I was and I am only seeking to do the will of the One God in whom we all Live, Move and have our Being and to help all Humanity on the Spiritual Mystic Path.

I am asking others to walk the Path with me. At first there were those that wanted me to walk a different path. They said I should follow this Teacher or that Teacher, this Master or that Master, this Technique or that Technique, this System or that System; this God or that God. Some said to come this way and walk on the Dark Side and some said come this way and walk on the Path of Light. Some said the be unseen and some said to be seen, some said to be silence and some said to be heard.

I choose to be a God Man, to walk the Path of God , for God and as God expressing. I choose to be God guided and do the Will of God. I am that I am and the I ceased and the we began. God led me to the scriptures of the World by the Grace of the Holy Spirit of God. We saw that the Scripture was the word of God made Manifest and we devoted our whole life to God, to do the work of God on Earth. We studied all our waking hours and surrendered to God in all our Meditations, seeking the way and letting God guide. We were led to books, classes, practices, disciplines and Spiritual Teachers of both the Dark and Light sides. We found that many of the laws, Principles and Powers were the same, it was how they were used that made the difference.

We choose to do the work of God. We have come to the belief and knowledge that an individual has only the Powers and Gifts from God that the individual can recognize, realize, assimilate and demonstrate. Many have intellectual knowledge, but the truth is only experiential knowledge has power. Many try to lead beyond their own experience and many a fool follows. Some try to buy their way, some try to steal the way from others. We met dabblers, triers and liars. We met the misguided that were misguiding others.

We also met the true seekers of God, those that are demonstrating. We choose to walk with those that demonstrate the ways of God. I then Realized the we consciousness.

There are those that do not want a Teacher. Those that want to walk alone. Those that hate any authority, any rules, any constant practices or disciplines. They are lonely, wanting and wasting time in their life. They are foolishly walking in darkness following false light. The basis of all sin is separation and the evil ones of darkness love the fools that stand alone and suffer. That is the food they eat because they can not reach the Light of God, so they feed on others. Only the Fool has no Friends in the Light.

As we walked the Path we were shown the need for traveling light. To give away all that God gives us, to flow with life. With God as the Teacher within and without, we began to share the Principles of Light. We began to demonstrate all the Powers. We met those who come to take and give nothing. We met those who come to give that they may take. We met those that sometimes give and sometimes take. We also met the true Seekers. We helped all that came, but We shared all with the true Seekers.

We follow the Light and found the Masters of Light, the Saints and Holy Beings. We are led to the Sons and Daughters of God and we now address you. You are God expressing. You are One with the ONE WITHOUT A SECOND, the One in whom we all Live, Move and Have our Being. There is nothing outside of or beyond God.

All Names and No Names are within the One God. All Religions, Mystery Schools, Spiritual Groups and all such Teachings and Training are in and of the One God. All Physical, Mental, Psychological and Spirit are in that One God. All is in God as God and is God Expressing, but God is Greater that all that is was or ever will be, Seen and Unseen, Manifest and Unmanifest and is Greatly Beyond the Beyonds.

God is the Keeper of all Heavens, the Lord of all Lords and the Master of all Masters. God is all the Wisdom, Truth and Love. God is all the Purity and Perfection, Grace and Power, God is Almighty God, full of Mercy and Compassion. We are with you now and forever and ever.

Through Thousands of years of experiences there is tried and proven ways to reach all stages of initiation. The pathways are like maps, that when followed lead the way to our final destination. When One follows the Spiritual Mystic Path that One will reach the Goal.

There is no outside enforcement on the Path. It takes true persistent, inner voluntary acceptance and commitment. There is the trail of the past and the uncertainty of the future to face daily, hourly, minute by minute without the Path to follow. The Path is different than the laws of God's Creation, but the Path always follows the Laws.

Only those who reach the initiates state of consciousness will be able to truly comprehend the significance of the Spiritual Mystic Path. Only the initiate consciousness can seek the practical and voluntary application of the steps of the Spiritual Mystic Path. After the Physical, Emotional and Mental initiations can the deeper stages of the Path be revealed to the true Seekers of God in an open and direct contact.

Only at this time does the true Path open and begin for the Initiate. All was the probational path to this point in the Practice. At the point of Adeptship can One put to uses the steps, rules and laws of the higher states of initiation. Without a foundation of practice One would soon collapse on the Path or any true endeavor.

The greater success is only won by group effort. One must seek the group application, group meaning and group light. The secret or hidden powers must be understood, the secret or hidden meaning must be unveiled and the secret or hidden awareness must be reached. If everything was as it seemed to appear then it would be simple to follow and One would not need others to show the way.

The truth is all things are not exactly what they appear to be or mean. You may be looking from one point of view and not see there is another point of view sometimes on a different or higher level. If things were that simple then there would be no need for Tat to be giving hints as to the underlining significance and ideas on the Spiritual Path or the Spiritual Mystic Path of God Consciousness. But they are not always so simple.

If there were no need for Sons of God, Daughters of God, Masters, Saints, Holy Beings, Ministers, Teachers and Healers to be on Earth then God would not have sent them to the Earth and to Humanity.

Humanity has fallen from its bright nature of when it could see the light that gives open and direct contact with God. The mass of Humanity can not speak the heavenly language. The truth is One can only perceive from the level of consciousness that is awakened in that One. When I was a child, I thought and spoke as a child. As an Adult I thought as and Adult. Now as a Spiritual Being I am aware of and can speak the Heavenly Language of Light.

The first three initiations are path of the Probationary Path. On the Probationary Path the individual is taught to focus and concentrate the will upon the changing of the emotional and psychological reconstructions. There is a complete reorganizing of the entire psyche and emotional life. As a result the past, as it is seen from the lower self, is destroyed and a more objective and detached point of view takes its place. At this point One is moving over the Rainbow Bridge to the Higher Self who's will is more in line with God's Will.

At the point of higher Will One is on the Path of Conscious Return and Ascension in this life and after this life on Earth.One is now becoming aware, not only of their Physical Body, but all the Physical Plane as their Greater Physical Body of Creation, which is the Material Body of God. One is becoming expanded from the limited emotional expression to the infinite Joy and Bliss of God.

One is breaking through the veil of individual Mind to the Infinite Intelligence of God in the Mind of Light. All Wisdom, Truth and Love is opening and expanding within the Initiate's Heart. The Creative Power of the Universe is revealed within and throughout the Consciousness of the Initiate. The Individual Conscious Manifestation of God appears to the Initiate and the Initiate walks and talks with the occupants of the Heavenly Fields of Light.

Masters of Light, Ascending and Ascended, Great Saints, Holy Beings, the Great Angelic Host and Cosmic Beings all are now Brothers and Sisters that the Initiate is consciously aware of as the association of higher Souls and Beings in the family of God. The Initiate converses in an open and direct consciousness with all Great Beings of the Universe and Creation as a Whole.

One of the secrets of the higher initiations lies in the training of will power. No purification, self discipline or other methods of acceleration of the Truth that worked in the past are valuable now. The power lies in Revelation and the Will of God. With reflective study and an esoteric understanding the way to the font of Crystal Clear Clairvoyance is found.

The Path of the Spiritual Mystic is the Path of the modern disciple through Revelation. The new civilization and culture of the World brings a new World order with powerful insights into Human and Spiritual Heritage. Many Humans from all Countries are now walking the Spiritual Mystic Path, but are still asleep to it. Soon they will awaken because it is the way to God open and direct that is in their hearts. The Human and Spiritual Heritage is the Gifts and Powers of God revealed to each Human Being in an open and direct contact with God.

As the Individualized Spirit of God, in each Human Heart, shines forth, it quickly burns away the distorted reflection of individual will, with the Clear Crystal Fire Light.

There are Initiates on different Rays, Steps and Ways within the group dynamics, but the Path to God is One. There are steps to guide each on the Path.


Following are some of the steps that each must take to the higher Initiations. Only those that are on the Path and have come through the first three steps understand the universal language written in the following pages.

Within the transitional flame of the fire of One's Mind and in the Clear Crystal Fire Light of the individual's inner consciousness, One must see the group of followers. As each walks through the Fire of Life the personality's ground work is done and the light of objectivity shines forth. All this seems cold to the little ego, but is warmth to the Higher Self because of the group love that permits energetic heat to radiate outwards. The door of separation closes behind the group and the Spiritual Mystic Path opens before them. The wholeness of the brothers and sisters of God moves onward out of the fire and into the fields of detachment and on towards a new bond in God.

In the Wholeness of the Group Dynamics the Teachings gain power as the acceptance as a Group is not broken by those who fall back into separate practices. Even if you could, you would not add to the three great demands of God, Wisdom, Truth and Love. All moves as One forward on the Path. In the Wholeness is the secret of One's individual success on the Path of Light. Now each lets there be memory without reflections.In the Unity of the Group Dynamics all must work with the content of the Teachings. This way lies success. Individuals merging with the Supreme Consciousness with the Power of the Group. Together we stand united in the Great Light of God's Holy Spirit.

With the balance of polarity all move forward. With the momentum of the Group all are accelerated, even those that just have arrived. The past of separation closes behind. The Group Dynamics with one voice makes the Calls for Invocation from the depth of the Clear Crystal Fire Light at the Heart of the Group.The Invocations evoke the responsibility to keep to the Goal of the Path. As each One that is united and each new One that comes join in One Sound and One Light, all moves towards the Goal. The emptiness and uncontrolled emotions are left behind and the Clear Crystal Fire Light of God is known.

Let the personality composed of an etheric garment, the sum total of emotional state and the small portion of the mind die down and let all lesser things return to the vast reservoir of Life. This is done by constant evocation of the Will. There must be a dissolving of separate personalities and a realization of the Collective Entity of the Group of Souls on an inward, upward move in consciousness. This does not mean that an Individual loses their identity, it means the Individual gains the Power of the Group Dynamics. All must come to realize that the Group Entity has form, substance, soul, purpose and reason for being.

The Trinity of the Godhead, of Outpouring, Sustaining and Transcending is perceived in the Unity of the Group of Divine Leaders and Followers shine so brilliantly that the light of separate souls seem dim and it blots out the vision of form for the higher reality. The Eternal and Infinite Cosmic Whole is the perception of the Group Dynamics. All in the Group merge into the Wholeness and no longer fall into the illusion of separation. Together we live in Light and walk the Spiritual Mystic Path. This is the Spiritual Path that embraces all other Spiritual, Mystic, Religious and Esoteric Paths. We are the One and only One that embraces all of God's People and Creation without exception.The building of the Rainbow Bridge, Initiation and Spiritual Life see the New Revelation, One God, One Humanity, One Life.

In the One Life the Group knows that nothing can touch or take that Life. Let each in the Group Dynamics bask in the Sacred Flame of the One God, One Humanity, One Life as a vivid, blazing, flooding forth of Wisdom, Truth and Love. Let each step of the Path nourish the next and let all in the Group know that up until now all was still bound in Time and Space. No Time and no Space holds the Group now. The Group Cosmic Consciousness in Pure Eternal Existance is moving onward.

For the Aspirants;

For those who would walk the Master's Path, let them turn full attention to enunciating the Sounds of the Master as an echo. Let them no longer sound the Voice that is bound by Matter. Let them no longer talk in the shallow language of the Masses.

For those that are Disciples and Initiates;

Let the Life and Light of the Group shine forth, let there be an evocation of the Word to evoke a response within the Ministers of Ministers, the Teacher of Teachers, the Master of Masters and the Healer of Healers. Recalling within themselves that these are the men and women that have passed the lesser Stages of Initiation on the Path and obtained Mastery. Also remember they did not stop there and move on to the Greater Counsel of Hidden Powers. In the Highest Secret Place the Master Ascends, once the Mastery is balanced in carrying out the Will of God. Let each continue in the Light that carries on the Will of God.

To the Aspirant;
Know that when the Disciple reached the portal of the Seventh State beyond the Lower Seven, that the Greater must merge into the Lesser and the Two Circles become as One.

To those who are Disciples and Initiates;

Let the Group Dynamics find within the depth of its Being the understanding that the Seven Individual Composites carry out the Will of God in Unity. Let the Revelation of Wisdom, Truth and Love be bound in all actions. Let the Nine and the Seven merge into the Three that are balanced in the Two and the actions of the One. Let the Laws, Principles and Powers be the way to manifestation. This is accomplished with one breath and one rhythm of the Group Dynamics as a whole. Know that even though there are many in the Group, the Goal is still Oneness, that which is beyond number. It is the same as Past, Present and Future as they are One. Understanding the Strict and the Firm, the Love and Joyful and the Transcending and Freedom are all actions of that Beyond number.

Those that are in the the Group Dynamics know there are no separations, they are One with the One. Light is the source of Color, at the Point of Light there is no Color, only Light. Being free from emotional entanglements with Matter, the conditioner of the Astral Plane is the goal the practitioner must obtain. Now to enter the Unmanifest, that hides all differences and still realizes Pure Being, for only in the Pure State can One enter without becoming more of what One is. This State the Mind can not enter or comprehend, for in there is no beginning and there is no end. Let the Group keep clear objectivity. When in this consciousness, in this State, be bound to the One who's Light appeared from the first, that opened the door to the Spiritual Mystic Path. Know that this is the Heart of the Light where appears in Meditation Tattenaiananda, the bestower of the Gifts of the Freedom in the Light. Know that this is only a Name for a focus for God who is the only giver of Life and Light.

All up till now are the veils of Creation that Tat, the Spiritual Mystic unveiled. To the Group is given the power to widen all the openings in the veils so the Light shines in and through them. The Voice of the Silence leads the Group onward, for now they are the Sound. The Spiritual Mystic Master reveals the meaning of the Out Breath of Creation. Now those who attained Illumination hear the first Sound. In the Gold white and Crystal Light in the Heart of all Being, Tattenaiananda stands in the counsel of God. The Doorway into Light is always open to those who have practiced until they see Tattenaiananda, Tat's God Conscious Ascended Being. Now as One the Group controls mind and emotional entanglement with Matter, knowing all Creative Power is within the Group Dynamics.

The Diamond in the Lotus, that is in the threefold flame of the Godhead, is moved by the Group Dynamics. Let them now sound the Word that carries out the Will of God and the task at hand. The Group Dynamics must now be destroyed that was created at the midway of the Path. In the Unity of Attunement of the Master's Path the Group Dynamics now carries the work for those who will come after. In the work of the great transference the Group Dynamics reach a new and higher Center of Response in the Unity of the Attainment. It is the Power of the First Out Pouring. The Creative Principle, that through the Will of the Group Dynamics has come to the point for the merging of Casual Bodies into the Unitified Field of God Consciousness. The Light within each Casual Body has increased its vibration, vitality and form for a Quantum Leap in Light and Consciousness. The Pure White Light Consciousness has done the Work and the Word. It is finished, reverberates within the Crystal Fire Light. Of ourselves we are nothing, in God all is possible.

In the Group Soul and Spirit lies the Power all are seeking; of the Life more Abundant, in the Power of Universality, now stands the Group Dynamics on its upward Path. The Eye of God is now open for the Master and those beyond, to see into all Creation, from the point of the Crystal Sea. In the Field of Salvation, Realization and Illumination is the control of the Subjective and Objective Planes in Creation. Above the Aura of the Group is the Diamond that they seek. The Hierarchy of the World guide the Group of Servers of the World and Servers of Humanity.

Only when the Initiates, at the Master level, sees clearly the Spiritual Mystic Path, but for all others it is a Mystery to be unveiled by the Brilliant Light within them. Let all who would reveal the Mystery, demonstrate the higher meaning of the merit they have gained, from the lessens and lessons in the Teachings. The Law of Radiation, the Power of Magnetics, the comprehension of Transmutation, Transformation and Transfiguration and the Name within the White Stone are the Goal of the Group Dynamics at its higher Center. The principle of Synthesis with unity and fusion establish the Group in the Trinity of the Godhead where the Will of God is known. Transmutation disappears and Transformation leads to Transfiguration. The first Word of God is at the Center of the Group and all proclaim God as the Highest in All as All.

To the Aspirant;

First learn to have an empty cup that all you hear fits in. Second seek to experience by daily application what you are learning by direct experience. Look around you and see how others do the Work of God. Put into application, as soon as possible, all the Teachings as they come. Have Faith and Knowledge before you share the Path to God open and direct.

To the Disciples and Initiates;

At your perceptional level of knowing be patient with your new Brothers and Sisters on the Path, until they see the Wisdom in you. Let Truth be your expression in Reality. Through the Grace of God's Love in you reveal the Teachings to all the World. Through your effort the Group keeps the Hierarchy contact. Through your practice you hold the awareness that is constant and unbroken for the Group. Live the responsibility of the measure of God's Light that you have been given, for the Good of Humanity. Contribute a share of the wealth, health, happiness and abundance of all good things from your Gifts and Powers, so the Group may survive. Hold the Vision strong and seek creative methods to bring it into Being. Constantly project, through the Group Dynamics, the Manifestation of the Goal on the Physical Plane. Do all you can to destroy illusion and separation. Everywhere you see the fallen Light, resurrect it by holding God's prefect Image for all Creations.

To the Aspirant;

No one walks alone, to do so is illusion and delusion. We all have a part to play in God's Creation. Do all you can to move through the fifteen steps. God is with you all the way. Come as One, with an open Mind, ready to receive and give, accepting all things, with duty to the Teacher, working as a co-creator, expressing Wisdom, Truth and Love unconditioned, in the awareness of the Here and Now and with a firm eye on God the goal.

To the Disciples and Initiates;

Move in the way you have chosen, keeping it pure within you. Know that it is essential to the Group for each to hold the burning ground of Initiation. Learn to use the balance of Creative and Destructive Power constructively. Work with those of the Higher Planes and be confirmed by Masters so the Masses can not bind you. Have a tangible Creative Project to contribute to all Humanity for the greater good of the Group. Lack laziness, gain self control; remove all obstacles, gain desire; cultivate Loving relationship, destroy violent emotional reaction; lack revenge and hate, gain forgiveness and understanding; merge with the soul of purity, gain God

Consciousness and Live in the Presence, gain unity and compassion. With all these things accomplished, Renounce and Transcend to Transcendental Consciousness in the Holy Spirit and work with the aspects of Life and Light. Now all is One, you have the Victory and the Freedom forever won in the Presence of God, open and direct. You are now a Light worthy to be followed.

We have just given the Fifteen Steps of Group Attunement for Initiation into the Open and Direct Contact with God.This is the way to the Mystical Union and Mystical Marriage on the Spiritual Mystic Path.