Taking the Begin by saying: Over The Rainbow Bridge of Light. "Re...lax... and get ready for the rainbow bridge meditation process. Remove all objects touching your body, loosen all tight clothing, remove watches, necklaces, bracelets, rings ect. by removal of the watches ect. we are freeing that area of the body of stuck attention.

Find a good relaxation posture. The best for this Process, is laying on your back with your arms and legs uncrossed and your head and neck straight.

If you are sitting on a chair your feet are flat on the floor, your arms and legs uncrossed, head and neck straight and your hands on your knees.

For those in a lotus keep your head, neck and back straight.

Now everyone turn your palms upwards and open, touch your first finger and thumb together, this increases perception by stimulation of your Pineal and Pituitary glands In the center of your brain and you have nerves from the end of your thumb to these glands In the brain.

Make a mental picture of a line from the thumb to the brain.

We are now going to do the tension release through tensing, release and breath control. This process of breath is called the cleansing breath.

First we will tense the body starting from the toesto the top of the head. At the some time taking in a complete breath. A complete breath is, first you fill your abdomen, then your lungs, then put your arms and shoulders back filling up the top of the lungs, throat and mouth and at this point you put your tongue to the roof of your mouth".

(at this point the teacher checks to see if students are in a good posture, all watches are off ect., clothing loose; and open to the process.)

"RE--LAX--, GO WITHIN- just relax now, and let all yourat this point and breath out. Let all your breath out. Hold out :

Second time Slowly start Your in breath and tighten up your feet and follow the tensing with the in breath; tighten up Your ankles, calves, knees, thighs, breathe slowly, tighten up your buttock, hips, pelvis, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, back, neck, face, head and tongue.

Now slowly your tongue against the roof of your mouth, hold, complete tensing; now release through your mouth, with your tongue against the roof of your mouth, make a hissing sound as you squeeze out all the trapped stale air."

(teacher make A hissing sound with tongue)

"Let it all out and Relax."

Add second "This time add to your release the thought and feeling of ALL NEGATIVITY OUT.

* Note (repeat relaxing breath and tensing).

Slowly start Your in breath and tighten up your feet and follow the tensing with the in breath; tighten up Your ankles, calves, knees, thighs, breathe slowly, tighten up your buttock, hips, pelvis, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, back, neck, face, head and tongue. Now slowly your tongue against the roof of your mouth, hold,complete tensing; now release through your mouth, with your tongue against the roof of your mouth, make a hissing sound as you squeeze out all the trapped stale air." (teacher make A hissing sound with tongue). "Let it all out and Relax." Release the thought and feeling of ALL NEGATIVITY OUT.

Third time (Next; repeat once more and emphasizing NEGATIVITY OUT and the teacher should see all negatives leave.)

Slowly start your in breath and tighten up your feet and follow the tensing with the in breath; tighten up your ankles, calves, knees, thighs, breathe slowly, tighten up your buttocks, hips, pelvis, stomach, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, fingers, back, neck, face, head and tongue.

Now slowly your tongue against the roof of your mouth, hold, complete tensing; now release through your mouth, with your tongue against the roof of your mouth, make a hissing sound as you squeeze out all the trapped stale air."

(teacher make A hissing sound with tongue).

"Let it all out and Relax." release the thought and feeling of ALL NEGATIVITY OUT.

"Now we are ready to cross over the Rainbow Bridge of Light. Relax and breathe normally.

(Pause before Color portion here for a few minutes and start concentrating on the color red and all you know about the color red without saying anything. Do this with each color in turn).


Red Relax and visualize moving all about, moving In and out you, the color red. This is your physical orientation color. See your physical body In perfect health and Relax.

Orange Relax and visualize moving all about you, moving in and out you the color orange. This is your emotional orientation color. See your emotional body In perfect health, perfect emotional control.

Yellow Relax and visualize moving all about you, moving in and out you, the color yellow. This Is your lower mental orientation color. See your thinking mind in perfect health, positive controlled with great care and attention, listen to me. Lead your mind from darkness into light. lead your mind from the unreal to the real. from the untruth to the truth and from death, disease and suffering to immortality. lead your mind from darkness into light.

Green Relax and visualize moving all about you, moving in and out you, the color green, and feel pose and balance in your soul. This Is your environmental orientation color. See Your environment perfect and with the abundance of all good things. Feel complete In your soul.

Blue Relax and go within, deeper, deeper within and deeper than ever before. visualize moving all about you, moving In and out you, the color blue. This Is your higher mental and creative orientation color.Here in the color blue is peace, harmony and truth. Sense your creative power." feel your God given talents bring you the prosperity of all good things, in your finances, world and affairs.

Indigo Relax and concentrate your attention on the center of your brow. Visualize Indigo moving all about you, moving In and out you. This is your individual unity of body, mind, soul and Spirit. The Superconscious individual and witness to the inner and outer worlds. You are the seer now.

You are merging with with the supreme consciousness that created innumerable stars, planes and planets. the one in whom all move, live and have their being. the one parent of us all.

Relax and visualize moving all about you, moving in and out you the color violet. This is your power of transmutation. this is your color transforming your darkness into Light, giving you full spiritual freedom. you are detached, master of the universe. Now Feel this power raising to the top of your head."

Gold Ball Relax and feel all your attention raising upwards to the top of your head into a Golden translucent Ball of Light and you are becoming lighter and lighter as you go deeper and deeper within. The Golden Ball Is raising, you are raising Into a long black tube and you are a Golden Ball of Light.

At the end of this tunnel you see a brilliant WHITE LIGHT - bright as the noon day sun and you are moving faster and faster toward it until you are a White Light Golden Ball surrounded by White Fire Light - Pure White Light.

Now the Golden Ball Is expanding into the Pure White Light. Expand to the left and to the right, above and below, in front and in back, within and without, shining all about.

See yourself processes begin. expanding in the flame. You are pure White Light filled with Purity and Perfection as a Child of God. You are the best that is in you. Relax and let go to the Pure White Light.

Now pauses here and visualizes intensely a Golden Ball expanding into the pure White Light, and pray within to God for Illumination for all spiritual students. Pause for 5 or 10 minutes in this state of meditation.

Crystal now see a crystal flame in the center of your flame being, see yourself standing in that crystal flame. See your self the way you desire to be, physically, emotionally, mentally, psychically, creatively and spiritually.

( pause for 5 or 10 minutes in this state of meditation.)

Now see a crystal river flowing from infinity, into your crystal flames, all possibilities. Now see a crystal river flowing from the heart of God, into your crystal fire flame. Now see these twine rivers flowing into one with the brilliance of ten thousand times ten thousand Suns. Now see those twine rivers that are flowing into one, as one flowing into this time and space. See that light enter into your body at the top of your head, flowing to your toes and raising up into your face.

Violet now see your body as a crystal body filled withcircle of God's pure White Light. See glowing all around you protection a three foot shield of violet fire, transmuting all the darkness into light.

Gold sphere now see a nine foot sphere of golden light and of Mastery feel your mastery. feel your wisdom, feel your light, you are the master of your destiny.

Now see a circle of pure white light radiating for White Light fifty feet in every direction, and feel your purity and perfection.

Now see radiating from the center crystal of your heart a crystal flame, reaching out to flame infinity in every directions. The holy spirit of God.

This part is you say calm and slowly.

Now You are calm and returning to consciousness skipped after as a Golden sphere of Light surrounded by White doing several Crystal Fire Light. Now you are a Golden Ball Meditations. coming through a long black tunnel into Ultra Violet Light, feel the light entering your body. Visualize all about you moving in and out you the color indigo and relax as you bring yourself back. Now visualize blue, now green, see it all about you. Now visualize yellow, orange, red.

Now feel new life and energy entering your body, Processes after up through the bottom of your feet, down through doing several the top of your head, In through the palms of your Meditations. hands, and circulating at your heart. With everyheart beat, you are receiving new life in every cell of your body. Feel the new life, feel health.

Now feel yourself completely back In your body.

Rub your hands together and place the palms over your eyes,

Notice the color that you see as you are focused in your palms just before you open your eyes.

The color you see is the area of your inner consciousness you return in.

Then slowly let your hands drift down to your sides.

Note: After several times of doing this basic meditation process one can skip the part of coming from the point of Beginning Process to the point see note now. In this way you are coming back at the Light Body level in the Power of the Gold White Crystal Light.

Blessings of Love and Light. TAT