1. The blazing fire turnsto ashes. The fire of Knowledge turns
all Karma's into ashes. BLAVATSKY

2. The Light of the body is the eye
If, therefore, thine eye be single,
The whole body shall be filled with Light. BIBLE

3. Allowing the God-Self, the Ideal Being seed to grow inside of you is all that is important. Your business is to listen to the God-Self within yourself. That is why meditation is so important. You connect with your own being and create from that point. In the listening silence you can receive your inner direction. Expect your God-Self to guide you and He will. TAT

4. To succeed in life we must be enthusiastic! Get excited about what you are doing. Perhaps, at first, you may have to pretend enthusiasm, tell yourself...'This is wonderful! I am bound to succeed!" Soon you will find that what started out as artificial, is now real. Start acting enthusiastically and you will be enthusiastic!!! TAT

5. Him the Eye does not see, nor can the tongue express, nor does the mind comprehend. Him we do not know, nor are we able to teach. He is different from the known and different is He from the unknown. BLAVATSKY

6. Pure mind is God, the creative, and pure mind is absolutely pure. Oscillations of the mind are its impurities. Even meditation is an expression of impurity. It is like the expression of a wish for realization. All the same, it is a wish. When mind is absolutely pure, it is no more mind. It merges to be the Self. The delusion is ended, enlightenment has come. This realization is not the vision of something different, but is seeing everything differently! MUKTANANDA

7. A true seeker is one who will come to their own liberation only when they have fulfilled their duties towards their own relationships and to their generation in which they are living. Unless one has practiced Universal Love sufficiently for long, one cannot expand oneself to contain the cause and essence of all the Universal, the Masters, or the Truth. TAT

8. If one ponders on objects of the senses there springs attraction; from attraction grows desire; desire flames to fierce passion; passion breeds recklessness; then memory .... all betrayal ... lets noble purpose go and saps the mind, 'til purpose, mind and man are all undone. TAT

9. I believe in the fundamental Truth of all the great religions of the world. I believe they are all God-given and were necessary for the people to whom the religions were revealed. How can I ever secretly harbor the thought that my neighbor's faith is not superior to mine and with that he should give up his faith and embrace mine? As a true friend, I can only hope and pray that they may live and grow perfect in their own faith. In God's house there are many mansions and they are all equally holy. TATTENAIANANDA

10. Realize that Knowledge by reverential submission, by earnest inquiry and by service to the teacher. The enlightened men who have seen the Truth will instruct thee in knowledge." Gita IV 341

11. Those who behold the presence of the Divinity at all times, live in love, move in compassion, breath in service. It is such men that shine out conquering time and space, in the horizon of culture and civilization, religions and philosophy, spirituality and mysticism. In them are the process of evolution and.the aspiration of the human intellect. But, we cannot dash into dominion of His nature Divine, reaching perfection is an evolution, not a revolution. TAT

12. How does man find happiness?
"Through right conduct."
What must be subdued to escape anguish?
"His mind."
When is man loved?
"When he is rid of his vanity."
Of all the world's wonders, which is most wondrous?
"That no man, although he constantly sees so many others die, believes that he will not die." TAT

13. On the Solar Logos (your Godself) of Him is True all that we have ever heard predicted of the Deity. that is good, the Love, Wisdom and Power, the patience and compassion, the
Omnipotence, all this and much more IS true of the Solar Logos in whom in every truth, we live, move and have our being. TAT

14. However wise you may already be on this path, you have much
to learn. So much so that there also must be discrimination,
and you must think carefully what is worth learning. All
knowledge is useful, and one day you will have all Know-
ledge. However, while you have only part, take care that it is
the most useful part. God is Wisdom, as well as Love, and the
more Wisdom you have the more you can manifest of GOD.
Study then, study first That which will help you help others.
Work patiently at your studies. However much you wish to
help, if you are ignorant, you will do more harm then good. TAT

15. Truth is my manifestation in man. At one time I thought God was
Truth. I now know that Truth is God. Our God is one God whose
name is Truth. The Creator, devoid of fear and enmity, immortal,
unborn, self-existent, great and bountiful. Hell and Heaven
are in your own heart. unless Heaven resides within you, the
mere reading and reciting of sacred books profit nothing. TAT

16. You are perfect, whole and All. I venerate and praise your
inner Perfection, which is Divine, which is Knowledge, See the
perfect reality within. Buddha

17. "Whosoever comes to me, through whatsoever form, I reach
them all. Men are struggling through paths which, in the end,
lead to me." Gita

18. I am the Way, the Truth, the Light.
I and my Father are One.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within You. Jesus

19. Seek the Truth behind the ever changing flux of things that
constitute the universe of your experience. Seek one's
identity in that Supreme Reality, and do not waste time in
unprofitable truths of lesser knowledge, of worldly
position, of ephemeral fame and passing joys. TAT

20. Say this before meditation for Abundant Supply:
I am free from fear and doubt
Casting want and misery out
Knowing now all good supply
Ever comes from realms on high
I am the Hand of God's own fortune
Flooding forth the Treasures of Light
Now receiving full abundance
To supply each need of Life! (use rhythmic chanting) 3X TAT

Four qualifications there are for this path:


Six points of conduct, which are specially required, are given
by the Master as:

1. Self-control as to the mind
2. Cheerfulness
3. Self-control in action
5. Tolerance
6. Confidence TAT

22. O God, refresh and gladden my spirit. Purify my heart. Illumine my powers. I lay all my affairs in thy Hand. Thou art my Guide and my Refuge. I will no longer be worryful and grieved. I will be a happy and joyful being. o God I will no longer be full of anxiety nor will I let trouble harass me. I will not dwell on the unpleasant things of life. o God, thou art more friend tome then I am to myself. I dedicate myself to thee o God-Self within and without." BAHAI

23. O God, guide me, protect me, illuminate the lamp of my heart, make me a brilliant star, Thou art the Mighty
and Powerful. BAHAI

24. "The Light of the body is the Eye. Therefore, if thine Eye be single, the whole body shall be filled. with Light." BIBLE

25. You have your eyes, you have your ears;
look with your eyes on the things of Nature;
hear with your ears what goes on in Nature;
the spiritual reveals itself in color and through tone, and as you see and hear, you can not help feeling how it
reveals itself in these. TAT

26. Today, through the power of inspired meditation, I will plunge into the Light of Aum, the Light of Universal Intelligence and the Light of Spirit. Remaining anchored in God, I will again turn my attention to this world and function as a conscious instrument of Divine Will.

27. Because the Father, the Source of Life is Perfect, and we have
become one with the Father by applying the perfection of His
Laws. You too can be perfected in that same Oneness, if you
will but make the mark of perfection your goal. TAT

28. The mighty Light shall be thy defense. Thou shalt make thy
prayer unto Him, and He shall hear thee..Thou shalt decree a
thing and it shall be established unto thee, and the Light
shall shine upon thy ways. BIBLE

29. An Initiate does not put off his Spiritual Welfare. This day I
resolve to awaken to the Master Consciousness and live as
a Divine Being. I release selfishness and the sense of being
apart from god. I accept the fact that god is, ever now
manifesting as myself, and I desire only to do the will of the
Supreme. Instead of identifying with mass mind, I resolve to be
not Confirmed to this world but established in Spirit. DAVIS

30. I am the Flame of Resurrection, Blazing God's pure Light through me.
Now I am raising every atom.
From every shadow I am free!
I am the Light of God's Full Presence.
Now I am living ever free!
Now the Flame of Life Eternal Raises up to Victory! TAT

31. This day I resolve to awaken to Cosmic Consciousness and live as a Divine Being. I release selfishness and a sense of being apart from God. I accept the fact that God is, even now, manifesting as me, and I desire to do only the will of the Supreme. Instead of identifying myself with mass mind, I resolve to be not confirmed to the world but established in Spirit. ROY E. DAVIS


33. This day, my beloved, thou did close the record on time, space and limitation on the mundane plane of
experience. thou hath at long last ended all in thy Soul-Self and completed the
hazardous journey into the realm of spirit. ROY E. DAVIS

34. Cosmic Consciousness is Divine Idea in action through Unconditional Eternal Love, Unconditional Eternal Truth and Unconditional Eternal Wisdom in their absolute state of
Being on the plane or dimension of expression at an individualconscious awareness and increases through merging of bodies of the relative planes or dimensions. TAT

35. I Am changing all my garments,
Old ones for the bright new day
With the light of understanding
I Am shining all the way!

I Am Light within without,
I Am Light is all about!
Fill me, free me, glorify me!
Seal me, heal me, purify me!

Until transfigured they describe me,
I Am Shining like the Son
I Am Shining like the Son 3X EL MORYA

36. Today I take my stand and rejoice in the clear recognition of Heaven... fulfillment, All sense of darkness is banished and I live in the realm of eternal Light and Joy. As a child of God, I remain steadily aware of my Divine Nature. God as me, Lights the world. ROY E. DAVIS

37. Today I live in the consciousness of God. I know that all insight and revelations, is in keeping with Divine Order and in harmony with my unfolding perceptions, will come forth.
Each moment I walk in the perfect-awareness of God, serene, self-contained, happy and fulfilled. Heaven is Now!

38. Man may attract and direct any force of the Universe by making a fit receptacle for it, establishing a connection with it, and arranging conditions so that its nature compels it to flow through him. TAT

39. Come as one, with an open mind, ready to receive and give, accepting all things, duty to the teacher, working as a co- creator, expressing Wisdom, Truth and Love unconditioned, in the awareness of Here and Now and with a firm eye an the God Self, you the eternal and be free.

40. The things that have been, it is that which shall be. that which is done, is that which shall be done. there is no new thing under the sun. BIBLE

41. To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die,
a time to plant, and a time to reap,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to break down and a time to build up,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to get and a time to lose,
a time to keep and a time to cast away,
a time to keep silence and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time of war and a time of peace. BIBLE

There is a time for all things, there is a time for you. TAT

42. Let them who would climb, in meditation, to heights of the
highest, union with the Creator, take for their path, the union
of action: then when they near, that height of oneness, their
acts will fall from them, their path will be tranquil. Gita

43. Make a choice, there are two paths, darkness or Light. That which divides any of God's creation, any person, place or thing; that which seek only for self; that which destroys
without divine purpose and loves not, this is darkness. That which unites any of God's creation, any person, place or thing; that which seeks the good for all; that which creates with divine purpose and Loves, this is Light. Tattenaiananda

44. I do set my Rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth and the Rainbow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. BIBLE

45. The Rainbow Bridge has one end placed in this world, and the
other in the Realms of Light. The nature of the bridge is a
function of consciousness; it is seen through the prism of
the human's awareness, and hence presents to each person a
different aspect. DJWAL KUHL

46. "The Rainbow Bridge is like a beam of many sides, of whose
edges there are some that are broad and there are some that
are thin and sharp; its broad sides are so large that its width
is twenty-seven reeds, and its sharp sides are so contracted
that in thinness it is like the edge of a razor And when the
souls of the righteous and the wicked arrive, it turns to that
side which is suitable to their necessities, through the great
glory of the creator, and the command of god who takes the
just account. Moreover the bridge becomes a broad bridge
for the righteous and it becomes a narrow bridge for the
wicked." ZOROASTER

47. "In the Spirit of the Rays exist all the potentialities of Cosmic
Consciousness. One Universal Soul permeating all things,
which in substance resembles Light." PYTHAGORAS

48. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and
the Word was God. SAINT JOHN

49. "You can live without food and water for a period of time but
you can live only a few minutes without air. This is the way of
the physical. You can live without Wisdom and Truth for a
period but you cannot exist without Love. This is the way of

50. When the path starts, we know not, but soon we awaken to it.
Upon this path you find friend or foe. To continue we seek
Wisdom. Wisdom leads to Truth. Upon finding Truth, we seek
Love. Finding Love we become all consumed and surrender.
In surrender we find Liberation. Liberation is Freedom.
Freedom brings realization, you are the creator, witness and
doer, through Divine Grace we are illumined and gain the Free

51. Close your eyes, fall into an empty mind. Be aware of being
aware. Look inward with the inner eye and hear with the inner
ear. Be at one with the highest within and One with God. Seek
the path of your Soul and the Life of Spirit. Know in your heart
and Be: this is the Greatest Spiritual Guide. TATTENAIANANDA

52. Seek that which is the source of mind eternal. For all things
of mind are its oscillations. Mind holds all things in form.
When the Self is engaged in mind it knows not; when the Self
is free, enlightenment. The Self sees differently, not different things.

53. give to your life, purpose and make this purpose your goal;
then do all within your being to eliminate the irrelevant,
other points of view, side steps and seek Oneness with God
and Masters of the Path. purpose will be fulfilled. TAT

54. Sound produces form and color. Repetitions repeat the form
and color. manifestation follows. Chant the name of God
within your heart, and with your voice, build the fires of the
threefold flame, this is your Wisdom, power, and Love, to
purify your image, talent, knowledge, word, action and deed.
Do this alone or with someone. TATTENAIANANDA

55. To find your Soul Mate, first seek your True Self, beyond all
your physical expressions, deeper than changing emotions,
finer than subtle thoughts and turn to your Life's goal.
upward bound in power of blue, with the perfect image see it
coming to you and by the Magnetics of being, it is God's good
pleasure to fulfill you. TATTENAIANANDA

56. All Gifts and powers of God come through the Holy Spirit. The
Sons and Daughters of God are filled eternally, to their
capacities, with this Great and Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is
seeking expression in you as you. Open to the Gifts and
powers of Spirit now within you, dwell upon them until you
see them appear in the world. TATTENAIANANDA

57. Are you for you or against you? say; I AM THE MASTER of myself.
by god's free will within me. I AM always with the I AM THAT I AM.
I AM ever supplied by the Oneness in all. I AM surrendered to
wealth, health and happiness in the Oneness, By Mastery. I AM
THE MASTER I AM. i am god expressing here and now. TAT

58. I walked around within my self, not knowing the Self. I then
Looked into the world and saw, after a time, my self. I then
began to seek the Self and found the reflection of myself.
realization i have found, that within, i will always be. now i live
in the reflection and still there is only one i see and i know i
have won the victory. Now I AM eternally FREE. TATTENAIANANDA

59. Concentration, without it there is no success in anything
undertaken. without concentration the images move unseen;
all ideas and creative power is undone; your knowledge
escapes you; your thoughts wander; your emotions in and
out, up and down. all physical action awkward. To succeed,
reverse all such polarities; its your free will to be self

60. Blessed Messengers from the Higher Realms, noble guides
and controls. We seek as did the Masters, your Wisdom,
Power and Love. We see your glory and your ever presence
in God. Angels, virtues, principality, Archangels, Cherubim
Seraphim, powers and dominions with the thrones in the
crystal sea. standing ever in the presence, the radiant face
of god i see. we thank you for your service to all humanity.

61. The Automatic Mind in Matter responds to the Divine Mind in
humanity. The elementals of the physical universe are Earth,
Water, Fire, Air, Ethers, Light and Life. They are the willing
servants to support the human experience on the physical.
Each elemental has it's elements. There are also elements to
the Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Planes. TATTENAIANANDA

62. You have created all within your subconscious mind. Through
free will, parental impression, social impression, association
with the world it is you how have programmed this ally or foe.
See your Self as Master and take command. God is with you

63. Everything has its center from the smallest to the largest.
From the center is the control. You are the center of your
Life. look and point in every direction and the center is what
you are seeing. Live centered in your heart and head. you are
already centered in God. TATTENAIANANDA

64. Some are centered on themselves, blind to spirit asking who,
where, when, what and why. Others are centered on God,
seers of Light, answering who, where, when, what and, why.

65. God is eternal mind, ageless, subtler far than mind's
innermost subtlety, a Universal sustainer, shining with the
power of of all the Suns, self-luminous, all Knowing, all
wise. When you are one with God this is your mind. TAT

66. First, all must come to the Law, the Law gives us the
principles, the principles when lived to the state of Being
give forces, that over a period, gain strength and become the
powers. The Laws you follow, are your powers, follow God.

67. Action begets Reaction. When we speak our words become
Law. Whatever you are saying to yourself and others,
whatever you imagine, whatever you know, whatever you
believe and whatever ideas you have are all impressed in the
subconscious mind, these become the Laws you live by. Also
the way you think, feel and act. you are the cause of your

68. The Universe is an infinite number of radiant lines of Light in
the form of Electro-Magnetic lines. Everything that is Life,
radiates where two or more lines come together. All the
radiant lines are touching and supporting one another. In
your body of Light these become the Electro-Magnetic
highways to the stars, planets, other beings and God. TAT

69. As a Light beam through a crystal, we look at Life. The solid
beam becomes the spectrum; Our perception is what the
spectrum touches. When we are one with the Light we are in
pure perception and clear seeing. God is Light. TATTENAIANANDA

70. You have heard that you are what you eat. To eat means, to
take in as food - to use up - to devour. Without food on the
physical we would soon die to this world Their is also food
for emotions, mind, soul, creative powers and Spirit. To
consume on all dimensions is to Live on all dimensions.
Eat of the Manna of Heaven. TATTENAIANANDA

71. Death is but an operation on Life, after which Old Age, disease,
suffering and all earthly consciousness is removed. Ponder
over this wisdom, truth and love and be free from all cares
of the body and mind. The spirit-soul never dies or cries. TAT

72. Color, Light, Sound and Motion, attune you to the cosmic
ocean, Frees you on the Sea of Destiny. Color is life force,
Light is supply, Sound is form and Motion is action. Color
your life, live in the Light, say what you desire, and take action
towards Life. This is your supreme destiny. TATTENAIANANDA

73. Through the Master, Archangels and Elohims, comes to this
planet, pure life, Pure Life is pure health. Let the pure Light
shine, Physically, Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually from
God, through his messengers. We are One. TATTENAIANANDA

74. Spiritual Powers are like the flowers on the path to
perfection. Seek to be perfect, seek to express perfection
and by the Grace of God and the Gifts of Spirit you will be
enlightened by your Mighty I AM; as to the spiritual powers
and their use for your unfoldment as a soul and Spirit. TAT

75. Come as One, with an open mind, ready to receive and give,
accepting all things, with duty to the teacher, working as a
co-creator, expressing Love, Wisdom and Truth unconditioned,
in the awareness of Here and Now and with a firm eye on the God-Self,
you the Eternal and be free. TAT