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For the Spiritual Students, Teachers. Healers and Ministers of the future.

Astral Physics School training people for 'The Next Age'


Astral Physics Logo is Spiritual Triad - Higher Self Triad - Lower Ego Self Triad

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NEW ARRIVALS of Meditations and Astral Physics Teachings from the Beginning Years on Audio Tapes mp3. with Astral Physics Classes.

Rainbow Bridge Meditations

Yohey Vohey and other Meditations

God is Manifesting Meditation

Brow Lights Whriling about Body to Chakra Points Meditation

Radiating Light from Center of Head to the Body Meditation

Mandala to Meditate By Tat

Inner Dimensional Bells Meditation

Heart 52 beats Trance 40 beats ah Violet

Whirling Crystal Heart Meditation

Sun Crystal Meditation

Summer Retreat Meditation

Sons and Daughters Meditation

Simposium of Humanity Meditation

Refraction of the Crystal Meditation

Rainbow Bridge Meditation Red to White Light


Victory of the Soul Process

Touching Light Process

Rainbow Bridge for Mental Power Process

Process of Victory

Process for Light Trance States

Process for Blending Color and the Path to Enlightenment

Crystsl Flame Meditation Process

Clearing and Clensing the Body Process

Mysterious Meditation Process

Meditation on God is with you Process

Healing the Physical and going to Light process

Healing Meditation with Dynamic Tension process

Golden Mastery to Crystal Infinity Process

God Expressing as You Process

Echos of the Mind Meditation

Sun Crystal Meditation

Crystsl Flame Meditation

Whirling Crystal Heart Meditation

Rainbow Bridge for Mental Power Refractions of the Crystal Meditation

It sounds like a Mysterious Voice Singing with Tat Meditation


Astral Physics Teachings

Color Level Meanings

12 Levels of Consciousness pt1

24 Healing Rules

Crystal Healing and Jewels

Group Chanting Crystal Lgiht talk on Mind

Conscious and Subcnscious to Super-Conscious 21 minutes

Healing Rules pt1 37 minutes Healing Rules pt2 41 minutes Healing Rules pt3 42 minutes

For Teachers, Healers and Ministers Teachings

Class 1 56 minutes Class 2 29 minutes Class 3 56 minutes Class 4 33 minutes

Class 5 27 minutes Class 6 27 minutes Class 7 26 minutes Class 8 28 minutes

Class 9 28 minutes Class 10 28 minutes Class 11 28 minutes


First is given a discription of what is taught in the class and then the MINISTER, TEACHER AND HEALER Class title.

Given are the Different Rainbow Rays of Light and the eletromagnetic spectrum. Tat tell how the Light of the outer changes on the inner realms.

MASTER CLASS Different Ray Levels of Rainbow Healing

In this class Master Tat teaches how to invoke Asistance for different levels of Consciousnees, Masters and Light

MASTER CLASS Proceiving the Asistance from above

This class starts with chanting to Create the vortex and then Master Tat gives the information of creating Vortexes of Consciousness and Light

MASTER CLASS Channeling Light and Creating Vortexes

Taught the important of control the vortexes you create. Shared are the experiences of the students that created Vortexes. Attuning the Darshan in the Vortex.

MASTER CLASS Channeling Light and Vortex Control

A class on color, Light, Sound and Breath.Starts with some Bahai Prayers. you are taught of the Out Breath that contains the Color, Light, Sound and Motion

MASTER CLASS Color, Light, Sound and Breath

How color affect location and Tempeture effect the aura and how color and tempeture effects body or a location, like a home or city. Reaching the level of Love

MASTER CLASS Different Energy with different tempetures.

When you feel color it is an attunement. Overcoming power, sex and money and how you are control or are controleed by them. Helping other,

MASTER CLASS Feeling Color for 5hrs.

MASTER CLASS Getting Suport

MASTER CLASS high conscious Atomic and electronic structures

MASTER CLASS Merging with objectivity

MASTER CLASS one light you are light

MASTER CLASS overcoming pain don't do it again

MASTER CLASS Te bridge of consciousness Forgiving

MASTER CLASS the different kinds of magic

MASTER CLASS The mind back and forth

MASTER CLASS the mind never sleeps

MASTER CLASS time consciousness

MASTER CLASS Time cycle singing and talking at the same time

MASTER CLASS Time Timeless

MASTER CLASS walking in peace

MASTER CLASS you can do it


Reaching for your Spiritual Guide

Points covered in this Class 1. Rainbow Spectrum of 10 colors in the Rainbow. 2. The Electromagnetic Spectrum. 3. The Nadam the inner sound 4. Each color has a sound and Tat plays them on the Harmonium 5. Chakra colors up the spine. 6. God is everything. 7. There are senses on all dimensions. 8. the 5 senses and the elements. 9. Memories guide. 10. Habits Guide. 11. the Sub Conscious Mind. 12. The Intellectual Mind. 13. Experience and knowledge is a guide. 14. The first level of Spiritual Guidance is the Higher Mind. 15. Seeing and vision with the 3rd eye are Spiritual Guides. 16. Where you get Spiritual Guidance. 17. Universal Powers from the collective consciousness of humanity. 18. Spiritual Guidance comes from the Infinite Spirit. 19. God is the guidance in all things. 20 The ones that have done it are your guides.

This Class starts with chants chanting. Then the 20 points are given. Reaching your Spiritual Guide is Samadhi. Samadhi is achieved when the Anahat Nadem the unstuck sound, can be heard. Hatha Yoga is to hear this soundless sound, which is the OM, the dissolution of all sound and the music of the spheres.

To do this the student must first perfect the ability to listen. The fruit of Meditation practice is the ability to listen, to be receptive enough to perceive the subtlest sounds emanating from within each of us. Each person has their sound or inner Nadem. Sound is the essence of all energy. The first vibration, the Nadem, was unstuck, meaning that it occurred at the time when there were no things to strike against each other to make a sound.

In Samadhi you reach your Spiritual Guide. The Rainbow Bridge Meditation takes you to Samadhi. The Anahata Nadem is Om or Aum sounded ouer with the voice and inwards with the Mind while concerntrating on the Heart Chakra.

Master Tat uses subtle sounds and chants in the back round as he teaches you.


Classes By Rev. Cy Hedeman of Astral Physics School


Church Service Looking at your Consciousness

Symbles of the Christian cross

Loves Part 1

Love Part 2

The Mind is Light

The Path to Light

You can do anything

The Rainbow Bridge Meditation

Unconditioed Love Meditation

Unconditioed Love

I Am Light


Radio Interviews & Reading Auras over the Radio

Tat can read the Auras of the outer, inner and casual body of an individual any where in the world. A first in the world. Everyone else reads the outer Aura.

This is in 1975. the first times that the

Tat did the Rainbow Bridge Meditation

and it was given over the Radio in Honolulu Hawaii for the World

KNDI Radio # 1 The Crysta Fire Light Hour

KNDI Radio #2 Show Crystal Fire Light Hour

Radio Interviews on the 21 year Tour of the United States and the World

CJOR VANCOUVER BC with Peter Weinbach

KISW SEATTLE Michael Luciano

KISW Seattle




KOME 98-5 with Tex Swan



KGO talkradio S.F.

KKUP 91.5 FM with Eric Mystic


The Beginning of Astral Physics

Spiritual Dynamics Classes

Spiritual Dynamics Complete Course

Spiritual Dynamic Red Ray 1-1 55 minutes

Spiritual Dynamic Red Ray 1-2 45 minutes

Spiritual Dynamic Meditation 48 minutes

Gifts and Powers Course

Gifts and Powers Complete Course

Gifts andp Powers Meditation

Tat's E-Mail

EMAIL MasterTat@hotmail.com
Mailing Address:
Rev. Bishop Harrison Roy Hesketh D. D. or Church Of Revelation or APSCOR.COM
P.O. Box 808
Oxford, NY 13830
We welcome your Love Offering Donations. This is how we get our income for the Church of Revelation and Astral Physics School to do the Work of God and serve you with Daily Prayer. As well as along with your using the Church Of Revelation's Spiritual and Religious Services and using Astral Physics Teachings on this website, videos online and using our Products.
If you feel this material is a Spiritual Blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayers and finances for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world.
Expect a Miracle Today with Tat's Hair. By holding Tat's hair in your hand as a reminder that God has heard and has promised to answer your prayer and as a witness to others that you believe that God answers prayer in response to your request and the sacrifice of the Seed of Faith. NOTE: Tat's hair has the power of Tat's Crown and Center of Crown Chakras. Tat's Hair holds the Energy and Light of the Power of God and the Ascended Masters of Light who anointed Tat's head. The Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood did this with Transcendent Love, Life and Light of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit giving Tat the trice blessing of the Godhead. The Seven Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood did this in a circle of Light in Hawaii, in front of an alter in 1974. The anointing continues to this day and present time until Tat transcends to God in Light. The Blessing of Light will continue after Tat transcends to God in Light from the Light of the Holy Spirit of God to Tat's Hair until the end of time.
Send for Tat's hair it brings Blessings and answers the Prayere Send Love offering to P.O. Box 808 Oxford, NY 13830 or request Tat's hair at MasterTat@hotmail.com.

Note: Donations to this Website apscor.com or mastertat.com are tax deductible and a confirmation of receipt will be given upon request by mail or proof of deposit.

Donation Information

You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life.
EMAILĀ  MasterTat@hotmail.com
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Master Tat's Sons website. Smart Digital Television
Master Tat's and Aestherae's Daughter's website. My Daughter's web page from the past and my daughter home 2
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