The name of this organization shall be the Church of Revelation
/ Astral Physics School, whose principle HEADQUARTERS office
shall be in the State of Hawaii. address shall be: HCR1 Box 5709,
Keaau, HI 96749
SECTION 1. The purposes for which this corporation is formed
A. The specific and primary
purposes are to operate a church for religious purposes, to study,
investigate, research, teach, promote and apply the teachings
and healing techniques of Jesus , the Science of Spiritualism
, the Ascended and Ascending Masters of Light and all other religious
leaders from the beginning of time to the present, employing
the laws of God and all of the forces of Nature and the Universe
to heal the Soul, Mind, Emotions and Body of Humanity and enable
them to live a happier, healthier, more Abundant and Ascendant
B. To investigate, learn,
teach and apply the basic laws of God Nature, including the use
of all known beneficial elements of the Earth, the principles
of electricity as they affect the Human Body, and all life energies
and forces to heal the Soul, Mind, Emotions and Body of Humans
so that they may be better able to do the Will and Desire of
C. Through diligent and exhaustive
research, experimentation and application, to instruct in, demonstrate
and to apply the healing laws of life and the techniques used
by religious healers of the past to bring relief to the soul,
mind, emotions and body of humankind.
D. Through the knowledge of
God's Laws, as manifested in Nature and the Cosmos, to study,
present, teach, apply and harmonize the energies, forces of life
and the elements of the earth in combination with each other
so as to demonstrate effective healing methods for the alleviation
of ills and the removal of negative conditions of the Soul, Mind,
Emotions and Body of Humanity.
E. To teach Spiritual Mystics,
Ministers, Teachers, Missionaries, Evangelists, Channels and
Healers how to become one with the Divine Presence or Holy Spirit
as the creative power of all life on this planet and to require
that they offer themselves as conduit and channels of this energy
or force to assist Humanity in maintaining and being restored
to health.
F. To use the Human Spirit,
Human Soul, Human Mind and Human Emotions and the Human Body
as spiritual instruments to channel the Healing forces and power
of God in their endeavor to neutralize the destructive elements
of life and to assist the divine passage of cosmic energy to
flow uninterruptedly throughout the body.
G. To attempt to commune with
God and Nature, give inspirational and spiritual communications,
and to request and to receive Divine Revelation as to all of
the energies and elements which are required to maintain perfect
health in the bodies of all humans, including to warn, exhort
and comfort members, individuals and our fellow human beings
for their spiritual and temporal good.
H. Through the employment
of religious , cosmic, spiritual, mystic, psychic, etheric and
/ or natural energies individually, or in conjunction one with
the others, to receive revelation, intuitive promptings, inspirational
guidance, messages and knowledge and to offer such wisdom, truth,
love, knowledge, teachings and instructions to all persons whose
conditions of spiritual, soulful, mental, emotional or physical
stress, inharmony or imbalances requires corrective assistance.
I. When desirable or necessary
to do so in furtherance of the objectives of this church, to
research, study and teach ancient wisdom, alchemy, Spirituality,
Parapsychology, Philosophy, Mind Sciences, Astrology, Ancient
History, Psychometry, Numerology, Tarot, and all other forms
of Spiritual, Mental and Physical therapy, Esoteric Sciences,
Clairvoyance, Spirit Mediumship, Clairaudience, Aura Reading,
forms of Etheric and Psychic surgery and any and all other forms
of emotional, mental, soulful, spiritual or physical healing
of Soul, Mind, Emotions and Body of Humanity including, but not
limited to the Gifts and Powers referred to in the Holy Bible
and all other World Scriptures.
J. To explore in depth and
encourage research into Ascension, Reincarnation, Soul Survival,
Spirit Communication, Psychic Phenomena, Spirit Return, Apports,
Levitation, Parapsychology and all other related subjects which
have been the subject of investigation by any previous Religious
Craft, Church, Sect, Arcane or Mystery School or Mystic or Spiritual
K. To include the practice
of divine healing, spiritual contact, laying on of hands, herbology
and all known forms of spiritual, soulful, mental, emotional
and physical hearings in all of their practical modes and phases
and to authorize and require our Ministers,Teachers, Healers,
Counselor, Channels and members to include all forms of treatment
covered in these articles in their ministering, counseling and
teaching this to their fellow humans.
L. All Ministers, Healers
and teachers of this church shall be allowed to accept gifts,
donations, gratuities, services, barters, or to charge such fees
for their services as in their discretion the circumstances warrant.
In the event that the fees charged are found by the President
and / or the Board of Directors to be excessive under the circumstances
the licensee shall be subject to censure, probation or loss of
his or her privileges by majority vote of the Board of Directors.
M. To study the mineral and
metal elements found in nature which are essential to the maintenance
of life in the human body at its optimum efficiency as ordained
by God and to use this information for the healing of the human
body so that it may become a fit instrument through which the
Spirit, the Will and Desire of God can best be expressed. To
become acquainted with the Electro-Magnetic influences in the
Light, Energy, Atomic, Electronic and Etheric Atmospheres, Water,
Air, Fire and Earth and to study the effect of these upon plant,
mineral, animal, fowl, fish, insect, soul and human life, correlating
these with the Supreme Laws of God as set forth in the Holy Bible,
all World Scriptures, Mystery Training and all other Ancient
Religious Rites and to use this information for the benefit of
N. To employ prayer and to
seek guidance in the intelligent use of the human body as a channel
for the flow of divine healing energies resident in Nature and
as emanating from a Cosmic Source to relieve the ailments of
O. To follow the healing methods
set forth in the Holy Bible, World Scriptures and to apply Electrochemical,
Ionic and Psycho-Genergetic Forces, as demonstrated by by Moses
and all other Religious Leaders, in all ages, as providing humans
with the means whereby they may enjoy a life more abundant as
promised in the teachings of Jesus and all other Ascended and
Ascending Masters.
P. To teach the use of and
to employ chemicals, herbs, divining rods, minerals and all other
helpful instruments or scientific devices together with prayer
as religious rites in transmitting divine energies through the
human body to all forms of the planet, vegetable, mineral, animal
and human, soul and spirit kingdoms which require divine intervention
to aid in expressing their inherent perfection and in so doing
to apply Holy Forces and Power by Prayer, Ritual, Ceremony, Physical
Contact, the Spoken Word, or other Religious Practices.
Q. To use biomechanical transducers
or other means of transmission of Energy and Electro-Magnetic
Forces as part of the religious requirements of this church,
when deemed necessary for the alleviation of pain or restoration
of health of the Soul, Mind, Emotions and Body of Humanity in
conjunction with Prayer or other forms of Religious Practices
prescribed by this church.
R. To study, teach and employ
all forms of Divine Science as they are received inspirationally
or through research and experimentation, testing the same through
religious meditation and studies, and if found beneficial to
Humanity, to use the same wherever deemed necessary.
S. The Board of Directors
and / or the President shall have the power to ordain ministers,
appoint licentiates, practitioners, teachers and healers as specifically
provided in the By-Laws and to certify said persons upon their
compliance with the rules, training and regulations established
by the President and / or Board of Directors for such qualifications
or the satisfactory passing of such examinations as shall be
T. All holy ordained ministers,
of the orange ray and above, of this church shall have authority
to perform Marriages, give Sacraments, perform Baptisms, give
the Last Rites of the Church, to conduct Healing Services and
to give Funeral Services and perform all other acts which are
consistent with their level of Ministry and with the duties of
their offices and which are permitted by the laws of the State
of Hawaii and / or other states in the U.S.A. , providence of
Canada and Parishes of Bermuda. Ministers outside of these countries
must get permission from the Church of Revelation International
Headquarters and the country in which he or she resides. The
ordination of ministers, the granting of healing pacers or the
issuance of other certificates and the appointment of assistants
shall be conferred or performed only by the President in the
manner set forth in the By-Laws; upon such persons who qualify
thereunder for ordination or other qualifying positions as set
forth in Section III (S) below.
U. That this non-profit corporation
shall have the right to establish, organize and maintain branch
church, schools, meeting centers, and associate centers, including
home group circles, classes and all phases of extension work
locations as may be determined by the Board of directors and
/ or the President from time to time, subject to compliance with
these requirements as set forth in the By-Laws of said international
V. As a requisite to their
right to maintain their teachings, ministerial or healing licenses
in this church, each person so qualified, shall be required to
answer the call of any person requiring healing and in so doing
shall employ all of the teachings, prayers, meditations, methods,
practices and remedies established by this church as having proven
effective in the alleviation of pain or the healing of soulful,
mental, emotional, or physical illnesses. Failure to employ such
methods, when the same are deemed essential shall subject the
licensee to the loss of his status or privileges.
W. The general purposes and
powers are to have the exercise of all rights and powers conferred
on non-profit corporations under the laws of Hawaii, other states
of the U.S.A., and other countries, including the power to contract,
rent, buy or sell personal or real property provided, however,
that this corporation shall not, accept to an insubstantial degree,
engage in any Activities ties or exercise any powers that are
not in furtherance of the primary purposes of this corporation.
X. No substantial part of
the activities of this corporation shall consist of carrying
on propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation
and the corporation shall not participate or intervene in any
political campaign, (including the publishing or distribution
of statements), on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Y. The further purpose is
to initiate humans into the higher states of consciousness, soul
and spiritual lives. To bring forth the awareness of consciences
and oneness of god, humanity and life. To initiate humans into
spiritual, light and energy realms. To bring forth Divine Cosmic
personality and Spiritual Mystic consciousness. To initiate humans
intoTranscendental Life.
Z. To perform Traditional,
Soul and Spiritual Marriages.
SECTION 2. This organization
does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit to the members
person shall be eligible for membership in this corporation who
is willing to subscribe to the constitution and by-laws of this
corporate church.
SECTION 2. There shall be
no more than fifty persons who are charter members of the corporation.
SECTION 3. Fifty-one percent
(51%) shall constitute a quorum. At all meetings of the corporation,
a vote of the majority of the members present will be necessary
to pass any motion.
SECTION 4. Voting may be by
secret ballot or acclamation. Majority vote will prevail at any
duly held and constituted meeting.
SECTION 1. The officers shall
consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and / or Treasurer
for Headquarter and all extended locations. There shall be two
mandatory meetings annually, one in June for the correlation
of business and the second in January for the election of Officers.
The time and place of these meetings shall be determined by the
Board of Directors and / or the President.
SECTION 2. The Board of Directors
shall consist of not less than three Members. The decision of
the Board of Directors in all corporation matters shall be final,
with the right of veto by the President. A majority of the Board
of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
SECTION 3. The Board of Directors
shall meet once a month on the last Sunday of each month. Special
meetings shall be held as directed by the President.
SECTION 4. In the event of
the death or resignation of an officer, a special election will
be held by the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy until the
next regular election.
SECTION 5. A special meeting,
by notice to the Board of Directors and Charter membership, will
be held within fourteen days of the vacancy for the purpose of
nomination of a new officer and / or officers. Election of a
new officer will be held within thirty (30) days of the date
of vacancy.
SECTION 6. The election shall
be by special and secret ballot. In case of a tie, there shall
be a run-off election.
SECTION 7. The term of office
of a Board member shall be three (3) years with the exception
of the President founder who by virtue of the office is a Board
member for life.
SECTION 8. A member in good
standing entitled to vote may vote by proxy executed in writing
by the member or by a duly authorized attorney in fact.
President shall preside over all meetings, regular and special,
and will uphold the by-laws and rules of order of the corporation.
It shall be the responsibility of the President to conduct all
matters of business which pertains to the church. It shall also
be the responsibility of this office to select the teachers in
the church, by agreement of the members of the Board of Directors.
The President is empowered to call special meetings of the Board
of Directors when business so deems it. The President shall have
general supervision of the officers and business of the society.
The President shall appoint whatever committees that are necessary
for the conduct of the corporation and advancement of its purposes.
The President shall at all times function as the titular head
of this corporate church. The President shall appoint the Vice-President
or any of the officers to perform the duties of the President
in the President's absence. It shall be the duty of the President
to appoint officers of the church as follows: Vice-President,
Treasurer, Secretary, and / or any other officers necessary to
serve for three year periods, commencing January 1ST of each
year. One or more of the officers mentioned to be appointed by
the President, may be held singularly or jointly by one person,
appointed according to the will of the President. The President
founder shall remain in office until death, resignation or removal,
by vote of all the members of the headquarters board of directors
and all charter members, on the grounds of incompetency. The
international president is on all boards and has final say so
in all operations of the church and school.
The Vice-President shall assume the responsibility of the President
in his or her absence, by directive of the President. the vice
president is the head of all committees and can delegate this
authority to other ministers of the church.
Secretary shall record all meetings of the Board of Directors
and maintain all files necessary for the operation of the corporation,
attend to the correspondence, sign all papers under the direction
of the Church, shall keep a correct roll of membership, a correct
account of all monies received by the church and to turn same
monies over to the Treasurer, obtaining the receipt for same
monies. to perform other duties as the President may direct,
keeping the president informed in advance of all transacts of
the secretary except for general business. A general business
report will be supplied to the president no later that the 10th
of the month for the previous months business. All local secretaries
will send a duplicate of the minutes of all meetings and the
general report of business once per month to the international
Treasurer is responsible for all monetary matters which include
accounts payable and receivable and shall maintain all books
as deemed necessary by the country, State and Federal agencies
in which the operation of church business is being conducted.
The Treasurer shall perform all duties incidental to the office
of Treasurer, subject to the control of the President. All local
Treasurers will send a duplicate of the minutes of all finance
meetings and the general report of financial business conducted
for the church, once per month to the international President.
At the expiration of the term of office or leaving office by
resignation or otherwise, the Treasurer shall furnish a statement
of all disbursements and turn over all moneys, property and effects
of the Church entrusted to his or her keeping to the successor
or to the Board of Directors or President.
SECTION 5. All officers are
to go beyond their individual conscious ego personalities and
keep in mind the Oneness of the whole in performing their duties
and carrying out the business of said corporation.
SECTION 6. No officer shall
act as an individual agent for the Board of directors, without
the vote of two thirds majority rule.
ARTICLE VI - Amendments
SECTION 1. These by-laws may
be amended, added to or annulled, in whole or in part, at any
meeting of the corporation by two-thirds vote of the members
present at the meeting. the International President has final
authority by veto in all such matters.
SECTION 2. This corporation
shall also adopt as Rules of Order, the Robert's Rules of Order
Revised, Seventy-fifth Anniversary Edition, unless specifically
set down in some other article of these by-laws.
The Directors shall have full administrative jurisdiction of
the Church of Revelation and its decisions shall stand as judgment
in all affairs and business of the Church. It shall be the duty
of the Board Of Directors:
(a) To audit the books of
the Secretary and Treasurer annually.
(b) To adopt and alter a common
seal of the corporation.
(c) To make and change regulations
not inconsistent with these by-laws, for the management of corporation's
business and affairs.
(d) To pay for any property
purchased by the corporation, either fully or partly in money,
bonds, debentures or other securities of the corporation.
(e) To borrow money and to
make and issue notes, bonds and other negotiable and transferable
instruments, mortgages, deeds of trust, trust agreements and
to do every act and thing necessary to effectuate the same.
(f) To designate from time
to time, the time and place of its meeting or to authorize the
President to do so. To appoint such committee or committees on
any subject within the powers of the corporation's Articles of
Incorporation and to divine the power and duties of such committees.
(g) To select and designate
such bank or trust company as they may agree advisable, as official
depository of the funds of the corporation and to prescribe and
order the manner in which such deposits shall be made and / or
(h) The Directors shall elect
the President of this corporate Church whenever a vacancy exists
in that office. The President shall serve as such until death,
resignation, or removal for incompetency. Removal on the grounds
of incompetency will require the unanimous vote of the directors
and charter members. (exclusive of the President).
Section 1. MINISTRY Requirements
for application of Licentiate:
(a) Must be a lay member for
a minimum of one (1) year.
(b) Must study Religion and
Philosophy for at least one (1) year or Astral Physics nine month
course completion and complete the requirements as instructed
by the international Headquarters.
(c) Under unusual circumstances,
these requirements may be waived by the President and / or Board
of Directors.
(d) Licentiate (student minister,
not ordained) shall be certified to administer and perform Divine
healing, give counsel, inspirational and spiritual messages and
instruction and teach the Christian Gospel and other World ReligiousTeachings
to members and individuals, also administer the duties in the
Churches or prayer rooms, with Ministers and Teachers and / or
Healers or in their absence for them. Licentiates are not authorized
to solemnize marriages, but after due study and preparation and
undergoing the necessary examination, may apply for Ordination
Credential as Minister.
(a) Must be a lay member for
a minimum of one (1) year.
(b) Must study Religion and
Philosophy for at least one (1) year or Astral Physics nine month
course completion, week long and week end touch of light training
course completion and completion of any other requirements as
instructed by National Headquarters.
(c) Are required to adhere
strictly to text book procedure and local requirements.
(d) Under unusual circumstances,
these requirements may be waived by the President and / or the
Board of Directors.
(e) Healers and / or Practitioners
shall be commissioned with a Certificate of Healing, which authorizes
Healer and / or Practitioners to administer and perform Divine
Healing and / or Spiritual Healing in all its modes and phases.
Ordination of Ministers:
(a) Members may be eligible
for Ordination in this Church after having fulfilled the following
1. Must hold Licentiate or
Healer credentials in this Church for a minimum of one (1) year,
and undergo an examination as to the moral, intellectual and
educational fitness for the ministry. The examining committee
to be appointed by the President. 2. Must
work with or under the direction of an Ordained Minister of this
Church for a minimum of one (1) year.
(b) Under, unusual circumstances,
these requirements may be waived by the President and / or the
Board of Directors.
(c) Ordained Ministers shall
be authorized to perform all the duties that may devolve upon
them as such. Teaching the Tenets and Objects of this Church,
giving counsel and spiritual assistance and help, to prophesy,
to warm, exhort, and comfort members, individuals and our fellow
human beings for their Spiritual and temporal good. Orange Ray
Ministers and above can perform the Marriage Ceremony, Service
of Naming Children, Baptism, Burial Service and any other service
preformed by any Religious, Spiritual or mystic organization
or order. perform and administer Spiritual and / or Divine Healing
in all its modes and phases.
(a) Decorum. Speaking in meeting
or from the rostrum, disparagingly of or against any organization,
Church or Society which has for its creed, religion or principle,
or tenets, the teaching of Wisdom, Truth, Love, Fatherhood or
Motherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Mankind and peoples,
shall not be allowed and proper decorum shall be enforced.
(b) Conduct. Any charges of
"conduct unbecoming a Minister" by another Minister
or member shall be submitted to the President in writing and
a copy of all paper work is to be sent to the International Headquarters.
A copy of such changes and a copy of all other paper work shall
be supplied to the accused upon request. An investigation will
be conducted by the President and / or an appointed committee
and all the facts developed will be submitted to the Board of
Directors for appropriate action. The President may also institute
an investigation and submit it to the Board of Directors. Local
boards decisions can be brought to the international broad for
investigation, appeal and final dispensation. the international
president can pardon any accused by virtue of the office.
(c) Termination. The President
and / or the Board of Directors may issue reprimands to individual
Ministers whose conduce, reflects upon the Church of Revelation
in a derogatory manner. The board of Directors, by Affirmative
vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Board, may suspend
or expel a Minister for cause after an appropriate hearing. A
letter of reprimand may be considered an appropriate hearing.
All reprimands will be in writing and a copy will be sent to
the International Headquarters. Any Minister who fails to file
annual Minister' s renewal for two (2) consecutive years may
be dismissed from the Church of Revelation. After these two years
the individual must re-apply for admission as a new Minister.
Any Minister who accepts Ministerial Credentials and / or Charters
in any Church or Religious Organization other than the Church
of Revelation must notify the International Headquarters for
approval. If this is not done the Minister shall be considered
to have resigned and surrendered their membership in the Church
of Revelation and shall return all credentials.
There shall be no set admission or initiation fee levied
or charged any applicant or member for membership in the Church
of Revelation, except that on January 1st annually, member holding
Certificates of Ordination, Licentiate and / or Healer Commission,
and / or teaching and / or Auxiliary Church Charter, shall pay
an annual renewal fee as determined by the Board of Directors
yearly. there shall be issued an annual Minister's Membership
Card for one year ending December 31st, as evidence of status
and good standing as a Minister. Ministers not paying the renewal
fee within three (3) months after January 1st or by March 31st
shall become delinquent, and surrender of Certificate of Ordination,
and / or other credentials held, to Church Officers, for cancellation
if required. a member shall be dropped from good standing as
a Minister by action of the Board of Directors. Delinquent Members
shall only be re-instated to good standing upon application to
the Board of Directors, who shall name amount of back dues or
fees payable, if by their actions delinquentMinister is permitted
to be re-instated to good standing.
Section 4. VOTING.
Each Minister shall be entitled to one (1) vote on each
matter submitted to a vote. this pertains to the Minister who
is ingood standing.
Section 1. The Ordination
Certificate, Licentiate, Healers Certificate and / or teachers
certificate fee shall be a contribution consistent with the wishes
of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. The Auxiliary Church
Charter fee shall be a contribution in the amount named at the
time of application consistent with the wishes of the Board of
Section 3. All Ordination
Certificates, Credentials and Auxiliary Church Charters issued
shall be under the direct jurisdiction of the Board of Directors,
who are to authorize and ratify the action of issuance of credentials
and approve applications in Board meetings.
Section 4. All Ordinations
and Commissions and granting of Auxiliary Church Charter