By Rev. Harrison Roy Hesketh D.D. known as Spiritual Mystic Master "TAT"
Adopted by the officers and broad of directors of the Church of Revelation May 1977

You are the Conscious Manifestation of the Creative Powers manifested on the Physical Plane; an Emotional and Mental p u l s a t i n g Cell of Universal Mind. We all have a place in the Universe.

1. We believe in God, the Nameless One, that projects and supports all that is form and formless; the One and only, which is, was and always Will be, the Omnipresent (Love Unconditioned), Omnipotent (Truth Unconditioned) , and Omniscient (Wisdom Unconditioned). The One Spirit- Mind Being and Non-Being. All Names and No Names and beyond Names.

2. We believe in Christ, the Child of God, born of a virgin, in whom is imaged the Ideal Creation, with perfect Human & Spirit Beingness, realizable in all beings and consciousness, on the throne of dominion, Master of Consciousness, demonstrating Unconditioned Wisdom, Truth and Love as well as first and foremost Perfection in all states of Being.

3. We believe in the Ascended Masters of Light , all Saints and Holy Beings from all Religions and practices from the beginning of time to the Present. Who have won their Victory over the lower states of consciousness through World Service to Humanity and the uses of the Cosmic laws, principles and Powers; they also used the Ascension Flame of Purity and Perfection.

4. We believe in Christ Jesus, the Son of God made manifest in Jesus of Nazareth, who used the Law of identity, I AM THAT I AM, who overcame Death, and who is now with us in His Eternal Cosmic Perfect Being and Body of Pure White Light as an Elder Brother, Head of the Hierarchy, at the center and right hand of God, showing us the way into the highest realm of Regeneration, for all Humanity.

5. We believe in the Great and Holy Spirit, the Eternal. White Fire Crystal Light, present in all manifestation as well as the Unmanifest, which baptizes in Light the Universe and Humanity with the divine attributes of God, the Feeling, Thinking, Knowing, Creative Power, Imagination, Beingness of God and perpetually establishes the Divine Law in all. The Bestower of the Gifts of Spirit from God.

6. We believe in the Creative Principles of the Universe, the Elohims, the Archangels, the Legends of Light, Spirit of Light; going forth into Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body with power and authority to teach, minister, heal and wholly save Humanity and the World from separation, death, disease and suffering.

7. We believe in the supremacy and the absolute eternity of the good of God, as the one and only Ultimate Reality of Humanity and of all things Seen and Unseen, Manifest and Unmanifest, being and non being and beyond.

8. We believe in "God as Spirit", as the Masters taught, and that all of His Spirit is with us all the time; touching us Now, supplying every need for our Physical, Emotional, Mental, Psychic, Creative, Individual and Spiritual Bodies.

9. We believe that Divine intelligence, the Buddha, is present in all electrons, in every atom of Consciousness, Humanity and Matter, and that the more abundant Life, which Jesus and the Esoteric, Mystic and Religious Masters promised, is flooding the World and quickening the minds and the bodies of Beings everywhere.

10. We believe in the Nameless One, the One Without a Second coming forth as the Mother - Father God that gave to Humanity the original authority; free will and dominion over the Earth, Sea and Sky; the Human Images; Ideas; Knowledge; Thoughts; Feelings; Emotions and Passions; and that in the Laws of Nature and the Universe they will take this authority and bring into harmony all discords within and without and restore the Kingdom of God on the planet Earth.

11. We believe in the Creative Powers manifesting through Divine Vision, lmagination, Ideas, Knowledge, Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions, Acts, Deeds and Words. That all Humans and Consciousness will have returned to them what they send forth, by the Laws of Everything returns to the Source, 'Alike attracts 'Alike, and Action / Reaction.

12. We believe that through individual and mass indulgence in sense and sensation consciousness, Humanity fell from Grace into the belief in matter and material conditions. We believe that as Jesus said, "the Kingdom of God is at hand". Furthermore we can be atoned Here and Now by overcoming the world, the flesh of our animal body and the Adversary through Jesus the Christ, the Ascending and Ascended Masters of the pure White Light.

13. We believe in the atonement that Jesus and the Masters established between God and Humanity, and that through atonement with Christ Consciousness and the Ascended Masters, Saints and Holy Beings we can regain our original State of Consciousness as the Sons and Daughters of God.

14. We believe that the unifying prayer of Faith and Belief will save the sick, weak, and forlorn; resurrect the body from "trespasses and sins" and lead to Eternal Life by victory over the illusion of Death.

15. We believe that Christ Consciousness as proved by Jesus and the Ascended Masters, the only begotten Son of God, by virtue of the White Light Breathe forth by the Holy Spirit of God as the Logos, is alive in the World today, yesterday and always. We believe that the more abundant Life, which was promised by Jesus and the Ascending and Ascended Masters, is poured into the Lifestreams of Humanity as a vitalizing Energy and Light and that, when accepted in belief and faith, it purifies the Life-Force in our Bodies and makes us immune to all death, disease and suffering, discordant thoughts, feelings, emotions, actions and germs.

16. We believe that the Consciousness of the sense and sensations can be uplifted and that all Humanity may be again restored to Unconditional Wisdom, Truth and Love of God through faith, understanding and practice of the Cosmic and Divine Laws, Principle and Powers as the Masters, Saints and Holy Beings of Light taught and demonstrated.

17. We believe that Humanity knows only what it can apply and demonstrate. We believe that Intellectual Knowledge has no power and the Experienced Knowledge is the only sure Knowledge that has power. We believe the Knowledge of God gives Power and that all who knows it has Power. God can give Humans that Knowledge, Open and Direct.

18. We believe that God is the Nameless One Without a Second, in whom we have Life, Move & have our Being. The God is expressing through Creative Mind as Mother Father, the One Parent of us all, expressing Masculine and Feminine. That these attributes of Beingness are fundamental in Nature, Natural and Spiritual Human Beings. We believe that humans are created in the Image of God expressing Himself, Herself, Itself and the Self through all Beingness.

19. We believe that God is manifest and Unmanifest. As we unfold to this awareness that we move, live and have our Being in, that it is in us as us to the extent of our awakened consciousness of it and our ability to recognize, realize assimilate and demonstrate it.

20. We believe that the Human's Body is the ultimate formed manifestation of Creative Mind on Earth, the Temple of God and that it is boundless and infinite and capable of an endless expression of that Power of Creative Mind. We believe the Body is the Temple of the Christ, Holy Spirit and Mother - Father God.

21. We believe that through conscious merging with Jesus and / or the Masters of Light, in the Spirit and Light Levels, Humanity can regenerate and transform their Bodies and make the Body perpetually healthy, to the extent of Immortality and that Humanity can attain Eternal Life in this way as well as merging consciousness openly and directly with God and in no other ways.

22. We believe that a Human is eternal and that the dissolution of Spirit, Soul, Mind and Body caused by so called "Death" is annulled by rebirth of that same spirit and soul being through rebirth here on earth taking up a new body. We believe that repeated incarnations of the Human is a merciful provision of our Mother Father God through Wisdom, Truth and Love, to give the opportunity to be harmonious with all things seen and unseen and to attain Ascension into the Immortal Realms through regeneration in Light and Spirit, as did Jesus and the Masters of Light.

23. We believe that the Kingdom of Heaven, " is at hand and within the Human now; and through obedience to the law and order of Nature, Cosmic Powers and God existing in "Divine Mind", the Infinite Intelligence that the Kingdom of God can and will be established on the planet Earth.

24. We believe in the "Second Coming" of Christ Consciousness and that it is even now being fulfilled through the Sons and Daughters of God and that the Spirit Christ Being, of the Pure White Light, is quickening the whole World.

25. We believe in the commandment of the Golden Rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", by many teachings taught by the following: Christianity, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Judaism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism and the Tao; and that this rule should be established as conditioned reaction among all Humans.

26. We believe that God, the Nameless One Without a Second, was made manifest in our Beloved Savior and Master Jesus and the Masters, Saints and Holy Beings of Light from all times and places and that all Humans can attain Christ perfection by living a Righteous Life and by taking the Righteous Spiritual Mystic Path.

27. We believe that the 'Word of God' is the Will, Desire and Thought of God from all Scriptures of the World, expressed in Creative Idea and that these Ideas are the primal attributes of all Enduring Entities in the Universe, Visible and Invisible, We believe the Logos is the God Idea, Christ is the anointed of God, the Ideal Creation made Manifest in the First Out Breath of the Holy Spirit, that produced Jesus and other Ascended and Ascending Masters of Light and can manifest the perfect Human Beings.

28. We believe that the Scriptures of the Great World Religions are the testimonials of the Humans who have in a measure comprehended the Logos and Divine Intellect, but that their writings and teachings should not be taken as final Communication from God to Humanity. We believe that each Human Being can have an open and direct contact with God.

29. We believe in the final resurrection of the Human Being is through the Christ, Holy Spirit and Mother Father God.

30. We believe that we do free our minds and resurrect our bodies by Right thoughts, Right Views, Right Aspirations, Right Efforts, Right Deeds, Right Contemplation, Right Livelihood, Right Behavior and Right Speech and that this Resurrection is being carried out moment to moment and will ultimately end in the final purification of the Bodies from all Earthly Errors. Through this process Humanity, individual by individual, shall be raised to the consciousness of Higher Dimensions, continuous Health and Eternal Life Here and Now.

31. We believe in all the doctrines of Christianity, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Judaism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Shintoism, the Yogic Sciences, the Religions of the North and South American Indians and Societies, Aboriginal of Australia, the Ameru of Kenya and All Religious teachings from other African Societies, the Polynesian Societies including the Huna of Hawaiians; and All Ancient Religions, Spiritual and Mystical Teachings that were God given to Humans as they are Mystically, Religiously and Spiritually interpreted.

32. We believe in the Third Dimension and that from this point in consciousness the Human Beings will experience all the Dimensions of God's Creation and that all Dimensions are already made manifest. Humans and consciousness is unfolding step by step, evolving to the Infinite and that Eternity is Here and Now in all things Seen and Unseen. We also believe that a Human can go open and direct back to the God Head.

33. We believe in Astral Physics School and The Church of Revelation and through its teachings and practices that Humans can reach Master, Christ and God Consciousness, in the Gold, White and Crystal Light and win the victory of open and direct contact with God. We believe that at the end of this Earthly Life we can have the Victory of Conscious Ascension to the One God in Whom all Live, Move and have their Being and there is nothing beyond God. We believe that Astral Physics Teachings are the Teachings of the Next Age of open and direct contact with God; That the Teachings are preparing Universal Beings and that through the highest powers of consciousness Humanity will live in unity as Realized Beings; realizing that they are a Conscious Manifestation of God, the Creative Power, a thinking, emotional pulsating Cell of Universal Spirit, Mind and Body as God expressing, Iiving in the Physical Dimension. Love TAT