Group Dynamics
Within the Group is the Group Dynamics, each individual
has a part in Creation that no one else can fulfill. Following
are the different ways that the Individual contributes to the
whole of God's Creation and expresses in the Family of God.
To some are given World Service on the
Physical Plane. This is the level of the Root Chakra and
is esoterically the Sacral Center. Initiates on this level must
fight their way to the Heart. This is the way, to guard Humanity
and give Healing; To cooperate with Nature, restore communication
with it and reveal its secrets; To stimulate new birth with Sex
Magic of the highest plane of Ritual; To learn the Power of the
Seventh Ray and right relationship. To do this all with wise
compassion to gain Luminosity.
To some are given World Service on the
Astral Plane. This is the Level of the Spleen Chakra and
is esoterically the Solar Plexus Center. The Initiates at this
level must perform Alchemy to reach the the Child of God on the
Seventh Level. This is the way, of Magnetic Power and Baptism
in the Light; To teach others the Power of Devotion to overcome
emotional entanglement with Material things; To demonstrate dedication
as the Power to control desire and to obtain the Dreams of Creation;
To bring Joy and Bliss to their fellow Humans; To free energy
wherever it is bound; To help all Humans from being side tracked,
being bewildered or deceived and keep then all from drifting
away by being drawn by electric energies; To learn the Power
of the Sixth Ray to gain Electric velocity. Do all this with
Rhythm and a true response to warmth.
To some are given World Service on the Mental Plane. This
is the Level of the Navel Chakra and is esoterically the Ajna
Center. This is the way of Spiritual and Concrete Science. To
use the Power of Transfiguration to gain Integration. The fragmented
energy of thoughts and thinking is revealed by the Mental Initiate
to all other Humans, because it hinders the true Light that shines
within. The greater aspects of the Mind are order and type that
is demonstrated in the electrical field of Mind by those that
walk this Path. Most of the thoughts and thinking in the Lower
Mind is bound in the Illusion and transitory things.
On this Level the Individual is learning networking that
still has an element of separation in it. The true work of Merging
takes place at the Heart Center. The Fires of the Mind, of the
Friction, Solar and Spiritual Realms are over come so those of
the Service can walk through the Doorway into Light. Cosmic Vision,
the Spirit's Voice and correlation of Psychic Power must be found
to be the Light of the World for all Humanity. The greater Science
will give direction to gain the Etheric Sight and Clairvoyance
needed to do the work of the Fifth Ray. Do all this with Transformation,
Mental Perception and Integration to reach the synthesis of the
Cosmic Light.
To some are given World Service on the
Plane of Knowledge. This is the Level of the Heart Chakra
and is esoterically the Heart Center. This is the way of persistent,
conscious spiritual awareness. To use the Powers of Sacrifice
and Harmony to obtain Cosmic Rapture and the Rhythm of Bliss.
The renouncing of the integrated personality, being the Initiate
to the Consciousness as a Soul, this opens all Psychic Powers.
Intuition gives sway over the thinking desires and action and
is used as the first counsel to the Conscious Awareness of the
To reject the Physical Life bound by the dense Physical
Body, the Etheric, the Emotions and the Lower Mind. To stand
in the Middle Way so as to realize that the Male and Female Polarities
are thieves to the Soul. To know the thief on the right ask always
for action and proof, stealing Faith from the Soul. The thief
on the left realizes its demise and is saved by the Middle Way.
This is the two thirds power of the Mystic. Harmony through conflict
to merge into the One. This is the Level of the Fourth Ray. The
Initiate in an Adept on the Plane of the Soul. Do all this with
Purpose, Wisdom and Renunciation.
To some are given World Service on the
Spirit Plane. This is the Level of the Throat Chakra and
is esoterically the Base of the Spine. This is the way of Ray
Path of Emergence and a sense of Cosmic Direction; To use the
Power of Higher Evolution and Creative principle; To express
the Will of God and Creative Plan for all Creation; To bring
forth Divine Purpose; To walk ever in the Light; To cover and
master the ordinary Field of Evolution for Humanity;
To master the first Three Planes of Human experience and
the Two levels of Super Human effort and consolidate the Five
into One plane of Spiritual activity. At this level is the consciousness
of the Spiritual Will and a Plane of Inner Peace and Inner Strength.
The Initiate uses the Law of Cycles, that are associated with
the various Color Ray structures, to know the Future by repetition
of the Past Color Vibrations. Those on the Ray Path must not
be bound in isolated unity, but study beauty and the value of
differentiation. This Level is the Cosmic Astral Plane.
Intelligence and Love are established in the Master. He
or she is moving toward the first Quantum Leap in Consciousness
to enter the Realm of direct contact with Masters, Saints, Holy
Beings, Spirits of Light and the Great Angelic Host, while still
on Earth. All has been on an Octave Level of advancement up to
now. This is the level of the First Ray which has its base in
the White Light. The Initiate is a Master on the Plane of Creativity.
Do all this with the Rainbow Bridge to gain Cosmic Stability
and Magnetic Equilibrium.
To some are given World Service on the
Monadic Plane. This is the Level of the Brow Chakra and
is esoterically the Throat Center. This is the way of Individuality
and Detachment without falling into the Illusion of Separation;
to move in the Field of Devotion and Idealism; to be inclusive
and exclusive awareness of the Spirit while holding Unity for
all Humanity; To lift each Human to the Spiritual Life of the
Supreme Consciousness of God expressing; To demonstrate the highest
Light control; To break the Seal that opens the Door to the Purpose
of Life: To use recognition and cooperation with the Divine Plan
of God for the New World Order of the New Civilization of all
Human souls.
As One is centered on the Monadic Plane
the Great Center of Life is having a vibratory effect upon the
One that lives in this Level of Consciousness. The more
One experiences this Level of Perception the more polarized in
their Individual Spirit. This polarization causes a great sensitivity
to the influences and energies in the Realm of Light. This is
the Level of the beginning of Ascension in its Sevenfold Nature
and leads to Conscious Ascension at the end of this present Life
on Earth. The line between the Nature and Supernatural Power
is Crossed by the Initiate at this Stage of Initiation. This
is the Level of the Third Ray. Do all this with the Decisiveness
and Vision while keeping a fixation on the Goal of the Spiritual
Mystic Path; One God, One Humanity, One Life.
To some are given World Service on the Plane of the Logos.
This is the Level of the Crown Chakra and is esoterically the
Head Center. This is the way of the Eternal Pilgrim that is attracting
Light to increase the vibratory rate of every atom of their Being
for the Power of Resurrection. The Resurrection of every dead
atom is taking place at this Level. This process brings about
the awareness of Being a Conscious Manifestation of the One God
in Whom all live and move.
This is the Pathway to the direct Consciousness of Being
a Son or Daughter of God in the absolute sense of awareness.
This is the Divine Consciousness, the Individual merging with
the supreme consciousness of God, to One that made all Creations
in both the Manifest and Unmanifest. This is One of the Highest
Plane on the Planet Earth.
The Soul and Spiritual experience is no longer bound to
Earth. The work of building the Rainbow Bridge is reaching completion
to move the Soul over the Antahkarana, from the Heart Center
to the Head Center, to the Individual Spirit Body, for the Power
of merging with God. The Bright illumination of Light, with Life
in it, is shining with the brilliance of Mind Stuff in the Mental
Strata of the Master of Masters.
The Three Great Aspects of the Godhead, the Intelligence,
the Love and the Will, come into solid view and the Akashic Records
are opened. The essential First Cause of Being and Purpose of
Life now motivate the Spiritual Evolution of the Being. All attraction,
the nature of relationships and a new sensitivity open the way
to the method of total evolution for the Being. The nature of
Form, the intelligence of Substance, by the grace of the Holy
Spirit reveal the response to Spiritual Evolution.
The Thread that links and vivifies all form into a single
Wholeness is revealed to the Master of Masters at this stage
of Initiation. Some recognize the individual Silver Cord that
connects Life to the Body from the Spirit. With Wisdom and Compassion,
with Forgiveness and Mercy and with Insight and Perception the
Master of Masters rules the God given Dominion.
To some are given World Service on the
Plane of the Logos. This is the Level of the Center of
the Crown Chakra and is esoterically the Hierarchical Plane.
This is the way of the Free Will Choice of Being. The Power of
the Golden translucent Light serves the Self. The Initiate wields
the Powers of the Secondary Rays. At this stage the Initiation
brings about a great transition of Liberation in Self Consciousness,
Self Mastery, Self Government, Self Discipline, Purpose and Discrimination.
The merging with the Planetary Logos takes Place. The Seven
Cosmic Planes now stand open before the Self and their relationship
to the Seven Rays is revealed. The Self is robed in the Etheric
Cosmic Garment. The Cosmic Astral and Cosmic Mental Planes are
now consciously used by the True Self that sets in the Crown
of Humanity adorned with the Crown of Creation and The Crown
of Spirit.
The Self is a permanent Light in the nucleus of the the
Counseling Chamber of the Font of all Planetary Power and sits
with the Spiritual Hierarchy. The Black Diamond of the Mastery
over Illusion and the White Diamond of Clarity Shine in the Crown
of the Self. The Self is Master over all the Levels of the evolutionary
processes on the Planet Earth. All the work is accomplished by
the Channel of God's Rays of Light to Humanity.
To some are given World Service on the Plane of Transcendental
Consciousness. This is the Level of the Anointed Light
of God and is esoterically the Plane of Light. This is the way
of the Three Basic Rays, Seven Rays, Nine Rays and and Twelve
Powers which can be demonstrated. Beingness, Existence and the
Mind of Light are embodied within the One.
The White Light shines through the Crystal towards the
One God seeking to be reunited. It sustains all things and the
intention of the Plan of God is visualized and projected by the
Light of the Rays within the Pure White Light. Color, Light,
Sound and Motion are the Creative Principles used by the Child
of God as God expressing. From the smallest to the largest all
are equal in the One. All other Bodies devolve in the White Fire
Light Body. Now and only now is the Greater Universal Initiations
revealed by God open and direct. The Spiritual Mystic Master
has Returned Home to the Universal Beingness.