, 'til purpose, mind and man are all undone. TAT
APS 9 Doorway into Light 2-4
APS 9 Doorway into Light 2-4 Home Work
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 3-1
I believe in the fundamental Truth of all the great religions of the world. I believe they are all God-given and was necessary for the people to whom the religions were revealed. How can I ever secretly harbor the thought that my neighbor's faith is not superior to mine and with that he should give up his faith and embrace mine? As a true friend, I can only hope and pray that they may live and grow perfect in their own faith. In God's house there are many mansions and they are all equally holy. TATTENAIANANDA
APS Doorway into Light 3-1
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 3-2
Realize that Knowledge by reverential submission, by earnest inquiry and by service to the teacher. The enlightened men who have seen the Truth will instruct thee in knowledge." Gita IV 341
APS Doorway into Light 3-2
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 3-3
Those who behold the presence of the Divinity at all times live in love, move in compassion, breath in service. It is such men that shine out conquering time and space, in the horizon of culture and civilization, religions and philosophy, spirituality and mysticism. In them are the process of evolution and the aspiration of the human intellect. But, we cannot dash into dominion of His nature Divine, reaching perfection is an evolution, not a revolution. TAT
APS Doorway into Light 3-3
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 3-4
How does man find happiness?
"Through right conduct."
What must be subdued to escape anguish?
"His mind."
When is man loved?
"When he is rid of his vanity."
Of all the world's wonders, which is most wondrous?
"That no man, although he constantly sees so many others die, believes that he will not die." TAT
APS Doorway into Light 3-4
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 4-1
On the Solar Logos (your Godself) of Him is True all that we have ever heard predicted of the Deity. that is good, the Love, Wisdom and Power, the patience and compassion, the Omnipotence, all this and much more IS true of the Solar Logos in whom in every truth, we live, move and have our being. TAT
APS Doorway into Light 4-1
APS Doorway into Light 4-1HomWk
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 4-2
However wise you may already be on this path, you have much to learn. So much so that there also must be discrimination, and you must think carefully what is worth learning. All knowledge is useful, and one day you will have all Knowledge. However, while you have only part, take care that it is the most useful part. God is Wisdom, as well as Love, and the more Wisdom you have the more you can manifest of GOD. Study then, study first that which will help you help others. Work patiently at your studies. However much you wish to help, if you are ignorant, you will do more harm than good. TAT
APS Doorway into Light 4-2
APS Doorway into Light 4-2 Home Work
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 4-3
Truth is my manifestation in man. At one time I thought God was Truth. I now know that Truth is God. Our God is one God whose name is Truth. The Creator is, devoid of fear and enmity, immortal, unborn, self-existent, great and bountiful. Hell and Heaven are in your own heart. Unless Heaven resides within you, the mere reading and reciting of sacred books profit nothing. You are perfect, whole and all. I venerate and praise your inner Perfection, which is Divine, which is Knowledge, See the perfect reality within. Buddha
APS Doorway into Light 4-3
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 4-4
You are perfect, whole and all. I venerate and praise your inner Perfection, which is Divine, which is Knowledge, See the perfection of reality within. Buddha
APS Doorway into Light 4-4
APS Doorway into Light 4-4 Home Work
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 5-1
"Whosoever comes to me, through whatsoever form, I reach them all. Men are struggling through paths which, in the end, lead to me." Gita
APS Doorway into Light 5-1
APS Doorway into Light 5-1 Home Work
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 5-2
“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light.
I and my Father are one.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within you”. Jesus
APS Doorway into Light 5-2
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 5-3
Seek the Truth behind the ever changing flux of things that constitute the universe of your experience. Seek one's identity in that Supreme Reality, and do not waste time in unprofitable truths of lesser knowledge, of worldly position, of ephemeral fame and passing joys. TAT
APS Doorway into Light 5-3
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 5-4
Say this before meditation for Abundant Supply:
I am free from fear and doubt
Casting want and misery out
Knowing now all good supply
Ever comes from realms on high
I am the Hand of God's own fortune
Flooding forth the Treasures of Light
Now receiving full abundance
To supply each need of Life! (Use rhythmic chanting) 3X TAT
APS Doorway into Light 5-4
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 6-1
Four qualifications there are for this path:
Six points of conduct, which are specially required, are given
By the Master as:
1. Self-control as to the mind
2. Cheerfulness
3. Self-control in action
4. One-pointedness
5. Tolerance
6. Confidence TAT
APS Doorway into Light 6-1
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 6-2
O God, refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in thy Hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be worryful and grieved. I will be a happy and joyful being. O God I will no longer be full of anxiety nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life. O God, thou art more friend tome then I am to myself. I dedicate myself to thee o God-Self within and without." BAHAI
APS Doorway into Light 6-2
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 6-3
O God, guide me, protect me, illuminate the lamp of my heart, make me a brilliant star, Thou art the Mighty and Powerful. BAHAI
APS Doorway into Light 6-3
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 6-4
"The Light of the Body is the Eye. Therefore, if thine Eye be single, the whole body shall be filled with Light." BIBLE
APS Doorway into Light 6-4
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 7-1
You have your eyes; you have your ears;
Look with your eyes on the things of Nature;
Hear with your ears what goes on in Nature;
The spiritual reveals itself in color and through tone, and as you see and hear, you cannot help feeling how it reveals itself in these. TAT
APS Doorway into Light 7-1
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 7-2
Today, through the power of inspired meditation, I will plunge into the Light of Aum, the Light of Universal Intelligence and the Light of Spirit. Remaining anchored in God, I will again turn my attention to this world and function as a conscious instrument of Divine Will. ROY E. DAVIS
APS Doorway into Light 7-2
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 7-3
Color, Light, Sound and Motion, attune you to the cosmic ocean, Frees you on the Sea of Destiny. Color is life force, Light is supply, Sound is form and Motion is action. Color your life, live in the Light, say what you desire, and take action towards Life. This is your supreme destiny. TATTENAIANANDA
APS Doorway into Light 7-3
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 7-4
Through the Master, Archangels and Elohims, comes to this planet, pure life, Pure Life is pure health. Let the pure Light shine, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually from God, through his messengers. We are One. TATTENAIANANDA
Note need type from upstairs APS Doorway into Light 7-4
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 8-1
Because the Father, the Source of Life is Perfect, and we have become one with the Father by applying the perfection of His Laws. You too can be perfected in that same Oneness, if you will but make the mark of perfection your goal. TAT
Note need type from upstairs APS Doorway into Light 8-1
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 8-2
The mighty Light shall be thy defense. Thou shalt make thy prayer unto Him, and He shall hear thee... Thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee, and the Light shall shine upon thy ways. BIBLE
Note need type from upstairs APS Doorway into Light 8-2
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 8-3
An Initiate does not put off his Spiritual Welfare. This day I resolve to awaken to the Master Consciousness and live as a Divine Being. I release selfishness and the sense of being apart from god. I accept the fact that god is, ever now manifesting as myself, and I desire only to do the will of the Supreme. Instead of identifying with mass mind, I resolve to be not confirmed to this world but established in Spirit. DAVIS
APS Doorway into Light 8-3
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 8-4
I am the Flame of Resurrection, Blazing God's pure Light through me. Now I am raising every atom.
From every shadow I am free! I am the Light of God's Full Presence. Now I am living ever free! Now the Flame of Life Eternal Raises up to Victory! TAT
APS Doorway into Light 8-4
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 9-1
This day I resolve to awaken to Cosmic Consciousness and live as a Divine Being. I release selfishness and a sense of being apart from God. I accept the fact that God is, even now, manifesting as me, and I desire to do only the will of the Supreme. Instead of identifying myself with mass mind, I resolve to be not confirmed to the world but established in Spirit. ROY E. DAVIS
APS Doorway into Light 9-1
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 9-2
God grant me the powers of the Holy Spirit that I may be the Fullness of God expressing. May I always be in your Presence. May the glory of your light fill my aura and bless all. Tat
APS Doorway into Light 9-2
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 9-3
This day, my beloved, thou did close the record on time, space and limitation on the mundane plane of existence thou hath at long last ended all in thy Soul-Self journey and completed the hazardous journey into the realm of spirit and Light. ROY E. DAVIS
APS Doorway into Light 9-3
APS Doorway into Light 9-3Touch of Light
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
Opening Chant
Board Meditation 9-4
Cosmic Consciousness is Divine Idea in action through Unconditional Eternal Love, Unconditional Eternal Truth and Unconditional Eternal Wisdom in their absolute state of being on the plane or dimension of expression at an individual conscious awareness and increases through merging of bodies of the relative planes or dimensions. TAT
APS Doorway into Light 9-4
APS Doorway into Light 9-4 Home Work
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
APS Doorway into Light 9 Graduation This is one week after the 9-4 Lessen with Graduation and a social affair with food.
APS Doorway into Light 9-4Meditation
Come as One, with an open mind, ready to receive and give, accepting all things, with duty to the teacher, working as a co-creator, expressing Love, Wisdom and Truth unconditioned, in the awareness of Here and Now and with a firm eye on the God-Self, you are the Eternal be Free. TAT
Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
You Can Take The Course Now by sending the following donation and information.
SEND your Donations for each lesson to:
Church of Revelation or Astral Physics School
P.O.Box 808
Oxford, New York 13830
If you have taken the 9 month 'Doorway into Light' Course from Tat in Hawaii then you can take it again for whatever Donation you want to Give from $1.00 to whatever you want to.
Special notice: Send at least $33.00 per month for those that are students (must show student card) or if you are a seniors, including those on Social Security, retires or the poor (making $12000.00 or less per year). Your can pay a one time payment of $275.00. Opening Chant, Astral Physics Handbook and the Rainbow Bridge Meditation free.
For all others: Send by the Month to $88.00 per Month
You can Pay every 3 Months $222.00
You can Pay for the whole 9 Month 'Doorway into Light' $700.00
Plus a Donation for: The Astral Physics Handbook which is on line. The Opening Chant and the Rainbow Bridge Meditation. $100.00
We will give you a receipt from your donations that are tax Deductible. We are a 503c nonprofit Organization. You could just take this teaching for us but that would bring you bad karma. We work hard on putting all the teachings of Astral Physics School and we believe that we are worthy of our labor just as you are. If you need a scholarship just ask us.
Please do the right thing in the name of God. Blessings of Light. You know what you can afford to change your life. You can just take this Course away of the web but that would bring you bad karma or results.
If you need a solar ship just let us know and we will work it out with you. We believe the teachings are more important than the teacher because the teachings will go on for time and for all humanity. We know God's Holy Spirit will guide you and we are sending a Rainbow Angel and the Ascended Masters of Light to help. We call on your Guardian Angel to help you and we are here for you. Our e-mail is mail to: Snail Mail Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D. or Church of Revelation P O Box 808 Oxford, New York 13830
Astral Physics School
9 month Course Doorway into Light
Each approximately a three hour lesson has four parts. They are as follows.
Part 1 The Opening Chant that attunes you to a universal field the all the Great religious, spiritual and mystic masters have known.
Part 2 The Board Meditations will bring you to know powers in your mind that all Great Spiritual Masters knew. Now they are yours.
Part 3 Each lesson is about 45 minutes to and an hour long. Each lesson is going to take you to changes in your life. You are becoming free from death, disease and suffering.
Part 4 The Rainbow Bridge Meditation. This is the preparation for Transcendence, Light Body Travel, excepting your spiritual Gifts and Powers, meeting the Ascended Masters of Light, getting your Spirit Guide and becoming God Conscious. Through repetitions you go deeper within each time you go over the Rainbow Bridge Meditation.
You will go through 3 mental changes.
The First change that you will go from the outer consciousness to the inner consciousness in the first three months. Your personality is bound in all the programing of the past from parents, friends and the world at large. The ego does not want to let go of the world of appearances. Some will want to quit but those that go on will become self-mastered. This is in the two and one half to three months period.
The second change in going from you lower mind caught in personality to your higher mind and true self within. You are the master of your life. This is the second challenge to your ego that is caught up in the mind that is caught up with material world and glamour, the emotions caught up is false beauty. You will be the master over the outer world because you are learning about your true nature and learning to be the real you. Some want to quit at the five and a half to six month period. The mind will not let you go so you can go where you want to go, be what you want to be or see what you want to see. You are breaking the hold of the little ego personality and becoming the Master of your life.
The third change happens in the eight month. That is the final change that takes place and you become self-mastered, with self-respect, self-confidence and self-awareness. In the ninth month you win the battle over the lower and higher mind to transcend into your true self, in a mind of freedom and victory. You are the Master of the outer and inner worlds. You have learned to be a true Spiritual Master over all the God has given you. You’re free to be all you can be. You have gain great free will, an extended attention span, the ability to stay focus in your creative, soul, mental, emotional and physical actions and powers. Your have learned spiritual weapons to defeat darkness and spiritual tool to use to let those thing come that give will you, health, wealth and happiness and the abundance of all good things. These things have always been yours but wrong actions, emotion and a mind that takes control has kept them from you. Either you control you mind or the mind will control you.
Do not try to rush these lessons. They need time to take place. Remember that it took you going through a lot of stuff to get where you are now. You learned the most powerful power when you were in your mother’s womb. It started with a sperm and an egg and grows from that and keeps growing outside the womb till you were about eighteen to twenty one. Your brain takes that long to develop. One thing you have is me to help you.
In nine months you are to be reborn into a Universal Citizen: the full realization of human potential on Earth and a traveler throughout the Cosmos in your Light Body. You will meet Masters of Light and become God Conscious. We are entering the next age of the Golden Age of information on the World Wide Web, the Supernatural Life that very few humans experience and your Spiritual Life with Abilities, Talents, Gifts and Powers. The human race is advancing at an increasingly rate of growth. You can be ready for the change in this life and after you leave this world, to your unfoldment as a God Conscious Human. You will be ahead of your time and a head of the mass of human consciousness. I am a Spiritual Scientist and have learned to use extraordinary gifts and powers you can learn and use. I am a Spiritual Mystic Master and have been on the Spiritual Path since 1974. I have traveled to nine countries, taught tens of thousands of people in person, on the radio and television. I have books you can read on the web at, on Facebook where you can learn more about me on Tumblr at with 70 post and and with 23 posts and still growing. We found Astral Physics School in 1975 and the Church of Revelation in 1976.
Each lesson is to start with the Opening Chant. Second: you are to listen to the Broad Meditation and write it down and put it somewhere you can read it doing the week. Third: you should listen to the lesson and study it for a week. In this way you are building neural pathways in your brain by studying the lesson for a week. Forth: you should do the Rainbow Bridge Meditation. 44.10 long at the end of every lesson. This is the most important part of the Astral Physics Experience to the and through the Doorway into Light...
The Opening Chant should be done at the beginning of every lesson. This is an important part for your attunement to the collective consciousness of the spiritual Light. It has the powers of all great Religions, Spiritual and Mystic Teachings. Every part of the 'Doorway into Light' Teachings has is different power. Do not just take it apart if you really want to change your life to be the Master of your life, The Wisdom, Truth and Love can and will work if you are honest to God and faithful to your teacher and guide. We worked long and hard to do this for you. Now it is up to you. Follow instructions and all will go well.
God Bless You, with great Love, Light, Life and Respect
Aka Master Tat - Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D.
We believe the teachings are more important than the teacher because the teachings will go on for time and for all humanity. We know God's Holy Spirit will guide you and we are sending a Rainbow Angel and the Ascended Masters of Light to help. We call on your Guardian Angel to help you and we are here for you. Our e-mail is
[Say the Prayer and insert your own special prayers for the day.]
Dear Mother - Father God, through the Christ's Holy and Precious Spirit, with the powers from all Masters, Saints and Holy Beings, through the power of all spiritual, mystic and religious lineages from the beginning of time to the present and by the power of the Great Angelic Host; we invoke the great and holy spirit, I am as I call to the Nameless One, the One-Without-a-Second, the one in whom we all live, move and have our being, to protect me, guide me and illumine my being.
We ask that you guide and protect the Students, Ministers and Teachers on the Spiritual Path to Self-Mastery and God Consciousness doing and after the Astral Physics 9 Month ' Doorway into Light' Course. Bring them Health, Wealth, Happiness, Blessings of Light and a good financial again so they can have the abundant life that is promised in the world scriptures for the rest of their lives.
I am that I am; I thank you God and I praise you God and I love you God as I live in the awareness that my prayer is already answered. I am in expectation of full and complete manifestation.
I am that I am. Amen and amen Om Tat Sat Om!
We have been praying for you since 1974 every day. Claim your blessings. Love Tat
If you feel this material is a spiritual blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayer for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world.
You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life.
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