The Church of Revelation
Astral Physics School is a Spiritual Mystic wisdom.truth
and love school and preforms as the educational support for the
Church of Revelation and other churches and schools in the spiritual,
religious, esoteric and mystical fields.
The Astral Physics School creed is:
Research and Education, All Knowledge for All People.
The Church of Revelation creed is:
One God, One Humanity, One Life.
The following is the level of Ministry for the Church of
TITLES: Description of Ministries
and Titles.
Godman or Godwoman. God Consciousness:
ALMIGHTY God is the minister to us all and is the head
of the Church of Revelation.
Spiritual Mystic Master. Pure Light:
God's Holy Spirit and the HOLY SPIRIT in all Masters,
Saints and Holy Beings from all the peoples of all times on the
earth. The Holy Spirit is the first out Breath of Creation.
Spiritual Master. Still Light: Christ,
All Masters, Saints and Holy Ones from all times that are with
God in Eternal Life.
Holy Man or Holy Woman. Crystal Ray:
Works with nations worldwide. This is the highest level
of Ministry while still on Earth in the Physical body.
Chief Priest or Chief Priestess.
White Ray: Sustains all Light Focuses and light center.
works with spiritual, religious, esoteric and mystical organizations.
Initiate peoples into the Spiritual States and Conscious of the
one life. Works with Spiritual Healing. Works with Ministers,
Priests and Spiritual Masters. From the church of revelation
and other organizations. ordains ministers and Installs Teachers.
Expedite extended work. Establish new Churches and schools Attunes
to Super Natural power of God through the Holy Spirit.
Channel Priest or Channel Priestess.
Gold Ray: Light Focus Operation. Is a Channel, Minister,
Teacher and Healer. Extended work as a priest counsel. Conducts
Church services-Heads prayer groups. As a Teacher, teaches all
Astral physics courses. As a Healer, directs the Touch of Light
Healing Channel for God.
High Minister Priest Or High Minister
Priestess. Rainbow Ray: Is qualified in all Rays of the
Priest or Priestess. Violet Ray:
Light Focus operator or light center operator. Minister, Teacher
and Healer. A Seer and gives Readings and Touch of Light. Does
extended work in the church or school. Works out of a permanent
Mystic Priest or Mystic Priestess.
Indigo Ray: The Mystic Order, a secret order of Adapts,
Masters and Master of Masters.
Creative Minister. Blue Ray: Creative
ministers of the church. Professional Singers, Songwriters, Writers,
Dancers, Clothes Designers, Jewelry Designers, musicians, Artists,
etc. that does the work or teaching in the creative field.
Minister Green Ray: Light
Center Operator. Therapists, Psychics and Herbologist. Magnetic,
Energy, Light and Holistic Healer. Doctors, Nurses and Health
professionals. Environmentalists, Naturalists, Survival Trainers.
Psychics counselors. Teaches meditation.
Minister Yellow
Ray: Works with Systems such as; Meditation, Martial Arts,
Mental Control, Astrology, Numerology, Personology, Palm Reading,
Crystal Gazing and Ancient Spiritual Systems. Works with Business
and Business Systems. Minister
Social Minister. Orange Ray:
Works with home Circle Groups, Children's Programs and Service
to the Aged. Volunteer work in Hospitals, Prisons, Nursing Homes
and Teens assistance. Works with Healing and Prayer Groups. In
charge of Spiritual Socials. Does social work. This level and
above preform Religious Services.
A Rose Ray Minister. Rose Ray: The
keeper of Love. Inner planes prayer work. Prayer for all Ministers,
Teachers and Healers of God and Prayer for Humanity daily. this
is the only obligations at at this level of the Ministry. All
Ministers of the Church of Revelation are Rose Ray.
There is a Diploma given for each Astral Physics Class Completion.
Mastership Certificate: Requirements:
completion of the classes in the full and complete Astral
Physics NINE MONTH Training. Approval of the Board of Directors
and / or the President. APS COR HQ USA. $100.00 fee plus the
cost of Classes.
Minister Certificate: Requirements:
Diplomas from the 9 month "Doorway into Light"
and the Mastership Classes. Approval of the Board of Directors
and / or the President. APS COR HQ USA $100.00 fee plus the cost
of Classes.
Teachers Certificate: Requirements:
A Mastership Certificate, Presenting the Astral Physics
Training for one year and approval by the Board of Directors
and / or the President. APS COR HQ. USA $1000.00 fee plus the
cost of Classes.
Healers Certificate: Requirements:
Diplomas from the 9 month "Doorway into Light"; the
Mastership Classes; Gifts and Powers; Astral Physics Spiritual
Dynamics; Channeling Classes; Aura and Learning to See Aura;
Touch of Light week long classes and Healing T.O.L. Plus a proven
healing by the applicant. Approval of the Board of Directors
and / or the President. APS COR HQ. USA $1000.00 fee plus the
cost of Classes.