This is the some as breathing color through the chakras with the exception, adding the following; when you get to the color of the chakra for breathing, for example, red at the base, orange at the spleen, etc., you give the following description of the color for that chakra..

ROOT CHAKRA Red: gives to you the positive actions of Peace - Healing - Grace -Devotion - Ministration - Love - Tenderness - Purity - Vitality - Health-Power - Loyalty - Single Minded - Instinctive Intuition - Tolerance, Physical Strength - Sexual Potency - The Power of Instinctive Mind.

SPLEEN CHAKRA Orange: Harmony through Conflict - Purity - Perfection - Poetry - Resurrection - Ascension - Yoga - Generosity - Devotion - Courage - Physical Courage - Strong Affections - Quickness of Intellect - Perception - Sociality - Power of your Subconscious Mind.

NAVEL CHAKRA Yellow: gives Truth - Justice (without mercy) - Concentration - Consecration - Concrete Knowledge - Science - Perseverance -Common sense - Independence - Keen Intellect - Charm - Gentle Persuasion - Confidence - Power of your Thinking Mind."

HAERT CHAKRA Green: gives Poise - Balance - Wisdom Intuition - Love - Peace -Abundance, Psychic Illumination - Lordliness - Calm - Patience - Discrimination - Strength - Endurance - Love of Truth - Faithfulness - Clear Intelligence - Serene Temper - Knowing - Understanding -Fertility - Good Fortune - Power of your Environmental Mind.

THROAT CHAKRA Blue: gives the Will of God - Faith - mental Strength - Power -Protection - Ideas - Inspiration - Steadfastness - Truthfulness arising from absolute Fearlessness - Power of Ruling - Handling of Men and Measure - Creative Liberation - Creative Powers-Abstract Mind -Thought without Words - Rhythm - Vibrational Perception - Inner Voice - Sound - Breathing Life - Clairaudio - the Power of your Higher Creative Mind.

BROW CHAKRA Indigo: gives mystical Liberation -Universal Grace - Pure Knowledge - God's pure Love - Unity - Adoration - Oration - Universal Purpose - Active Intelligence - Atonement - Insight - Clairvoyance - Aura Sight - Reading the AkashicRrecords Past, Present and Future - Super Consciousness - Individuality - Mercy - Compassion -Power of the Universal Mind.

CROWN CHAKRA Violet: gives Transmutation - Freedom - Super Consciousness at cosmic level - Ceremonial Magic - Self Reliance - Success in the World -Divine Courage -Spiritual Perseverance - Invocation - Spiritual Powers - Cosmic Consciousness - Tact - Diplomacy - Power of Cosmic Super Conscious Mind.

CENTER OF THE CHAKRA Gold: Love of Light - Purity - Wisdom - Perfect Health - Spiritual Power - Self Mastery - Omniscience - Universal Mind - Realization -Mental Illumination -Purpose -Spiritual Discrimination - Self Consciousness - Self Discipline - Self Governed - Leadership - Channeling Abilities - Collective Consciousness of Humanity - The Power of your Master Mind."

PURITY CHAKRA (six inches above the head) White: Christ Consciousness - Silence - God Power - Spiritual Realization - Spiritual Illumination - Purity - Perfection - Highest Attainment - God Consciousness - Ascension Power -Resurrection Power -The Power of the Mind of Light.