Instructions for the Daily
Discipline and Practice:
Each step of the daily discipline
is read and attune to the following:
1. Attune to the Aspect of
the day.
2. Attune to the Elohim and receive
the power.
3. Read the Ray Energies and feel
them being magnetized to you.
4. Read the Special Virtue and take
them within your Mind and Aura.
5. Read the Vices and Consciously
dispel them from your Mind and Aura.
6. Read the Virtues to Acquire and
'see' them working in your life.
7. Visualize the Precious Stone
in the center of your mind.
8. Read the Color Rays and visualize
them in your Aura.
9. Sound the Note and Key in the
Mantra and Chant to attune to its vibration.
Note: You can use the mantra or chant to
control your emotions or mind during the day.
10. Contemplate upon the Plane of Consciousness for a
few minutes.
11. Read the names of the Chakra
from different teachings.
12. Visualize and Sense the Chakra
Location in your Physical Body.
13. Read and observe the Chakra
Function within you.
14. Attune to the Zodiacal Signs
in the Universe as Light and Energy.
15. Attune to the Kingdom as a body
of conscious Beings.
16. Attune to the Elements and take
your dominion over it.
17. Attune to the Master or Masters
of the Daily Ray.
18. Attune to the Archangel and
the angels as the vibrational Messenger of Light from God to
19. Feel and know yourself as Master
of the Soul Level.
20. Feel and know yourself in the
Flames of the Rays Manifesting to your Body, Mind and Spirit.
21. Use visualization and draw with
each of your hands and mind with the inner light of Mind, the
Symbol of the Day.
22. Repeat the Decree aloud three
times with all your heart and mind.
23. Repeat the Affirmation aloud
three times with all your heart and mind.
24. Say the Prayer and insert your
own special prayers for the day.
25. Make the Call aloud like calling
to the distance or as calling to summon with love.
26. Read the teachings of the Masters,
Archangels and Spirit of the Day and bless them so you may be
attuned the their thought forms in the Spiritual Levels of Mind.
27. Read aloud the Fiat and claim
it as your own.
28. Read the Meditation and be that
in your Meditation.
29. Make the Call to the Rays and
Visualize them in your Meditation.
30. Enter Meditation over your Rainbow
Bridge of Light, seeking the Conscious Silence of Heaven within
your Body, Mind and Spirit.