Book Thirteen Light of Power and Protection 261. Make up your Mind never to stop calling on God and asking for open and direct communication and God will talk with you. Decide to persist until you succeed. Be determined with intensity and Mother Father God is bound to answer. Whenever One's Heart and Mind tend to avoid the Divine Light of God, they should realize that it is the proof of being controlled or disturbed by Evil Spirits. One day and night of talking to God without interruption with intense devotion will bring contact with God, but the sad Truth is only a few will do it! It takes Three to Five Years to Build a characteristic into your Character so it will be your Nature to do it. Being At One with God as a Child of God is your Power and Protection. 262. If you are not being answered it is because you make a little Prayer to God and then turn your attention to something else. Prayer without ceasing brings results. You make appointments everyday to dress, eat, cleanse your body and do this or that. How much time do you give to God? How much time do you give to God besides a passing thought, a moment of your time and a call when you are in trouble, then expect everything in return? Whenever One doubts or denounces the Divine Teachings or the Master that gives them, One should realize that it is a sign of the disturbance caused by Evil Spirits. By putting the Teacher down in your actions, emotions, thoughts or feelings you put the Teachings down in your own Conscious and Sub Conscious Mind. When you do your devotion mechanically, God knows if your words are sincere or not. Be sincere and you will get fast results! 263. The Truth we share with you is as a sword; it can cut you, cut others or cuts you free from untruth. Anyone that denounces the Church of Revelation, the Divine Teachings or the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path, in truth results in giving Evil Deities an opportunity to control them. Whenever One lowers Oneself the little ego manifests, it is the best chance for Evil Deities to come to Power in One's Life. One should be sincere and obedient to God above all else and practice the Divine Teachings of God. The Scriptures of the World are your measuring stick. It is noble to check the words of the Writer against the Sacred Scriptures of the World. Once you realize the Wisdom, Truth and Love make them a living part of your Life. 264. Always remember you have a Free Will Choice and God gives you the final authority for your Life. Keep it in your Mind that your Life is Ever Lasting Life. Evil Spirits can not get life from the Godhead, so they are always looking for ways to make or convince you of evil things that disturb you. When One is off guard, an opportunity is being created for suffering and destruction. Know that God is in you as you every minute and practice until it is your Nature to be God Conscious. This Practice or any continuous practice will take you from Three to Five Years of daily practice to accomplish the Character of this Teaching as your expression. Have a patient Mind and Heart and you will succeed. The only Ones that fail are the Ones that do not pick themselves up when they fall, dust themselves off and go again. Failure can only be in the Ones that do not persist until they succeed. You have the Power of success in you Now! 265. God will not answer halfhearted Prayers, Calls, Decrees, Mantras, Chants or a Mind that jumps around. Do not waste your time in seeking little things, always look at the Big Picture of Creation. Seek God first and you will get the Supreme Gift of God's Presence where everything is possible. In the Power of the Presence there is no limit to Time, Space or Circumstance. The Here and Now are the Ultimate Place and Position of Power, Protection and Creativity. God is the nearest of the nearest; the dearest of the dearest and more real than anyone or any thing else you can perceive. Do not go for the Gifts of God. They are Gifts! Go openly and directly to God and then the Gifts you need for your Life will come to you. Go deeper and deeper within than ever before! God is the unknowable and knowable within and all about you. God can give you open and direct Knowledge! 266. How can Humanity be saved when the Mass of Humanity makes light of the God given Revelations and is being swayed by and follows the ludicrous Human wisdom, truth and love? Being in open and direct contact with God means to be sincerely obedient to the Heart of God and to live in the Presence of God's Wisdom, Truth and Love. By proclaiming, and not staying silent in the Wisdom, Truth and Love, to others and by practicing Wisdom, Truth and Love towards all of God's Creation One lives in the Presence. Apathy and silence towards God have even turned the Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ethers against Humanity. God is giving Dominion to Humanity over the Earth, Sea and Sky and all that are in them. You might have wondered why the innocent are being sometimes sacrificed. When the innocent are actually sacrificed by Humanity, God will let the innocent be sacrificed. Alike Attracts Alike. 267. No one can awaken to the Esoteric Secrets of The Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path and the ability to attune One's Self to God Consciousness until they have a firm Faith. The kind of Faith that acquires sincere obedience to God and to One's Self. Do you think God is so weak that God needs others to speak to you? You get others to speak to God for you because you are weak in Faith in God. God can give the answer to you open and direct. God is Almighty God and needs no intermediaries to talk to the Child of God. 268. We must claim our lost Spiritual Heritage of open and direct contact with God. Human wisdom, truth and love can not lead anyone to the Spiritual Awakening of God's Divine Arrangement. This Great Organization of Plan and Planes of Consciousness can only be Mastered when One becomes sincerely obedient to God. Disobedience to God was the First Sin of Humanity. Be obedient to your Words, Thoughts, Feelings and Actions when they are the Wisdom, Truth and Love of God in your Life! 269. To travel along Life's Path with Joy, Harmony in Peace, Power and Protection, One must continuously purify the Spirit, Soul, Mind, Emotions and the Body. We must be pure in our contact with the Transitory World. One must be pure to reach the level of the opening of the Rainbow Eye, the opening of the Spiritual Eye and the opening of the Eye of God Consciousness. Without the Waves of Life, there would not be the Mastery of the Law of Expansion and Contraction and development of God Consciousness. It is not to be conscious of God, but to be God Conscious. To be Conscious as God is Conscious of all Creation. As you practice, you are being expanded in Consciousness in whatever you are practicing. 270. No one should get caught up in the waves of suffering or disaster, but take the opportunity for greater success to purify One's Life so One is not being swept away. Stand firmly and accept the Waves of Life, which result in One's expansion and contraction in Spiritual development on the Path. Human Beings are seeking happiness in the transitory things in Life, such as money, marriage, family, career, addictions, drugs and so forth. Such people are puppets of fate and not the Masters of their Destiny. Once the achievement of the Transitory World is being reached, mankind finds out that the true purpose in Life is to be with God. All the Transitory World of things will pass away. With the Power of your true Destiny you have the Spiritual Heritage as a Child of God, and you have the Gifts of God. With the Power of your true Destiny you have control of your Life! 271. The only matter of importance is the purification of your Soul and Spirit. The more unselfish One is, the more One gives Joy to others with One's Gifts from God and the more likely One will have God in One's Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body. The more One is being involved with the Transitory World the further away from God One is. Humanity is not being put on the Earth to grovel in the muck and mud of the senses and get caught up with suffering at every turn. Most of things on Earth grate on the Soul when One is not with God. When you see God in all things and have your Mind immersed in God, true Bliss and Ecstasy fill our Soul and Spirit. 272. God and Humanity are symbiotic in Nature; God needs Humanity to fulfill the Divine Arrangement and Humanity needs God for the completion of its evolution back to a Conscious Union with the Godhead. This is being called the Mystical Union with God. All the Parts make the Whole and the Whole is all of its Parts. The Divine Wisdom, Truth and Love of God are the purposes of all Great Religions, Spiritual Teachings and the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Practices given to Humanity. We are putting the Wisdom, Truth and Love forth in the writings of this Holy Book. Nothing is ever really being lost, it All Returns to the Source from whence it comes. Send Love out in the World and Love will return to You! 273. Wisdom,
Truthfulness and a Loving nature are the attitudes to reach and
maintain on the Path. They are the altitudes of consciousness
to attain the Oneness of God and Humanity by closing the gap
between the two, to bring Oneness. This is being accomplished
through the Spiritual Awakening and Mystical Union with God.
This is being accomplished by the Divine Wisdom, Truth, Love
and the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path. Sincerity of oneness
of action, deeds and words is merely the lowly level of the ego.
When One improves One's capability of Atonement with sincerity
towards the Wisdom, Truth and Love itself, then there develops
the true sincerity that brings Oneness in the Eyes of God. 275. Anyone can achieve sincerity. The One who renders sincerity to God's Wisdom, Truth and Love, is the Genuine Human Being. One must come to true service to God to be a Godman or Godwoman by practicing and living the Teachings given to them by God. Now is the time when One can be Blessed with Wealth, Health and Happiness and reach Harmony and Prosperity in the Abundance of the World. The Prosperity and Abundance happen when One must make an effort to be truly atoned in God and be a Genuine Human Being. Your Eternal Life is on the line. The Line is this very moment! Are you willing to give up your Life for transitory things that some day will be taken from you when you die to the Transitory World? Are you ready to receive the Power of the Presence of Eternity? 276. One must see ahead and not take nonessentials as so important. Most of Humanity is concentrating on breakfast, lunch and dinner, work, career, social activities, clothing, money, shelter and things of the Transitory World. Most of Humanity is concentrating on the things of last year and of the years before. Are they so important now or have you forgotten them? One is given a memory to learn from the Past and forget it. Make your Life simpler by putting your whole Mind on the Lord God. Your Life and the knowledge you have of providing Life's necessities, such as food, clothing and shelter are being given to you by God. The Genuine Child of God is the One who realizes that nothing is being created by Humanity unless it is God's Will. When God Guides, God Provides! 277. The World of Appearances is a place to prepare for the return to the Godhead and Eternal Life as God expressing. God wants to see if you love God more than the Gifts of God. God is the Mother Father, the One Parent of us all. We are God's Children. Some of our brothers and sisters are Masters, Saints and Holy Beings. Some of the Humans likes to play God over other Humans and Creation at large. Such Humans are not content with their share of the World's abundance because they want more of this or that than the rest of Humanity. What good will it do them in the grave? God has the right to our Love and we have the right to God's Love. Our problems and troubles come because we neglect God. God is always with us in the Presence of Light. Be Born again in the Spiritual Light of the Everlasting! 278. Each One has the freedom to accept or reject God. We are begging and begging for more money, a little more health, a little more happiness, a little more Love. How much time do you give to moaning about money, sickness and difficulties? Do you know that these things will someday pass away? What you pay attention to you Energize! How much time do you give to God? It is a wonderful Plan, the Divine Arrangement of God. An Arrangement that allows Humanity to live eternally by absorbing the Clear Crystal Fire Light of the Holy Breath of Life, while on Earth and then in Heaven. We can absorb God's Light with all our Being when we are being open and direct with God. Seize Immortality and the Home of God as your Dwelling Place! Claim your Spiritual Heritage and Victory in Life. That experience is what you really desire! 279. The
gap between God and Humanity is closing and we are being guided
into a New Millennium of the depth in the Spiritual World. Non
attachment to the transitory is most important, for even a small
attachment to the Material World can cause the loss of the Home
of God for you. Let the World flow by the Grace of God. The World
was here before you were born. When you are Ascended the World
will still be here. Speak to God constantly and God will speak
to you. God will speak to you as you do God's work and are giving
Service to God. When God guides, God provides! When you guide
or are being guided by someone else, you fall from Grace and
must labor for your needs. In Grace there is no work and in work
there is no Grace. How many are truly Happy and Love the work
and things they do? God fulfills your every need, but you must
work for your wants! 281. Your Creative well being, your ability to manifest the things you need in your Life, is at stake. When each One does One's Part in the Whole, the Whole will thrive. Stop and decide what it is that you do best, like best and how that can be shared with all your brothers and sisters in the World. By doing your best and sharing you will prosper! Go for the best of things in Life without stopping. Be persistent God is giving you a Free Will Choice, a God Power, for you to be a Co-Creator with God. You are the Rearranger of what God created in God's Divine Arrangement. In all of Creation there is nothing new. There is nothing new from the Beginning of Creation. You are here on Earth for re-creation and God's Good Pleasure! If you feel this material is a spiritual blessing to you, please respond appropriately with supportive prayer for God's work through God's channel Master Tat and its Astral Physics Teachings, the message to humanity for all times. And, if possible, provide ongoing financial support for the proclamation of this message to all of God's people and all the world. You are the a valued visitor, God Bless You and give you what you need in Life. EMAILĀ Astral Physic Home | Astral Physics Menu | Astral Physics Music | APS Links CONTENT: of this Website | | Facebook | Tumblr | Twitter | Feedback | Public Relations - Press Release - COR - A.P. Books Organization Biographical InformationHome Page | Products | Support | APS Links