This process starts with the basic tension and release
and the Basic Meditation Process

Say then;

"Relax and feel yourself walking down a long hallway and at the end of that hallway is a door. Sense you are walking towards the door at the end of this hallway and on the door is a Rainbow. See the Rainbow on the door. Now reach down with your hand and turn the knob of the door and open it. You walk Inside and the door closes behind you. You are in a room of Rainbows, all of the furniture is Rainbow colors, the ceiling, the walls and the floor are all Rainbows colors with Rainbows on them"

( The Teacher is visualizing the process all the way through for the students ).

"As you walk across the room you notice all is in slow motion and there is music playing and you begin to dance in slow motion around the room. The music is beautiful and you feel light. You notice as you dance around, another door. You stop In front of the door and reach down with your hand, and turn the door knob. You walk inside another room and the door closes behind you."

"You are in a room with black and white squares on the floor. All the furniture here is in geometric patterns, Look around the room. From the ceiling hangs a silver chandelier with beautiful lights. You walk around the room and see that all the furnishings are silver and crystal. As you move around this room you see another door. It has a crystal door knob. You reach down with your hand and turn the knob and the door opens. You walk inside and to your amazement you see jewels; diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubles, topaz, amethyst all over everything. The room is filled with precious gems."

"The furniture in this room is inlaid with diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies and beautiful gems. The walls and ceilings also are Inlaid with diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies and amethyst beautiful gems. From the center of the room, a large beautiful gold and crystal chandelier with jewel-like sparkling lights. All the furnishings of this room are gold and gems incrusted, made of the finest woods. Their is crystal and fine art works everywhere. As You move around this room you feel upliftment and you notice still another door with a golden door knob. You reach down and open it.

This door opens on to a Golden Path with beautiful green rolling hills coming up to the path's sides. You step through the door and as you do you hear a sound like a tuning fork. You feel this sound as you step on the Golden Path and the door closes behind you.

As you walk on the path and feel its sound, you notice two big gates in a wall. As You move towards the gates they open to your vibration and only you can enter. I must stop outside the gate but my voice will go with you.

(Pause for one minute then continue)

As you walk inside, the gates close behind you. You are in a garden. your Inner Garden and no one can enter without your permission. There are beautiful walkways, trees, flowers with their fragrances filling the air. Birds are singing and flying freely about. See the rows of beautiful flowers; red, yellow, orange, green, blue, indigo, violet, gold and white. See all the beautiful flowers and trees with lushes fruit hanging on every limb, waiting for you to pick it and taste its juices in your month.

Hear the birds singing beautiful song. As you walk in your garden, you see in its center a clear blue pool. As you walk towards it you notice it has some steps up to the surrounding wall and down in it. You walk up to the side and you can easily see into the clear blue pool. As you look inside, you are amazed. The sky above is blue and the sun is shining but in the depth of the blue pool it is like a midnight sky with a moon and stars shinning brightly. The lights in the pool seem to shimmer and glow.

You walk up the steps and into the pool. The first step you take in the pool feels warm and is up to your knees. When you look you see your legs are gone up to the knees. The second step you take and you are are up to your waist and your body is gone to the waist. You feel warm and tingly where your body is gone. You take a third step down into the pool and are up to your chest. From the chest down you have disappeared. You take the fourth step and the pool is over your head and you are floating in the Universe without a body.

There are endless stars, lights and planets. You are in an ocean of supreme consciousness. Feel free and do what you want to do, be what you want to be, go where you want to go. You have a great sense of freedom

(Long Pause) A----U-----M (pause) A----U-----M

(Short pause) AaaaaaaoooooommmmM

Feel yourself floating In space. As you look around and see the stars and planets, you see a great white bird flying free in to universe. As you look around you see the moon. You move towards it. it turns into a light blue hole in space.

You fly close enough to put your head through the blue hole of light. you find you are looking into your Inner Garden. You feel yourself take a step and you are solid from your head to your chest. You take a second step and you are solid from your head to your waist. You take a third step and you are solid in your body from the knees up. On the final step you are again standing next to your pool In your Inner Garden.

You begin to walk through your garden again, look around and see the beautiful flowers, hear the birds singing and see the trees. you can feel the warmth of the sun and the breeze gently caressing your body. smell the fragrances of the flowers, feel the path beneath your feet,, feel the love of life everywhere in your Inner Garden (Short Pause).

Walk towards the gate. As you walk you see the gates opening to your vibration. You walk through the gate And it closes behind you. You are on the Golden Path with rolling green grass coming up to its edges. You come to the door with the crystal door knob. The path sings beneath your feet. You reach down with your hand and turn the knob. (Pause)

You step inside the jeweled room, the door closes behind you. See the jewels again, diamonds, sapphires, emeralds, rubies, topaz, amethyst, the crystal chandeliers. You are vibrating like the sound of tuning forks ringing. You walk across the room to the other door, open it and go into the other room with the black and white floor, the door closes behind you. See the geometric forms and patterns, the silver and crystal chandelier. You walk across the room to the other door, you open the door. (Pause)

You step inside. (Pause) the door closes and you begin to dance in slow motion in the Rainbow Room, and the rainbows are gleaming every where. One touches your eye for a moment. (Pause) hear the music? (Pause) dance towards the rainbow door, open the door and enter the hall. The rainbow door closes behind you.

You are now walking down the long hallway and you notice other doors that go to special places inside you. Someday you can return and go through one of those other inner doors.

Feel your self coming back through the pure white light into a golden hue all about you. Feel you are entering into your body. Down through the top of your head. Feel energy coming up from the center of the earth through your feet. See light coming down through your head, in through the palms of your hands, radiating at the heart area. (Pause) See light filling your body with golden light. See your body radiating a shield of Ultra Violet Fire that is transmuting all your darkness into Light. Now see a nine foot sphere of of golden light. see a fifty foot circle of pure white light, purifying all it touches. Feel your self in your body and radiating from your heart is a crystal flame; radiating to eternity in every direction. rub your hands together, (Rub hands) place them over your eyes, notice the color you see.

(Pause) Now let your hands drift gently to your sides. Bring yourself completely back, you can do that now.