can fly and you can survive even if you do fall because you can only fall into the palm of God's hand. now." shines everywhere, without discrimination. All we need do is look and feel its warmth and how every living creature is dependent on its energy. Heavenletters' words here reminded me of this universal truth. This is it. When I look at my child's imperfect painting, my priority is how much I love my child and what a fine effort he made in the painting. As I type these words, I am flooded with feeling God's priority of love for me, and His gratitude for the fine effort I made, imperfect as that effort may have been. I think I have just experienced grace...... letter for me to see. Heart, are so pungent, so powerful, so insightful, I can FEEL my heart opening. The words are beautiful, poetic, flowing expressions. I sat and hand-copied key thoughts into my Daytimer to keep them close to me in the coming days. "An open heart is like a hand opened upward to catch the light from the sun and the mist from the sea..." I LOVE it. "Open it, let it stretch out its limbs". What a PICTURE!! I laughed with joy!!! "Exercised, it begins to notice its power." Pure, raw insight. whom I've been estranged for some long years was in my home and I was able to show her love, which SHE was able to return. I felt a new strength from my new thinking, and it was contagious. I thank Heaven -- for Heaven. forgive the past of others", and Bernie's response: "They are ignorant and not evil. Be their teacher and not their critic." my heart. My heart towards someone else is like a block of frozen stone. Gradually, there may be some thawing occurring. But AH, the STONE. It is still heavy in my heart. I will reread these words today many times, and as a warm south wind that can melt the ice, who knows, maybe it will bring a HAMMER. PERSON WHO SAID HEAVENLETTERS ARE THE HOTTEST THING IN THE UNIVERSE. Dontcha love it!!!!!!!!! #554, The Greatness of Your Heart. "There can never be too much love or too much attention on it." I love that. It feels like a great release and a great relief all at the same time. I am picturing earth letting out this sigh of relief as well. for my new opportunities. I thank you for Heavenletters and its guidance. Thank you, thank you for all the special light and inspiration. God bless all aspects of your mission. freshman. When Benek was still in high school, he and his twin brother, Aleks, won prestigious national awards for web pages they created. It has been fulfilling to work with Benek in the creation of a web page destined to bring many people to God's words. It is my pleasure to recommend him highly. Although the web page is not totally finished, you can see a lot of it at Heaven's web page at long last! It is beautiful. Good job, Benek!!! Sample Heavenletters page. Wow!!! I mean the overall effect is really powerful. What draws my eye is the center column. 5 gorgeous HL samples to look at, all laid out so nicely. The whole website looks just great. It's really going to make a tremendous impact on Planet Earth. In fact, it's already happening! project, you and he are greatly speeding up our entry into a new age of God consciousness and world peace. Benek will soon be famous as Heaven's web designer and have no end to success. Walsch is aware of Heaven. Another sign that things are moving along much more easily now. started it all. Personal Questions pages. Stunning! I'm even more impressed. Heaven forward by leaps and bounds. of God speaking, I think, is very appropriate right off the bat. world will have a wonderful opportunity to have access to God's daily love and wisdom. navigate and user-friendly. There are a couple of suggestions: have a quote from Bernie Siegel and then under it there are a couple of more quotes that are from Bernie or God? If those quotes are from Bernie, that's fine. However, if they are from God, it needs to be delineated. section) are from God, it needs to be consistent throughout the web site. In that case, you would need to put Bernie Siegel's quote elsewhere. Also, on each page in the yellow section, there needs to be a headline "God's Quotes" or something like that. national company in Iowa publishes Heaven News on his exhilarating web site: To get to Heaven, after you pass through Tats Door of Light, press the APS News link on the left, and then press More News from Heaven which you will see on the top. I wish I knew how to equal Tat's generosity, but meanwhile I print here a few of his beautiful words: My Love is God's Love. My Love is Truth. My Love bears equally indifference, ridicule, abuse, repression, respect and reverence. My Love cannot lose, nor lose me. My Love has all the time in the world. My Love increases with the observance of truth. My Love is better than me. Tat, Rev. Hesketh, Hawaii News, we would very much like to hear from you. We gladly offer you samples of Heavenletters, and a free three-month subscription to Heavenletters when you say Yes! |